A/N: alright so here's chapter two of Stars Align. Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my OC's.


"Find them, we shall."

"But Master Yoda, how do we find them if we have no idea where they are?" Ahsoka asked the aging Grand Master. The Jedi Council all had a thoughtful expression come across their faces. The young Togruta had a good point.

Obi-Wan though had an epiphany. "What if we find a potential planet they could have landed the way we found Kamino, Master Yoda?" He asked with thoughtfully.

"But how that work if we don't know have any charts?" Anakin said as he shot down Obi-Wan's idea.

"What about using the Force? Since everything is connected through it could you not create a bond then track down their location through it?" Ahsoka thought aloud. Everyone stopped and thought about what the young Togruta had said.

"Try that we should, Padawan Tano." Yoda declared, effectively ending the brainstorming process in favor of Ahsoka's idea.


"Any ideas where you want to eat then?" Skye asked Sierra. A thoughtful look came across her face as she laid there.

"The usual?" She asked hopefully.

Skye chuckled at her friends request. "Yes, we can eat there but first we need to do a touch up."

Sierra made a face when se heard that. She never understood makeup or liked it. But she did understand that it could be useful for hiding black eyes and bruises. With help from Sierra she stood up and made her way to their shared room. While on the stairs she lost her balance and Skye quickly caught her. She felt Skye's hand around her waist to steady her and sucked in a sharp breath as her eyes closed before releasing it. It's just Skye. I'm fine. She thought. When she opened her eyes she saw the concerned face of Skye looking at her. "I'm fine."

Skye didn't say anything but only nodded in response to Sierra's verbal reply to her unvoiced question. They continued their way to the room where Sierra sat down on the bed as Skye fetched her makeup kit. She came back with it and quickly applied it to her face as she had done several times before. "You want your coat?" She asked the turquoise eyed girl.

Sierra gave her a look that screamed 'Really?'. She rolled her eyes at Skye's question and carefully got up and made her way over to the coat that was hanging off of the door. It was her favorite and signature coat. It was a black leather long coat that ran all the way down to just above her ankles. It had a collar on it and no hood. It spilt just after the waist line to allow plenty of movement when fully zipped up. She pulled in on, reveling in the comforting wieght of the coat and it's leather smell. She grabbed a steel grey newsboy cap that she kept inside the large interior pocket inside the coat and put it on before turning back to Skye.

Sierra made her way down the stairs with Skye right behind her. Once they were back on the main floor the three clones got up and followed them when Skye made a follow me motion at them. That walked into the garage and climbed into Skye's car. Sierra sat up front while the clones sat in the back. Skye started the car and pulled out to head to the main road.

Skye watched from the corner of her eye as Sierra gave a wince as she shifted. Skye new that sometimes Sierra has open wounds or had self stitched a wound closed and didn't tell her until she asked. She turned to her and spoke in Sierra's native tongue, Italian. "You okay?"

Sierra just gave her a confused look. "You winced and gripped your abdomen when you though I wasn't looking." Sierra sighed as she realized she had been caught trying to hide a wound. Again.

"He threw a bottle at me before which hit a stab wound from a steak knife he threw at me two days ago. He threw at me in the morning when I accidentally slept past my alarm." She replied quietly.

"I want to take a look at it when we get back, alright?" Skye asked as she gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not mad at you."

"I know. Your just worried about me." Sierra replied with a small smile. After she said that a comfortable silence came over the two of them until Rex leaned foward from where he was sitting behind Skye.

"What language was that you were speaking?" Rex asked them as the other two mirrored his curious expression.

"Italian." Was the quiet reply from Sierra.

"So is that where we are?" Cody asked them.

Skye snorted with amusement at the question. "Nope." She replied as she popped the p. "We are in the United States of America. Italy is on the other side of the wo- Earth and across the ocean. We live in the Northern region of the the States. My family moved here to the U.S. from the United Kingdom, specifically Wales to be exact, to be closer to my family." She explained them to as she pulled into the diner's parking lot.

This was a diner were most of the Staff knew them. It was there favorite place to hangout, wether for school work to simply just hanging out. It had a roaring twenties look to it on the outside of the building.

Skye pulled into a vacant spot and parked the car. She got out and the others followed suit with Sierra sticking close to Skye's side. Once they go to the main door Skye opened it and Coric held it open for everyone. The clones all watched as Sierra limped her way into the diner.

Coric came in last and watched as Skye said something to the person upfront before pointing to a specific booth. It was a single curved booth in the corner by the window. From a solider's point of view he could see that the booth allowed almost everything to be in view from there. He followed them to the booth once again keeping an eye on Sierra.

Once they sat down Skye handed them menus from the table. Sierra didn't grab a menu nor did Skye. They watched as the clones, who sat across from them, became confused. They hadn't ever seen English writing before and couldn't read it. Skye read it to them. It wasn't long before they all had decided what they wanted. A waitress stopped by to take their orders. Sierra ordered a Philly Cheese Steak and a root beer while Skye went with clam chowder and also ordered a root beer. Coric got a meat lovers omlet and Cody ordered the same thing as Coric. Rex on the other hand ordered chicken and waffles. All three clones stuck with water as their drinks.

"You guys seem like you come here often. You didn't even look at the menu." Cody stated.

"We do. We know what's on the menu by now with even looking at it." Skye told them with a careless shrug.

"When can I see the ship?" Sierra asked them, shyness creeping into her voice.

"How about tomorrow? If it's not raining." Rex suggested.

That made since to Sierra so she agreed to it. "Alright."

Skye looked down to the napkin that Sierra had been sketching on as they talked and waited on their food. She quickly realized it was a blue print and details of possible solutions to a problem Sierra had run into. "What is that?"


"The design."

"A rail gun the size of a rifle. I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it work properly with an actual magazine." Sierra said as she grabbed another napkin and continued to work on it.

Skye shrugged and let her work in peace. She looked up and saw the clones confused faces. "A rail gun is a gun that uses electro magnets to fire projectiles at high speed. But they are usually quite large." She informed them. Their food arrived right after she said that.

Coric didn't say anything but caught Skye several times glancing at Sierra as she ate her sandwich. He watched as Sierra started to put it down and lean back when Skye gave her a sharp look. He watched as they argued in that language he heard them speaking earlier. Sierra grumbled something that caused Skye to snort in reply before sticking her toungue out at Sierra in response. He looked around as he ate and noticed that the others were enjoying their food to much to notice anything. Not that he'd blame them or anything, the food was to die for.

They watched as Skye payed the bill and then they made their way to car and then back to the house. It was now close to being dark outside as the sun set. It covered the sky in purples, yellows, reds and oranges. The clones looked upon the sky in awe. They had never seen anything like it before.

By the time they got back to the house it was now dark. Skye gave Sierra a look and she nodded indicating that she had remembered their earlier conversation in the car.

Sierra got a head start over everyone and made her way back into the house. She was tired, so tired in fact she didn't see the bunched up rug in front of her and tripped. She began to fall Coric went to grab her to keep her from landing on the corner of the coffee table. His arms shot out and grabbed her by the waist as he pulled her back upright.

As she as she felt the arms around her waist, her heart rate accelerated to the point where it felt like it would burst. And she fought back violently causing Coric to drop her on accident from the elbow she drove into his stomach, driving the wind from him from the impact.

"No! Si prega!"

He had no idea what she had shouted at him and he tentatively reached for her and watched in horror as her eyes in an a couple of seconds glazed over with a crippling amount of fear. "Si prega fermare!"

Skye could hear frightened Italian coming from up ahead and darted past the other two clones into the house. She could see Sierra on the floor and a frozen Coric with horror frozen upon his face. "Sierra!" She pulled the smaller girl into her arms as she held her and steadied her breathing.

Sierra's breaths were short and she was hyperventilating. Her eyes blurred with unshed tears as she tried to curl into a tight ball. "I can't breathe!" She cried out. She didn't want it, she never consented and they never stopped. No matter how hard or desperately she pleaded for them to stop.

Skye held her close as she kept a slow and steady pace for breathing. She gently ran a hand through Sierra's soft and smooth hair. "I've got you. You're safe. It's okay, it's okay." Sierra had stopped struggling in her arms when she heard Skye's voice. "Look at me."

It took a few seconds but Sierra made eye contact with Skylar's amazon green eyes. "You're safe, you're safe. You're okay and I got you." She repeated this a for a few minutes as Sierra fought for control. After about 7 minutes Sierra's breathing and heart rate had returned to a normal pace.

Skye looked up and saw the clones standing there. She picked up Sierra and carted her off to their shared room. She knew that Sierra hated it whenever someone else that wasn't Skye saw her have a panic attack.

Once she was in the room she set Sierra down in the bed. "I'll be right back." She waited to see if Sierra heard her and when she saw her nod she went back down stairs.

She darted into the kitchen where the Cody, Rex and Coric were talking quietly. They looked up when they saw Skye standing in the doorway. "Don't apologize. You couldn't have known and definitely do not apologize to Sierra. She'd rather pretend the whole thing never happened and I'm certain she knows you didn't mean any harm." After she said that she continued to move around the kitchen grabbing a bottle of Gatorade and a bag of beef jerky. "The guest rooms are on the hall on the right at the top the stair case." And then she darted out of the kitchen and back up the stairs.

She walked back into the room and handed the Gatorade bottle to Sierra and set the beef jerky down next to her. She then made her way to the bathroom where the first aid kit was kept. Once she had pulled it out she went over to the bed and sat down next o Sierra. She looked over at the turquoise eyed girl as saw that the Gatorade bottle was half empty and she was currently munching on a large piece of jerky. She waited for Sierra to finish the jerky in her hand before she opened the first aid kit. "Alright, let me take a look at that wound."

Sierra sighed quietly and pulled her shirt off leaving her in just her sports bra and cargo pants. That was when Skye saw the makeshift bandage that appeared to be an old and dirty washcloth that had been secured to to the wound with duct tape. Skye winced when she saw that. Once the cloth was removed she saw an angry red wound that was swollen. She could tell that it was most definitely infected.

Immediately she became more worried and put her hand to Sierra's forehead and could feel a fever there. Her other hand gently hovered over the wound and could feel the heat coming off of it. "I'm sorry but this is going to hurt." Skye informed her with an apologetic expression on her face and in her eyes. She set about cleaning the wound as carefully and gently as possible. Sierra barely made any sound during it other than hisses of pain and occasionally a whimper. Once she had finished she bandaged it properly.

"Thank you Skye." Sierra told her as she reached for another piece of jerky.

"You're welcome Sierra. The rain should end soon and tomorrow we should take a look at the ship. You are far better at mechanics than anyone I know." Skye responded with fondness shining in her eyes. She watched as Sierra continued to munch on her jerky sleepily. She glanced at the clock on the night stand on the right side of the king size bed.


She frowned at that. They must have spent more time at the diner and Sierra must have taken longer to get here than she thought. She looked over at Sierra who looked like she was about to fall asleep sitting up and thought about just how quiet she had been once she noticed the clones. She cursed herself for not thinking about how meeting those clones would affect her. She reached foward without looking and caught Sierra before she could fall off the bed.

Sierra gave her a tired smile as she stood up and began to change into her night clothes. A sports bra and a pair of boy shorts. She climbed into the bed this time and started to settle herself under the covers. "I'm going to check on our guests real quick." Sierra nodded as she felt Skye kiss her check before she left. She was beginning to drift off underneath the wieghted blanket on top of the covers of the bed.

Skylar made her way to each room and checked on them. Making sure to give them all the same warning. Come into her and Sierra's room uninvited, you'll be leaving in a body bag. After her warning she returned to their shared room and crawled underneath the covers after changing into a tank top and short shorts.


Her eyes snapped open. She could see what looked like strings floating around. Copper ones coming from the guest rooms and a vibrant turquoise one coming from right next to her. She could see one that she had never seen before in these ... dreams?


It was unlike any color she had seen before. It was a mix of just about every color imaginable. It was almost overwhelming. It was, warm? Inviting?

She didn't understand this at all. But her curiosity won out over caution and so she followed the colors. Curious as to what was on the other side of them. She took deep steadying breaths and followed them.

Once on the other side of them she saw a room. It had sunlight filtering into it. The room had a small green creature in it. It had long ears and grey hair upon its head. He was wearing robes. It's eyes opened to reveal brown orbs looking back.

She glanced around the room and saw another robed person sitting across from the green, alien? Alien.

The other person had a beard and was wearing white armor over his light tan robes with white armor on his shins. His eyes snapped open when she poked the string floating around him. She could hear him gasp as she toyed with the string until it brushed up against her. She pulled back not realizing that the man in front of her could control the strings around him.

It didn't seem dangerous but curious. She could faintly hear the alien speak to the man and call him Obi-Wan. That sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember why. He seemed excited and shot up without warning startling her.

She saw another string floating in her vision. Turquoise. Sierra was looking for her. She watched as the mans string made its way and prodded at Sierra's. Her string flinched and shot back at him aggressively making him take a step back. She maneuvered her string to calm Sierra down and then wrapped it protectively around her.

She watched as Sierra's string hesitantly touched the mans. The moment his moved towards Sierra's it shot back and hid slightly behind her.

She decided that this was enough and gently pulled the turquoise string belonging to her best friend back with her. It was close to morning anyway.


Obi-Wan made his way to one of the meditation chambers with Master Yoda. Once side the two Jedi were inside the sat down and began to meditate.

He reached out deep into the Force to see anything that might help and he felt a presence. A strong one. But what caught him off guard and broke his meditation was when he felt someone probe at the force surrounding him. His eyes popped open and he was positive they were in the same room. He gasped as he felt the presence move the force around him in playful yet mesmerized way.


He heard Master Yoda call his name but he was lost in the force. He could feel another presence enter the room and he moved the force to the other presence. He was shocked when it reacted violently and knocked him away from it. He could feel the first presence wrap itself around the second one protectively. He didn't move at all. He felt the second one hesitantly prod at his force presence and the moment he moved towards it, it shot back behind the first presence.

Then the two left.

He looked over to where Master Yoda was sitting across from him. "Did you feel that Master?"

"Yes. Strong in the force they are."

"Do you think they might know where our missing clones are?"

"Possible it may be."

Obi-Wan continued to think on what had just happened. The second presence felt like it was wary of him, which was confusing. He hoped that whoever they are is alright. He had a feeling from the force that they were being harmed. Obi-Wan could see flashes of things from the first presence. He saw a brief flash of gold and white armor. Cody's armor to be exact. He had to find Anakin, he might have some ideas on how to find them.

He quickly left the room to find his former apprentice. He made his way through the temple rapidly towards Anakin's room. He knocked on the door before he entered the room and saw Anakin tinkering with something.

Anakin looked up when he saw his former Master enter the room. "What's up Obi-Wan?" He asked his former master. He watched as Obi-Wan didn't say anything but simply moved to the nearby seat and sat down. He became a little concerned and set down what he was tinkering with. "Obi-Wan?" He tired again.

"When I was meditating with Master Yoda I encountered two force presences. One of them was shy while the other had shown me a glimpse of Cody's armor. The one that wasn't shy was curious and prodded and the force surrounding me. I have a feeling from the force that the shy one is somehow being harmed."

Anakin frowned at his former Master's explanation. That didn't sit well with him. He thought on what Obi-Wan had told him.

"Any idea where they are?"

"Unfortunately, no. When we find them we should include a Senator. If this is an undiscovered planet this will need some degree of diplomacy." Obi-Wan said as he stroked his beard. He could see the gears turning in Anakin's head.

"We should probably bring this up to Master Yoda before we decide anything." Anakin said with a sigh. He didn't exactly always get along with the council but he knew this was something that the council needed to decide. He looked up at Obi-Wan and could see that he agreed with him.

He got up from his position and made to go find Master Yoda when Obi-Wan walked in front of him and led the way. It didn't take them long to reach to mediation chamber that Master Yoda was in.

The door opened to reveal Master Yoda looking at them with a curious expression on his wrinkled face. "To discus something you wish?" The aged Jedi Master asked them.

"Yes. Whenever we find them or make contact should we bring a trusted Senator along? Diplomacy might be necessary along with possible negotiations just in case." Anakin asked in response to Yoda's question.

Yoda hummed in response. Finally after a few seconds Yoda made a decision. "Wise that would be."

"Perhaps Senator Amidala?" Anakin asked him. "She's trusted amongst the Order and has valuable skills that would be extremely helpful." He added.

Yoda nodded his approval.

That was all Anakin needed and shot out of the room to go see Padme. He skidded into the garage and grabbed the neartest speeder and set out to Padme's apartment.


When Skye woke up the next morning she was suprised to see the bed was empty. Normally she would wake up to Sierra curled up against her, still fast asleep. Every now and then Sierra would just simply be asleep next to her or not in the bed at all. The latter of the two always made her a bit concerned.

She quickly crawled out from the covers and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a sky blue sleeveless shirt. Once dressed she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. She saw a lone mug sitting on the counter. She looked in it and saw that is empty of the coffee that was in it.

She frowned and made her way to the door way to the left of the entrance to the kitchen that led to the shop and garage. She headed over there to where Sierra probably was and walked into the shop. She looked over and could see Sierra working away on something. Upon closer inspection she could see that it was the watch Sierra had been rambling about the other day. It was thin and designed to work in all conditions. It was something she had been relentlessly working on whenever she could.

She leaned up against the wall and waited. She watched as Sierra stared at the watch for a few seconds before putting down her gear. She strapped the watch to her right wrist before turning to Skye. "Morning. I didn't wake you did I?"

"Morning to you too and no you didn't. I was simply curious to where you went. I take it you want to see the ship today?" She replied as Sierra walked towards her with two thermos' in her hands. She handed one to Skye who smiled as she sipped on the coffee.

"Yeah, I do." She said with a smile as her eyes shined with excitement. "But let me guess after a shower and knowing you, checking on and redressing that wound?" She stated with a smirk.

Skye simply gave her a look that said 'you aren't getting out of it so don't try.' She nodded afterwards and made her way back up stairs with Sierra heading towards the sink to was her hands before she got started on breakfast. She busied herself with making hash browns and omelets. She could hear someone coming down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

She looked up and saw the three Cody, Rex and Coric standing there. "Set the table please, the dishes are in the cabinet on the left and the silver where in the drawer under the countertop. The glasses are on the right side of the island by the fridge.

The three of them scrambled to do as she asked and quickly set the table. Coric though paused when he saw Sierra place a hand on her abdomen with a grimace. She ignored his pause and kept working on breakfast though as if nothing had happened.

As soon as she finished the omelets she turned a around and made a quick cheese sauce before mixing it with the hash browns. That was when Skye came back down the stairs and joined them.

It didn't go unnoticed by the clones that Sierra at all times was just out of arms reach unless it couldn't be helped. Nor did it go unnoticed how close Skye was sitting next to her.

After the clones, who had basically inhaled their food, they cleaned up the kitchen and began to get ready to spend the day out at the ship. Skye directed them back to the garage where her car was. Sierra joined them a few moments later with a tool box. Skye took this time to get a better look at what Sierra was wearing.

She was wearing a ash grey button up shirt that hung loosely on her with a pair of black dark grey cargo pants. She was wearing a pair of well worn mid shin high leather boots. Her hair was up in a pony tail that had been braided. She also had her signature coat on.

Sierra looked over at Skye and saw that Skye was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a dark purple tee shirt. She had a pair of turquoise converse shoes on and her hair sat loose on her shoulders. She felt her heart skip slightly before she quickly squashed those feelings. Skye cannot ever know. She'll hate me ... or leave me. Or both. She thought to herself.

Skye watched as Sierra's face grew to a more defeated and saddened look. She became concerned and gently placed her hand on her shoulder. "You okay?"

Sierra glanced up at her and when she did the look was gone but it slowly faded from her nearly luminescent turquoise eyes. "I'm fine."

Skylar didn't entirely believe her but let it go knowing that Sierra would refuse to tell her. "Alright if you're sure. But don't over exert yourself when we get there and be careful." Sierra gave her a small smile and nodded. "Also let me redress it once we get there."

Sierra groaned as she added that and Skye giggled at her expression.

With the light of day Skye could see a better path to take that would get them close with having to walk as far to the ship. She parked the car and they preceded to get out.

Skye raised an eyebrow as Sierra locked eyes with her and gave a pout as she headed over to where she was standing. Sierra rolled up her shirt and Skye immediately set to cleaning and re-bandaging the wound. She was still worried however because the wound was still hot and swollen. She was absolutely positive that it was infected. "Don't over exert yourself. I mean it Sierra." She added on when she saw her about to protest. Sierra only grumbled something in Italian as she put her shirt back down.

Sierra grabbed her tool box and began to follow Skye who was now waiting on everyone a few feet away by a large oak tree. As soon as Skye saw Sierra heading towards her she turned and began to trek towards where the ship was with everyone falling in behind her.

It didn't take them long to reach it and the two girls both stopped and stared at it, not realizing just how large the ship actually was. Even though Skye had seen it before it was dark out and she could only make out pieces of it.

Sierra on the other hand was staring at the ship in awe. "It's a Corellian Consular class cruiser!" She exclaimed with excitement coloring her voice. She made her towards the downed cruiser rapidly with a bright smile on her face.

She spotted the doorway where the clones had clearly exited the ship once it came to a halt. She made her way inside unaware of the looks coming from the clones as they followed her.

The ship was a mess inside. It had wires hanging down from the ceiling, broken screens, bent and ripped apart panels. But Sierra still marveled at the engineering of it. She always had a passion for mechanical engineering and technology.

"Which which one is us-used for communications?" Sierra asked the clones behind her quietly.

Rex walked past her to a nearby console just behind the pilots seat. "It's this one here." He said as he placed his hand on it. He watched as Sierra didn't respond verbally opting to only nod in response.

She walked over to the console Rex was standing next to and set to working her magic on it. Rex saw the caution and wariness in her eyes as she quietly approached him and the console.

Rex gently placed a data pad down next to her. "Here this should help you with the repairs." She didn't say anything but simply responded with a hum of acknowledgement.

"Can you even read that language on it?" Skylar asked as she walked up behind where Sierra had begun to work on getting the comm's back up and running.

"It's called Aubresh and yes I can read it." Sierra responsed with mock offense. "Hey R-Rex, where is is the en-engine room?" Her voice was now quiet and nervous.

"I'll show you." He said as he got off of the console he had been leaning up against. He began to walk down the corridor towards the back of the wrecked ship.

Sierra hesitated at first before following him deeper into the ship, after all she still did have the hidden hairpin knife she kept on her at all times.

Rex noticed her hesitation as he lead her down the corridor and made a mental note of it. She was behind him just barely out of arms reach as she gazed around the ship as they came upon the engine room.

The door was completely destroyed by the crash and stuck half open. "The engine room is on the other side of the door. Though I don't understand why you want to know."

It was after that he noticed something clasped in her left hand. A cable that ran back to where the comm station is. He was rather curious as to what she was planning to do with it.

Sierra studied the engine for a few seconds before she set to tearing it apart. It wasn't long before she had it attached directly to the cable that ran back into the comm station. She had probably only about a few minutes worth of power before it would short out the engine and fry the comm console.

"Run back to the comm station and I'll get this running. I'll be lucky if I can get 6 minutes out of this piece of junk for you to contact the Republic. You have one shot at this, so make it count." She told Rex as she finished her work and prepared to start it.

"Copy that." Was all he said as he took off down the corridor in a light jog. "Shout when ready!" He heard her call as he left.

He darted into the cockpit to where the others where standing around waiting on his return. He immediately made his way over to the console. "READY!" He shouted back down the corridor.

He didn't hear a response but watched as the battered console sputtered to life and he quickly typed in the codes for a secure channel. He hoped this worked.


Anakin pulled the speeder into the apartment building the Padme live at the top of. Once there he simply walked inside. He spotted his wife sitting on the couch, quietly reading on her holopad.

"Ani?" She asked as she looked up from the holopad.

Anakin grinned at her. "Hey Angel." He said as he quickly closed the gap between them and pulled her to him as he captured her lips in a loving kiss.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you but what are you doing here?" She said as her cheeks kept a slight pink tint to them.

Anakin sighed. He would have liked to spend more time with his secret wife before returning to the Temple with her. "There's a situation that might require a Senator that the Jedi trust." He said to her while he rubbed his forehead. This whole thing was rather frustrating to him.

"And what would that be?" She raised an eyebrow at him as she asked that.

Before he could respond his comlink started beeping. "Skywalker here."

Obi-Wan's crisp voice came through the comlink. "Anakin, bring Senator Amidala to the Temple. The Council wants to give her a debrief of the situation."

Anakin sighed internally before responding. "Alright, I'll bring her back. Skywalker out."

Padme simply set down her holopad and made her way over to the balcony were the speeder Anakin used was sitting. "Let's not keep them waiting." She said over her shoulder to him. Anakin pouted but followed her anyway.

He climbed into the driver's seat and flew the speeder off back to the Jedi Temple. Once he was back inside the temple, he and Padme made their way towards one of the briefing rooms.

They walked into the room and before anyone could greet them, the table flickered to life with someone trying to contact them. With out anyone saying a thing they put it through and we're suprised to see the hologram of Captain Rex appear in front of them.

"Captain Rex."