Chapter 27
A month has passed since that dinner, Prince Diabo and Princess Pina have been dreading for this day to come, and it come at last. They had seen him humiliated and despaired, then dishonored. Now he is about to suffer something that none of the previous Emperor had, force to make an abdication due to defeat. All they hope is for an uneventful ceremony. His scheming had failed so miserably and with it, more damage to the nation.
"So about the upcoming ceremony for the abdication of father and your ascension to the throne, how would we proceed, brother?"
"I don't know. No matter how we look at it, it's still a hard decision to make."
The pile of financial reports make it clear that the fledging nation will suffer loss for at least 2-3 years before revenue come in. The sudden loss of labor force, all of the productive mines, tax from the richest city of Telta and grain tax from the most fertile province of Italica along with a large squat of territory is now starting to take effect. The worst loss is in trade. All traders from other kingdoms stop at Italica and turn back to their countries, laden with goods while ignoring the young Sadera Kingdom. Traders from Sadera Kingdom face discrimination and bias treatment as they have to haggle for better prices, in the end the poor people suffer while the rich grumble at the out flowing of coins. The only good thing is they still have a sizable amount of fund in the treasury to last for 5 years, though realistically, with the outflowing of coins and stagnation of the economy, that fund can only last for at most 2. Prince Diabe had done well not to collapse under the pressure when the projection was brought to him. And social disorder is another source of his concern as well as the military. The Prince and Princess seeks the help of their father, and then their advisors and consultants whom are mostly resigned personnel. But this vicious circle is something new and none of them know how to deal with it as the Empire simply change policy or make demand to their vassal to take over the burden. Now, it's only the presence of Orb Union that prevent their former vassals to do just what they had always done to resolve crisis. But one thing is certain, they are not the only one struggle with it as the majority of the kingdoms on Falmart continent use slave labor as the primary source of workforce, they too are suffering the same thing. Except they have banded together and solve their problem with trade and new settlements along the planned road that Orb Union is building. The new Sadera Kingdom is isolated, hated and completely at the mercy of everyone on the continent.
"So what are we going to do now? The current state of our financial woe will get worse every day, and the projected loss in coin is not as important as the loss in food supply. Our traders can only get whatever left over with excessive price. I understand the loss of wealth but if we ignore the food, we will have anarchy after 4 months. Our Military is not enough to keep order if the commoners rise up over food."
"The price for everything had risen up as soon as we paid the reparation. And I thought we have everything solved."
"And nobody in the Em… Sorry, old habit. The Kingdom know how to deal with this problems."
"I'm not sure about that."
"You want to ask Orb Union for help again?"
"They might be able to advise or help us directly."
"We have become so dependent on them that the people will start to think we are the vassal or even extended territory of Orb Union."
"Then what will we do?"
"The Empire is gone, but the people remain. We shall overcome this on our own."
"Your spirit is commendable, but we need practical solution. Empty words aren't it."
Their situation is grim but still salvageable, but it could have been even worse had Orb Union hadn't advised other nations to impose heavy tax from immigrant from the Former Empire to prevent an exodus and internal instability.
In Ord, Cagalli is pleased with the reports on the restoration. The effort and progress have borne fruitful result. And even better, people start to apply for business and work. This bring her attention to the meeting with PLANT, Earth Alliance and other Neutral Nations regarding the effort to modernize Falmart Continent. In the end, the consensus is to uplift the native in the most basic education and housing standard while essential technology will not be shared until the people had understood the concept of keeping their government in check. And that's where the specialists from all over the world come in, with them their security guard whom are former military. In order to keep a stable economy, a fixed rate of currency exchange had been implement until the modernization of Falmart is finished.
In the western desert, the former enclaves had been abandoned and a new city had been built with everything the inhabitants need to live and thrive. In the word of Director Erica, Oasis city is the best city in Falmart to live in. For the first time in the history of their existence, the Haryo tribe has start to enjoy their life in the desert.
Italica still functions as a trade hub, but new districts had been starting to take shape. Everything a modern city need will sprout up in three month. And the most special about Italica will be its hospital. As Director Erica had tutored Leilei about basic science, Leilei had inquired about a possible combination of technology and healing magic. Thus Ari was also instructed in using modern medical equipment. And the result was nothing less than miracle. The Director dread at the possibility of resurrecting the dead which they all agree is too risky since it touch the domain of the Gods. Still, they did make good progress on curing internal organ, blood infection, transplantation, reattachment of limbs and regrow of lost limb and teeth.
The Road toward the Eastern Gates is crowded with convoy to pay the reparation and pilgrims heading toward the new shrine city of Lunafrey. Traders are few as they prefer charter Orb Union transport to avoid interaction with the former Empire. Ren hasn't really settled in with her role as ruler and Apostle, but luckily she has ample of support from Orb Union whom wants to make her into a bridge to connect people from Earth and Falmart through culture and music. As her master also wish to sample exotic music from another world, her main task align perfectly with Cagalli.
Beyond the Eastern Gate, rebuilding efforts had also borne fruit. But underneath the calm surface, troubles are boiling. Relegious leaders considers the Gate to be a salvation for the people. A new world with god and goddess whom influence their worshiper, with unexplored or unsettle land to migrate to. Avocation to abandon their current world and migrate to the new world for a new future has been the talk. The civilians are torn between leaving and staying, some even want a concession of land from the Empire to settle in as their military is able to defend against the Imperial Military. The Military itself is on turmoil as the Titans are all but eradicated, thus the people demand their reduction in size and focus on reclamation of the entire island before reclaiming the entire world. But the most troublesome thing if the return of the contingent under command of Commander Erwin. They know the truth about the secret arrangement of the true king, acquire new ideas and knowledge that further fuel the enthusiasm for advancement in many field and world reclamation. Some even suggest vehemently for assistance from Orb Union by trading for weapons and technology. Thankfully they all have the same opinion of rebuilding effort take priority. Soon warehouses fully stocked with fresh food for winter sprout up in all settlements.
The once united people have now been divided. As the ancestors had concluded that knowledge is dangerous without proper control and guidance. It would have been the perfect plan if only Orb Union decided to embark on military retaliation for their role in their war with the Empire. But since the return of the POWs and the peace with the Empire are in place, he has no excuse to destroy the Gate anymore. And looking at the letter on his table, Rod Reiss is skeptical. But so far, everything has been as true as she said. So if she stated that she had an audience with the Goddess that responsible for the Gates, he just has to accept it as a fact. The content of the letter is neither too disturbing nor too welcoming.
Kenny seeing his liege constantly changing expression while reading the letter wish to ask for the content but in the end, leave it to his discretion on what he see fit to share with his confidant. Suddenly, Rod Reis turns to look at them and speak.
"This is a letter from the Representative of Orb Union, saying that she had a meeting with the Goddess that create the Gate. They had reached an understanding with one another and she informs me that the Gates can be open or close at the goddess's whim."
"Than does this mean even if we demolish the Gate with explosive, it may come back if that Goddess wishes so?"
"Probably. But the real issue is the relationship between the Goddess and the Representative."
"I can say for sure, but if they are somehow cooperate together, we might be in trouble."
"Heh, you are too simple Kenny, the real problem isn't their cooperation. It's the power of Orb Union that is the core of the problem."
Kenny is oblivious to Rod Reiss statement. He understands and experiences the power of Orb Union first handed. But as a soldiers he can't think much outside that mindset.
"The Goddess asked for help to rescue her Apostle whom got sent here to observe but ended up devoured by the Titans. She has no power over us or in this world except for the Gate. But Orb Union can send their military here and do whatever they want. So far the only reason they stay put is because our situation is stable. If tension is high and civil strives break out, they will use it as an excuse to intervene and cross over. That Representative is not someone who will stay put when she feels things aren't as perfect as she had envisioned. She will push for it to happen."
"I see, so the fact that the Titans are all gone is a blessing since she has no reason to insist on coming here to help."
"Yes, and if we destroy the Gate, she will know something is amiss, if that goddess works with her and bring back the Gate, we are doomed."
"Even if that goddess isn't working with them, she might take the destruction of the Gate as a spat in the face. And she will open it for Orb Union to cross."
"Exactly, do you want a nation that can negotiate an accord with the gods here to shape your world into the image of their liking?"
"Then I shall make sure anyone who attempt to cross the Gate will be disposed of."
"Do that discretely. The first convoy is due to arrive soon, and with them our ….. people."
The depots and small garrison near the Gate have been reinforced with elite members of the Military Police while the regular members patrol nearby. Soon the first convoy arrive with Commander Erwin and the survivors. Kenny separate the member of the Military Police and send them back to Mistral while the Scouts and Garrison soldiers are subjected to body search for forbidden items. But he knows the most important things are in the head and he can't confiscate those.
In a small cave to the North of the Saderan Capital, a bunny warrior is contemplating her plans. So far nothing had worked as she had planned though the outcome is either better or worse than she had expected. This both infuriate and sooth her hatred for the Empire and Orb Union.
"Tyuule, my protégé"
She immediately kneel toward the statue of Palabon.
"The Empire was crushed and force to step down, the Emperor were humiliated several time, the arrogant Crown Prince had become a cart puller for Rory Mercury, the people of the Former Empire are being humiliated, discriminated, looked down, ridiculed and isolated. Doesn't any of that make you happy or satisfied?"
"None of it, my lord. I want the entire Empire to suffer, all the people from commoner to royal, all of them to be enslaved and sold and ravaged. I want those betrayers to suffer as I had suffered."
"But you also want those responsible for your 'misfortune' to watch in despair, don't you?"
"Yes, but all I had done to achieve that end was squashed by that girl."
"So you hate her and want her world to suffer the same fate?"
"Yes, and I want them watch all the have achieved torn down and smashed right in front of their eyes, to let them feel the hatred and rage that I had."
"And surely those hatred and rage extended to us gods for letting misfortune befall you and your tribe?"
Tyuule frantically kneel down and deny it.
"No no no no, I dare not commit such sacrilege.
Her denial is futile as she is elevated in midair and flung across the cave. Tyuule recovers and still kneeling with her forehead touch the ground.
Tyuule is shaking uncontrollably, fear begin to creep in along with hatred. She hates the world in which she alone suffering, the powerless of herself and the gods for everything that they had allow to transpired. And now she is about to be killed while full of hatred and regret.
"Your soul will be a tasty treat for Hardy, but your hatred is a very special sweet nectar to me and I enjoy it immensely. I don't care if you hate and want vengeance on mortals or gods or whoever. But you must never lie to me again or I shall make sure your soul is on the plate for Hardy and her underworld minions. IS THAT CLEAR?"
"Yes, My lord."
Tyuule begin to feel empower as dark mist swirl around her. She opens herself to accept the power that bestow upon her by the god and when the mist dissipates, she is a new person.
"I have grant you the power to help your vengeance. You are not my Apostle yet but you are as powerful as one. Train to use your power well. From this day forth, you shall have another title. Avatar of Vengeance."
Tyuule smiles maliciously and begin to think about whom she would wreck her vengeance on first.
The port city of Proptor is getting livelier than usual as ambassadors from other countries chose to use ship to travel to the Capital. They stay a night and head toward the Capital at sun rise. Chattering all the way while imagine how their former overlord is feeling after catastrophic failures up on failures. They all smirk as they know he was bed ridden for days.
Today, the Capital is in celebration for the crowning of the new king. At a great cost, food and drink are sponsored by the Royal Treasury as Princess Pina wants to relieve tension and display to the world that the new kingdom is still strong and prosperous. Helped by the fact that she and her brother are seen as decent rulers in the eyes of many common citizens on the whole continent, as well as their respect and fair treatment toward the former vassals, the isolation and discrimination have also begin to subside.
"So this is the power of communication. Aren't you glad brother? Your coronation is going to be witnessed by all, from royalties to commoners. No Emperor of the Empire had ever had such honor."
"Am I supposed to be grateful? I had never wanted to be a ruler in the first place. Especially when I have to rebuild almost everything."
"Then who will sit on the throne and rule? We can stay in power because Orb Union had made sure the people know the responsible and fair Prince Diabo will ascend the throne while his sister Princess Pina will command the Military. Only us can rebuilt our country and make sure our people will be taken care of."
"If you are so caring, why don't you take the throne?"
"Because you are not the military type. You are more of a thinker than action taker."
"You are just like father."
"I am his daughter so I do have some of his trait."
"I suppose we each inherit some of his trait. Let's be thankful our brothe Zorzal inherit on his stupidity and ambition while we inherit his compassion and competence."
"Heh he he he. I'll drink to that. Hope you are ready to receive the ambassadors soon."
The court room is filled with decoration and finely dress Royal Guards and chosen nobles whom represent their families. Priests and priestesses line up and prepare for the crowning ceremony. When the steward announce the arrivals of the ambassadors, Princess Pina, Prince Diabo and former Emperor Molt are surprised that all the rulers from other countries had come to attend. Mixed feeling now fill their hearts. For the former Emperor, he is sure that his former vassals are here to mock him. For the Prince and Princess, they are glad for the support but also worry that their father will do something to his former vassals.
Each rulers present themselves and their gifts and well wishes to the Prince and Princess while either look at Molt with mockery in their eyes or completely ignore him. Then it is king Duran turn. After giving his congratulation and gift, he walks toward the former Emperor. All eyes are on him and some even holding their breath to prepare for what King Duran will say to his old rival.
"We have been at each other throat for years, yet to see you fall is not a comforting moment. Fortune isn't with you when your attempts of conquest fail misery. But had it been successful, you will be regarded as the most blessed Emperor in the history. Still, old leaf does fall from the tree in the end. Let's enjoy our retirement together. Let's battle each other on games, hunts, gambling and on the wonderful entertainment that Orb Union had brought to our world."
The Former Emperor hasn't expected this kind of treatment from the man he wants to kill the most. And many share the same sentiment. But King Duran has shown himself as an honorable man and decided to end the hostility between him and Molt. The Former Emperor look at King Duran right in his eyes to look for deceit but found none. He relents and decides to accept the amendment.
"I have around 10 years more if the Apostle of Hardy spoke truth. I guess retire and watch over my children take reign is a blessing too. I look forward to join you in retirement."
"Not for another year as I am still training my replacement. And you will have your handful advising your children too. We are planning to renovate our capital so I hope by the time we can hang out, our entertainment will last us for the rest of our lives."
"I am looking forward to this. And hope many will join in too."
"They will, in fact, they are having the same plan. It will be a miracle to see all of us same generation rulers retire and hang out in peace."
As King Duran retreat, the next come up is Arthrun and Meryn as Ambassadors of Orb Union.
"Congratulation on your ascension to the throne, Prince Diabo. I hope you are as ready as you can be to take charge of your nation. Orb Union offers its support and assistance if you need it."
"Thank you, I hope our nation can be prosperous with cooperation and trade with each other in the future."
"I bring two gifts, one for Princess Pina which is a set of books on our world history. One for Prince Diabo which is a set of pens. Which these gifts, Orb Union hope you can understand us and sign treaties with us rather than fighting as the former Empire did."
"Thank you, I swear we shall put these gifts to good use."
Myuu and Nora come up together to the surprise of many.
"I am Countess Myuu of Italica, and this is Nora, representative of the Haryo Tribe. We come together to offer our congratulation and present the gift that our craftsmen had produced."
A cart is pushed in, then Countess Myuu Nora unveil it together, showing a glass statue of Princess Pina and Prince Diabo valiantly fighting against Crazed Leginnaires. Surprise expression and murmur begin to circulate at the magnificent work of art.
"The people of Italica remembers how Princess and Prince Diabo risked their lives to come to our rescue, thus when the glass smith from the Haryo tribe offers their service, we commission them to make this statue to show our appreciation."
"I thank you for your magnificent gift. I wish we can develop a prosperous trade between our nations. As I can see the glass is of incredible quality."
"Yes, thanks to the investment and technology from Orb Union, the Haryo tribe now live a better life while also produce goods to trade. Nora is here to promote their goods and sign trade deal with any interest party."
Then the attentions are center on Nora, they notice while Nora cloth is not comparable to Countess Myuu dress, her jewels stand out. Seeing how the King and Princess fix their gaze on her, Nora confidently tell them.
"My cloth is plain so I can freely choose from the wide variety of accessories made from gems and precious stone to improve my outfit."
The diamond on an elegant gold ring, emeralds of various size on her silver necklace, and the jade bracelets on her arms, and the platinum circlet with sapphires and rubies. Once she was from the poorest of the poor, the current Nora wear on her a fortune amount to one year of tax from the Old Empire. Nora simply smile as she is trying hard not to think about the faces of those who had exile her tribe to the desert now lamenting about the missed wealth it hide underneath. And many prospective trade deals are sure to come as the nobles and riches all over the continent will demand the high quality jewels and accessories that her tribe is exclusively produce.
The Countess and Nora bow and left to join their fellow guests, whom are showing interest to acquire glass art work. Countess Myuu whispers to her companion.
"Let's see which one of us is the most sought out in tonight party."
"What's the stake?"
"All the snacks we bring go to the winner."
"Alright, game's on."
Rory, Giselle and Ren enter and receive the unbidden respects from all in the court room, they all bow to them with reverence except Arthrun and Meryn whom simple nod. The priests and priestesses frown as Arthrun and Meryn merely nod and not bowing. Before they can express their displeasure, they are shocked beyond words when Rory and Giselle wave to them while Ren turns to Arthrun and salute him in Orb Union military fashion. While the priests and priestesses are fluster, the other are grinning and snickering. The religious people have always be all high and mighty and haughty toward others, to see them get owned in such important occasion and in the eyes of so many is a rare treat. Rory announces that the new Apostle Ren will conduct the crowning of the new king. Though surprise, no one object to it and a nervous Ren step up the throne and take the crown in hands. Prince Diabo kneel in front of her, saying prayer and swear to uphold the oath his forebears had taken and promise to rule responsibly. Ren, stiffen by her two senior Apostles, put the crown on Prince Diabo head.
"Rise, and may your reign be long and prosperous."
King Diabo rises and turn toward the audiences.
"As king of the new Sadera Kingdom, I swear to rule and treat my subject fairly. The kingdom will start reformation in all level of government and society to fit in with the new era. And together will other nations, we shall pursuit a peaceful and prosperous future."
Cheer erupts throughout the capital and the new kingdom. The festive mood is now in full swing as people begin to dance, sing, feast, drink and compete in games. A few visitors from other nations join in and mingle with the Saderan.
In the Senate, all the Senators vow to advise the new king with selfless devotion to the kingdom. And since they are new, their fiery determination and honesty are extremely welcome. King Diabo accepts their vow and leads them out in the court yard where the Military officers are assembled. King Diabo is nervous and weary, but his sister and the presence of the Roses Knights helps calm him down.
Grand Marshal Garrithos leads the old and young army commanders march up to meet with King Diabo. After a few silent moment, he kneels and offers his sword and life to serve the new kingdom. All fear of Military uprising has now vanished. Princess Pina and King Diabo, as well as the rest of the audience breathe out in relieve.
"The military had suffer greatly in the failed attempt of conquests. Our nation is weaker and vulnerable. Thankfully we are in peace thus our safety is guaranteed. But I shall reform our Military and Command Structure. No more foolish endeavor will be conduct by future ruler. From now on, our Military will focus on defending our people from all threat. Be it monster or natural disaster, from aggressor from outside to traitor from within. The Army shall never again march in the name of conquest and expansion."
Cheers once again erupt, even more loudly than before. Many had feared the aggressive Military nature of the Saderan will one day ignite new wars. The soldiers visibly relieved as they had survived the horror of recent wars want nothing more than to retire and live with their family. And they had been promised pension to stay until they finish their time by the Princess whom they admire more than their new King.
While celebration and festive mood are in full swing, the absence of many old Senator, Noble, Official and Military Commander hasn't gone unnoticed. But Grand Marshal Garrithos assured the King and Princess that they can't do anything but whine while rotting away in seclusion. He then relays how they had ask him to take over the Military and stage a coup to restore the Empire, and how the former Emperor had predicted it and forestall it with a letter expressing he has no intention to usurp his son and will not support their plan.
"So they have given up now?"
"I think so. After all, they are a bunch of lazy old man with ambition but not will to do it when it is hard. And the new things that will soon come to this world will make them forget about rebellion as they will be busy enjoy themselves."
"Well, who can say indulgence is all bad, huh?"
The Grand Marshal, Princess and the King share a brief laughter and leave for the follow up conference.
Tyuule has gotten into the palace with ease, watching for opportunity to strike a devastating blow. But the appearance of three Apostles is unexpected and she has to abandon the poison plan. And with Rory Mercury here meaning her captor and tormentor is here as well. Sure enough, she soon finds him in a pen exclusively for Rory to use. Watching him make her blood boil and she start to unsheathe her dagger when she suddenly realize that he is now a property of Rory Mercury, and she will hunt her down if she dare to lay hand on her property. Thus Tyuule decides to mock him and his minions. A wicked smile appear and she depart. Tyuule return with 4 gorgeous prostitutes and men bearing all manner of food and drink.
"Hello Your Highness, missing all the fun with these beuties?"
Zorzal, Helm and Antigonius are surprise to see her, while Helm and Antigonius know the reason why Tyuule is here, Zorzal is excited to see her. In his mind, his faithful slave has return to provide for him.
"Ohhh Tyuule, am I glad to see you. You have done well bringing those here for us. Your faithful service shall be reward when I am out of this predicament."
Tyuule was genuinely surprised, his companions had turn away while this imbecile still assume that he has power over her, and still think her praises for him are genuinely affection. She burst out laughing right at his face.
"You are truly the pinnacle of imbecility. You thought I love you? My praises for you were truthful? You had made me suffer all manner of humiliation and betray the deal we struck when I surrendered, why do you think I stay beside you and let you live while I can end your life any time I want huh?"
Zorzal is shocked at this revelation. He can onlu mumbling a few word before Tyuule cut him off, stare at him with all the hatred she can muster which silent him.
"I had wanted you to ascend the throne and cause a war that will lay waste to the whole continent. But things don't always work out like one wanted. In the end, you are suffering under Rory Mercury instead of me. And since I can't lay a hand on you, i have to resort to tormenting you instead."
Tyuule start the feast with the men and prostitute. The men are served food and drink by the prostitutes while Zorzal scream and beg for scrape, Helm tried to stop him but is pushed aside while Antigonius shut his eyes, cover his nose and ears to escape the torment. Thankfully, the feast soon end.
Tyuule turn and signal the men. They go in the pen, force Helm and Antigonius to drink 2 vials of liquid that they all know as they are frequent users before, with a horrified Zorzal watching nervously for his turn. The men tie up Helm and Antigonius apart from one another, then left the pen and proceed to let the prostitute service them.
Incredulous at his audacity, they all laugh and proceed to fuck harder and moan harder.
Tyuule looks on and simply smile. Zorzal begging and pleading only serve to encourage the men and prostitutes to make him suffer more by moving close to the pen and give him a feast of eyes. They perform all kind of sexual pose, position and swap partner with one another. The carnal scene drive Zorzal crazy. But his companions are suffering even more. The men and prostitutes panting and huffing soon end. Tyuule approach Zorzal with a smile.
"I hope you like the small show I prepare for you. Your Highness."
"Please Tyuule, I regret and sorry for all I had done to you, please let me have a go."
"Ok, fine. But only because you said PLEASE."
Zorzal face brightens up. Tyuule turn and nod. The men and prostitutes rush out for a moment. Then soon come back with a host of prostitutes in tow. Zorzal eyes sparkle with anticipation when the men open the pen. To his surprise, they up his hands, cut the ropes bindingHelm and Antigonius then rush out. Zorzal was puzzled when they tied him up, and just now realize what is about to happen, scream for them to get him out.
"You want to get some, so I give you two, hope you will be satisfied. You Highness. Please enjoy."
The horror look on Zorzal face please Tyuule to no end. Tyuule turn to the men and prostitutes.
"The Crown Prince and his goons are going to give us a show, let enjoy this as this show is only happen once."
Zorzal now begin to beg and sob, but he only see the satisfaction on the eyes of the audience. Then he shudder as Helm touch his rag and violently torn it. Zorzal screems for help but only chuckle or voice edging Helm and Antigonius on. Zorzal screams and kich, but Helm slam his arm on Zorzal back and he drop to the ground, groaning. Helm put his arm around Zorzal and put him on his knees then position himself behind and thrust forward. Zorzal scream on the top of his lung as the pain from his ass rushing to his head. But his scream is cut short when Antigonius grab Zorzal hair and twist it to face an erect penis. Antigonius thrust forward and Zorzal eyes roll up, saliva drip from his mouth as he struggles to turn his head to escape. Antigonius smack his face and proceed to thrust his penis deep in Zorzal throat to the cheering of the audience.
"Yeah, that's right, fuck his sorry ass."
"See how he suffer the same thing he subject us to."
"Let's bet how long this will go on, anyone interest?"
"Pity there aren't more of his goon here."
Helm keeps thrusting faster and faster until he fill Zorzal ass with semen and Antigonius immediately take his place, thurst his penis in Zorzal ass even more violently than Helm. Helm in turn, force his semen coated penis into Zorzal mouth. Zorzal now sobbing and weakly beg them to stop or for someone to help him. But they still keep at it even when Zorzal has passed out. Tyuule is satisfied that her revenge is somewhat sated and left. Feeling she will have a good sleep tonight.
The conference with the ambassadors had ended with better result than either King Diabo or Princess Pina had dared to dream. They all agree to encourage their merchant to open business and trade with Sadera Kingdom with only a minor reduction in tax. Orb Union has extend an invitation for a visit to Earth to conduct negotiation on the various plan to renovate their countries by companies and corporations in all nations on Earth. Needless to say, the invitation excited them as they all wish to gaze upon the world where power that equal to gods can be found. The party is even livelier as Ren sing for all of them, lifting their spirit up to new height. Even the Former Emperor smile as he watches event unfold, drink and chat with his old rival King Duran and a few others rulers. All in all, Lord Aristotle sums up the coronation as a remarkably success. As the final chapter of the Empire has ended, a new chronicle for Sadera Kingdom begin.
Countess Myuu and Nora bet is called off since they don't even know how many have swarm all over them. They has to surrender their snacks to pay the Apostles to rescue them. They invite the interested party to go and discuss term for trade dealt for glass products for which Italica has the largest store to display.