Hey guys just an update on the Gen:LOCK fan fiction. Don't worry it IS coming. Even right now I'm hard at work on it, and I'm even in touch with George RR Martin to have a collaborative release with him for when he finishes The Winds of Winter, which is coming ANY DAY now! But for now here's more RWBY that nobody asked for.

Punch punch. Kick kick. Because that's about how exciting RWBY fights are these days. Another punch. Another kick. Blurry red semblance to save time on animating.

The Beacon dropout had the Atlas Navy SEAL on the ropes. "It's over Harriet! I have the moral high ground!"

Harriet was super angry. Like volume 6 Adam levels of angry. I guess this is volume 7's version of the Adam fight. "Kid if you think you can win you must be even higher than your voice."

"It doesn't matter if you're experienced and professional soldiers who are the Atlas equivalent to the specials ops. You're not friends. You're not family. We are! That's why we'll always overcome every obstacle no matter who it is or how much better than us they are! That's why you'll never win in the end. Because our hearts are in the right place and yours aren't!

It doesn't matter how much more skilled or experienced you are. That doesn't determine who wins in a fight. The one who fights for the right reasons always wins! The power of the human spirit is way stronger than guns or swords or bombs or nukes! No righteous and just cause has ever failed in the history of humanity!"

"Oh gods she's monologing," Elm groaned.

"Experienced soldiers like you could never be cool under pressure! You could never have clear minds in a combat situation like we do! You're just running on emotion right now! Unlike us, who have no flaws about being brash or hotheaded! We're not a bunch of individual Mavericks like you are! We're a sisterhood who like to diddle each other on the side! And that means more than any training or experience ever could!"

"She's right," Yang agreed. "Remember the friendship circle we drew on our hands back at Beacon?"

"A professional military squad like you has no concept of the value of teamwork! You could never hope to appreciate cooperative combat tactics or working together as a unit! You'll never have teamwork like we do, where we name combo moves after shipping names! You don't have inter-team ships! You don't have love! And that's why we're going to beat you!

Didn't you listen to the opening credits? Trust love! None of you love each other! All you do is serve your country and follow your commanding officer's orders without question! When I say that General Ironwood is wrong that means he's wrong and I'm right! How dare you listen to him and not me! How dare you not trust love!"

Vine held his head in pain. "She's right. Remember, strangers who I hate. Hold back. Don't fight like you mean it. Our cause isn't just like theirs is. We're just soldiers following orders. Therefore we cannot possibly fight at full effectiveness and win."

"Wait why are we holding back again?" Elm asked.

"I... don't know. The script says we have to so RWBY can win and prove their way is the right way."

"Got it. More stupid for the sake of the plot. Let's just hope that Tyrian guy doesn't escape when three people who have different opinions but should be working together all decide to fight each other and ally with Tyrian. I mean, could you imagine if that happened? It would make our fight look logical by comparison."

"Now it's time to end this! Exodia, obliterate!" Ruby protagonisted.

And so RWBY won without so much as a single one of them being bested by professional and elite soldiers. Because apparently in Remnant if your friendship value is high enough that will trump all training and military teamwork that gets drilled into you.

The end.