Sora had defeated the Darkness possessed Aqua after she had been released from the Realm of Darkness; she was about a year older than her and was helping see her about Twilight Town. She was still shaken and Sora was quite understanding since not only was she possessed by Darkness but had spent over a decade in the Realm of Darkness. Apparently time worked differently there and she did not age.
They had both sat down at an outside table at the Bistro and Aqua's eyes widened up when Little Chef came to take their order. She got over it quite quickly and shared a laugh with him. They tucked into their gourmet meal when it was ready and brought to them.
"I can't believe it had been so long, to think what felt like just a few endless hours was years... Plus all my friends..." Aqua stated looking quite sullen as Sora gave her a sympathetic as well as optimistic look in response.
"We will fix everything Aqua, don't you worry! Xehanort will be taking care of for good and you will get your friends back! I have Ventus in my Heart and we will get Terra back!" Sora told her with a determined look and Aqua couldn't help but admire his optimism and bravery.
It was a shock to learn he held Ventus in his heart and was furious about what the former respected Keyblade Master Xehanort had done to her friends and since then. To think he had come so close before to unlocking and using Kingdom Hearts to rebuild all the worlds to his designs.
"Yes we will, Xehanort will be defeated for good this time as well as the other selves of his. To think that when you were so young; you had fought and defeated him before. How and why you didn't succeed in your Mark of Mastery Exam is beyond me..." Aqua stated and Sora just looked down at the compliment.
"Well Riku was the one who passed and I couldn't be happier for him, after all he had to go through. Falling into the Darkness but it worked out in the end and I wished you could have been saved earlier like he was Master Aqua." Sora told her with a shrug and Aqua shook her head.
Something about the names Sora and Riku did seem familiar...
"No need to use titles Sora; as far as I am concerned we are equals in Key Bearers. I think you should be more than that since you managed to accomplish far more than I had in my time of training." Sora replied as they started tucking into their food.
They couldn't help but overhear passerbys talking about the couple there on their date making the both of them a bit embarrassed. Aqua was mostly focused on her training before all this happened and was nervous about the concept of dating. It was why she was taken aback by Zack Fair asking her out in the Coliseum.
Still Sora was brave, kind, fierce, determined and adorable in his optimism; she couldn't deny that he was one of those she wouldn't deny being on a date with. "Aqua, can I ask you something please? I hear what the people are talking about and... is this a date?" Sora asked his cheeks red and his face making a charming awkward face making Aqua chuckle.
"It can be if you want it to Sora." Aqua told her getting up and giving him a kiss on the cheek; making him more red than he was previously to her delight.
"So where was it that you came from before Sora?" Aqua asked and Sora said it was the Destiny Island and Aqua remembered having gone there before. The kid best friends racing against eachother, she making one promise to look after the other if he went on the road to darkness and then thinking of bequeathing the kid in a Keyblade ritual before she saw Terra had done the same to the other boy...
Just wanted to do this drabble, thinking of doing a full KH harem story with it including Jasmine and Aqua. Please tell me what you think of this please and any ideas.