As the sun slowly fell to its place beyond the edge of the horizon, the summer sky cooled from a vibrant orange to a simmering purple before finally descending into blackness. The stars came alight in the night air, shining amongst the bright moon, while a host of nocturnal insects rose in an unfriendly chittering and chirping. Brief gusts of wind caught the leaves of trees, shaking the branches in a mesmerizing and simultaneous clatter almost akin to the lapping of waves on the shore.

The jungle grew raucous in this time. All matter of noises from animals of all races hooted, bellowed, or otherwise roared now that the sun had gone down.

In the middle of the never-ending forest, a magnificent tree as old as the jungle itself flourished in the delta between two thin streams. The tree had a trunk as thick as an elephant, with branches close enough to amble across without having to make any leaps or terrifying jumps to clear. The tip of the tree rose high and tall amongst the canopy. One would be able to see for miles should they choose to bravely venture to that point.

Perched on one of these branches was Bagheera and, surrounded by the panther's body, Mowgli. The two were sound asleep, balanced just so upon the large branch as the night fell. Bagheera had curled himself around the man-cub before resting—his feline body fell across the boy while he slept. Mowgli's head lolled backwards onto the panther's stomach. They slept in relative solitude, not at all bothered by the noises the jungle was making around them.

Truth be told, Bagheera would have rather slept apart from Mowgli, given the boy's proclivity to be rather annoying, except for the fact that the man-cub had been behaving rather strange lately and that strange events had been occurring around the boy. After all, he had just recently caught the snake Kaa in the middle of molesting the young child and for the past few days had been worried for the man-cub's well-being. Also, given that he had found Mowgli aimlessly wandering the jungle several days ago, coil marks on his body giving his captivity away, Bagheera knew that the man-cub had more than one predator to worry about in these parts. If not Shere Khan, then it would be Kaa who would prove to be the more devious.

The night would have went on without any trouble. That is, had Mowgli not been the more restless of the two.

Hours after the sun had set, the boy gave the first stir. With a sleepy yawn, Mowgli slowly sat his way up from Bagheera. The panther's furry body had been a comfortable pillow for him to use, but in the jungle, even at night, it was just too warm for him to get a proper sleep. He wanted to cool down before returning to his guardian's shelter. He usually slept apart from the panther anyway—why did Bagheera need to be so overbearing?

Very slowly, trying not to wake Bagheera, Mowgli stood up from where the panther had curled around him. Bagheera's front paws slid from Mowgli's legs. The large cat gave a low murmur, but otherwise did not wake. Mowgli made a tight smile as he tiptoed his way over the panther without being caught—he would only be gone for a few minutes. Besides, what Bagheera did not know would not hurt him. His guardian would never realize that he had slipped away for a short time during the night.

Stretching his arms out and yawning some more, Mowgli lightly treaded from branch to branch, the warm jungle air feeling delightful over his bare skin. The man-cub walked over to the trunk of the massive tree and set a hand upon it, looking up at the top. More branches and leaves as big as his head shrouded his view. Looking down it was almost the same thing—except this time the leaves were obscuring the forest floor, giving him no indication just how high up he was.

A sudden flight of fancy took the man-cub. The branches here were easy enough to step up on, no need for him to claw wildly at the trunk like Bagheera. He would be able to see the whole jungle from up there! Curious for a better look, Mowgli began to climb, leaving the dozing panther behind, looking for where the leaves thinned and the sky beckoned.

Suddenly, Mowgli saw, out of the corner of his eye, a branch near his foot begin to move of its own accord. He had very little time to react, for the branch suddenly swung at him and, in a flash, wrapped around both of his feet above his ankles. There was a snapping sound from above and more shadowed branch-like objects flung themselves at Mowgli. The man-cub threw his arms up to protect himself, but the branches wrapped around his wrists. A thick and cold trunk slapped around his waist and in seconds, Mowgli was bodily lifted into the air, his bare feet leaving the branch upon which he was previously perched.

Mowgli gave a little cry of fear as he realized the branches were not branches at all, but smooth and cold snake coils!


"Bagh—GULP!" Mowgli tried to yell out, but one of Kaa's endless coils quickly swung and tightened around Mowgli's neck. The child gagged as he was suddenly choked, the words fizzing out in his throat.

A series of mirthful chuckles lingered in the leaves above Mowgli's head. The snake's melodic tone. Mowgli felt Kaa's coils give tugs at each of his limbs—his arms were forced behind his back while his feet were slightly made to be spread apart. Mowgli could barely breathe, despite being coiled around his neck, but he did not have enough air to be able to call for help anymore.

The man-cub trembled as he was suspended in the air, the thickness of Kaa curling across his damp belly producing tingles in his toes. The snake finally brought his head down from above, yellow eyes absent their hypnotizing spirals, as he brought his head close to the shaking boy's head.

"Did you think you'd sssseen the lassst of me, man-cub?" Kaa asked as he brought himself inches from Mowgli's face. He then laughed to himself as if he had just told the most amazing joke. "Ssssilly me, but you can't sssspeak. That'ssss all right. You don't need to sssspeak. You don't need to make any ssssound at all. I want to be alone with you… if you'll permit me."

Mowgli most certainly did not at all want to permit the snake. He thrashed back and forth, trying to loosen himself free, but Kaa simply tightened his grip on the boy's four limbs. The man-cub was now hanging with his stomach nearly parallel to the branch he had just been standing on, head pulsating as the python choked him tighter and tighter. A spluttering noise came from his mouth and a stream of spittle dribbled down his chin.

"Hmm," Kaa considered as he looked at the boy from all angles, clucking as though he was giving him a thorough inspection. "No, I think you're helpless enough already. No ssssense in keeping you obedient when you're like this."

Frightened out of his mind, Mowgli gasped as he yearned to take a breath. "K…a…a…"

The snake shot his head back up to Mowgli and he blinked once, expectantly. "Oh no, man-cub. There will be no more talking from here on out. Hee hee hee!"

Mowgli's pathetic little mouth was opening and closing silently. Kaa's first target. The snake moved forward and cupped the boy's mouth in his own, sharing an intense kiss together. Mowgli moaned in fear, but the snake's tongue shot out and tasted that fear. He tasted Mowgli's mouth as he sucked at him, the kiss deepening further and further as he held the little man-cub aloft.

While he was kissing Mowgli, Kaa's tail reached upward and tugged at the hem of the boy's loincloth. He was not gentle. The fabric parted with a ripping sound. Mowgli felt a draft around his waist and he dimly noticed Kaa cast aside the tattered remains of his loincloth to flutter down to the branches below. The man-cub was now naked as the snake kept him suspended. His penis and scrotum dangled in midair, his buttocks exposed to the cool jungle night.

Kaa continued to kiss Mowgli, who was making terrified noises now, while his tail swirled up and around the man-cub, feeling every inch of him.

The tail coiled up his leg, teasing his little cock and playing with his hairless balls. Mowgli's penis gave a helpless twitch, but the snake had moved on by then. Kaa's tail tickled a line over Mowgli's stomach, briefly poking at his navel and moving around to his back. The tail slithered in between the man-cub's tight buttocks, parting them as they traveled. The curves of his skin, shining in the dim light, were unobstructed for Kaa to do with as he pleased. Mowgli gave another moan as he felt the snake's nail poke at his butt some more before positioning itself at his anus. Kaa tested the area a few times, prodding at the man-cub's opening. Shivers ran down the child's legs and into his toes.

Kaa parted the kiss finally, strings of saliva connecting their mouths. Mowgli looked at him, too petrified to speak.

"I believe you will give me your sssseed this way," the snake laughed, but quietly as not to wake Bagheera down below.

Mowgli then felt something long and thick penetrate his anus. Kaa's tail, dappled in the soft dim light of the moon through the leaves, pushed its way inside Mowgli a few inches, connecting their bodies together. The man-cub gave a strangled cry at the foreign sensation—his penis immediately got hard and his little scrotum tightened itself against his body. The boy's cock was twitching madly as Kaa slowly but repeatedly inserted and withdrew his tail between his buttocks, making a slippery sound as the boy's body began to ripple from the snake's ministrations.

The man-cub was gasping and spluttering, his eyes wide with fear as his sweat-drenched body rocked back and forth. Meanwhile the snake was giggling to himself as he ruined the child, pervading his body and finally making this human understand how insignificant he was in this jungle.

Kaa continued to slide his tail in and out, in and out. Mowgli's taut buttocks firmly squeezed Kaa's tail on instinct as the snake repeatedly pushed into his anus. Sweat dripped from the man-cub's skin, turning his belly slippery. His legs were shaking in panic and ecstasy, his toes clenching and curling as he felt the snake wiggle his tail inside him. The reptile's tail nudged a sensitive area in Mowgli and the man-cub tried to scream, but the coil around his neck choked it off, causing him to gag.

"Oh, I ssssee you are enjoying yourself, man-cub," Kaa laughed. The snake then positioned himself downward as he gazed at the boy's erect penis, still jerking in the open air. "Enjoying yourself… very much indeed."

The man-cub shook and panted, consumed by fear as he was being violated over and over again. Another pathetic cry gurgled from his throat. The sounds of shaking leaves and cries of birds off in the distance swallowed it up.

Kaa grew closer and closer, licking at the man-cub's belly before he drifted ever downward. "I believe I shall… consummate our entertainment. What do you say to that?"

"No…" Mowgli whispered, tongue lolling out. "NoKaa…"

"Oh yes, man-cub," Kaa snickered before he finally opened his mouth, moved between Mowgli's legs and took the boy's penis into his mouth.

Back down through the branches below, Bagheera sniffed and minutely flexed his paws as his natural catlike tendencies belied his sleep. A part of his mind continually fretted about his charge, Mowgli, and that was what caused him to awake at this moment.

The panther curled up some more, hoping to reassure himself that Mowgli was still fast asleep against his body.

But his paws merely gripped empty air.

"Mow… Mowgli?"

Bagheera's eyes flared open to confirm his fears. Mowgli was nowhere to be seen. He sat bolt upright and looked all over: left, right, and down. Unfortunately had the panther looked up he might have spotted the faint outlines of the python molesting the man-cub right over his head. He was so distracted that he did not notice the slight tumbling of leaves that were falling near his head, caused from the frenetic activities just above.

"Mowgli?" Bagheera called as he started alighting from branch to branch, heading down to the forest floor. "Mowgli? Mowgli?!"

Bagheera's paws met the dusty jungle ground and, without any direction, began to amble off from the tree in search of the man-cub, not know just how close he had been to the boy the entire time.

Kaa was making violent noises as he kept his head tight between Mowgli's legs, his tongue slithering all over the boy's penis as he tightly sucked. The man-cub was making wheezing moans, his hips weakly thrashing, while the snake was going down on him. Kaa's wet mouth engulfing his cock was producing those strange fluttering sensations again… deep in the pit of his stomach that gradually rose to his chest.

The snake simply closed his eyes, enjoying the taste of the man-cub's penis in his mouth. He continued to suck on Mowgli's cock while his tail kept on pushing into the boy. The half-trussed-up child was jerking in so many directions, his mind hopelessly lost, that Kaa's decision to not hypnotize him had been correct. Such a young and stupid man-cub, very easily tricked, was not at all difficult to catch.

Mowgli was making high-pitched breaths, fingers and toes clenched tightly, as this rising sensation started to churn a lot more strongly as it now traveled back near his groin. Kaa felt this change and began to slowly increase the intensity of his ministrations.

He pushed his tail harder and further into the man-cub's anus. He sucked the man-cub's cock with abandon. His coils joined in the fun by slightly constricting and relaxing their grip around the boy.

This entire sensation completely overwhelmed Mowgli with its coordinated and sustained attack on his senses. His vision, already hampered from being choked, grayed out as something inside him began to convulse. He spluttered something but ended up just spitting a large wad of drool over himself as his mind finally lost the battle. Everything in the man-cub was losing a grip on reality. In that instant, the boy's entire body slackened as he fell into a state of near-unconsciousness. His muscles lost all tautness, causing him to slump.

As Kaa heard Mowgli's final keening groan… he felt it! In his mouth! Hot… thick… seed! The boy was coming in his mouth!

Mowgli's penis kept pulsating into the snake's awaiting maw. The boy did not even knew that he was orgasming for he was so exhausted.

Half a minute passed and Kaa finally pulled away from Mowgli's glistening penis. A clear stream of the boy's seed still dripped from its tip. Milky white tendrils also clung to the edges of Kaa's jaw. He gulped some of the seed down, feeling hot, flushed, and alive.

Still there remained some of Mowgli's come in Kaa's mouth. Getting a devious idea to humiliate the boy further, Kaa rotated his body so that Mowgli was now being suspended with his back to the ground. Bringing his head over to the boy's face, Kaa smacked his lips before he leaned down to dribble some of the man-cub's seed onto Mowgli's face. The child's drowsy expression quickly became smeared thick and white with his own come as Kaa dribbled it across his lips, cheeks, and nose. Mowgli coughed as a result of this abuse, barely being able to find his breath. The boy groaned, face half-slick from his seed staining his face as it dripped off of him.

"I hope you understand your place now, man-cub," Kaa hissed as Mowgli regained some focus in his eyes, clarity turning back to fear as he realized he was still in the snake's clutches. "No matter where you may hide in this jungle…" a loop of coils began nudging Mowgli's limp penis, dribbling some come onto the snake's scales, "…I will always find you. And I will always have you… submit."

Mowgli's teeth chattered as he became fearful again. Kaa's tail, having withdrawn once Mowgli had started orgasming, now slowly pushed its way back into Mowgli's anus. The man-cub, caught off guard, let out a low cry that Kaa was not able to stifle in time. The snake did not care, though, and he flicked out his tongue to lick at the child's lips.

"Now… I think I've given you enough fun. Time for you to recipro—"

"KAA!" a voice from below roared.

Kaa's head whipped around, his pupils shrinking to mere pinpricks as he beheld the furious outline of Bagheera charging in his direction, clawing his way straight up the tree! The snake cursed himself—he had been sloppy by not quieting the man-cub completely. He was about to try to slip away with his prize, but thought better of it because the panther would be on him in the next five seconds. He was not looking to get mauled—his hypnosis did have its limits when it was dealing with fighting-mad felines.

In the end, Kaa loosened his coils and the naked Mowgli tumbled out from them with a gasp, landing on the branch below.

"You'll be in my coils again, man-cub!" he cackled as he slithered through the branches to make it to safety. "I'll make sure of that!"

A/N: Further chapters should be expected.