Chapter 1 Rider of the Dead

I don't own Kamen Rider 555 or Highschool of the Dead

In Japan lives a young man called Judai Suzugamori, he has long brown hair and brown eyes, he wears a long black jacket with a white shirt, jeans and boots with spurs on them, he was in his bed with his room having Kamen Rider Faiz stuff since that was his favorite show, he has all the belts along with having extra riotrooper ones, he had all the figures and weapons and it was one of the fiew things that makes him happy since he was not a guy with motivation, some would call him a slacker or lazy but he just didn't know what to do in his life, he didn't know what to do and what his dreams are some might call him a lost soul.

"Just another day."Judai said, he then looks at his wolf Orphnoch figure since in some way Faiz and him are similar.

Then a flash of light appeared making him cover his eyes, the wolf Orphnoch figure glowed and it merged with him, when he opened his eyes he looked around to see he was in some kind of alley, he looks down to see five briefcases and a duffle bag, he opened one of them to see his Faiz gear and they were all real, he then saw the others were Kaixa, Delta, Orga and Psyga, he then opened the duffle bag to see clothes the riotrooper belts and a note.

He takes it out and it said that he was now in a new world and that he was the new Faiz of that world, he was also altered to be a Orphnoch but he won't die since he was also half human meaning he has both forms and a better life span, he puts it back and takes all his stuff, he then saw the Auto Vajin in its bike mode, he goes towards it and picks up the helmet on and puts it on, he wondered if the other vehicles are somewhere hidden but he can always call them to his side, he puts all his stuff on the bike and goes driving through the city, he was in Tokonosu City a place he never heard off but he was a in different world so whatever.

He stops and see in a alley a woman with long blond hair wearing a white shirt and with a huge chest was being attacked by a thug in another alley.

"Let me go."she said scared.

"Come on baby, I can be nice so let's have some fun."the thug said with a lustfull grin.

Then he got hit in the back of his head with a pipe, he lets her go and looks to see Judai with a bored look.

"You little shit."Thug said and he tries to attack but Judai steps away and hits him in the knee making him fall to the ground, he tries to get up but then Judai puts him in a crossface hold making him scream in pain."okay I give up."then Judai let's him go making the thug run away.

Judai sigh and looks at the woman who smilled and said:"thank you for saving me."

"Whatever."Judai said.

"So what's your name my name is Shizuka Marikawa."Shizuka said.

"Judai Suzugamori."Judai said.

"Judai, so what are you doing at this time of the day?"Shizuka asked.

"I just got here."Judai said.

"Then you don't have a place to stay and don't go to school here yet?"Shizuka asked.

"No."Judai said.

"Then you stay at my place."Shizuka said surprising him."I live there with my friend and since you saved me I can offer you a room and I help get you to school since I works as a nurse."

"Alright."Judai said.

"Great."Shizuka said and she then grabs his arm and drags him to the outside.

He was able to get his bike and they arrived at her house, he got in and when he went towards the living room there was another woman with darker skin and purple hair.

"Oh Shizuka who's our guest?"she asked.

"Rika this is Judai and Judai this is Rika."Shizuka said.

"Well Judai what brings you here?"Rika asked.

"Well you see."Shizuka said.

Shizuka explained to Rika what happened and she was horrfied to know that her friends was about to be raped if he didn't saved her.

"Well if I was there I would have made it worse for that bastard but I should thank you Judai."Rika said.

So you won't mind if Judai stays?"Shizuka asked.

"Of course not, but hope he doesn't look when were dressing up."Riku said with a grin.

"I won't."Judai said in a bored tone.

"Well, this might be interesting."Rika said with a smile since she will have fun being with him.

After some time later Judai lived with Rika and Shizuka, he helped her around the house since she was a ditzy woman, days have passed and Judai was going to a school at Fujimi High, Rika and Shizuka have been very interesting women to spend time with, he some times found Rika flirting nature with him a bit of a drag as she was trying to make him blush, but even with his more laid back personality they still liked being with him to the point that Shizuka gives him hugs many times, which made a rumor on the school that she is sleeping with him, he also met some other students there that he got along alright one he even helped against bullies.

He was now walking around the school, he was wearing the school uniform they gave him, he didn't like it since he prefers his regular clothes.

"Hey Judai."Judai looks back to see Kohta Hirano.

"Oh hey Hirano."Judai said.

"So what's up for today."Kohta said.

"Same as usual."Judai said,

Kohta was a guy that Judai helped out since he was being picked on by three other guys until Judai kicked they're ass, Kohta since then became a friend to Judai even if he wasn't trying to do that.

"Yeah I get ya, I even heard that professor Shido not very happy with you."Kohta said.

"Oh that guy, he is just pissed off because I took care of his goons that he calls students."Judai said.

"Yeah I can see your point."Kohta said.

"Well I need to go I don't want Takagi to annoy me today."Judai said.

"Yeah she can be scary."Kohta said.

"Scary she's more annoying to me, well see ya later."Judai said and he leaves.

"Oh yeah see ya."Kohta said.

Judai walks towards the entrace of the school, he then heard a sound and looks back to see a guy banging against the gate, Judai raised an eyebrow then he saw four of the school staff trying to get him away one being Teshima and the other Kyoka Hayashi, he saw Teshima grab the guy by his shirt and slams him against the gate, but then the guy bites Teshima's arm making him scream, Judai's eye widen and he then saw him fall to the ground dead, he then saw him twitch which made Judai run foward, he then saw him grab Kyoka by her shirt and he then kicks him away from her.

"Wait your Judai Suzugamori, why did you kick Mr. Teshima?"Kyoko questioned him.

"Look."Judai said and they saw his pale skin."he's not alive."

"But that's impossible he's moving."Kyoko said.

"I think he's telling the truth he looks way to pale and theres blood coming out of him."one of the other teachers said.

"Then don't stand there, run."Judai said but then the other teacher got grabbed and bitten making Kyoko scream.

"Tch."Judai said and he grabs Kyoko making a run for it to the school.

"Wait we can't leave them."Kyoko said.

"It's too late one ran while the other is dead."Judai said to her.

They were running through the halls and Judai said:"we need to get the students before they go crazy."

"You mean going outside as a crazy mob?"Kyoko asked.

"Yes, since the thing that causes everyone to go crazy is fear."Judai said.

Then they heard a announcement:"attention all students, theres an emergency, you must follow your teachers instructions and evacuate, I repeat a violent incident is taking place, wait what are you, no stay away."then they heard screaming and a crash.

"It's too late."Judai said.

Then the students all came out screaming and pushing each other away, Judai grabbed Kyoka and went inside a room to avoid most of the crowd.

He then looks out and said:"let's go."they then went out and went to the other side.

They then passed through many halls and then they found another one of those things here, they then run to another hall to avoid it.

"But how can this be, they're already here."Kyoko said.

"Look they must already bitten someone else, like what happened with the other teachers just one bite can turn you into one of them."Judai said.

Then they saw Misuzu Ichijou and Toshimi Niki walk down the hall in front of them and Kyoko said."wait those were Ichijou and Niki."

Judai then runs towards where they were going with Kyoko following him, they then arrived at a stair case with them holding hand, then they saw a zombie on the floor and he was about to catch Niki.

Judai then saw a chair that was knocked out of the class, he picked it up and throws it at the zombie, he hits the head killing it and made Toshimi and Misuzu look at them as they walked towards them.

"Miss Kyoko and Judai."Toshimi said happy to see them.

"It's good to see your both alright."Kyoko said.

"Yes, and I'm glad your also okay Judai."Misuzu said looking at Judai.

"Whatever."Judai said."let's go."he then continues while they followed him.

"Suzugamori you can't just walk ahead while theres danger around the corner."Kyoko said.

"Look just calm down, I don't care what they do to me."Judai said shocking them.

"What, but we don't want you to get hurt by them."Toshimi said.

"Really well I don't have a motivation outside of a few people that care for me."Judai said.

"What but what about your family?"Misuzu asked.

Judai stopped, he gave a sigh and said:"they're gone."they got surprised by that."they are not with me and miss Shizuka was the only one that gave me a place to stay so if anything she and her friend along with a few are the only ones I can try to live on."

They got sad for him, so he didn't have a actual motivations or dreams he just lived on, they walk around and then they found a classroom to hide in for now, they locked the door using the desks and wait for some time to get a hold what is happening.

Judai looked outside to see the madness going on, he saw students running around while the zombies get them, the zombies starting eating a lot of them while turning them into more zombies, he then takes out something from his pocket being the Faiz phone without them seeing and puts it back thinking if he would needed against a bunch of creatures that he could kill on his own.

"I can't get a signal."Toshimi said trying her phone.

"Me too."Misuzu said.

"Well I don't like you brought your phones to school I guess that is not something I should be worried about now."Kyoko said.

"Theres still must be some that are still okay."Toshimi said.

Juda then looks outside the door and sees it was clear, he then starts to take off the table and opens the door, then they heard a scream.

"Wait that was Takagi."Misuzu said.

They then run towards where the scream was, they arrived where the Teachers lounge was close and they found Kohta and Saya there with her throwing stuff at a zombies, Judai then run towards it and gives a jumps kick snapping the zombies neck and killing it, it then falls to the ground.

Saya calmed down and saw her hero was Judai and said:"Suzugamori."

"Takagi."Judai said.

He then picks her up, then Takashi, Rei, Saeko and Shizuka all came, Shizuka saw Judai and got happy.

"Judai."Shizuka said and she goes to give him a hug making his face on her chest.

"Hey Shizuka."Judai said.

"Judai."Takashi said seeing him since they were classmates.

"Toshimi, Misuzu."Rei said happy to see them and they smiled seeing her too.

Saeko then looks at Judai and said:"well Judai it's nice seeing you again."Judai remained quite and he knew her in the beginning of his school day since they bumped into each other and she was somehow interested in him.

"Yeah man it's awesome seeing you again."Kohta said.

Saya then said:"why are you all so happy don't you see were in danger here, I'm the smartest one here."Then Judai stopped her by grabbing her shoulders, she then looks at a glass to see her reflections and sees she was covered in blood."my uniform, my mom will have to get it to the cleaners."she then grabs Judai hugging him, he got surprised and just hugged her back since she was in shock.

After some time later they went inside the Teachers lounge and barricated the door, Judai was now sitting next to a window again just looking outside and seeing all the carnage and deadpeople walking around, he then looks to where Saya was and she was now wearing glasses.

She notices him looking at her and said:"what, my contact lenses keep moving around."

"Nothing, it fits you."Judai said surprising her.

"Well thanks, I didn't know you could actually give a compliment mister silence."he then simply shrugs it off.

"That is simply how Judai is, he might not show how nice he is with words but he helps others and he's sweet."Shizuka said.

Kyoko then dragged her to the other side of the room and asked:"Shizuka is it true that Suzugamori doesn't have a actual motivation to live on?"

"Oh he told you, well yes since he doesn't see much in life for him since he doesn't see a purpose for him but I'm helping him get better."Shizuka said.

"If this is him better than I wonder what was him before meeting you."Kyoko said looking at Judai.

Rei was then watching the news and Takashi noticed it and saw the news was saying that wasn't telling them about what is actually happening and he punches the table.

"Dammit it, why arem't they telling us anything else."Takashi said.

"They're afraid to causing a panic."Saya said.

"A panic?"Rei asked.

"Yeah you idiot, first panic then chaos and chaos causes a disruption of order and then when order is disrupted, well you should just hand it all over it to the walking corpses."Saya said.

"So they're everywhere."Takashi said.

"That's crazy everything was normal when I checked the internet this morning."Kohta said.

Judai thinks about it, this outbreak is too perfect for not to be found earlier, someone must be doing this from behind the scenes.

"But could them be appearing this fast."Takashi said.

"Them?"Judai asked him.

"Oh yeah we thought of calling those things them since."Takashi said.

"Don't be a cliche, they're called zombies you idiot."Judai said making him surprised."they have a actual name so don't be going the cliche route and just call them for what they are."

"Okay fine they're zombies, so what's your big idea?"Saya asked him.

"Well these guys aren't normal corpses so the laws of what happens to them won't affect zombies so they won't decompose."Judai said.

"Oh well that's bad."Shizuka said.

"We need to go to a safe place and contact our families to see if they're alright."Saeko said.

"So how are going to get out?"Toshimi asked.

"We could use one of the busses since they keep the keys here."Kyoka said.

"Oh that's right."Shizuka said grabbing the keys.

Then they all got ready with they're weapons, Takashi being a bat, Saya a homemade spear, Saeko a boken sword and Kohta a nail gun modified like a gun, they then went outside and they run down the halls with Takashi and Kohta taking out a few that were in front, they then found Takuzo with a group fighting off the zombies, Kohta then fired a shot at the one closer to them and killed it, Saeko jumps off a railing to attack another, Rei used her spear to stab one and Takashi charges down stairs hitting them with his bat.

After they killed them Naomi said:"Thank you."

"Keep it down, has anyone been bitten yet?"Saeko asked.

"What no, no one."Naomi said.

Judai walks down with his hands on his pockets with Toshimi and Misuzu behind him.

"Suzugamori."Kawamoto said smiling looking at him.

He just looked at her and then looked away but she still smiled, he got so much attention from this school that he didn't want.

"Were getting out of here, want to join us?"Takashi asked them.

"Uh sure."Naomi said.

They then arrived at the entrance only to see it was covered with zombies, they were on the stairs to avoid being seen.

"Man there a bunch of them."Takashi said.

"From what I can tell the only thing they react to are sounds, they can't see us so it's pointless to hide from them."Saya said.

"Why don't you go down and prove that theory?"Takashi asked.

"But even if we keep going through inside the school, once we get attack were going to be stucked."Saeko said.

"We have to get through the gate we don't have any choice."Rei said.

Judai then gets up surprising them and goes down stairs.

"Judai."Shizuka said but then Saya covered her mouth to stop her to make a loud noise.

Judai was in the middle of the zombies, one was walking in front of him but it passes by him, Judai didn't get scared he still had his normal expression, he then looked down and found a shoe, he picked it up and throws it against the lockers making a noise causing the zombies to go towards it.

"Awesome."Kohta said seeing that Judai was brave and didn't get scared.

They then walked down the stairs, Takashi and Saeko opened the doors and they started to exit through them, a student carrying a pole was walking down stairs but then he hits the railing with it causing a noise to echo through the school.

"RUN."Takashi yelled and they run towards the bus.

"Why did you opened your big mouth, we could have made it here by taking care off close by."Saya was then interrupted when Judai grabbed her arm and dragged her with him.

Takashi and Seako were doing they're best knocking away the zombies that were in they're path, Judai was with Naomi and Saya and then they heard Takuzo scream, they looked back to see him getting eaten alive, Naomi was about to go to him but then Judai grabbed her arm and gave her a look saying don't do it, she tries to go but he punched her in the gut knocking her out.

"Was that necessary?"Saya questioned and he picks her up.

"She would have killed herself."Judai said.

They then went towards the bus, they got everyone that survived inside and put Naomi next to Toshimi and Misuzu to keep her in check.

"While I don't like that you used violence against her I can see that you were trying to stop her from dying."Kyoka said to Judai.

"Yes Judai just wants to help."Toshimi said.

Judai then goes towards the entrance and they saw another group coming towards them while Shizuka was trying to get the bus to work.

"Wait for us."One said and Judai knew some of them being Yuuki Miku, Taniuchi and Shido which made him narrow his eyes.

He then saw a student grabbing his leg pleading for help but he just kicked him in the face, but then a zombie came and bites him in the shoulder at least he's a goner, but then his skin started to change and then he transformed, everyone got shocked and he was now the Snake Orphnoch.

Shido looks at him self and saw blades with rings for handles on his hands then Kurokami said"Professor."then he stabbed him and Tsunoda in the chest with the blades.

"My what wonderful power."Shido said.

"You son of a bitch."Tsunoda said while blood came out of his mouth.

"Now you should know the weak die and the strong survive so I win."Shido said and he then slashes them in half.

"That monster."Rei said.

"Well with this power these things are no threat to me."Shido said slicing some zombies coming towards him."and I think will take all the women for me."

Kohta tries shooting him but the nails just fall down shocking him, Saeko charges at him but she simply breaks her sword in two and kicks her away.

"Didn't you hear I'm invincible."Shido said.

Judai then goes out side and looks towards Shido, he then takes out the Faiz phone. he then types 5-8-1-2 and presses enter.


Then his bike came and crashed into Shido sending him back.

"Wait that's Judai's bike."Shizuka said.

"How did that come here in the first place?"Saya said confused.

Judai goes towards the bike and it had one of his cases on the back, he then opens it and birngs out the Faiz belt, he puts it on his waist and he then presses 5-5-5 on his phone and pressed enter.


Then a standby noise was heard, closes the phone and said:"henshin."he then puts it on the slot and pushes it down.


(Insert Justiφ here.)

Then from the belt came red lines then went to his body and they transformed him into Kamen Rider Faiz, they all got surprised and Kohta was excitted saying:"that's so cool he's like a superhero."

"What, how did he do that?!"Saya said shocked.

"Wow."The girls outside of Rei and Saeko said.

"Who the hell are you?"Shido said while getting up.

"Kamen Rider Faiz."Faiz said.

He then takes out the case and they heard.


Auto Vajin changed to its robot form making them even more surprised while Kohta was fan boying.

"Man I'm glad he's on our side."Takashi said and Rei nodded.

"Take care of the zombies that get close to them, I'll deal with Shido."Faiz said and Auto Vajin goes to protect his group.

Auto Vaijin then start to take out any zombies that came close by simply punching them destroying they're skulls and they're bodies.

Shido then charges at Faiz who dodged his blades and kicks him away, Shido tries it again but Faiz simply dodged them with ease and gave him a few punches and punching him away.

Faiz then puts the case on the ground and used it as a seat and takes out the phone, he then puts 1-0-6 and pressed enter.


He then switches it to gun mode and points it at Shido who got up, Shido charges at Faiz but he shot three time at him, then he pressed 1-0-3 and enter.


He then shot a beam at Shido pushing him away and he falls to the ground, Faiz stopped and looked to his right to see a girl zombie crawling towards him, he simply raised his right arm bashed her skull in.

He gets up while putting the phone back and some zombie were coming towards him but he simply punched ones head away, backed handed another and kicked a third one away.

He saw Shido getting up so he takes out the pointer and the memory from the phone, he puts the memory on the pointer.


Faiz then attached it to his right leg and then opened the phone and pressed Enter.


Then the phone sent energy through the red line on his right leg and it made contact with the pointer making it charge up, Faiz goes down to one knee and he then jumps into the air while Shido got up, then Faiz does a flip and points his legs at Shido making the pointer shoot a energy drill that stopped in front of Shido, Faiz then did a flying kick with his right foot glowing red and kicks through the drill making it hit Shido, Shido grunted and Faiz appears behind him, then a Ø appeared on Shido making his body burst into blue flames and he turned into dust.

Faiz looks back to where Shido died and then goes to pick up his case, he then goes towards the bus seeing that only the girls from Shido's group survived, some of the zombies still tried to get him but he simply took care of them with a few punches and kicks, he then felt his foot being grabbed and looked down to see one trying to bite him but it didn't work, Faiz lifts his foot up and crushed it's skull in.

He gets on the bus and sees all of them looking at him but then Takashi said to Shizuka:"okay go."

"Hang on"Shizuka said and she starts the bus driving it towards the gate while the Auto Vajin followed them.


Auto Vaijin changed to the vehicle mode and follows them, there was horde of zombies at the gate but then the Auto Vaijin changed to its robot mode holding a wheel on its right hand, it then shoots a barrage of shots at them killing all the zombies, the bus then crashed through the gates with Auto Vaijin in vehicle mode.

Faiz sits on a seat and opens the phone and presses the end call button to trasnform him back, then Kotha said:"man Judai that was so cool, when did you become superhero?"

"Wait that is what your asking how about we ask what happened to Shido, when he got bitten he didn't become a zombie he turned into that thing."Saya said.

"Look we don't know what happened to him, all we can do is be glad that he was stopped."Saeko said.

"Yeah good riddance."Rei said.

Naomi then woke up and saw he was in the bus and said:"wait where's Takuzo?"

"Naomi he's gone."Misuzu said.

"No."Naomi said then she gets up, she goes towards Judai."why did you stop me, please just bring me back I can't be without him."Judai then slaps her in the face surprising them.

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, go killing yourself is just stupid, I don't care if you prefer to die next to your love one what I do know is your parents might be alive and your just going to kill yourself without any consideration what they might think."Judai said shocking her since she didn't think about it."if you still want to go back your going on foot, were not going back just because you want to commit suicide and maybe he would have wanted you to live on but okay if you want to die with him we're stopping and you walk back to school"

"He has a point."Kawamoto said and Tanuichi nodded.

Naomi thinks about and then goes back to her seat.

"Did you really have to yell at her like that?"Rei asked him.

"What do you think stupid, if he didn't she would just go back to school."Saya said.

"He was just helping see that if she died then it would be her parents being miserable."Kyoko said.

"Look let's just rest for now, we need to get ourselves calm after what just happened."Takashi said.

They all agreed and sit on they're seats while Shizuka drived, Judai knew that he was going to explain somethign but he can't tell them about the orphnoch without sounding suspicious but he will just take a nap and see what happens next since things got complicated with Orphnochs now.

Note:Faiz has appeared and Shido is dead, now the only members of his group are just the girls, Kyoko, Naomi, Toshimi and Misuzu are alive in this version thanks to Judai's presence, now before some of you ask no Takashi won't be Kaixa or Delta or Orga or Psyga he might be a riotrooper and thats it, all the main rider belts go to Judai and only him and this will be a harem with some of the choices obvious.