Greendale, present time

FP carefully navigated the cruiser through the rain while resting his right hand on Alice's thigh. They had gone out on a rare dinner date to an upscale restaurant in Greendale and were now making their way back home. As the kids had made their own plans, FP had agreed to let them borrow the truck, leaving him and Alice with the sheriff cruiser. Taking the car out on private business was not entirely lawful, however FP had figured that neither was him leading a gang, so he had taken it anyhow. The storm had picked-up in the last hour and FP was driving very slowly.

Alice was half-dozing in the passenger seat, having had more than her usual share of drinks and an excellent meal. She was suddenly startled out of her sleepy state by a loud crackling on the radio. She could hardly make out what was being said, but it related to a car accident.

"Is there supposed to be so much static on the line? One can hardly decipher what is being said."

"We're picking up the Greendale frequency, that's why." FP just shrugged it off.

He was about to turn the radio off completely, when it caught his attention that the accident seemed to have happened just a mile away from them. He turned towards Alice.

"It's not my jurisdiction but since we're so close, I might just swing by and see if I can assist until the Greendale sheriff gets there."

Alice just nodded and FP slowly turned the car around. Five minutes later they saw the overturned SUV. FP put the lights on and stopped next to the car. They could see a female driver sitting motionless in the vehicle, her head bloodied by the impact.

FP jumped out of his cruiser, closely followed by Alice. He reached through the broken window to feel for a pulse and as the woman's head rolled towards him in the process, he took a step back.

"FP, what's happening? Is she dead? Should I call 911?"

"No. There's a pulse." FP said slowly.

"Right. I am calling 911." Alice was punching the number into her cell phone, when she felt FP's arm on hers.

"It's Penny."

Alice just looked at him. "You know her? What's wrong? We need to call."

"It's Penny Peabody, Alice."

Alice slowly raised her hand to her mouth. "Oh my God, that's a name I haven't heard in over 20 years. We have to help her."

FP closed his eyes. "She tried to kill Jug. She threatened Betty. Maybe we should just drive away."

Alice looked at him incredulously. "Wait, what? How come I don't know about any of this?"

FP just shrugged. "You were too busy being a Farmie."

Penny moaned softly and Alice kneeled next to the car.

"Penny, can you hear me? It's Alice, Alice Smith. I'm here with FP. We're going to get some help."

Penny's eyes opened upon hearing FP's name. She looked scared.

"Please don't let me die." She whispered.

Alice was on the phone to 911 and FP looked into Penny's eyes.

"You're so damn lucky Alice is here. I was seriously considering driving off and leaving you to bleed out like you deserve."

"I'm sorry, FP! I really am. Please help me!"

FP just scoffed and stood-up again. Alice had finished her call and was back kneeling next to the vehicle. She slowly stroked Penny's hair.

"It's ok, Penny. They're on their way. You're going to be ok. Do you remember me?"

Penny managed a small nod. "Thank you Ally. You were always a good friend."

Sunnyside trailer park, 25 years ago

Alice and Penny were laying on top of FP's bed scrolling through the pages of the latest Glamour magazine. Once again, they were stuck together for the afternoon, while the men were out on illegal Serpent business. The TV was blaring in the background and Penny was taking notes on whatever they were watching in case the cops came around to ask questions later.

Alice reached for a cigarette and knocked over Penny's notebook by accident. As she bent down to pick it up, she saw the drawing of a serpent on one of the pages.

"What's this?" She handed the lit cigarette to Penny.

"That's the outline for a Serpent tattoo. I'm the one doing them now for most of the guys. Guess I'm good at drawing."

"Give me one." Alice shimmied out of her shorts. "Right here." She pointed to her thigh.

Penny looked at her incredulously. "Are you crazy, Ally? There's no way! FP would kill me."

Alice looked defiant. "Don't you worry about it. I'll handle FP."

Penny just shook her head. "I'm not risking it. You haven't even joined."

"I'm more of a Serpent than many, Penny. Just because he won't let me do the Dance. I deserve it. No one will see it there."

"FP will. It's not like you two are celibate. He'll have my head. And I don't even have the tools here. That's something you'll need to discuss with him."

Alice looked disappointed. Then she thought of something and smiled.

"I'll be right back."

Penny watched her warily as she returned a few second later carrying her backpack. She put in on top of the bed and started rummaging in it, until she produced a black, a red and a green sharpie.

"Make me a pretend one." She tossed the pens towards Penny.

Penny was looking very dubious. "I don't know Alice; he won't be happy."

Alice was already laying on her side, wearing only her t-shirt and her panties.

"Come on Penny, I just want to see what it would look like. We can wash it off before they come back."

Penny knew that she'd lost the battle. She shrugged and picked up the black sharpie. She carefully got to work and drew the outline of the snake. If anything, Penny was a perfectionist and she took her time in making sure that the drawing was as close as the real thing as possible.

Just as she was putting the final red touches on the snake's tongue, the door slammed shut and FP walked into the room. It only took a fraction of a second for him to realize what was going on and his face turned thunderous.

"Penny, what the fuck are you doing?" His voice was quiet but it resembled a growl.

Penny shuddered and quickly got up.

"FP, you're back. Nothing…we were just…we were going to…"

Alice jumped off the bed and placed herself in front of Penny.

"FP, it was my fault. Please don't be angry at Penny. I asked her to do this."

FP took a deep breath. Alice could see he had turned pale with rage and it wasn't a good sign.

"Get the fuck out of my house, Penny." He whispered.

Penny quickly gathered her stuff and moved to get past FP. He grabbed her arm just as she was stepping through the door.

"We'll discuss this later."

Penny shot him a scared look and nodded, before quickly retreating. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

"Go wash it off." He said curtly.

Alice just glared at him. "No!"

FP shot her a furious look. "Alice…I'm not asking."

Alice scoffed. "You're what? Issuing an order? As the Serpent King? Well, newsflash, FP! I'm not one of your subjects."

FP slammed his fist against the wall. "No, you're not. And I'll make sure you won't ever be."

He turned around and walked into the kitchen. Alice followed him and as soon as she was facing him, she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him against the trailer wall.

"Fuck you, FP!"

He stumbled back and looked at her with wide eyes as she picked up the vase behind her. He ducked out of the way just in time as she threw it at him. It smashed to pieces against the wall, just inches away from his head.

"HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST IT?" He shouted at her.

Alice got down on her knees and crawled towards the shattered pieces to pick up the 20-dollar bills that lay scattered among them. She made a fist and smashed it into FP, just above his groin.

"You know what this is, FP? Money, I made by pushing your product at school. Money, that's being used to put food on the table."

"Babe!" FP reached to touch her face, but she slapped his hand away. She got back up.

"Don't you fucking babe me, Forsythe!" Her eyes were spewing fire now. "I deserve this. More than anyone. I bring in money! I clean you up when you're hurt! I was there when you went to see your father! I never ask where you've been and what you did! I give you advice! I DESERVE THIS!"

"Ally, please!"

"And you know what, FP? I sat in the Wyrm last week and watched Birdie do the Dance. Watched her giving you a LAP DANCE! Watched you putting your jacket on HER! What does she contribute besides pouring drinks at the bar once a week? Just because she's Mustang's girlfriend she gets to be in!"

FP opened his mouth to speak, but Alice silenced him with a glare.

"Shut-up, FP! I've been living here for a month. Do you know how it made me feel when I saw her on your lap, basically naked? And did I say anything? No, because I know it's the law. I just stood there, while everyone was looking at me, pitying me. I can't stand people taking pity on me! But I did it for YOU!"

FP grabbed Alice's hand. She tried to pull away, but he held her in a tight grip.

"Ally, come on! You're my Queen!"

Alice just dropped her shoulders. When she looked at him, her eyes were a mix of pain and anger.

"No, I'm not your Queen! Right now I'm just a hole for you to get your dick wet when you get home."

FP narrowed his eyes angrily. "YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT TRUE!" He raised his voice again.

Alice just looked at him, her nostrils flaring. He ran his hand across his face.

"I'm not having you do the Dance."

"What's the big deal, FP? It's not like I'll be naked. What if we go down to Sweetwater river and I'm wearing a bikini? The guys would see that too."

FP turned against the wall and slammed his hands against it.

"It's not the same. Ally! I'm not having you strip in front on a bunch of drunk Serpents! I just can't!"

He took a minute to take a few deep breaths. When he turned around, his eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets. Alice had removed her t-shirt and was wearing his leather jacket. She was perched on top of the kitchen counter, her legs crossed in a way that gave him a perfect view of the fake tattoo.

"Fuck, Alice!" He said breathlessly.

He walked towards her, but she held up a hand to stop him.

"I want this, FP! I need this jacket. I need you to make me a part of it."

FP nodded slowly. "Perhaps you're right. I'll find a way to make it happen."


"I'll go get Penny and have her come over with her kit. Since she already drew the outline, it's a shame to let it go to waste."

Alice jumped off the counter and sauntered towards him. She placed her arms around his neck and shot him an icy glare.

"You can go get her in a little while."

FP smirked and grabbed her bottom as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He squeezed it and his fingers ghosted over her panties.

"Jesus, Alice! How long have you been wet like this?"

Alice bit his ear a bit more forcefully than he was used to.

"Since you grabbed my hand." She panted.

FP opened his eyes in wonder. "That turned you on?"

Alice nodded as she ground herself against him. "Once in a while you can stop treating me like I'm made of glass, Forsythe."

FP growled and fastened his teeth onto her chest. "You want to play rough?"

Alice dug her hands into his hair. "Yes! Right here in the kitchen!"

FP moved so that she was perched on top of the counter. He placed his hands on her breasts and squeezed them, before running his teeth over her nipples and biting her gently. Alice moaned loudly and pulled his t-shirt over his head. She raked her fingernails along his back and FP feared that she would draw blood.

She moved her hands down to his belt and undid it, before lowering his jeans to the floor, together with his boxers. She wrapped her hand around his hardened member and squeezed it.

"How long have you been like this, Forsythe?" She asked softly.

FP grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her lips. He looked deep into her eyes.

"Since you threw that vase at me."

Alice started to laugh, but he silenced her with a kiss. Even when he was kissing her roughly and as their tongues battled for dominance, Alice was still amazed at how soft his mouth was. It was almost as if he knew exactly where their perfect balance was. She trusted him implicitly, which was what made her risk her next move. She slowly got off the counter and lowered her panties while always maintaining eye contact with him. Once she had stepped out of them, she turned around and bent over the counter.

She heard FP draw a deep breath. "Oh, Ally!"

He placed his hands on her bottom and squeezed it, before delivering a light spank. Alice moaned loudly and pushed her bottom out even further. FP thought he was going to lose his mind. He fingered her nub and roughly inserted two fingers into her.

"Have you been a bad girl, Alice Smith?"

Alice felt a shiver run over her entire body as she heard his commanding voice.

"Yes." She gasped.

He removed his fingers and squeezed her bottom again.

"Hmmmm, and what should I do with you?"

Alice let out a loud moan. "Spank me."

FP smiled and raised his hand to deliver a hard smack to her upturned bottom. Alice could feel the wetness pooling between her legs at the sting. FP saw it as well. He raised his hand again and delivered another three hard swats in rapid succession. Alice's bottom had turned red now and he lowered his head to place his tongue where he knew she wanted it. The moment he touched her, Alice screamed loudly, and he licked and sucked her through her release.

He didn't give her any time to recover and inserted himself into her in one swift move. Alice tensed for a second. She was still fairly new to having sex and his size and the position she was in was making it slightly painful. He immediately paused his movement.

"Are you ok?" He asked softly.

Alice nodded. "Yes, I just need a minute."

She tentatively moved her hips so that she could adjust to his size. Once she found the right angle, she pushed herself against him.

"Now it's ok. Move, please."

FP moved in and out of her slowly and at a steady pace. Alice let her head fall back and moaned loudly, when he hit one particular spot and he focused his movements on that.

"Harder, Forsythe." She gasped.

FP let out an almost animalistic groan. "God, Ally! You don't know what you're doing to me!"

He increased his pace and knowing that he was almost there, he brought his hands around her to stroke her folds and pinch her nipple. Alice screamed as she came one more at the same time as he did. FP stilled and pulled her up so that he could hold her body flush against him. He ran his hands under his jacket and stroked her tenderly as he felt himself go soft.

"Ally, that was…I have no words…"

Alice turned around and kissed him gently.

"That was amazing, FP. I never thought it could be like that. I think I like to play rough."

FP kissed her nose, her cheeks and her neck softly.

"I never thought it could be like that either, babe. You're out of this world."

She ruffled his hair. "You're still going to get Penny, right?"

FP grabbed her jacket and gently pulled her towards him. "I'll go there now. I suggest you clean yourself up a bit. You smell of amazing sex. Can I have my jacket back?"

Alice laughed quietly and handed him his jacket, before disappearing into the bathroom. FP pulled it on and walked towards Hog Eye's trailer. He knocked on the door and Hog Eye opened it. He looked at FP with a worried expression.

"Listen, FP, she's sorry. Please don't be too hard on her. I already told her she shouldn't have done it."

FP just nodded and walked into the trailer. Penny jumped up from the couch and clutched her hands together. She rubbed them nervously.

"I'm sorry, FP. I really am."

FP looked her up and down. "I'm not too happy with you, Penny. But for now, I suggest you dry those sweaty hands and go get your kit. Alice is ready for you."

Penny looked at him in surprise. "You're letting her get the tattoo?"

FP nodded. "It's a great design. Would be a shame to let it go to waste. And no, she won't do the Dance, Hog Eye!"

His friend nodded. "Everyone is talking about that and no one expects it. She deserves to be made officially your Queen, FP."

"Ok, then. Are you ready, Penny? Sorry, Hog Eye. You can't come."

Hog Eye smirked at him. "Queen's getting a tattoo that's only for the King to see. Smart move."

"Go make yourself useful and go to my office to find a jacket." FP tossed him the keys.

He walked back to the trailer with Penny, where Alice was already laying on the bed waiting. She smiled at Penny, looking a bit nervous.

"Will it hurt?"

Penny nodded. "A little bit. FP, can you get me some ice?"

FP walked towards the kitchen and Penny sat down on the bed.

"You look like you had a good time. Used sex to convince the King?"

Alice shook her head and bit her lip. "Nah, I made sure I convinced him beforehand."

"Smart move." Penny said appreciatively.

FP got back with the ice and sat next to Alice to hold her hand. For the next two hours Penny concentrated on giving Alice the best tattoo she could. When she was finished, FP whistled appreciatively.

"That looks great, Penny."

The girl grinned proudly. "They keep getting better and better."

She had gathered her tools, just as Mustang knocked on the door. FP opened it and took the jacket. He went back to the bedroom, where he found Alice examining the tattoo in front of the mirror.

He stood behind her and ran his fingers lightly over the inflamed area.

"Are you happy now, babe?" He asked softly.

She kissed him tenderly. "I am. I finally feel like I belong somewhere."

"Guess there's only one thing missing now." He took the jacket and held it open for her.

She put it on and it fit like a glove. He hugged her towards him and she looked back into the mirror, her eyes misting over when she saw the two adjacent logos on the black leather.

"Now, I feel like a Queen. Thank you, FP!"

She would never forget that night, when they both walked into the Wyrm; her thigh sore from rubbing against her black leather skirt, her jacket wrapped tight around her body. The Serpents had moved to the side to let them pass and as they reached the stage, they had broken into a thunderous applause. FP thought that she'd never looked happier.

When they returned to the trailer hours later, the light was on inside. FP had protectively moved in front of her and had already pulled a pocket knife from his boot. He had slowly opened the door and had stood rooted to the spot.


I hope you enjoyed this update. Please let me know if you liked it.