A/N: This story has been in the works for several weeks, written slowly alongside American Honeymoon, which follows it in the series That's Life Together. This is fluffy and silly and sweet and fun, and should in no way be taken too seriously. Takes place in series on 31 August 2009.
Songs are obviously not my own and are referenced in an endnote.
Updated A/N: I have broken this story into two chapters to make it easier to read and navigate. There was no update to the actual story when I did this.
You Are Cordially Invited...
Hermione (Very early morning)
31 August 2009, was a big day, but Hermione Granger-Weasley sat calmly and quietly drinking her morning tea while reviewing the day's schedule. Her self-appointed role for this day, the day of Harry and Draco's wedding, was one of organization. She was going to make sure the right people were in the right places at the right time if it killed her. Honestly, it was like herding cats, but she felt as though she had been doing that since she was eleven, so she was well-practised. It didn't matter, though. Harry deserved the most amazing day ever, and she was going to deliver just that.
She glanced down her schedule for the morning.
7:00 - Have her own Hair and Makeup ready, Kingsley (officiant) check-in via floo
7:15 - Pop to Godric's Hollow and ensure Luna is at the church and has everything she needs to complete the flowers and decorations for the garden wedding
7:45 - Check-in with Pansy at Grimmauld to make sure Draco is up and things are progressing there and that everyone is accounted for
8:00 - Meet Ginny at her apartment, pick up Ginny and dresses, head back to Burrow. Make sure Fleur is making progress with Harry
9:00 - Have Ginny, Ron, and herself dressed and ready to leave for the church
She sipped her tea and thought through each step, marvelling at her comfort level with Luna setting up the church. At first, she had thought Harry was insane to allow Luna to plan the ceremony in the church garden where his parents had been married (stupid Muggle church laws still preventing the church itself to officiate a gay wedding), but in the end, she had to admit that it had been genius. Luna understood Harry in a different way than everyone else did, and she had made sure that he had gotten what he wanted even when he didn't know what that was, or when Draco had been overly forceful in his own ideas. Luna had a unique way of combining both of their visions and making it beautiful. And when Draco didn't agree, Luna would just smile at him, and he was usually lost as to how to respond. Definitely genius.
The rest of the day seemed to be falling into place. She had already checked with Molly the night before. The marquee was set up over the weekend and the cake was complete. The food for the Burrow would be handled by a team hired by Narcissa, so Molly could just relax and enjoy the day. Neville was in charge of making sure the muggle guests got between venues when necessary. All was taken care of and accounted for.
She sat and back and drank the last bit of her tea and smiled. Today, her best friend was getting married and it was going to be perfect. Nothing would go awry on her watch.
Ginny (7:00 am)
Ginny Weasley was exhausted and definitely not ready to wake up. Whoever was making that ridiculous racket needed to be jinxed. In fact, if she could lift her head long enough to find her wand, she'd do just that. A silencing charm would work perfectly.
"Ginny, what the hell?"
Ginny groaned, and flopped onto her back, letting her arm fall to the side... where it then hit something. Or hit someone? Oh shit, she had almost forgotten about that.
She opened her eyes and Hermione's already made-up face and smoothed hair was standing over her with that disapproving-Hermione look Ginny hated. It always made her feel ten years old. "G' morning, Hermione," Ginny managed.
"Gin-EV-ra Weasley! Are you serious?" Merlin, she sounded like her mother. Poor Ron. "I'm glad I chose to stop here first so I didn't waste time stopping at your apartment for the dresses. I can not believe you! It's bad enough you hooked up with this tosser, but last night of all nights? And in Harry and Draco's bed? Where the hell is Draco anyway?"
A low voice spoke up from under the blankets across the bed. "He passed out in the sitting room after we got back last night. It seemed a shame to let his lovely bed go to waste. Right, gorgeous?"
Ginny pulled the pillow over her head. Godammit. She just had to go and sleep with the blighter last night. She'd been ignoring his flirting for months, and she gave in now? Not that she didn't enjoy it, because she had really enjoyed it, but they hadn't fallen asleep until almost four, and it was now— she tried to look at the clock— nearly seven. Shit. She was going to look terrible on only three hours of sleep.
"Come on, Ginny. Up, let's go. Throw on some clothes and let's hit your apartment. You can take a quick shower there while I gather the dresses, and we'll be to the Burrow on time and your mother won't ask any questions. If you hurry your arse up, I won't say a word."
"Turn around, I'm naked."
"And the point of that would be? There's not a soul in this room evidently who hasn't seen your skinny butt, now get up." Her clothes from last night hit her in the head and she scowled. Bitch.
"Fine, fine, I'm up. Do you have food and tea?
"At the Burrow. You'll have to make it there to get some. Think of it as your dangling carrot.' She glanced to the covered shape in the bed and gave a smirk worthy of a Slytherin. "Evidently you have recent experience with dangly things. Now come on."
"Leave my dangly bits out of this, please," came the voice from the bed. "Better yet. Just leave."
She pulled her shirt on with no bra, then jumped up and shimmied into her knickers and trousers, giving a glance back to the lump still hiding under the covers in the bed.
"What about him? Aren't you going to pester him?"
"The only people on my list to worry about are your family and Harry, so I assume he's not my problem. Come on."
"Go on, gorgeous. I'll see your sweet ass later."
Hermione rolled her eyes, grabbed Ginny's shoes and pulled her from the room. They walked through the halls of Grimmauld place and down to the sitting room, where Draco was just waking up and talking quietly with Pansy.
"Good morning, beautiful," Draco smiled at Hermione. "Where's your lesser half?"
Hermione laughed and rolled her eyes. "At the Burrow having breakfast with your better half, where else?"
Ginny never could quite understand the dynamic between these two. Ever since he and Harry had been together, Draco and Hermione had gotten consistently friendlier and friendlier until now they flirted regularly, and Harry just seemed to love it.
Hermione approached him and leaned down to give him a peck on the cheek. "Good luck today, darling. If you're as nervous as he is, you may want to take a calming potion. Though I'm still wondering what you did to him. He spent last night trying to swear and unable to, then he'd try to curse your name and couldn't get that out either. It was really fun to watch, but you'll have to fill me in on it later."
Ginny just watched while Draco grinned. "Just a little taboo charm I put in place for the last few days to keep him from swearing through the ceremony. You know how he gets when he's nervous. It's been immensely satisfying, believe me."
Hermione laughed. "I bet. We're off to get ready. We'll see you at the church."
She grabbed Ginny's hand and pulled her to the floo, then left a parting shot for Draco. "Oh, and I think you'll want to have someone wash your sheets before you come back. Your bed wasn't alone last night," then she flooed away.
Ginny wasn't sticking around as Draco looked at her and looked disgusted. She just shrugged with a smirk and threw in the powder. "Chaser Haven."
As she showered and cleaned off, she looked forward to the day. Harry was getting married. She thought back twelve years and considered how her younger self would have been devastated. She had loved him so much, but they had both wanted very different things in life. There were a few years after where she still felt raw about the whole thing, but she was glad things had turned out as they had. She loved her life, and she loved her place in Harry's life. He was one of her best friends and they still had a blast together. She was thrilled he had found someone who fit him so well and who made him happy. Even if it was Malfoy, who still drove her fucking nuts.
Not that she didn't try to drive him nuts. It actually may have been her idea to have sex in his bed last night. She cackled to herself in the shower.
"I heard that! You're thinking of how disgusted Draco will be about his bed, aren't you?"
She turned off the shower and grabbed a towel while Hermione waited there with clean clothes as she dried. "Definitely. And trust me, the entire experience was definitely worth it. Now I just have to decide if I'll let it happen again."
"Well, no time to think about it now. Get dressed and let's go. I have a schedule to maintain."
"Yes, mistress. I shall do as you say, mistress." She dipped a sarcastic curtsey.
"You betcha."
Andromeda (9:30 am)
"Achoo! Achoo!"
"Teddy, use your handkerchief. The wedding is in thirty minutes and we can't have one of the groomsmen with wet nose wiped all over his sleeve."
"But Gram, my nose is really itching!"
Andromeda looked down at Teddy and realized that something was indeed off. His eyes were swollen and watering, his face was red, and his nose was running profusely. The child was rarely ill and had not shown any allergies, but this was clearly a reaction to something.
She thought quickly to anything new he might have come into contact with. "Teddy, did you do anything different when you got ready this morning?"
"No Gram. I showered and got dressed just like you told me. I even shaved!"
"You… you what? What do you mean you shaved? You are eleven years old, you don't have anything to shave."
"Sure I do. Draco says it's important to always be cleanly shaved and groomed before any large event. I didn't want to disappoint him." Teddy shot his grandmother a mischievous grin that reminded her so much of his mother that her heart ached.
She sighed. "What did you use to shave?"
"Dr— er… Uncle Draco's shaving lotion? It smells super nice."
"Teddy, I think you might be allergic to it darling." She looked at the time and heard a commotion outside the door to the room they were waiting in, then in came Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.
"Teddy, Andromeda!" Harry came over and embraced her in a warm hug. Other than Teddy, he was really the only one who ever hugged her anymore and she loved it. She was close with Narcissa again, and of course Draco, but Blacks had never been overly demonstrative. Hugging Harry and Teddy was like having her Dora back, in a way.
"Hello, Harry dear." She pulled back and looked him over closely. "Goodness, you look handsome. No contacts today?"
He laughed. "No, Fleur pointed out that I look more like me with my glasses, and of course she's right. Though I'm not sure how I look more like me with the rest of this."
She smiled and brushed off his formal robes that resembled full Muggle morning dress closely enough that the Muggles in attendance would probably recognize it. The light grey waistcoat had dark green stripes throughout, making his eyes standout. His golden skin was set off by the high white collar, and his dark hair was somehow magically well-styled today, though artfully tousled on top. He looked incredibly attractive, but best of all, he looked happy.
"You look like the best version of you. I'm so very happy for you both, and happy to have been a part of it."
"Andromeda," Harry paused, looking nervous. "Will you sit in my parents' seat today? I know you had plans in sitting back a few rows with Minerva, and Molly and Arthur will be up in front, but I'd be honoured if you'd sit with them."
She could feel her throat clench but was raised to hide her emotions well. Still, she knew Harry could see what that meant to her. "Yes, Harry. Thank you."
He motioned Hermione over and whispered something, and she returned a moment later with a beautiful bright coloured corsage. He looked at her questioningly and she nodded as he pinned it for her.
"Thank you for everything, Andromeda."
He turned to Teddy. "I have one for you, too. You ready?"
"Flowers? I'm a wizard, Uncle Harry, not a witch."
"Hey! I'm wearing one, too. Give over. Come here."
Hermione came over at the fourth sneeze in two minutes. "Andromeda, is Teddy okay?"
"I think he has an allergy to something he used this morning. I just discovered it when you came in. Any ideas, short of trying a quick cleansing charm?"
"Of course. I'm prepared." She reached her entire arm into her small handbag and came out with a small potion vile. "Antihistamine. Half dose under twelve." She handed it to Teddy.
Andromeda laughed and Teddy took his potion then handed it back, returning to a more normal shade. Of course, Hermione would handle it. "Thank you, dear. Now, Teddy, remember, just follow Ron, Hermione, and Ginny and you'll be set."
"I know, Gram. I'll be fine."
Everyone looked up as Neville Longbottom stepped into the room. "Everyone's here. Draco and his friends are ready. We're about to seat the parents." He looked at Andromeda and offered his arm. "Shall I escort you, Mrs Tonks?"
She looked at Harry and swallowed. Such a sweet young man. "Yes, I'm ready. Thank you, Neville."
She took his arm and walked down the beautifully decorated aisle to sit in the row across from her sister. She was relatively certain that she was going to cry.
Dudley (10:00 am)
Dudley Dursley had no idea what to expect from this wedding as he watched the middle-aged woman walk down the centre aisle to the sound of a light acoustic guitar and violin duet, then be seated in the traditional parents' row. He looked around the churchyard garden and everything looked mostly normal, though the way some of the people were dressed was a little strange. His wife sitting next to him let out a little giggle of what he assumed was the same nervousness he was feeling, and he squeezed her hand.
Getting an invitation to Harry's wedding hadn't been a surprise. They had been meeting up periodically since university, and Harry had attended Dudley's own wedding to Charlotte three years previous, much to his parents' dismay. He had even brought Draco, seeming to delight in rubbing him in their faces. He didn't blame him.
He watched the woman who had to be Draco's mother, without question, then an older couple who he was pretty sure were Harry's friend's parents, and felt a pang of sorrow for his cousin who was missing the one thing Dudley had always had: his family. And the worst part was that Dudley's family was supposed to be Harry's, and they'd utterly failed at that. He looked around the crowded garden and realized that he was likely the only blood relative Harry had, other than his mother who had not come. The regret backing up into his throat tasted of ton-tongue toffee and stolen birthday cake.
Charlotte rubbed his hand, inherently understanding his remorse. She'd been supportive of his relationship with Harry over the years and helped him overcome his shame. As the music changed in preparation for the processional, she gave him a discreet nudge and pointed down the aisle.
The violin had ceased, and now it was just the guitar as a young pale-blonde woman stood in an ivory summer dress with panels of bright colours that displayed from inside little tucks as she swayed to the music. Her hair that fell in waves nearly to her waist was tucked with large multi-coloured daisies that matched the floral arrangements scattered about, as well as her dress. She opened her mouth and began to sing in a delicate and beautiful voice that floated above the crowd.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dream of
Once in a lullaby
The song began as Harry appeared at the end of the aisle with Hermione on his arm, green dress shimmering slightly as she beamed up at her best friend. Dudley had met her several times and was glad to see the familiar face. Harry, however, was beaming a smile at friends as he walked, then those green eyes met his own. The smile didn't fade but grew into a grin, and Harry's eyes seemed to mist for just a moment as he nodded and passed Dudley and his wife.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far
Behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top
That's where you'll find me
Ron, wearing a formal morning coat in the same style as Harry's with a brightly coloured waistcoat followed them, with a woman who appeared to be his sister in a drapey summer dress on his arm. The formality of the morning coats seemed slightly at odds to the ethereal singing, but the bright flowers flooding the garden in all the colours of the rainbow seemed to make it work.
Well, I see trees of green and red roses too
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Dudley watched Harry settle at the front under a trellis-arch covered in the rainbow of flowers scattered throughout the garden, murmuring to Hermione and Ron. Then he turned, and a moment later his eyes widened and the grin changed to an expression Dudley couldn't describe, except to say it was full of love. It made his heart glad to see, as he himself turned to see Draco approaching.
The colours of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Singing, "How do you do?"
They really sing, "I...I love you"
Draco's suit seemed to be opposite Harry's, dark where Harry's was light, and light where Harry's was dark. The blue jacket and deeper blue necktie seemed to compliment his pale hair and eyes, and even Dudley could tell that he looked handsome. Unlike Harry, Draco's eyes didn't seem to fall on anyone else but Harry, as he was escorted by a dark-haired woman, likely his best friend as Harry's escort had been and followed by two other men Dudley hadn't met. No huge smiles, just an intense stare and formal mien on his face, accompanied by a slight twitch of his lips on one side. Harry's smile turned into laughter as he saw him, several tears able to be seen even from where Dudley sat.
Oh, somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dream that you dare to
Why, oh why can't I? (1)
A hush fell as the song ended on a quiet hum and Draco stepped to Harry's side. In the quiet, Dudley could hear Draco's words, accompanied by a devious smile. "Scared Potter?"
Harry barked out a laugh that rang through the garden. "You wish."
Twinkles of laughter rang from the blonde woman as she embraced both men, then she nodded to a tall, black man as she stepped to the front to join him. When she spoke, her voice rang lightly over the crowd.
"Friends and family, Draco and Harry would like to bid you welcome as we begin the legal nuptials and spiritual bonding that will bring them together as one family. Kingsley, could you begin the nuptials?"
The man stepped forward with a voice as deep as hers was light, and began leading the men through vows very similar to those Dudley had made at his own wedding.
The subsequent bonding, however, led by the woman this time, was anything but familiar. He saw no visual magic or wands, but the hairs raised on his neck and his wife shivered next to him. "Did you feel that?" she whispered in his ear.
He nodded and could have sworn there was a moment of glowing around the men as they were given permission to kiss. Instead of applause, as was typical at other weddings he had attended, the guests simply looked on in quiet respect, as though this was part of the ceremony and not the sweet signal of the end instead. The two men leaned in and Dudley quickly learned that he had been correct. These were not tender kisses of romance, but a clear flash of passion that seemed to not only be accepted by the other guests but more like expected, if the smiles of satisfaction on some of the faces were any signal. Nods were exchanged as the kiss became more sensual, and what Dudley would have called a highly inappropriate display of affection in any other circumstances, at this moment only felt right, as though it were a clutching of a clasp or the completion of a circle.
Finally, a nearly blinding flash of light surrounded the two and they pulled back panting, as if breathless, which in Dudley's opinion, was not a surprise. The woman stepped forward and laid a final band around their joined wrists and said a final word, causing one final flash. The band had disappeared and the garden burst into applause. Dudley felt as though he had witnessed something special and completely unexpected. It was almost as if he could feel the love the men had for each other and for each person in the garden, and he couldn't help but smile and kiss his wife. "Wow."
"Yeah," Charlotte murmured. "Wow." She looked at the wedding invitation. "They all seemed to expect that. I wonder if that's the reason there is a five-hour break between the ceremony and the reception this evening, so we can go back and add some wow ourselves." She smiled mischievously.
Dudley smiled, watching the newly married couple greet guests, neither letting the other out of arm's reach. "It's certainly not because of the drive. Their sort don't drive, and I think we're the only normal people here, except for Hermione's parents over there." He nodded to another couple a few rows up talking to Ron's parents. "They offered to teleport us to the reception later anyway, so I don't know why the delay."
A man standing next to him grinned, and answered in a heavy Irish accent, "It's so we common folk don't have to go to the fancy breakfast with all the important types at Malfoy Manor. Can't have us goin' and actin' the maggot in front of Minister of Magic, can they?"
"Minister of Magic? Is he here? Harry mentioned he's more like the magical Prime Minister. How exciting that he'd come to Harry's wedding," Charlotte gushed.
He blinked at her, then extended his hand. "Seamus Finnegan. I went to school with Harry. Shared a dorm and all. How do you know him?"
Dudley was hesitant to admit the relationship, not sure what Harry had shared as a child, or that the other dormmates had picked up on. "Harry's my cousin. My mother and his were sisters."
Seamus obviously had some inkling that all was not always what it should have been, as his eyes narrowed suspiciously. Dudley decided a bit more was in order. "We've been trying to be closer since we've grown. Charlotte and I are both very pleased to be included today. They make a beautiful couple."
Seamus laughed. "Aye, that they do. Oh, do I have some stories I could tell ye about the two of them at Hogwarts. But back to what ye asked," he looked at Charlotte, now understanding her previous questions. "Yes, the Minister of Magic is here. Ye already saw him actually. He conducted the first half of the marriage ceremony. He and Harry are great friends."
Dudley and Charlotte just nodded, slightly stunned. Harry had never mentioned that. He knew Harry was important in his world, but he was realizing now how little they talked about Harry's life outside of the Weasley family, his godson, and Draco. Maybe he'd have to rectify that next time he had them around for dinner.
"So the Minister of Magic. Who else is going to the fancy breakfast?" Charlotte looked around curiously.
Seamus's eyes scanned the crowd. "Well, the wedding party themselves will, 'm sure. And it's at Malfoy Manor, so Mrs. Malfoy will be hosting. Over there, those blokes are members of the Wizengamot. They make the laws and run the courts." He nodded in another direction. "Those 'uns there are members of the ICW and PHIS, I'm told. That's the International Confederation of Wizards, they make the international magical laws and deal with international issues, sort of like the UN, and the other is an organization of International Potions snobs that Malfoy hobnobs with. There's a few more here and there, but ye get the idea. It's going to be stodgy and boring. The real fun will begin this evening at the Burrow. You're not gonna bunk off that, are ye?"
"No, we plan on coming. Harry is sending someone to asparate us at four o'clock from the hotel?"
"Apparate. Good good. Well, I'll be off and'll see ye s'evening. Get yourself some rest beforehand if ye can. Twill surely be a night of savage craic." Seamus grinned then wandered off. Dudley looked around to see if anyone else was leaving yet, but since there wasn't a lot of cars to deal with, he had no real way of telling. His wife gave him a huge smile and he remembered the hotel, thinking that sounded like a great idea.
They began quietly walking toward the edge of the garden, admiring the brightly coloured flowers and elegant decorations. He could see Harry having photos taken in the distance, and Dudley smiled at the memory of his own wedding. His musings were interrupted by a tap on his shoulder.
"Mister? Are you Dudley?"
He looked at the kid with blue hair and remembered that this must be Harry's godson.
"Yes, and you're Teddy, right?"
"Yeah. I was sent to get you and ask you to come over for pictures. Uncle Harry wants you in a couple."
Dudley felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. He whipped his head back toward where Harry stood at the other end of the garden and was met by a pair of piercing green eyes. He could actually see the colour from there, or at least he felt like he could. Harry nodded and smiled, then jerked his head toward where he was.
Charlotte leaned over. "Dudley, go on, honey. Harry probably would like his family in the pictures." Dudley could feel his nose tingling and eyes stinging.
He walked over, Charlotte still on his arm until he got to Harry. "Harry, I, uh… Are you sure?"
Harry cuffed him on the shoulder and pulled him with him. "Dudley. Dud. Big D. Of course, I'm sure. If you don't mind, that is. Charlotte, you too?"
Dudley could barely speak. "I don't mind, and neither does Charlotte."
"Family shot now! Weasleys behind the couple, good. No, George, get on the other side so we can get your good ear, yeah? Oi, Harry's cousin!" The dark man in dreadlocks grunted as he got elbowed in the stomach by a petite brunette. "Ow, Katie! Stop it! What's the problem? I can't remember his name. I can't just yell 'Oi, Muggles' now can I? Don't be so rude."
"Lee, you're incorrigible. Come on, Mr Dursley, Mrs Dursley, over here on Harry's left, please. Thank you. Just right. Okay, on three everyone say 'family'. One-Two-Three!"
"Family!" Dudley just smiled. Huh. Family. Imagine that.
A/N: Songs. Note that I included lyrics, and am highly aware someone will likely complain and I'll have to remove them. I really don't want to, though, as I feel like they add so much to the story. Either way, here is the song referenced in chapter 1 in case you'd like to listen to it.
(1) As done by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole, Songwriters: Harold Arlen / E. Harburg Over the Rainbow lyrics Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC