Sticking Spells
Neville did come back. The next day and then most days, sometimes with Lovegood, sometimes without. Of course, she came on her own too. She brought him a slate and chalk and read to him from the Magizoology books she was studying. Granger started coming too, dragging Weasley and Potter to Snape's great discomfort. Soon though, just herself bearing snacks from Molly and Muggle scientific publications and complaining about the new NEWT Potions curriculum. Longbottom brought him plants and Herbalogy articles. Minerva and he talked about the running of the school. They discussed projects and plans. They all traded magazine articles and broke down each other's theories. The spell had set him back some and so they also All pestered him about taking his potions and Rest- Mother Hens, all of them. Once he was able, Poppy added ever lengthening walks into his healing regime.
Early on, Bethesda had taken Argus and Sybill away for good, to a cottage on the seashore that only the older sister had known about. All of Severus's well wishers, his new champions convinced him to move into the abandoned larger, airier and brighter rooms of the caretaker as he was to be out by start of term anyway. Out he would be too, as he had no intention of subjecting himself to Students.
Shortly after moving into his new hospital,
"why are you still here"
Snape had written on the chalkboard.
"What do you mean, Sir? We're only halfway through the article." then more sheepishly, "We're working on your voice lessons." The question took Neville by surprise. He'd come back about every day. Soon Madam Pomfrey had all his visitors on board with making him talk a little. He'd put up a fight at first, but after Neville started working it around Herbalist and Herbology articles it seemed to be ok. He didn't know what he was on about now.
Professor Snape had been right. The camaraderie of the magic had largely worn off within a few days but Neville found that he didn't mind coming and checking on the Professor and in fact he kind of enjoyed it, once they started talking about plants instead of arguing about Snape's health.
Severus had expected all the teenagers to disappear, but so far they had not. Lovegood, he expected. She was the first to admit Pomfrey was making them encourage him to talk. Apparently, yelling at them to bugger off didn't count. Lovegood was also the first talk about the war, the past. She thanked him for taking care of her at the Malfoys. He could have wept, but she followed up with ice cream.
Now, he had to talk to Neville Longbottom.
"I don't understand why you are still here. Helping me. You no longer need to suck up. Your school has been restored." Neville started to interrupt but he stopped him. His voice went in and out. Gravelly and smooth in turn. He was currently only allowed ten words at a time. " You should hate me, Neville." That was smooth and clear enough, though.
"Yeah.. I know. I should. I did." He acknowledged it with a frank nod at Snape." but I don't know. I think I'm done with hate. It costs too much. Besides, your um ..ok.. when your not yelling. . .I enjoyed your notes on the Venomous Tentacula."
Snape shook his head, "Well, I offer an apology. I don't deserve it, though you seem determined to thrust forgiveness upon me anyway."
And That was That.
By July, Severus was much improved, making potions for Poppy and able to leave the castle at will and he had taken himself to Hogsmeade for herbs that Longbottom didn't grow ...yet. The papers have been infuriatingly romantic about him and his story and Luna had warned him that he had Groupies and then he knew there were still those who would rather he was dead, so he wore a glamour whenever he left school grounds. On this day, the shop was shut.
"For Sale- Apothecary/ Workshop with flat.
Inquire within"
The original shop owner had died before the battle of Hogwarts and several incompetents had since tried their hand here and he didn't even know this batch. Neville told him they'd run out of the specialty items long ago. Now closed. On the way back to the castle he couldn't help but think of it.
Workshop with a flat. A Workshop. With a Flat.
And A Shop.
A Workshop.
Was this really something he'd want, though? All these people, all the time? He was leaving. Running a shop? -rather be dead. "Workshop means Potions Lab" a little voice whispered in his ear. There were so many things he wanted to work on.
Snape never planned on staying on this island and certainly not in Scotland, definitely not in Hogsmeade. He planned on getting as far away from here as possible. As soon as possible. As soon as he'd gotten Draco settled and pointed in the right direction, as soon as he had his health back he had planned on leaving. But now, now he ..didn't know.
He had had a false friendship with Minerva before, in so much as a spy can be a friend and any of that was shattered when he killed Albus. He'd done his job well and couldn't fault her for believing he killed the Wizard and betrayed them all. Nevertheless, he was grateful for her care of him and their reinvigorated friendship. Same with Filius, now that he could, he'd let himself like the man. In the few months since the spell, he could call Longbottom, Lovegood and damn his eyes, Granger...what could he call them but.. friends. As much as it pained him to think it.. they were still teenagers, people he generally hated.
Not that it was all wonderful. They'd frustrated him to tears with their petty dramas. Not to mention the constant nagging about his health, his condition, his healing. He had tried to chase them away a hundred times with his wicked tongue and his distrustful nature, but they would always come back. They seemed to care for him, foul temper and all and he found he desired their company, cared for them..petty, silly little dramas and all -love triangles and how to quit smoking or stop eating meat- so fresh compared to how to kill the evil lord and looking over one's shoulder for death.
It wasn't as if Severus had never had friends; he had. Lily, obviously. The Malfoy's had been friends. Good friends, in their way. Bad for him, but good friends in their way, and again, Spy. He had gotten Draco out of that friendship. That was a 'pro' to staying in Hogsmeade if one were to make a 'pro' and 'con' list. Draco was his own man and would take care of himself after leaving school..far from Hogsmeade, but that didn't mean Snape didn't want to be available if he required him. Or even just to spend time with him. He really could Floo from anywhere, couldn't he?
One-People- All. The. Time.
Two-People(again) trying to kill him when he finally dropped the bloody glamour.
Three -Actually running a shop..? - He'd find someone.
One- Draco. He really was his family.
Two-Friendship... it baffled him to think it.
Three -The Potions Lab that he was already building in his head.
It felt like a life. Like he was choosing a life. It sounded like he could have family, companionship, and a job, a purpose- one that did not involve him killing or getting killed. He didn't deserve any of these things, but he turned around and walked back to the shop anyway.
Packing boxes, Severus Snape looked up to see Luna walk through the door.
"I have good news!" she announced.
"You got the apprenticeship."
" he teaching?"
"No, he retired last year. BUT! he and his grandson run clinics and I will work in those." They referred to the famous Scamanders.
"Congratulations, Miss Lovegood. Well deserved."
Neville arrived soon after Luna left, with packages of herbs and tea for Snape. After gossiping like old Witches about Ro and Pea deciding to finally join rooms together and push all subterfuge aside, the subject of Luna came up.
"So you talked to Luna, I guess?" Neville asked as he packed up books.
"Yes." Talking about personal matters had never been one of Severus's strong points but it was easier when the broken heart was not your own ..he was a Head of House after all. Counseling had been part of his job and these are his friends.
He tried, "She'll be gone a long time. Will you wait for her? "
"Wait? Oh no! Professor. We're just.. you know.. no.. we used to, you know. Uh, but. Yeah. no." He was as tongue-tied is the day we had run into Snape's private courtyard.
"Actually, I've been dating Hannah Abbott. I bring her around a lot.. haven't you noticed?" Neville laughed.
Now that he thought about it, he had noticed and he realized he rarely saw Neville without Miss Abbot. He made a non-committal grunt.
"She's going to work for Rosmerta after graduation. Right down the street from you." Neville added.
"I know where The Three Broomsticks is in relation to my shop." Snape sniped back.
It had now been a year and a half since Severus had died and been reborn in the Shrieking Shack. His strength and his voice had returned to almost one hundred percent. He had become very good with no wand and both hands. He was pretty sure the new Runes teacher was flirting with him -Luna seemed to agree and she knew everything about everyone. He was having a pretty good life, despite himself. "Do you suppose Miss Abbott wants to unpack books and eat pizza with us?"
"Yes, Sir. I think she would." Neville answered with a smile in his voice.
Severus looked up from the box and took a deep breath. He'd made a decision and it was as daunting as any Dark Lord.
"Neville?" he'd been calling him that for some time. He looked up and it was just Neville's kind eyes.
"You can call me Severus ..if you want."
Neville nodded,
"Oh. Yeah. Ok. Severus. ..not bad. Severus. Kind of rolls right off the tongue, eh?" He smiled into the box of books. Snape rolled his eyes that he'd been nervous at all.
They finished up the boxes and shrunk a lifetime of Severus Snape into a standard Hogwarts school trunk.
Luna and Hermione were cleaning with the 'help' of Draco when they got to the new shop and soon Hannah, Astoria, Minerva, Filius, Pea, and Ro joined an already in full swing unpacking, pizza, and beer party. Potter and the three youngest Weasleys showed up late with Muggle champagne. Severus Snape's flat and life was suddenly and unexpectedly full, indeed.