Thunder roared in time with the lightning striking against the sky. Rain was pouring down harshly as the Golden King and Queen were rushing over to the cliff. The queen could faintly see two outlings of two small cubs who were terrifed for their lives.

All animals had sought out shelter long ago expect for the two cubs, who at the time were fighting with their shared friends at their side until they were accidentally knocked off the cliff. They managed to dig their claws in but now they were slipping.

The younger cub's friend managed to gain their parents' attention and now this was the result. Their friends behind their parents as they watched with fear. The King jumped down, trying to get to his cubs in time, shaking out his mane whenever it got in his face in order to see his heirs better. His heart was pounding of the memory of his father's death came into mind.

He would not allow his children to die!

"Simba! Hurry! They can't hold for much longer!"

Simba barely had enough time to show his mate that he heard her as his blood was pounding in his ears, almost making impossible to hear her.

"I'm trying Nala!" Simba yelled back as he reached his two cubs.

"Daddy! Help! I'm slipping! I don't want to die!"

Simba winced when he heard his daughter's cry and looked down to his son who looked shell - shock at the place he was in.

"Daddy... help..." his son whimpered as he kept slipping.

"Hold on, Kiara! Kion! Daddy's almost there!"

Just as he grabbed onto Kiara, a cry from his mate came out as his eyes widened with realization that Kion had lost his grip.

He almost dropped his daughter as he watched his son vanish into the river below.


In the neighboring lands of the Pridelands, a good distance away, a muscular lion with light brown fur, a creamy white muzzle, a dark brown mane with three light stripes, and pale yellow eyes stopped when he saw a small golden cub with a red tuft laying on the beaches, knocked out.

"Brother!" yelled a dark brown furred lion with a creamy brown paws, with a large dark brown mane and yellow eyes.

"Surak." answered the first lion as he greeted his brother. "Look what I've found."

"You found a cub?" asked Surak as he arched an eyebrow at his older brother.

The older lion nodded as he sighed heavily and sniffed the cub. "He's alive, barely. I'm not sure how he survived the waters."

Surak nodded. "What should we do, Sâhasí? Should we talk him to the Pride? What will mother and Ãnanda say about this? What about Rani and Baliyo?"

Sâhasí sighed as he picked up the small cub. "We bring him home. Perhaps Nirmala can care for him."

Surak smiled softly as he looked down at the cub before sighing. "Whoever couldn't save this young one, probably didn't even try."

"Though I'd disagree with you, I can't find it in me." Sâhasí sighed as they padded back. "The only one who knows is this young one."

Surak eyed the golden cub. "Yes, I believe Nirmala will care for him until we can find his home."

"Surak." Sâhasí mumbled around the fur in his mouth. "I don't think mother will allow him to leave with the way he is."

Surak blinked. "You mean mother will force the cub to stay here?" he asked.

Sâhasí shrugged in reply. "If he doesn't remember anything, then it's a risk."

"Perhaps. But we'll have to wait and see."

Sâhasí smiled softly at his younger brother as their pride came into view. Two cubs running around, Sâhasí purred at the sight of his mate, Ãnanda and the sight of their mother, Janna.

"Mother!" Surak called out, gaining the pride's attention. "We need you! We found a small cub!"

Janna quickly stood up and smiled down at her two grandcubs who pouted. "I will be right back, dears."

As her two sons came down, Nirmala and Ãnanda gasped at the sight of the small golden cub who looked to be Rani's age and Janna smiled sadly as she checked over the cub before flicking Nirmala over with her tail.

Note: As Kion grows, he'll grow into a mini Mufasa in terms of height, muscles, mane but slightly different.