a/n: I'm glad you're all enjoying this story :)

I honestly had a writer's block on this chapter. Well... enjoy

Again, Victoria had gotten away from them. The attacks from Victoria was becoming too much on the town, ten people had already been killed by Victoria's followers, making Forks believe that there was a sick serial killer on the loose. Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett and Edward had discussed about requesting the Volturi's help, right now Edward was dicussing it with Bella before Rosalie made the call. Alice was standing out on the deck with Jasper, having their own conversation until she had a vision:

It was cold and dark in the basement of some abandoned building. Allison was huddled in a corner, her knees were to her chest. She looked exhausted, afraid, angry and hurt... she was hurt. A door opened, the light from the other side had shown some of her visible injuries: she had a long cut on her left cheek, a possible cut on her head. The figure had thrown something in the room.

Allison looked up at the figure, fury in her eyes which also shown concern. "What the hell did you do to him?" She made an effort to move to the figure on the floor. "Seth, wake up." She shook him.

The figure that was standing above them, gave a sickening smile. "It'll be your turn soon, my Queen."

Alice blinked, that was the first vision she had of Allison in a while. "Shit," she mumbled.

"Alice?" Jasper was watching her, he knew that she had a vision.

Before Alice could say something, she instantly smelled a wolf. She turned to look at the trees as Jacob was running towards the house. "Have you two seen Seth? We can't find him anywhere?"

Jasper shook his head. Alice didn't pay attention to what Jacob was saying, instead she went back inside the house. Change of plans, they were all going to Italy.


Seth had never been on a plane before. He never travelled across the ocean before, he did cross over into the Canadian border once when he wanted to see how far he could run without getting tired. He bought his plane ticket the previous night, he packed a few things, wrote a note to his family and went to the bank to take money out.

Seth sat beside the window, he could feel his phone buzzing, he knew the pack were trying to get ahold of him. He was going to do what he could to bring his sister home.


Allison was relaxing in the library, cuddled up against Caius, spending some one-on-one quality time with the blonde king. She had spent the majority of her day spending it one-on-one with each king and right now she was exhausted. She was laying on Caius' chest, with his arm wrapped around her waist as he was reading a book to her that she had tuned out.

She had her eyes closed when she heard the doors to the library open, she opened her eyes to find her parents, Felix, Veronica and her mates walking in. Caius put the book down on the floor, he still had a hold of her as he shifted the two of them to be sitting up. "I hope you have a reason to interrupt us," Caius said to Aro and Marcus.

"You can continue on your time as soon as we're done, brother," Aro said, with a smile on his face as he took the chair beside the fireplace. "We're just having a little meeting. Shouldn't take long."

Caius narrowed his eyes at Aro. "Official business should be done without our mate hearing it. She isn't ready ye-"

"Unfortunately," Marcus jumped in, "this business does involve her. Alice had called Carlisle." Allison perked up at the mention of Alice. "She told him that the situation with Victoria has gotten out of hand and at least a few humans were killed because of it."

Before Caius could say anything, Allison beat him to it. "Is Charlie okay?" Charlie didn't deserve to be part of the vampire world just because his daughter was a danger magnet.

Carlisle nodded. "He's fine. Only overwhelmed. Yours siblings and Bella are travelling to Italy, it'll be safer for her to stay here than Forks."

Allison nodded.

Caius fought the urge to sigh. "We'll send the guards." He looked at Veronica. "Gather Demetri, Darius, Rodel, Lucinda, and Maura and meet me in the throne room in twenty minutes." Veronica nodded and left. Caius looked at his mate then to Carlisle. "Is there any danger directed at Allison?"

Carlisle shook his head. "It's all directed at Bella and Edward."

Caius nodded. Allison knew he was releaved that the danger wasn't focused at her, but she was still part of it and it was bothering him. "I'm assuming Bella wasn't changed at all yet, that could be a problem if she is staying here."

Aro waved off Caius words. "We'll deal with that when they arrive."

Allison couldn't help but smirk as she watched Caius and Aro bicker at each other. It was going to be interesting to see how Bella and Edward would act in the place where they were almost killed. Well, if Bella hadn't jumped off a cliff, Edward wouldn't have sought out death. The girl was older than Allison, yet she doesn't think much of how her actions would affect people. She looked at her parents, they both held a worried look. "What is it?" she asked them.

Esme shared a glance with her mate before turning to their daughter. "Alice also told us that Seth is missing. Jacob went to the house, asking if they knew where he was."

"W-what?" Allison's eyes wide. "What do you mean he's missing?"

"Apparently, he left a note and packed some clothes with him," Carlisle answered. "He didn't say where he was going."

Allison blinked. Seth was helping out with the whole Victoria situation, he knew how to kill and avoid vampires, so him being taken by a vampire was out of the question. Any vampire that goes on the pack's land was instantly sought out. Her eyes widen more with terror as she realized of where Seth was going. He was coming to Volterra. Seth would do anything to bring her home, to keep her away from danger. Shit, shit, shit. She doesn't know how her mates and the guards would react to a wolf being in the castle, she wasn't sure if he would set foot in Volterra alive. She got off of Caius quickly.

"I gotta go call him." She looked at Caius. "Once you're finished, come to my room."

"Of course, amore."

Allison gave a quick nod. "Felix." With that, Allison and Felix left the library, leaving her mates and parents to discuss what was going on.


"Going to Volterra is the best option we have," Alice explained once again to Bella, becoming slightly frustrated with the human.

What was so difficult for Bella to understand? With Victoria's newborn army, they were outnumbered and that was including the was the safest place for them to be, Victoria would move her army away from Forks and wouldn't dare to set for in Volterra, unless she was feeling bold. The kings wouldn't force her to turn yet, if it upset Allison, they wouldn't do it, not when their relationships were new. Of course, that was a big shock to the rest of the Cullens and Bella that Allison was the mate to the three kings. A shock but relief. The Volturi would step in and handle the sitaution, they were going to end up doing so anyways. Plus the vision that Alice had, she wanted to prevent it from happening and the only way that could be done is them going to Italy.

"How can you be sure that they wouldn't force me to be changed?" Bella asked.

Alice gave her a blank stare. "Trust me, they won't."

Rosalie was carrying her luggage down the stairs, paying attention to the conversation. "The Volturi showed you and Edward mercy, they don't offer second chances easily."


Rosalie gave her a sharp look. "Allison will become a vampire, they would wait until she's a bit older before changing her, plus she's under the Volturi's care. You are not. Allison may be a queen and could rule against her mate's words, she wouldn't in this case." Rosalie walked out the front door.

Emmett and Jasper were already outside, they were listening in on the conversation, they decided that they weren't going to be involved. Edward had left to pack Bella's clothes, leaving a note saying that she was going to go away for a bit. Alice didn't want to carry on this conversation anymore. She left Bella in the living room so she could go to her room to pack her own things. Alice let out a sigh. Well, at least, on the bright side, she was going to see her sister.

a/n: Well, Alice had a vision, Seth is on the plane to Italy, the rest of the Cullens including Bella are going to Italy. Will Alice's vision come true? Would Seth be able to see Allison again? Would the Volturi force Bella to be changed? Find out in the next chapters :D