The green fields of the Vale forever stained Black.

The blue sky's of Atlas dyed red.

The high mounts of mistral brought low with white clouds of ash.

The sandy dunes of Vacuo turned to glass from the raging yellow flames.

The vibrant planet of Remnant turned to dust.

The last bastion's of humanity and Faunus alike breached and torn asunder.

Only one being remained on this sacred rock.

Ruby Rose; Originally a huntress in training, then a warrior, then a leader, then the last flicker of hope for Remnant and now flickering out as she lays on the desecrated floor of humanity and Faunus's last stand. Before her lay the bloody and ravaged body of the enemy Salem.

As her vision flickers in and out, as the very planet shrivels and dies all she can think was -Why wasn't I stronger why wasn't I able to save them-.

And then just before she died a bright light consumed her vision. And with that Ruby rose Huntress, leader, partner, sister died.

But as she died something miraculous happened her blood empowered by the many rituals and the power gained from the maidens and Ozpin came into contact with Salem's as the two met they began to fuse, but this wasn't just the blood it was her very soul and Salems that mixed the soul of the creator of Grimm and the soul of a silver warrior.

Then as Ruby's soul passed on it changed and such a change changed everything.