What am I doing it's nearly 12 AM. Oh well, heres The Jedi Prince spinoff. I'm quite happy with how this turned out.

Preparations for the Search

Callum ducked down, narrowly avoiding the wooden blade that came at him from the right. Leaning back, he brought up his own wooden blade. The two sticks clashed as he leaned in to face his foe. The female Moonshadow Elf stood tall she eyed him with narrowed eyes. Her Dragonguard armour shined in the light.

Callum wore a light blue robe with white armour covering his lower legs and arms. "Are you going on easy on me?" He asked, pulling back as he held the blade before him.

The female Elf leapt back as she smirked. "Afraid I might beat you?" She asked in response, leaping forward as she swung down with the blade.

Callum shook his head as he parried her strike, stepping to the side as he swung at her. "I'm worried you're slowing down." He replied, watching she raised an eyebrow in amusement and blocked.

Sidestepping her next strike, Callum leapt into the air, landing behind her as he swung around, bringing his blade to rest by be her neck. "And dead." He said, watching as she chuckled.

"I don't think I can keep up with you, my Prince." The Elf said, walking to the side fo the room.

Callum chuckled as he eyed their audience. Another Moonshadow Elf, a male stood tall, clad in Dragonguard armour. Beside him, a Sunfire Elf stood tall, her arms crossed as she leaned against the wall. She was clad in red and gold armour with dark skin. Sitting close by, a small datapad in hand, was another Sunfire Elf, they had little armour on, but did carry a small bag around with her. "She's got a lot more in her then she shows, Prince Caelum." The Moonshadow Elf said.

Callum rolled his eyes as he walked over to the wall, a small rack consisting of weaponry used for training rested. He placed the wooden blade upon the rack and turned. "I know Lain; it doesn't do much good to underestimate a member of the Dragonguard." He responded.

Lain smiled lightly as he turned to face the female Moonshadow Elf. "At least we know that our training payed off, he's as much a warrior as any Moonshadow Elf." He said.

The female rolled her eyes. "Don't forget, he had Janai and King Avizandum training him as well." She replied, coming to a stop before him.

Callum rolled his eyes as he walked forward. His two personal guards seemed to snuggle into each other, he ignored it and turned to face the Sunfire Elves. "Captain Ahshala, Officer Kazi." He greeted.

The two Elves bowed before him. "Prince Caelum." They replied.

Callum rolled his eyes. "You don't have to call me that, Caelum will do just fine." He said in slight annoyance at his two friends and comrades. "But what brings you here?" He asked.

Ahshala glanced up at her friend, the two had trained together since they were old enough to hold a sword. While she couldn't perform the same feats that Callum could, she was still skilled. "We were summoned by Queen Zubeia." She answered.

Callum frowned before he remembered something. "By the Force! She wanted to see me after I was done training!" He exclaimed, turning to run down the hallway.

"Prince Caelum, forgetting things till the last minute." Kazi said, a little surprised by his sudden behaviour.

Ahshala chuckled and shook her head gently. "You'd be surprised by what else he forgets." She replied. "Or does." She added.

Callum came to a stop before a tall female figure. Dark blue scales littered her frame as did a small set of armour. Her head extruded forth from her long neck, a small pair of wings rested along her back. Her mouth was like a beak. Her blue eyes turned rested upon him. "My son, I'm glad you could remember that I requested to speak with you." She said.

Callum came to a stop, bowing before her. "Queen Zubeia." He greeted, standing tall as he did so, his eyes locked upon the form of his mother figure. "You wished to see me."

Zubeia nodded. "Please, don't bother with all the formality. We may not be blood related, but you are a Prince of Xadia, you are my son, regardless of where you came from." She began, resting upon her throne gently as she eyed him closely. "However, I did not wish to speak to you about your unique behaviour when addressing family, but rather I have felt something change in the world."

Callum lifted an eyebrow in interest, fascinated by what she had to say. "As you are no doubt aware, this Empire that has arisen from the ashes of the Republic will no doubt spread their control to all worlds." She went on, pausing as she rose form her throne and walked forward. "You have progressed fast in your abilities. But there is still much to be done. I fear the Human Kingdoms will turn to the Empire for aid in their quest to rule Xadia."

"You are special, strong in the force. I want you to head out with a small fleet and find the Key of Aaravos. We mustn't let it fall into the Empire's hands." She halted, resting a hand upon Callum's shoulder. "If they get it…"

"They could unleash Darth Arcturus." Callum finished for her; a grim expression planted upon his face.

Zubeia nodded as she brought her hand to rest by her side. "Yes, I want you to obtain it and hide it where it can never be found."

Callum took a deep breath. "I assume that's why you had the others summoned here."

She gave a small nod in response. "Correct, go, I believe you know what to do now." She said, returning to her throne.

Callum bowed and silently left the room, returning back to his own room to gather what he needed for the coming mission.

Katolis was silent as Harrow sat upon his throne, his eyes narrowed as he was lost deep in thought. His mind went through so many things, but his latest decision, it may well be one he comes to regret in time. But in the desire for revenge, to avenge the loss of his stepson. That was an insult he could not let rest.

He was unaware when Viren entered the throne room, his staff hitting the ground as he walked. "King Harrow." He greeted, knocking the man from his thoughts.

"Lord Viren, have your spies on the other side of the border given any info on what the Elves and Dragons are planning to do?" He asked.

Viren shook his head. "They have massed a small fleet consisting of a single capital ship and a few smaller craft. For what reasons though, I am not sure."

Harrow frowned. "Make sure someone keeps tabs on this fleet, if they become a cause of concern, then things may escalate and require us to request the military might of the other kingdoms."

Viren stood tall and proud as he took a deep breath. "My king, there is another option, ones that don't use my creative solution." He began, watching as Harrow turned to face him.

"The Republic never cared about us. So why should their successor be any different?" Harrow asked.

Viren sighed, it was a good question, one that he himself wondered. "I, do not know." He replied.

Harrow rose in response. "As I thought." He started to walk away, pausing as he came to a stop beside Viren. "But if it comes to it, we may one day find ourselves fighting alongside the Empire." He said, leaving the throne room.

Viren sighed as he walked forward. It wasn't enough to turn down his idea, but to insist that they turn to the other kingdoms first. Del Bar's warships were beefy, but they lacked numbers, Neolandia lacked warships larger than a corvette, Evernere could barely push a purpose built warship of fighter out of the shipyard and Duren, Duren had the second largest navy compared only to Katolis.

He knew that in order to turn odds in their favour, they would need more warships, ships that could last longer in a fighter. Their fighters, while superior to the Elven and Dragon fighters, could only do so much by themselves.

"Claudia!" He cried, turning around as he stood silently. His daughter soon entered, coming to a stop before him.

"You called father."

Viren smiled. "Yes, I need you to analyse each warship of each kingdom, we need to convince Harrow that the Empire is the only way to succeed in this war against the East."

Claudia nodded. "I will do my best father. But I can't make any promises."

Viren nodded. "I know."

Callum stood silently in his armour. A vibrant blue mixed with bright gold lining. A small black cape rested along his back, upon his belt were a few pouches for his explosives and other equipment. Resting upon the left side of his waist was his lightsaber. The hilt had two ends, much like Avizandum's dual blade.

His gaze rested upon the bridge crew of The Thunderbolt, a Sunfire Class Star Destroyer. Even if it was classed as a Star Destroyer thanks to the Anaxes War College System, the Elves and Dragons preferred to call it the Sunfire Class Destroyer. The ship itself was a 1400-meter-long vessel with vibrant red paint and gold detailing.

The small fleet that he was assigned consisted of at least a single ship of every Elven Ship design including two Moonshadow Class Corvettes, The Athena and The Tempest were constantly kept in close range of his flagship, even if he often used The Athena for covert mission.

A single Skywing Class Frigate known as The Sky Veil hovered around the back, it served as the carrier, able to transport several squadrons of fighters for a 300-meter-long ship. Hovering slightly ahead of it was a Earthblood Class Cruiser called The Colossus. The 500-meter-long vessel was tough for its size, it had heavy armour and strong shields.

He had three Startouch Class Frigates. The Starhunter, The Valhalla and The Elysium all surrounded his Oceanborn Class Cruiser known as The Valor. Yes, his fleet was small, but it could hold its own against a small taskforce if they encountered danger.

Turning around, he turned to face the two members of his squad. "Ahshala, Kazi." He said. "Make sure we have the supplies we need. It wouldn't do us any good if we found ourselves having to obtain more supplies through unwanted methods during our trip."

Ahshala nodded. "I shall make sure that our military equipment, among other things are up to stock." She said, quickly leaving the bridge.

Kazi looked back at Callum. Of the three, she was the medical officer of their team. "I shall ensure that we have the medical supplies we need to support the men and women." She responded, leaving shortly afterwards.

Callum turned back to face the bridge crew. His eyes resting upon his admiral. Renna, a Sunfire Elf, she was tall in build, bright gold eyes and dark skin with black hair. She had served under Avizandum during the days of the Clone Wars, and now served under him. "Admiral Renna, make sure you have the coordinates of our first destination. Once Captain Ahshala and Officer Kazi report back in regarding our supplies. Make the jump to the hyperspace. If you need me, I'll be in my quarters."

Renna watched as Callum left, she had fond memories of him, she had instantly become attached to him when Avizandum first introduced him to her. She was overjoyed to know that she had been assigned to him as admiral. Turning around, she glanced over the bridge crew. "Mark coordinates for hyperspace jump and await my command." She ordered, her voice carrying through the air without hinderance.

Every ship in Callum's fleet has a name, it wasn't as large as say, Viren's fleet in The Jedi Prince. And I have finally started to refer to the Dragon Queen by name now.

As for characters, I felt that the role of a medic suited Kazi. As for Ahshala, if you've read A Father's Legacy, you should be familiar with her. Renna has only ever appeared in The Jedi Prince during a flashback.

Anyway, review, leave feedback and ideas. And be sure to check out my other works.