AN: There are two important things that I've forgotten to mention in the first chapter. Firstly, the Imperial German Armed Forces have access to military technology that was introduced earlier in this timeline than in our original timeline.

Secondly, I don't mean to offend anybody with my sympathetic, even positive portrayal of several people who committed war crimes and/or crimes against humanity. But remember, this story is about the German Empire is from an alternate timeline, thus there will be some differences with the characters. For better or for worse, and I apologise in advance.

And going off from the second point, I'm not a Nazi. And I'm not a Communist. I hate both of them, both equally and immeasurably.

And finally, as stated in the last chapter, I don't own either the GATE franchise, music, historical or cultural figures that may be presented in the story, but I do own my OCs. I have to say that this story is a work of fiction, and any and all OC character names are coincidental.

GATE: Operation Schwert der Rache

Chapter 2:

'A courageous warrior knows how to fight, but a experienced warrior knows when to fight.' - Anonymous.

August 14th, 1862: Prince Henry of Prussia is born. From an early age, he has shown to be a prodigy, being an avid reader of history, culture, science, technology and the languages. (Along with his native tongue of German, he can speak English, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Latin.)

June 4th, 1865: Prince Wilhelm of Prussia dies, due to complications sustained in a horse-riding accident.

June 1866: Thanks to available medical doctors, Prince Sigismund of Prussia recover from his meningitis.

1876: The German colonization of the Congo began, with Prince Henry being its strongest advocate.

May 24th, 1881: Prince Henry of Prussia marries Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine, and have six children.

June 15th, 1888: After the death of his father during the 'Year of Three Emperors.' Crown Prince Henry of Prussia becomes Kaiser Henry I of Germany at the age of 26.

February 8th, 1890: The Ministry of State Security (commonly known as the Stasi,) was established by Prince Sigismund of Prussia (who becomes the first Minister of State Security.)

Late 1890: The Kaiser Henry Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology was formed by Kaiser Henry. The society will become Europe's leading institutions in science and technology. And the German Foreign Legion was formed around this time period.

Early August 1914: The First Weltkrieg began, with the initial belligerents being the Allies (the German Empire, the British Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire,) and the Entente (the Third French Republic, the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Serbia.)

June 6th - June 22nd, 1916: The Second Paris Uprising began, being led by communists, anarchists. Although within a fortnight, it will be crushed by the French Army, it birthed the 'Stab-in-the-Back' myth heavily propagated by far-right political parties.

October 29th, 1916: The Ottoman Empire joins the Allies and declares war on the Entente, attacking the Russian Caucasus.

October 9th, 1917: The October Revolution began, which saw the overthrow of the Provisional regime and the installation of the Bolshevik regime under Vladimir Lenin.

March 12th, 1922: Following the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in early 1922 (the Kingdom of Hungary became independent nation under King Maximilian II, the German Empire Anschluss the Austrian Empire, (splitting the former empire into two kingdoms; the Kingdom of Austria under King Karl I of Austria and the Kingdom of Bohemia-Moravia under King Franz I.)

September 2nd, 1930: On the 12th anniversary of the Allies' victory in the First Weltkrieg, an assassination attempt on Kaiser Henry I, resulted in the deaths of Kaiserin Elisabeth and Chancellor Gustav Stresemann. This marked the beginning of the Black Front Putsch, with thousands of people being killed, with the most infamous episode being the 'Massacre of the Innocents.' Two days later, the right-wing republican putsch was crushed by the Imperial German Army.

September 27th, 1936: Representatives from the Third French Empire, the Italian State, the Spanish State and the Empire of Japan, signed the Roman Tripartite Pact, a military and economic alliance. As a result, the German Empire and the British Empire renewed their alliance, with the German Empire guaranteeing the independence of their Eastern European allies.

September 2nd, 1938: The Third French Empire invades Belgium, beginning the Second Weltkrieg, with the initial belligerents being the Allies (the German Empire, the British Empire and the Kingdom of Belgium) against the Roman Tripartite (the Third French Empire, the Kingdom of Italy, the Spanish State and their puppets.)

October 9th, 1940: The Soviet Union invades Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire, causing the Allies to declare war on the Soviet Union. The Allies are stretched thin from fighting on six fronts: the Western Front, the Italian Front, the Balkan Front, the Caucasus Campaign, the North Africa Campaign, and the Eastern Front.

December 7th, 1940: Japan bombs Pearl Harbour and invades German, American and British colonial holdings, leading to the United States and the Allies to declare war on Japan, with the Roman Tripartite declaring war on the United States.

Late December, 1941: Representatives from the German Empire, the British Empire, the United States, the Ottoman Empire, and the Republic of China, signed the Grand Coalition deceleration, founding the intergovernmental organization, the Grand Coalition of Free Nations.

July 29th, 1944: As his final policy before committing suicide on August 1st, Pétain enact a scorched earth policy called the 'Nero Decree,' destroying all French facilities and infrastructures, to prevent their usage by the Grand Coalition forces. Not even historical and cultural monuments such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe were spared from the Nero Decree that was carried out by Milice.

August 10th, 1944: President of the Third French Empire, Marshal of France Charles de Gaulle, signs the unconditional surrender of all French forces to the Grand Coalition powers, marking the end of the Western Front of the Second Weltkrieg.

September 22nd, 1945: The Japanese Empire execute Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night, bombing the West Coast of America with biological weapons, killing thousands of American soldiers and civilians with the bubonic plague.

October 4th, 1945: In retaliation of the biological bombing of the West Coast; American heavy bombers destroyed the Japanese cities of Kokura, Hiroshima, Yokohama, Niigata and Nagasaki with hydrogen bombs.

October 7th, 1945: Fearful that Joseph Stalin will continue to resist until Russia was destroyed under a hydrogen bomb barrage by the Coalition, the Soviet military launched a successful coup d'etat, killing Stalin and many of his associates. After the coup, the provisional military government request terms of surrender to the Coalition powers. The Soviet Instrument of Surrender was signed on October 10th, 1945, marking the end of the Second Weltkrieg in Europe.

October 12th, 1945: With no realistic hope of continuing to militarily resist the Coalition, the Japanese surrender to the Coalition powers, marked the end of the Second Weltkrieg, which killed an estimated 85-100 million people over seven years of war.

May 6th, 1955: The GATE opens in Berlin…

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Target: Colt Formal

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00110000 00110001 00110000 00110000 00100000 01101000 01110010 01110011 May 7th, 1955

*Transcript Begins.*

KB: "Wake up! WAKE UP!"

CF: "Where am I?"

HS: "You'll answer our questions."

CF: "Who are you?"

HS: "That's not important. What's important is who you are. What's your name? Where are you born?"

CF: "First, show your faces cowards! AARRRGH!"

KB: "You are Count Colt Formal of the Formal Clan. You were born in the town of Italica of the Saderan Empire. You are the commander of the Imperial Saderan Expeditionary Force. Is that correct?"


KB: "Is that correct?!"

CF: "Yes…"

HS: "We know about the written letters from your daughter, Myui…"

CF: "No! Please, don't harm my daughter! I tell you what you want! Just don't harm my daughter…"

KB: "Alright, tell us everything about the Saderan Empire. Its power structure. Its military. Its economy. Its language. And its culture.Tell us everything, and we'll guarantee you and your daughter's safety. Agreed?"

CF: "Agreed."

HS: "Good, let's begin. First question, why did the Saderan Empire attack the German Empire?"

CF: "They want to expand the empire. They think that this nation is inferior in every way."

KB: "Who are they?"

CF: "The Emperor Molt el Caesar, Crown-Prince Zorzal el Caesar, the Empire's generals and most of the Imperial senators. Damn them all! The Emperor, the Crown-Prince, the Imperial senators and the Imperial generals! Damn them all for their cowardly warmongering! While fifteen-thousand, fifteen-thousand men, men with families, friends, hopes, fears and dreams, whose lives are thrown like chaff in the wind, for the ungrateful. I never want to lead the expedition force…"

HS: "Is there a reason why you lead the legion?"

CF: "The Emperor, the senators, and the generals, all of them knew why I accepted my appointment as the figurehead of the expedition force. To be used as a scapegoat if the invasion failed."

HS: "If you knew that you were going to used as a scapegoat, why accept it? Did you had a choice?"

CF: "I had no choice. You had to obey the Emperor or die for your insubordination."

HS: "So it's to serve or to die, isn't it?"

CF: "That's… that's the truth. If you refuse the Emperor's request, he can strip you of your lands and titles, and placed into eternal shame. There are some cases of execution."

KB: "Because of your fear of your Emperor, you helped ruin the lives of thousands."

CF: "Yes, I know. I know I will rot in the underworld, with Hardy torturing me for my crimes for an eternity."

*Transcript Ends.*

"Invading the sacred Fatherland. Murdering our sons. Raping our daughters. I tell you, my brothers and sister, for this is war - a war that is soon to turn, for the invaders will become the victims!" - Joseph Goebbels, leader of the German National Party.

"The British Empire has always come to the aid of their allies and we shall not fail now, though the memories of the last war are still fresh many of you as they are for me but we cannot let our staunchest of ally to face this new enemy alone, not when our fellow countrymen had been slain, therefore it is with a solemn resolve that I ask the parliament to support the notion of supporting the German Empire in their righteous war against this barbaric tyranny." Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

"My fellow Americans, you are probably are aware of what has happened in Berlin, it is with great regret that I must say that it is true that Berlin was attacked by an enemy that appeared. It is true that American lives have been lost. It is also true that the US Embassy in Berlin had been attacked. We do not know how long has it taken for this enemy to prepare for this attack, but we do know that they attacked with cruelty and savagery unseen since the Second Weltkrieg. I ask that Congress, the House of Representatives and to all Americans that we send aid to our German ally as they had sent aid during our time of need. We shall not let those who had fallen be forgotten as they are heroes in the eyes of the nation." - Dwight Eisenhower, President of the United States

"Ten years ago, the Grand Coalition Forces have come to help to save our nation from the monsters that were the Japanese Empire and ever since they have helped China return to her former peaceful glory. Now however one of our biggest allies, the glorious German Empire has been attacked by barbarians and savages that almost put the Japanese to shame. Almost I remind you as the Japanese did far worse things than what these mongrels ever did. But that is beside the point, I call upon you, citizens of this great nation in pour support to our beleaguered ally. GLORY TO CHINA AND HER RIGHTEOUS ALLIES!" - Jiang Jieshi (or Chaing Kai-Shek,) President of the Republic of China

"Yesterday, our great capital city, was suddenly and blatantly attacked, by an invasion force that would have been dismissed as pure fantasy by science. I regret to inform you, that the invasion force of the Saderan Empire, committed wicked acts of brutality against all civilians. With the powers bestowed upon me, I declare a state of war between the German Empire and the Saderan Empire, and bring those responsible for these massacres to justice, so this aggressive arrogance will never again, harm citizens of this great nation and those of the free world! Gott mit uns!" Henry I of Germany, Kaiser of the German Empire

Within one hour of the Kaiser's speech, the entirety of the Bundesrat and near entirety of the Reichstag support the Kaiser's deceleration of war, with the Grand Coalition and the national heads of states supporting the Kaiser's deceleration of war.

Except for member of the Reichstag, Rosemarie Schwartzmann, a hard-line pacifist who derides the Kaiser's deceleration of war and suggested peace negotiations with the invaders.

Her action and suggestion was instantaneously vilified by disgusted and angry members of the Reichstag (including her fellow pacifists) and the furious German people, forcing Schwartzmann to seek refugee in telephone booth from the increasingly volatile crowd. Eventually and ironically, armed soldiers from the Imperial German Guard was called to escort her to her office and prevented her from being lynched by her own countrymen and countrywomen.

German newspapers and news stations didn't help matters, with one editorial letter of a right-wing newspaper suggested that Schwartzmann prefers to be gang-raped by Saderan soldiers than being protected by German soldiers.

The German Empire is now at war with the Saderan Empire. May the Devil forgive the Saderans for their many sins, for the German Empire will not forget or forgive.

May 8th, 1955

Berlin Palace

POV of Kaiser Henry I of Germany

The last few days, was like the aftermath of the Black Front Putsch all over again. Flags were flown at half-mast. A temporary memorial for the killed was established, overflowing with flowers and candles. A minute of silence is observed. Heads of states sending their condolences to the German nation and the German people.

Stalag III-A, a former Second Weltkrieg POW camp, was reactivated and staffed with Imperial German Army personnel, with extra security measures enacted to ensure that the Saderans doesn't have a chance to escape.

The Imperial German Army have already evacuated buildings within a 150-metre range of the structure, with the 1st Grenadier Guards is guarding the GATE with machine guns and armoured cars, with attack helicopters from 1st Helicopter squadron on standby. Only with military clearance, can people access the area.

This meant that all the embassies, already gutted by the invaders, had to be relocated, with nations sending new diplomatic teams as soon as possible.

Seeing that photo of a dead young girl broadcasted by news stations across the world, made me wanted to punch the fucking television set. The meeting was organized to discuss about the invaders and what the appropriate course of action should.

The people present in the meeting are...

Konrad Adenauer, Imperial German Chancellor

Reichsmarschall* Erich von Manstein, Imperial German Minister of Defence

Großadmiral Karl Dönitz, Imperial German Vice-Minister of Defence

Theodor Heuss, Imperial German Minister of Foreign Affairs

Hermann-Eberhard Wildermuth, Imperial German Minister of Finance

Vizeadmiral Reinhard Heydrich, Imperial German Minister of State Security

Professor Albert Einstein, President of Kaiser Henry Society

Professor Nathan Rosen, Vice-President of Kaiser Henry Society

"I, Professor Einstein and Professor Rosen from the Kaiser Henry Society will explain about the structure." Professor Einstein stated.

Professor Albert Einstein, President of Kaiser Henry Society, is an internationally acclaimed theoretical physicist greatly contributed to physics, and assisted Imperial German's nuclear weapons program in the mid-1930s.

"What is the structure, Professor Einstein?" Chancellor Adenauer inquired.

"To answer your question Chancellor Adenauer, the structure is similar to that I and my colleague, Professor Nathan Rosen, theorized in the mid-1930s. The Einstein-Rosen bridge…"

And over the next fifteen minutes, Einstein and Rosen explained the fundamentals of their theory, only to realise that the entirety of those present, doesn't have a physics degree, so Einstein summaries the theory.

"Basically, the structure holds an Inter-Dimensional Tunnel or IDT, that can be a bridge to either, different dimensions or different points in time." the Professor finished explaining the complex theory of wormholes.

"And the human, demi-human and animal specimen, alive and dead, have been collected, and are being examined as of right now, by medical members of the Kaiser Henry Society." Rosen stated.

"From captured prisoners we learned that they came from the Saderan Empire. They spoke in Falmartian, a language consisting of bastardized Latin, with old French and old Italian words. Their government is similar to the Roman Empire, an autocratic emperor with an advisory Senate. Their economy is agricultural, with slavery playing a major role in the economy." Manstein answered.

Disgust drew across my mouth and the mouth of the others present; to consider this the fate of my people kidnapped by the Saderan Empire… We have to rescue them, no matter where they were. If we had to drive a bullet into each and every slavers and slave owners' head, so be it.

"What is the death toll for our civilians and soldiers, and for foreign civilians and soldiers?"

"It's estimated that around 500 German civilians and soldiers, and 150 foreign civilians and soldiers were killed, with an additional 750 civilians and soldiers were injured, ranging from moderate to life-threatening. And there's an estimated 250 civilians that are missing. We believed that they were kidnapped by the Saderans." Adenauer answered.

"What is the final casualties for the invasion force of this Saderan Empire?"

"Your Majesty, the conservative estimate is 10,000 Saderan soldiers and mercenaries killed, with 3,000 soldiers and mercenaries captured by the Imperial German Army. But for some Saderan soldiers and mercenaries killed, we can't possibly and positively identify them all…" Dönitz said, reading from a list, as I remember about what had happened earlier this morning...

May 7th, 1955

Berlin Hospital

"Do know what the animals did to my daughter? They stabbed her multiple times as a sick game, and left her there to die! Do you know what my daughter said to me as she lay bleeding to death?!" The man said to me with bitter anguish, his tears threatening to overwhelm him.

"No, I do not know," I said empathetically, knowing the pained emotions of losing a loved one to senseless violence.

"She said 'Papa. Papa, it hurts. Please make the pain go away,'" The man said in tones of catatonic heartbreak, as the held-back tears overpowering him…

"Your Majesty?" Heuss asked me, bringing back my attention to the meeting at hand.

"Ah sorry." I apologise.

"But gentlemen, if we do nothing, we will only embolden these Saderans to conduct attacks in the future. I intend not to let them to continue further attacks against Germany or German civilians. I intend to bring the war to their land." I stated to the cabinet, with nodding heads being the response.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. We have mobilized twenty-seven Heer divisions, three Luftwaffe geschwaders, and three Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger regiments for a new Heersgruppe and a new Fliegerkorps. Heersgruppe New Germania and Fliegerkorps New Germania." Manstein

"New Germania? Why is that? And why we need a new Heersgruppe and Fliegerkorps?" I questioned.

Even three Heer divisions seem excessive for some medieval invaders, let alone, an entire Heersguppe and Fliegerkorps. And why the name, New Germania?

"According to captured maps and prisoners, New Germania is a continent. If their mile is the same as a Roman mile, it makes New Germania the size of Eurasia." Heydrich replies, presenting one of the captured maps.

"And according to captured prisoners and articles, the invasion force of the Saderan Empire consisted of the best veteran legions of the Saderan Empire, equipped with armour, weapons and equipment similar to the Roman Empire." The Minister of State Security continues.

"The captured prisoners, some of them, arrogantly believed that the Saderan Empire will eventually conquer the German Empire and the world." Heydrich finishes.

'I hope these Saderans die easily. I might regain a sense of satisfaction.' I thought cynically.

"But just because we have defeated their best legions, doesn't mean that we should underestimate them," I said, for the last thing we wanted is dead German fathers and sons because of the arrogance of the Imperial German military.

"Yes Your Majesty, we had considered all scenarios to make sure that our battle plan survives contact with this enemy." Dönitz proclaimed.

"I hope so, Großadmiral Karl Dönitz. How long will it take to assemble Heersgruppe New Germania and Fliegerkorps New Germania?" I inquired, as the entirety of Germany, especially the Reichstag's Most Loyal demagogue, Dr Joseph Goebbels, is demanding bloody vengeance for the civilians killed, wounded and kidnapped by the Saderan Empire.

Dönitz ponders for a moment.

"About 20 days, Your Majesty." Dönitz answers.

"Who will be commanding Heersgruppe New Germania and Luftwaffe Fliegerkorps New Germania? And who will be overall commander?"

Many of Germany's top military commanders of the Second Weltkrieg; Rommel, Guderian, Heinrici, Hoth and Zeitzler, had since retired from military life.

"After discussions with the Generalstab and former colleagues, Generaloberst Hans-Valentin Hube will be commanding Heersgruppe New Germania and having overall military command. Generalmajor Gerhard Barkhorn will be commanding Fliegerkorps New Germania." Manstein commented.

"We had scouted beyond The IDT, and found hostile Saderan garrisons station nearby…" Manstein continues, with the meeting continuing into the afternoon…

May 27th, 1955

POV of Imperial German Army Oberleutenant Markus Spigelmann of the Panzergrenaider-Division Großdeutschland.

"Leutenant Hans Spigelmann, for the defence of the Schlossbrücke during the Battle of Berlin, I present you the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, with Swords**." He remembers the commander of my regiment, Oberst Prince Frederick of Prussia, presenting the award.

Along with the award, I was promoted to Oberleutenant as well. My proud step-parents and step-brother was present at the award ceremony, however, I can sense that ever since the battle of Berlin, Markus became more reserved. He just realized what war was truly like; not in the tinted glasses of German filmmakers.

Our division was mobilised, being one of twenty-seven Heer divisions to be a part of Heersgruppe New Germania, with panzers upfront and we, the panzergrenaiders, are following close behind.

As we stand in rank, in front of the IDT, we were all wearing the standard combat uniform set of the Imperial German Army, a battle dress, battle vest, battle webbing, and battle helmet, all camouflaged in the Erbsenmuster pattern, and carrying the StG 44 or Sturmgewehr 1944. It was introduced in the last years of the Second Weltkrieg, firing the modernized variant of the 7×57mm Mauser rifle round.

We stand at attention, as Generaloberst Hans-Valentin Hube appointed commander of the Heersgruppe New Germania, made a speech.

AN: Playing Call of Duty: Finest Hour OST: Not One Step Back

"Gallant soldiers of the Imperial German Army! You have been called to arms, by the orders of our Kaiser and our glorious Fatherland, for they have given you the great task, to achieve total victory against the Saderan invaders."

"Forwards, into unrelenting battles ahead, for the Kaiser and the Fatherland!"

"For every innocent civilian the invaders callously slaughtered, you will make them pay, with twenty of their soldiers! Murders and rapists will be shot!"

"Do not count days, do not count kilometres, count only the number of Saderan invaders you have killed. Kill the Saderan, this is your child's prayers! Kill the Saderan, this your country's cries! Do not falter. Do not hesitate! Kill!"

Some soldiers, lost family, friends and loved ones in the Battle of Berlin. They wanted vengeance. Vengeance for their family. Vengeance for their friends. Vengeance for loved ones, for the Saderan soldiers had given no mercy to German civilians, we intend to show no mercy to Saderan soldiers.

"Death to the Saderan invaders!"

AN: Playing The Sacred War (Instrumental)

Then the whole contingent of Heersgruppe New Germania, sang 'The Sacred War,' composed during the Second Weltkrieg by anonymous German composer.

Steh auf, großes Vaterland! Steh auf für einen Kampf bis zum Tod!

Gegen die bösen Tyrannen, gegen ihre verdorbenen Horden.

Laß den gerechten Zorn wie ein Donner rollen!

Dies ist ein Krieg gegen die Gottlosen, ein heiliger Krieg!

Laß den gerechten Zorn wie ein Donner rollen!

Dies ist der Krieg gegen die Gottlosen, ein heiliger Krieg!

Wir werden die Unterdrücker und ihre feurigen Ideen ausrotten.

Die Vergewaltiger und die Mörder, die Folterer der Menschen.

Laß den gerechten Zorn wie ein Donner rollen!

Dies ist der Krieg gegen die Gottlosen, ein heiliger Krieg!

Laß den gerechten Zorn wie ein Donner rollen!

Dies ist der Krieg gegen die Gottlosen, ein heiliger Krieg!

We intend to fulfil the words that were sung.

"Forward! In the name of God, the Kaiser and the Fatherland!" the Generaloberst shouted, as German panzers drive and German soldiers march into the IDT, into the unknown…

AN: And cut! That was chapter two and 4,500+ words done. I want to thank Corporal Tommy for beta reading and helping with the speeches by international leaders. I really dislike the way how FanFiction formats strike-through, in that they have no strike-through. So I converted the original text to binary numbers.

Here are the notes:

* the rank of Reichsmarschall is the ceremonial rank for when an Imperial German Army or Air Force officer is appointed Imperial German Minister of Defence. The equivalent ceremonial rank for when an Imperial German Navy officer is appointed Imperial German Minister of Defence is the Reichsadmiral.

** The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was established during the First Weltkrieg. Like the Iron Cross, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded to officers and soldiers that performed acts of skilled leadership or military valour during times of war.

The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross' precedence is higher than the Iron Cross, but lower than the Pour le Mérite, with the highest military medal of the German Empire, being the Pour le Mérite, with Oak Leaves and Swords.

AN1: Fixed several grammar errors and upgraded Hans' rank.