A Fight That Turns Into A Lot More

Author's Note: Hello everyone and welcome. I am honored to be here with you all on this site and I can't feel more grateful for giving me the opportunity to flesh out my ideas and share them with you all. Lets get started with my first story. I hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in this story that is associated with Dragon Ball. Besides this story itself, everything you see in it belongs rightfully to them. This also means that I am not making any personal gain by making this especially in regards to profit. This story is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Thank you and enjoy.

Chapter 1:

Universal Survival Saga.

Part 3: The Tournament of Power.

Location: The Null Realm.

Age: 780

Transforming into the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form, Goku eased himself back into a combat stance.

Mirroring him was Kefla who did the same. Powering herself up until she activated her own version of the traditional Super Saiyan form and positioning herself into a selected combat stance just like he had done.

The two warriors were reading themselves up for the continuation of their fight.

As their auroras died out, both Goku and Kefla remained in their current positions and remained as such for a time that would seem pointless to whomever was watching them. But it was the complete opposite for these two.

Around them, similar battles were taking place, some of which included members of their own teams. Adding to this was the sizable audience the two had drawn from the spectators of the combined universes, to the esteemed Grand Priest and Zenos themselves. There was a lot going on. However, things like those were now suddenly nonexistent. Within this moment, with what was riding on this altercation, everything in the outside world was gone.

Both Goku's and Kefla's expressions were filled with equally with the same fire of ferocious determination. Their eyes stared back at each other, sizing one another up, giving equal opportunity to make the first move.

They knew what was at stake here, there was no playing blind to it. And as the tension started to rise it was becoming even more clear by the second that this was not going to be just another throwaway brawl.

This was now a war.

After giving their audience an agonizingly slow pace, the first move was dared.

Raising his left knee up in front of him, Goku successfully halted Kefla's sudden kick.

Not even a second later she immediately followed up this with a punch.

Despite having to put a little effort into stopping her kick, Goku was easily able to doge Kefla's punch by quickly flipping himself over her.

Still, once he landed on the ground again behind Kefla it wasn't long before she was on the offensive again.

In rapid succession Kefla starting throwing more punches at Goku once she spun around. He was able to doge these attacks from her with little to know effort, but Kefla kept on though and started adding in some kicks. And yet again he kept on himself with evading her assault.

It didn't take long for Goku to grow tired of this and within the preceding moment that Kefla threw another punch, Goku reached out and grabbed her wrist. Enclosing his hand tightly around it, Goku stopped Kefla in her tracks and took the opportunity to launch a punch of his own with his free hand.

Of course, Kefla was quick to react to this and blocked Goku's punch by using her remaining free hand to catch it.

Similarly to him, she squeezed down on his hand to were it was the same death lock that he held her wrist in.

Soon enough the two were locked in a heated standstill. Their faces having changed completely now to a mix of great frustration along with hot anger as they glared daggers at one another and stressed their bodies in an effort to escape one another's grasp. Straining with immense effort to get the edge over each other.

Unfortunately for Kefla, Goku was slowly starting to gain the upper hand.

Using his superior strength, Goku was able to remove his hand. Having been freed, Goku used this recently gained mobility to launch a kick. Aimed right for Kefla's head.

Thinking he was finally going to get one over on her, Goku was instantly surprised by Kefla who, quicker than he expected, ducked his kick.

Kefla pulled with her trapped arm, flipping Goku over and around her in an impressive show of strength. Doing this momentarily surprised the her fellow Saiyan. This, along with the offered momentum, gave Kefla the ability to pull her wrist free from Goku's once tight grasp.

Though he was thrown off a bit, Goku still recovered and took another turn at the offensive.

He tried another kick. However, Kefla blocked this one too, and upon using a burst of her speed, she snagged Goku's leg in both of her hands.

Goku was stunned by this and it translated on to his face. Noticing this, Kefla favored him with a smirk which widened as with a seemingly out nowhere burst of speed she pulled Goku close and let out a punch that caught him point blank in the chest.

This knocked the wind out of Goku and sent him flying backward from the air and towards the ground.

Though it took some effort, Goku shook off the pain from that surprising blow and stopped himself by landing one hand on the ground and using said hand to propel himself backwards in a flip motion that got him back on his feet.

Back on a stable environment once more did him no favors however because as soon as his feet hit the rocky surface, Kefla was right in his face with another punch.

Although he was caught of guard once more, Goku did not let himself get involved anymore on the receiving end. Instead he sidestepped Kefla's attack and as she went by he reached out once more to the side with his hands. Feeling Kefla's fist in one of his hand's, Goku locked his own hand around hers tightly, and when she tried to get him with her other hand he caught that one as well in his other hand.

Seeing the situation she was not trapped in, Kefla clenched her teeth and tried forcing her way out of Goku's grasp. However, her efforts were futile as Goku had no intention of letting go and not only did he maintain his grip but every time she tried to remove her hands he made sure that his grip would only tighten further.

Spectator stands,

As mentioned before, the fight between Goku and Kefla was turning into a highly absorbing one of interest for those who were not actually competing in the tournament.

This was strong in certain areas. After being eliminated themselves, those that made up the two Saiyan's groups were watched the fight between them with massive intent.

"Come on Dad, you can do this!", Gohan shouted to his father.

The young man was not alone as everyone from Master Roshi all the way down to Piccolo were all involved in this same course of action.

Similar to them, everyone on Kefla's side was almost bursting their hearts in an effort to cheer her own.

"You can do this Kefla, we believe in you!", exclaimed Cabba. Everyone with the young Saiyan followed suite.

Both sides were equally doing the best they could to empower Goku's and Kefla's will to succeed in this fight.

There was so much more to lose in this tournament rather than just winning and facing some varied competition.

Arguably, this contest was the true be all end all.

Back to the fight,

Kefla struggled with all her might to escape Goku's mighty grip. However, it was clear that the other had a set intention and no where did that mean he was going to let her go on his own accord.

Mentally cursing, Kefla was begging to make the consideration for a kick that would hopefully get her out of this damned situation she had stupidly put herself back into.

However she was stopped by something that both stunned and caused her blood to start boiling beneath her skin.

So far Goku had remained serious but that quickly changed as his mouth went from a flat line to a grin and his expression turned flat to joyful.

Laughing Goku eagerly commented, "you know Kefla, this whole fight has really surprised me. You are a much tougher opponent than I initially thought. If impressions have any time to be given then I can say without a doubt that you have almost completely blown away everyone else that I have seen thus far."

Kefla was stunned. Of course she knew a compliment when she heard one, but despite how someone else would take these words they struck Kefla the wrong way.

Although she did not show it, on the inside Kefla was fuming. She could not believe that Goku would act in such a manner such as this especially right now in the middle of their fight. It infuriated her on so many levels. Did the fellow Saiyan not understand that this was a conflict of battle and there were very serious stakes in it? Behaving like this would be hitting the highest levels on the risk scale. This was not time for fun and games. However, that is when another questioned formed in her mind: was he doing this on purpose? Could this sudden change in demeanor all be a rouse to lower her guard.

Of course Goku was not in the best condition. The aftermath of everything he had undergone up till this point had clearly taken a toll on him despite his resolve to prove other wise. She on the other hand had entered the affair far later and although she had been fighting him for a short while, she was still fresh.

For all she knew, Goku could be trying to get inside her head and weigh her down so that he could surprise her and get the advantage? Well, if it that was how low he was willing to go to win then he was going to be sourly disappointed.

"If you want to throw around mind games Son Goku than I'll play", Kefla thought sardonically.

Letting the anger that had been rising to the surface out, Kefla let it take over and completely blind her. Whatever reaction he expected, she was going to give him the complete opposite.

Powering up, Kefla unleashed her green aurora which exploded out from her body with a rush of power that sent waves of wind creaming into the surrounding area, leaving any unfortunate person to be close by to suffer a collision that sent them flying.

With this sudden action, Kefla was able to fully release her hands from Goku's grip.

Noticing this, Goku recoiled in shock. Still, he was quick to do the same. His own blue aurora surrounded his body and he began defending himself from Kefla's fury.

Without relenting, she assaulted him with jarringly rapid attacks.

Goku was doing his best to evade such an onslaught but he knew he was going to get overwhelmed. When he was able to get some distance between him and Kefla, Goku lifted two fingers up to his head and with a little focus he performed the Instant Transmission. A very useful move; it got him well behind Kefla when he reappeared. This bought him maybe a couple seconds to manifest a plan on what to do next. Obviously a few seconds was not nearly enough of an adequate time slot for coming up with the next move but it was most likely all he was going to get and he had better take advantage of it. Not doing anything at all would offer Kefla the chance to realize what was going on and the results of that would be costly for him.

This time using a simple teleportation act, he got his body a few feet backward, increasing the distance between him and the other and close enough to an incoming boulder behind him. To which then he used a center to propeller himself ahead in quick pace toward Kefla. Positioning his body at a good enough angle he took his right leg and raised it high. When the angle was accurate he launched a kick right for her head.

Kefla was swift in her reaction to Goku's attack. Turning around she exactly pinpoint the kick coming for her skull. Utilizing some of her speed she was able to block it with sufficient ease.

In return for his deed, Goku earned himself a painful retaliation. Right to his upper half.

Her first came up fast; looking to ram into whatever it could get the opportunity to hit. The chest seemed to be the chosen mark and if it got there then it would have given Goku the force that would have shattered his ribs instantly. But with fast enough reflexives he was just barely able to block off some of it with his hand. His hand was able to absorb most of the pressure although doing so left his hand and a small portion of wrist numb. This would render it useless and he did not know long it would take before he could get use back into it. However, that was not even the worst part as Kefla's other hand came for him in the same manner and this time he could not stop it from hitting his chest. The amount of force and pressure build up from that caused saliva mixed with a small trail of blood to come gushing out of his mouth in a violent cough/shout of pain. Along with that, Goku could feel a pair of his ribs crack.

Within seconds of the punch, Kefla backed off a bit from him, and while he was still dazed she ran up and drove her knee right smack into his face. This sent Goku flying back and into the large rock behind him.

Smashing into it, Goku cried out in agony.

Kefla, who was in her Legendary Super Saiyan form, did not waste a moment of time when sending Goku into that large piece of the rock. Back-flipping on to her own piece of rock not to far from where he was.

Goku had gotten himself out the rock by then and despite all the damage he had just taken, he was already trying to get back into a fighting stance.

Kefla did not keep him waiting for very long. Raising her hands, Kefla began to fire numerous KI energy balls at Goku.

With the speed they were coming in, Goku knew he had no chance to move, or teleport out of the way to dodge them. His only hope right at that moment was to try to take them head on. Hoping to at least make at least a few miss to prevent further damage. Getting closer, he tried his best to shake away the rest of the haze from his mind and get his eyesight back into working shape as they came at him.

The first couple were okay enough to smack away, along with a few more of them. Though, as more kept pouring in a seemingly endless fashion from his fused foe, that's when things got a little ugly. With the abundance getting much higher, Goku was unable to do keep up anymore. Shielding himself with his elbows crossed he shifted his legs at angle, he dug his feet into the ground, letting them come at him.

After what seemed liked forever, Kefla finally let up on her onslaught.

Goku after that ordeal was a cut up mess. Cuts and burn marks covered his form from top to bottom and his cloths were cut in many places.

Surprisingly though he was still in his blue form, even after all that. However, in rapid succession his blue hair would go from blue to his regular black and the back again. At this point, Goku was nearing the point of total collapse.

Seeing this Kefla smirked and thought to herself, "I bet that showed him."

Watching, Kefla noted how the other Saiyan was barely able to get back on his own two feet after all that punishment. Still, he was able to get back on his feet and even that was a problem.

"Let's fix that," Kefla mused.

Hello everyone. Well there you have it, the end of the first chapter of the story. I hope you all enjoyed it and want to see more in the future. If you have any requests, idea, or feedback that you want to share with me then feel free to leave me a private message or a simple review. If any ideas you have end up getting used for the story then don't worry because I promise I will credit you. That about raps things up on this first part. Until next time my friends.