Mayhem X Pleasure

Author: Gho5tCapper Fandom: The Walking Dead Genre: Romance/Erotica, Supernatural Rating: Graphic Violence, Sexual Scenes, Explicit Content

Chapter 1 "Forbidden Fruit"

Carl was carried across the grassy field on his ornamental throne, which sat up on the shoulders of members of his harem. Arriving a good 50 yards from the edge of town the girls sat him down and then spread out to either side of him. The act caught the attention of some of the town's people who stopped to take in the curios sight of a man in a throne surrounded by ten or so pretty amazon women and a blonde with a rifle dressed in military gear.

"Who speaks for this town?" Carl shouted from his chair. Some of the town's people looked at each other with unsure glances while others left to find the town marshal.

Carl's harem stood silent and still, holding weapons and awaiting orders as Carl himself watched silently for anyone to approach from the town. It was not long before a man dressed in black pants with a button up shirt approached along side two other men both wearing similar shirts but with brown paints. They walked past the small crowd gathered at the edge of town and out onto the field.

"You the one looking to talk stranger?" The man in black asked.

"Not asking," Carl said from his chair, eyes locked on the man. "I have come to inform you that this town is now under my ownership and that you will bring us tribute in the form of supplies as well as offer to us one girl from your town to add to my own harem."

"And why would we do that?" The man asked.

"Majd," Carl called one of his personal guards to come forward. The young looking, caramel skinned, dark haired amazon stepped forward. She turned to Carl and bit her lip while waiting for the okay. Carl nodded and looked back out towards the three men to watch as Majd lowered her eyes in their direction and extended her hand.

As she raised her extended hand, the two lawmen on either side of the marshal began to lift off their feet. They floated a good three feet off the ground while gently spinning unable to keep their balance. Murmurs began from the crowd behind them.

"That's a fancy trick your little brown bitch can do." The marshal began when suddenly the lawmen let out a blood curdling scream as both imploded the same time as Majd closed her fist. She then made a tossing motion with her hand as the blood and gore of the mangled bodies sprayed over the nearby crowd.

Carl smiled as the marshal hung his head and agreed to the offered terms. "Lucy," Carl called. "Clean up here and meet us back at the outpost." He turned to the other's, "Were done here, let us be off." Lucy gathered the supplies and chose an offered child to add to Carl's harem, a little brunette with green eyes and freckles on her nose.

Carl was carried off by his harem back towards the outpost, the day was done, another town added to his Euphoria Collective. There had been many this year and his influence was growing.

Twenty years had passed since Carl rose from a kid to being the master of his own harem. He was known as the Creed, a legendary figurehead of the amazon tribes that rose from the past after the fall of the world. Blessed by a divine being Carl was told to rule the world by might and erase the old ways of society, rebuilding the world the way he now saw fit.

With this blessing came the powers of increased intellect, prowess and cunning to add to his own predatory nature. Carl resembled a boy of teenage years while he was much older in reality. A fountain hidden deep beneath an old world government base entitled U4EA had given Carl and his inner circle the ability to live a longer life and reverted their outward age back to that of teenagers and in some cases to that of pre-teens.

Carl and his "Core Ten" as he called them would form the ruling circle for what would have become known as the Euphoria Coalition. A make up of factions, groups and outposts from DC to the eastern sea board all loyal to Carl and his amazon army. His ability to plan attacks, control resources and make strategic decisions lead him to victory over many groups that were leaderless within his territory, uniting them under one banner.

The early days were more exciting for Carl as he conquered new territory and forged his army, however after the founding of the Euphoria Coalition he found but one new enemy. They were the MOR. The Modern Ohio Republic, a group that rivaled the size of Carl's Euphoria Coalition based out of Ohio and made up of a number of former factions, groups and outposts as well. Carl had been slowly picking away at border towns of the MOR, taking supplies as well as outpost to add to his own during the current year, but was planning on something bigger, something to really show his might. He was planning on taking out the MOR completely.

Series Theme, roll it! - Happy Now – No Doubt

Lucy walked up the dirt road towards Euphoria's main base with a large cart of supplies being pulled by two amazon girls not much younger than herself. Lucy watched their asses as they strained pushing the cart up the road, taking in how yummy both girls looked from behind.

"Where are we going miss?" The young brunette who Lucy took from the town pipped up as she walked beside Lucy.

"We are going to your new fucking home, where your gonna make new fucking friends and become fucking proud amazon sisters in arms." Lucy said not taking her eyes off the butts of the girls ahead.

They arrived at the large double fence gates on wheels where Terra the watch mistress was posted. "Supply carts to Beta Hanger, new blood to the processing centre." Terra said as she slid open the gate and surveyed the goods coming in. She was a taller amazon with curly brown hair and a light brown completion, small freckles adorned the tops of her cheeks barely visible unless the sun brought them out. "Good to see you back Lucy, how did town go?"

"Another shit show win Terra. I swear these small towns just give up at the first sight of violence. You implode a few of their people and they all lay down arms. I wish we would hit a major city or outpost, this is just fucking pathetic, watching him bored at taking these towns." Lucy said stopping to talk to the watch mistress. Her sunglasses reflected the bright sun so Terra couldn't see Lucy's eyes, just her annoyed expression. Lucy put her rifle down next to her leg while she fixed her blonde pony tail, tying it and putting it out the back of her camo military cap.

"Good seeing you sweet stuff." Terra said running her hand over Lucy's exposed core that had a light sweat on it between her tiny camo halter top and her baggy low cut camo pants strapped with ammo and weapons.

"You too sugar." Lucy smiled and bit her lip before pulling on the hand of the girl taken from town and leading her forward further into the compound.

That morning a squad of young amazons were out in formation doing push-ups to an instructors command as another unit jogged past Lucy and the young girl. It was a normal day in the Euphoria compound. They passed some buildings that were once offices, now set up as communications centres with amazon tech girls running wire to communication dishes up radio towers and hauling generators and communication equipment inside. They passed a truck unit moving about large canvas covered trucks that would hold squads of amazons while out on the road, even a helicopter was out that morning landing not far from the pair as Lucy waved to a beautiful Asian girl that piloted the machine.

"This is a busy place miss." The young girl said looking about at everything happening around her. "Will I be doing all this?"

"Maybe who fucking knows, but for now your going below where you'll be given a room, clothing, food and sent to learn in the classrooms. Our Creed likes his followers to be educated in the subjects he has approved. That of war, religion of the Creed, sexual training and then what you will personally be known for around the compound, your occupation or what not. Whatever your fucking good at I guess. There are lots of other girls your age learning as well." Lucy said as the two entered a large metal plane hanger and made way to an open fenced elevator that would lower them into the compound below.

The elevator was guarded by another two amazons decorated with red feathers that symbolized their position as guards. Each held a traditional spear weapon as well as a semi-automatic weapon which hung at their hips. As Lucy approached one guard stuck up her hand. "Pass code?" She asked

"I was gone for like four fucking hours, why do I need to keep telling you the Creed-damn pass code every time I take this elevator up to take a shit." Lucy said.

"You know the Creeds rules Lucy. He changes the code daily to prevent impostors from entering the sanctum below." The amazon guard said.

"Uh fine, today's pass code is Red88." Lucy said as the guards opened the door to the elevator and escorted her and the child from the village in. The elevator went deep, very deep underground into the rock where if the compound was bombed from above the people below would hardly feel a bump. It was also naturally cold and wet as the elevator descended. Water ran across the carved rock and was channeled away near the bottom. After a good half hour the elevator came to a rest on some steel grates at it's base. Lucy and the child were escorted off and some others from below were taking their turn to return to the surface.

Lucy walked with the child in tow past a series of occupied rooms where large glass windows viewed from the hall allowed one to see into them. The rooms were white and filled with females in white outfits working on a variety of things from weapons to chemical substances. "These are the labs, where the people of Euphoria are involved in creating things the Creed can use to defeat his enemies. It's pretty important fucking work, most of this shit is super hazardous." Lucy explained.

"Next they passed into a thinner area with large block walls where females clad in what appeared to be army gear waved a device in front of them. Lucy explained that this was for radiation to ensure they weren't contaminated after being in the outside world too long. There were also many cameras set up here they monitored the entire underground structure. Nothing went unnoticed here.

As they walked down the halls they were passed by other young girls who were going into various training rooms, gyms and classrooms. Each wore black tights and a white lose hanging t-shit as a kind of uniform.

"These are where the new recruits are trained to be part of our organization. The truth is that thought many of us at the Creeds command have young appearances and long life spans, we still die to war and need to be replaced with new members. You see the Creed cannot create a new generation by himself, a side effect of knowing the Creed intimately is the girls in his harem are sterile. We cannot conceive children of our own, it's why you were taken." Lucy explained.

"Oh there you are Lucy." A voice called from the hallway. A woman in her late twenties with short brown hair in a bob cut wearing a white overcoat came over to where Lucy and the child were and squatted down before them. "Well hello there, I am Marie, you must be the new girl?" Marie asked

"Here is where we go our separate ways." Lucy said. "Marie will take care of you from here out." Lucy saluted to the child and walked off down the hallway and up to a door bathed in red light where she produced a key card and swiped it to unlock it. The door slid open from the centre allowing her to pass then sealed shut behind her.

This was the war room and the Creed was bent over an oval table lit from below with glass on it's top that displayed a map of America. All around him women dressed in brown uniforms moved about him with folders and manning stations while performing tasks.

"Yes I think it's time." Carl said to Kathryn who stood to his right. "Prepare our squad and fuel up the trucks." He then turned to see Lucy enter the room. "Did you get the girl to the learning centre?"

"Ya the brat is in development." Lucy said standing at command her legs spread and hands behind her back. She had taken her sunglasses off, but kept her camo cap with her blonde pony tail hanging out the back on.

"Great, dismissed for the day then. Don't go far I've got a mission coming up very soon for you and your sister. We will be moving out." Carl said turning back to kathryn who snickered at Lucy and muttered "Twincest." under her breath.

"Yes my Creed." Lucy said with a salute as she left the room and back into the hallway where she headed towards her bunk intending to put away her rifle and change. She made her way down a series of corridors past the other bunks that housed the Creed's inner circle and past some pipes that ran on the walls and ceiling to where her and Ellie's bunk was located. She unlocked the hatch and climbed down the ladder to the tiny room below where two beds were attached to the wall and the girls personal effects were hung or put away in trunks.

Lucy stripped off her camo halter top allowing her large white breasts to fall out and jiggle as she reached over to hang her clothing by her bed. She slipped on a soft tight black t-shirt that clung to her breasts and outlined her big puffy nipples nicely. She then stripped off her baggy military pants and combat boots revealing her figure and perfect heart shaped ass. She ran her hands over her smooth naked bottom before slipping on a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of black shin high boots. She dismantled her riffle for cleaning. She laid the pieces out on her bunk and tied her hair back before climbing the ladder and heading for the surface.

She marched along the compound and through the amazon circle of law towards the old runway that was long overgrown with field grass and weeds from not being used for years. She walked along the centre painted line kicking her boots together as she went and whistling a merry tune. Finally she came to a part of the compound seldom visited as it was back behind some abandoned military silos and slid through a hole in the fence that she knew of. From here Lucy was making her way through a field of wild flowers hidden behind some pines while the sun shown down upon her. She then came to a small field stone wall that had long crumbled and was only a good foot high at most. She jumped up and walked along the top of the wall concentrating on keeping her balance as she smiled up at the sun on her face. Finally she came to a part of the far off field where a big chestnut tree grew, it's roots arching high on it's eastern side and a decorative multicolored blanket lay just beside the tree.

"About time lazy butt." Ellie called from the blanket as she lay in the shade of the great tree, her bare feet raised in the air. "What took ya so long sis?" Ellie was wearing a pair of small cut off shorts and a belly top pink tee as she lay on the blanket reading a book, her tied back white hair outlining her young soft face.

"The fucking Creed had me doing clean up duty again on some small town protection racket." Lucy said kicking off her boots and walking barefoot through the flowers over to where Ellie was. She got down and crawled over the blanket to where her sister lay and snuggled up next to her giving er a loving kiss as she reached her side.

"Aww did sis have a rough day?" Ellie said kissing her sisters forehead. "I love you, you know."

"I love you too Ellie." Lucy whispered as she cuddled up against her sister and ran her fingers up Ellie's bare stomach. Lucy closed her eyes and took in her sisters scent, it brought to mind a many pleasant things and got things off her mind. "Also Kathryn was there and was being a bitch."

"That girl is a complete ditz." Ellie said. I don't see how Carl has so much interest in her, she is a drama queen." Ellie began stroking Lucy's hair. "I like you blonde, it's way more fitting for you."

"I like, this." Lucy said running her hand between Ellie's thighs where her bulge sat.

"Oh do you now sis." Ellie said smiling and putting her book down. She turned to face Lucy who had her head buried in Ellie's arm pit and lifted her face to match hers. She pressed her soft lips against Lucy's and gave a gentle kiss. "Well, we have the afternoon all to ourselves, we are away from the compound in our private little spot where no nosy amazons will see us, if you want to."

Lucy was smiling and giving Ellie the naughty look she was so good at as she ran her hands down the front of Ellie's tiny shorts. "Just a little, I just want to play with it a bit." Lucy said trying to get her hand around Ellie's newest enhancement.

"Oh be careful he's sensitive." Ellie laughed as she put her hand over Lucy's. "You can't just pull on it, you have to give it a gentle kiss you know."

Lucy unbuttoned her sisters shorts and slid them down her legs as Ellie's big, thick girl cock sprung up into her face. "Oh there it is, there's my toy." Lucy said sliding up next to it and kissing it softly on the head with her lips. She then slowly used her tongue to lick up the base of it and rub all over the end. Sticky strands of her girl cum collected at the tip that Lucy lapped up eagerly. After a moment of teasing Lucy had Ellie's girl cock in her mouth and was sucking up and down on it as Ellie lay on her back upon the blanket moaning with pleasure.

With Ellie's girl cock still in her mouth Lucy slid off her jeans and slipped two fingers into her pussy to finger herself. She was insanely turned off while mouthing the cock, the smell of her wet pussy filled the air around the blanket and even passed by Ellie's nose. The turn on of smelling Lucy got Ellie extra hard as her girl cock pulsed in Lucy's mouth.

"Turn around sis, let me lick you." Ellie moaned.

Lucy sniffled as she sat up and gasped for a breath. She tied her hair back as some had fallen out of her pony tail then turned and slid her leg over her sisters body so her ass was facing Ellie's face. She went back down on her sister's cock and opened her self over her sisters face.

Ellie reached up and cupped Lucy's juicy round butt, pulling it open and lowering it to her mouth as she worked her tongue into Lucy's wet, sticky, warm pussy. She pressed her tongue past her sisters thick pink lips and into her juicy hole where she tongued up her flavor. The scent of Lucy's pussy was overwhelming for Ellie who was getting close to cumming from the arousal.

Lucy was in heaven, having her pussy eaten by someone who knew her body and deep throating a massive girl cock. She was bucking her ass around as her sister kept hitting her clit with her tongue, and would take her sisters girl cock out of her mouth each time she received too much pleasure to let out a soft moan.

The girls were in such ecstasy with each other they didn't notice two young amazon scouts passing near by who saw them.

"It's okay, carry on with your twincest." The long haired brunette scout joked as they hurried by.

"There so gay." The younger one whispered to the other as they passed.

"I know right." The long haired brunette scout said giggling as they walked off.