I had this chapter prewritten, so I decided to just post right away.

"Okay, everybody ready?" Percy asked.

"Yeah," Jason said. "Piper just texted; they're on the way."

"Okay, Hazel, you and Frank got the picnic ready on the side of the beach, right?" Percy asked.

"Yes," Hazel answered. "And you could just ask her directly, you don't need to make a big deal out of this, Percy."

Percy sighed. "Oh, Hazel. Naive, naive Hazel. This is one of the most important things for men and most women. I mean, sure, it's not as big a deal as asking her to marry me, but it's pretty close."

Percy looked at his clipboard. "Leo, you make sure everyone comes out of their hiding spot at the right time, okay?"

"Yup," Leo said. "Also, I agree with Hazel."

"Shut up, Valdez," Percy said, sassily.

"Reyna, you made the poster, right?"

"Yes, it's all ready."

"Piper and Annabeth are here!" Jason yelled.

"Okay, everyone go hide!" Percy said, throwing the clipboard at Jason.

Annabeth walked onto the beach. It had only been a week since their first kiss, but Percy was absolutely and utterly in love with Annabeth.

"Hey, Percy," Annabeth said, kissing him lightly. "Piper told me she'd meet me on the beach, so I'm just waiting for her. But what are the chances that you're here?" She smiled.

DING! That was Annabeth's phone. Surely, it was Piper's text saying she had to leave a.s.a.p. like they'd planned.

"Oh," Annabeth said. "Actually, Piper isn't coming."

Yes, thought Percy. This is going perfectly.

"Oh, well, do you wanna hang with me instead?"

She shrugged. "Why not?"

They walked on the beach exchanging a few kisses every so often.

They finally arrived at the picnic blanket. "I was gonna eat alone," Percy said, "but since you're here..."

Percy took out the food and they began eating.

"So," Annabeth started. "You randomly end up meeting me here, right after Piper mysteriously ditches me. Then, you bring me to a picnic where you somehow prepared exactly enough food for two people, including all my favourites. So, what's really going on here?"

Percy went pale. Shit. He scratched his head twice. That was the sign to come out.

All their friends came out of their hiding spots.

They held the giant poster Reyna made. It said:

Annabeth Chase, may I call you mine?

Annabeth gasped. "Percy-"

"Annabeth Chase," Percy interrupted. "I love you so much. You make me so happy. You are the light of my life. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, oh, Percy, yes of course!" she said, kissing him all over.


"Don't be nervous," Sally said, fixing up his suit. "You're a 24-year-old guy. MAN UP!"

"Mom!" Percy said. "Stop, you're just making me more nervous."

"I can't believe you're getting married!" his mother exclaimed.

"Mom," Percy started, "can I have a hug for good luck?"

His mom hugged him. "Go get 'em."

He nodded and went to the end of the church, next to the priest.

The music started. His bride walked down the aisle. She looked so darn beautiful. Her dad handed her off to Percy. She looked beautiful. Her dress was revealing, but not too much. It really brought out the beauty in her piercing eyes.

They walked up to the alter. Percy and his soon-to-be wife stared into each other's eyes until the vows.

His bride started. "Percy Jackson. My Seaweed Brain. I'll love you until the end of time. When you get home from work, I'll be there ready to kiss you. When you go off to work, I'll be the one with your morning coffee. When you're too lazy to wake up on Saturdays, I'll be the one to enter your room with pots and pans to wake you. You are the light of my life and I promise to love you for better or for worse. In the hard and easy times. I love you, Seaweed Brain."

Percy smiled. "Annabeth Chase. Ever since I saw you on that first day when I moved to San Francisco, I knew I would fall in love with you. I didn't know that you would be my wife, but love is where you least expect it to be, isn't it? Do you remember our first kiss? When you had just come out of your coma, and the first thing you did was rush to Jason's house just to see me? Well, I'm sure you remember, because I surely do. That's when I knew; you were the one. Wise Girl, I love you so much. I promise to love you for better or for worse. In the hard and easy times. I love you, Wise Girl."

The crowd went "awww", and clapped, muttering about how they were perfect for each other.

"Do you, Percy Jackson, take Annabeth Chase to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asked.

"I do."

"Do you, Annabeth Chase, take Percy Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Then you may kiss the bride!" the priest said, loudly.

When their lips met, the crowd began cheering, and he could hear their friends cat-calling. Piper was yelling "I CALLED IT" at the top of her lungs.

"I love you, Wise Girl."

"I love you, Seaweed Brain."


"Charlie! Bianca! Silena!" Percy yelled. "C'mon, you don't wanna be late for your first day of school!"

"Percy, there's still an hour until school starts," Annabeth said, holding her coffee.

"Yeah, but it's Silena's first day of High School, and it's Bianca's first day of kindergarten! I don't want them to be late!"

"We're coming, dad!" he heard his kids yell.

Once they were all downstairs, they got into the car and drove Bianca and Charlie to school first.

"Mommy, I'm scared," Bianca said.

"Sweetheart," Annabeth started. "why would you be scared? You're an amazing girl! You're gonna make friends so easily! And we're coming to get you in a few hours, so don't worry. And if anything goes wrong, don't be scared to ask your teacher or Charlie for help, okay?"

"Okay, mommy," she said. Her sea-green eyes shone with confidence, and her wavy, dirty blonde hair was all around her shoulders. Percy smiled. He had the best family he could ask for.

Percy turned back to his son. "Charles, if your sister comes to you-"

"I know, dad, I have to help her."

"Okay, and remember to-"

Charlie sighed. He rolled his grey eyes. "Dad, I'm in 4th grade. I can take care of myself."

"Okay, go get 'em, Champ."

They hugged, and then Charlie went to join his friends, his dark raven hair, which went down to his ears, was blowing in the wind. That kid needed a hair cut.

Silena was still waiting in the car.

"Percy," Annabeth said. "That was our last baby. They're all growing up so quickly."

Percy chuckled. "I know. It feels like just yesterday they were born. Is it crazy that we're gonna be grandparents soon?"

"That is crazy. C'mon, Silena can't be late for her first day!"

Percy smiled at his wife, and they walked back to the car.


"More tea, dad?" Bianca asked.

"Sure, sweetheart," Percy said, beaming at his youngest daughter.

"Mom, you too?"

"Yes, Bia, that would be great," Annabeth said.

The old couple watched their grandchildren playing in the backyard.

Bianca brought them their tea.

The doorbell rang. Bianca went to open it. "HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY, DAD!" Silena yelled as she entered the house with her husband and twin kids.

"Grandpa!" the twins yelled. They hugged and greeted.

Then Charlie came with his girlfriend.

Hazel and Frank came. "Uncle Frank and Auntie Hazel!" said Bianca.

Nico and Will, with their adopted kids; Kyle and Angelica.

Reyna and her boyfriend, Lester. (BAHAHHAHAH)

Piper and her husband; Jack, and their daughter; Jenna.

Jason and his wife; Caroline.

Leo and Calypso, and their 5 kids; Emmie, Jo, Jeff, Alexandra and Benjamin.

Everything was perfect. Percy had all his friends here. Percy and Annabeth had made all of their friends aunts and uncles of their kids.

Finally, all of his family was here and they were happy. They celebrated Percy's birthday.

After the party, he and Annabeth sat on the couch, watching Titanic, and cuddling.

They loved each other, and that's what mattered.


Percy walked to the flower shop he went to every week.

"Five Lotus flowers like usual Mr. Jackson?" the florist asked. Percy nodded.

He paid for his flowers and thanked the florist.

He walked to the graveyard.

He sat down next to a tombstone.

"Hey, Wise Girl," he said, tears in his eyes. "It's hard without you. In counting, it's been 2 years, 6 weeks, 4 days, and 11 hours that you've been gone."

He began crying really hard. "The doctor said I'll be joining you soon. In the next week, for sure."

"Wise Girl, I can't wait to see you. You are so beautiful. I miss seeing your face every day when I wake up and go to sleep. But I'll be with you soon."

A few days later, Percy got his wish and got to see his wife.

I can't believe I just finished this story. I cried writing it at the end. I'm so sorry I did that to you, but I had the idea in my head and wanted to do it so badly. Thank you to everyone who read this story. You are my favourite person if you read this entire story and cried at the last part of this chapter. Don't forget to please share, favourite, and review!