Percy woke up to the sound of a motor. From a car. Or a truck. It didn't matter which one, though, because he knew what it meant. Moving day. Yay.

He sighed as he got out of bed. What did it matter if they moved? The only friend he had was a total jerk, and he was failing 50% of his classes. He had gotten kicked off the swim team, and had to see a tutor every Monday to Thursday.

"Percy hurry up!" his mom shouted across the house.

"I'm almost done!" he lied. He tended to lie often. He put on his Led Zeppelin shirt, and blue jeans. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, and once he finished that, he put his bathroom stuff into a bag, walked back to his room, and put it into one of his many suitcases. He walked downstairs and smiled at his mother.

She smiled back, but he could see the strain in it. She knew he really didn't want to move. He wasn't a fan of change. "So," she said, "I made you pancakes." Percy looked at the blue pancakes in Sally's hand.

"Thanks, mom." He went over, took the plate from her hand, and kissed her cheek.

He gobbled down his pancakes in 5 minutes. They packed everything in the car, and the big stuff in the moving truck, and drove off. Goodbye Manhattan, hello San Francisco.


They arrived at their new, small house. Since the truck was still on its way, Percy and his mom had time to check the place out. There were two floors, a small, but big enough, kitchen, three bedrooms, a closet-sized laundry room, two bathrooms, a dining room that was actually pretty decent, a small, but big enough living room, and a backyard with a pool, which was great, since he could practice swimming once in a while, even if it was pretty small.

Percy chose his room. The walls were white, but he would paint them blue... eventually. His room was bigger than the one that he had previously slept in (before the move), so that was much appreciated.

He was almost done putting up all his posters, knowing where his desk and his bed would be placed once everything arrived when his mom called him down.

"Coming mom!" he shouted. He arrived in the entrance where the truck was parked, and they spent the next hour and a half placing everything in the right place, starting with Percy's room.

When they were finally done, and Percy had finished placing all of his posters and swimming awards, the seventeen-year-old boy took out his phone and started playing an online poker game.

He was ten minutes in, when he noticed the neighbour, in the same room across from him, folding her laundry. She had blonde hair, somewhat curly, and her back was facing him. He didn't realize that he was staring until she turned around and they made eye contact. They just stared at each other for a few seconds, when Percy decided to break the tension, and wave. She smiled and waved back. She had a pretty face. She looked around the same age as him.

They continued staring at each other until his mom called his name and said it was time for dinner. He sighed. "I'm coming!" he yelled to his mom. He got up, waved bye to the girl, and ran downstairs to eat his supper.