I had always lived my life by routine.

Wake up.

Go to the gym.

Get coffee.


Go to work.

Go home.

Make dinner.

Go to sleep.


Those were the rules. Live by a routine and try to make it to the next day. Don't get close to anyone. Stay alert and awake. Don't talk about the past. Don't get close to anyone. Don't alienate myself. Don't draw attention to myself. Don't get close to anyone.

Everyday I repeated the rules to myself, hoping that this minding-numbingly dull routine would end. So far it had been 2 years, 7 months, and 12 days sinceā€¦ Well, I guess I can't reveal that quite yet, can I?

My life wasn't always like this, and those memories haunted me. There was once a time when I was free, and alive. I could walk down the street without checking over my shoulder every ten seconds. Everyday was an adventure and a blessing. I lived a life. Now everyday was a curse.

Maybe I got sick of the rules and the mundane lifestyle I had. Maybe I let my guard down just enough.

All I know is that one second I felt dead.

Then he brought me back to life.