Besides AO3 and I only have one social media account, and that's Pinterest. I use Pinterest to find art ideas, get writing tips and follow Marvel/Spider-Man boards.

Every once in a while I'll comment on a pin or video. But I always try to keep my comments and replies polite, non-defensive and positive. And factual when it comes to anything marvel, particularly the comics.

But it honestly hurts when I give my opinion or say something and I'm attacked. I especially hate it when people instantly get defensive.

The other day, there was an image on Pinterest comparing the MCU endgame and the comics version. I commented and said that, "I preferred the comics version and that I really didn't like the movie." I didn't think I was being mean or defensive. I certainly wasn't trying to upset anyone.

Many people liked my comment or replied with something similar; which honestly made me smile. Because there's literally millions of people that hated endgame like me and we have every right to feel that way. Anyone can have an opinion about anything and everything, not just about endgame or Spider-Man or marvel.

But someone replied to my comment and called me a know-it-all bitch! They then continued to attack me about how endgame was fantastic and how wrong I was.

And it was really upsetting because I'm allowed to have my own opinion just like them or anyone else. Right?

I know I shouldn't let things like this bother me, but it does. Especially when it happens over and over and it makes me feel like garbage.

When stuff like this happens I try to remember the song Calm Down by Taylor Swift. Although it's easier said than done.