Part 1: Operation Healing Grouchy Face is a go! Chapters 1-5

~Evfra de Tershaav, the venerate Resistance leader, is stricken with the Angaran flu. Forced to stay at home under quarantine, Evfra would have been taken care of by family and close friends. Without either, he suffers alone, until Sara Ryder, Pathfinder extraordinaire, shows up at his doorstep as his self proclaimed caretaker. Soon long forgotten feelings begin to stir awake for this free spirited little human.

Part 2: Operation Win her over has begun! Chapter 6-?

~Evfra has accepted the fact that he is smitten for an alien, and not just any alien, but Sara Ryder the Human Pathfinder and leader of her people. However, having been so long out of the dating scene his wooing skills are practically non-existent, and what is worse, he isn't the only angaran who has set sights on Ryder. Meanwhile, Sara is completely oblivious as to what certain angarans are vying for. The Pathfinder finds herself stumbling through the intricate art of angaran courtship, realizing that only one ever grouchy angaran had her heart all along.

[Author notes]

This story is cross-posted on AO3 under author name PK-chu. You'll find the M version over there ;) Also follow me on tumblr: fromathelastoveritaserum!

Chapter 1 - Quarantined


The herculean sneeze reverberated against the pristine white walled office of the resistance headquarters. Nearby colorfully glowing monitors flickered momentarily with fuzzy greyscale static before blipping back to their normal display.

Evfra grumpily wrinkled his nose as he realized that with each sneeze an accidental spark of electricity discharged from his body, causing the nearby electronics and monitors to waver in worry. 'Excellent, absolutely skkuting fantastic!' The resistance leader knew something was slightly off when he woke up this morning. Diffuse body aches from his neck all the way down to his toes had the angaran mull over his age, but he wasn't 'that' old yet!

Another violent sneeze and the informative datapad Evfra had been holding suddenly went dead. The leader thundered a colorful array of curse words, before he demanded another tablet be quickly given to him. This time the fuming angaran kept the datapad on the desk as he glared at it with narrowed molten blue eyes; daring the undoubtedly guilty tablet to fizzle out like its predecessor.

While the sneezing had momentarily halted, its implication had many of the resistance members on edge. A few anxious angarans exchanged glances as runny nose sniffles emitted from their fearless leader. His usual richly blue gradient skin looked lackluster, highlighting the dual serrated scar upon his forehead, while a slimmer streak continued over his left eye down to his frowning lips, halting only at the point of his chin. Evfra's eyes seemed glassy, and there was a glistening trail underneath his nose. Even his usual orderly outfit was plagued with wrinkles, while his adorned teal rofjinn was askew. But no one dared to comment or approach him on the subject lest they were zapped by his unstable bioelectric field. Finally, Moshae Sjefa became aware of Evfra's plight.

Meanwhile, as Evfra stared down at his desk, he noticed that the datapad was now doing something odd. Where there had been one, two datapads sprang forth in a blurry wobbly way. The resistance leader blinked, then stared at the tablet until it felt threatened enough to reform back into one sharp and solid form. However, the willpower drawn from the angaran's concentration caused a gnawing ache to pulse within his head. Evfra's snubbed nose tickled and the leader hastily wrinkled it to stave off another…" AHH-CHOOO!"


"Skkuting skkut!" Evfra roared, and was about to chuck the dead datapad right at the direction of a calmly poised Moshae. The resistance leader froze in mid-hurl, like a grecian marble statue, as he took in the appearance of Moshae. His mentor was as grand as ever with her ornate golden jewelry bedecking deep magenta coverings. However, the wise angaran had added a new accessory, a protective medical mask now strapped across her nose and mouth.

Evfra slowly returned to his wary leader pose with arms crossed over his broad chest as he appraised those who flanked Moshae. There were two medical personnel in crisp white suits, and wearing the same protective medical masks.

"Yes," Evfra grunted as he set the trash of a datapad down in as even tempered manner as possible.

"Are you sick?" Moshae inquired in a muffled but soft voice.

"No," Evfra growled as he frown deepened at the corners.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Moshae tried again in her even tone, though her crystalline blue eyes saw right through Evfra.

The resistance leader became keenly aware that one of the physicians was actively scanning him, from a safe distance. "He is running a high fever and his bioelectric field is erratic." An older dusky green speckled male angaran quipped matter of factly. "No doubt he is sick with the virus that is currently going around."

"Sir, if you will allow me to take a sample?" A younger male, with purple to violet speckles, hesitantly asked as he held out a cotton tip applicator at the ready.

The resistance leader's lips curled into a sneer as he threatened, "Put that away, or I will shove it up your…"

"Evfra de Tershaav," Moshae's voice stated warningly.

Evfra winced at his full name and obediently opened his mouth like a good little kit at a check up visit. The medical assistant swabbed the leader's mouth and quickly withdrew just as Evfra snapped his teeth, causing the medical staff to scramble away.

"Really now Evfra, you cannot work while you are sick," Moshae stated gently as the medical personnel departed. "And if it's the current viral strain plaguing Aya, then I need you to stay home."

"I cannot abandon my post!" Evfra's molten blue eyes flashed as he began to whip up a storm of a tirade. "There are troops out on the field who need my guidance and many more waiting to be deployed." There was so much to do, and now that they had some breakthroughs with the Pathfinder's help, Evfra needed to push forward harder than ever. The resistance leader wouldn't rest until the ghosts of those he lost and failed rest in peace first; sickness be damned!

Moshae raised a delicate magenta gloved hand to quell the resistance leader's brewing thunder, but now Evfra was like a runaway adhi as he raged onwards even as his gravelly voice became hoarse with each word.

"And who will properly assess the multiple ongoing missions all the while…" Evfra nearly croaked out from a parched sore throat.

"Evfra de Tershaav," Moshae commanded again. A little louder this time, but still equally measured with the iron fist that was motherly authority.

Another involuntary wince made the resistance leader question what kind of powers Moshae must have to make him feel this way; like a scolded kit when all he was doing was his job! But Evfra was starting to become too fatigued to even continue his tirade. His body felt drained of energy and if he were honest to himself, Evfra knew that it would only cause more work and widespread panic for the resistance should its leader keel over on the spot.

"Fine, I will stay at home," Evfra acquiesced with a low angry growl as his bioelectric field thrummed with displeasure. "I'll leave the work in the hands of my second, but the moment something goes wrong I will return to handle the situation myself!" And on that final note, the angaran stomped loudly out of the resistance headquarters, but not without blowing out a few more monitors with one last resounding sneeze.

Moshae watched the angaran slowly make his way out. While his movements were as purposeful as usual, there was a sluggish note to his limbs and gait. She truly understood Evfra's concerns and commended his dedication to the resistance as its steadfast leader. In fact, Sjefa had never known the angaran to take a day off from work or be sick. But, the matriarch was certain that Evfra hadn't been setting aside time for self care and was now running himself ragged.

Knowing this, Moshae would need someone to go check up on Evfra to ensure that he was resting. But what brave soul would be able to handle such a task? A few names came to mind, Paraan Shie, Avela, and of course Jaal. They could handle Evfra's blue fire of a temper. But they were angaran and thus susceptible to the virus...

Then a thought came to her in the form of a petite young human woman with a whirlwind of energy and a strong backbone that did not bow to the howling winds. In fact, ever since Sara became more involved with helping the resistance, the need for emergent rescue missions lessened, and even their death or missing toll waned. Sjefa wondered if Evfra had noticed this...hmmm.

Now that the matriarch thought about, ever since her own return to Aya, Moshae noticed a change in Evfra. A minuscule change, but it had happened nonetheless, and it was most apparent when the resistance leader was in the presence of the Pathfinder. An idea sparkled around Sjefa's golden circlet in delicate waves of bioelectricity. The itch for motherly meddling was not something Moshae frequently acquiesced to, but a gentle little push was all that was needed.

Meanwhile, a completely unaware Evfra sighed deeply as his comfortable abode loomed ahead of the windy uphill path. The circular two story white stucco building was settled into the lush cliffside of Aya. Large teal reflective windows were shaded by blue awnings and afforded some of the loveliest views, in leader's humble opinion. Inside the angaran was welcomed by a bright and expansive living room encased by white smooth sandstone walls. Woven carpets of various shades of blue to green padded the ivory tiled stone floor, while cushions of the similar colors covered sturdy wooden furniture. Apart from a couple of large luscious leafed potted plants and colorful hanging tapestries, Evfra's home was quite bare. His only other prized possession was a long plush couch that afforded the deepest of relaxing comfort.

With a long drawn out sigh, the angaran changed into a comfortably loose light grey long sleeved tunic and darker grey pants. 'If I'm forced to suffer, then I might as well suffer in some comfort,' he thought as he wiggled his toes, now free from their bindings. Evfra then became aware of how warm his rofjinn felt around his neck and carefully hung it upstairs in his room.

A second bedroom across from his was a guest room, mainly used by Jaal during his visits which were growing more rare now that his friend was a part of the Tempest's crew. Evfra wondered if he should send Jaal an update, forewarn the angaran that he was not immediately at headquarters, but could be there at a moment's notice should the need arise. However that would open the door for Jaal to insert his foot into and begin his own version of motherly nagging. Jaal had always been surrounded by many friends and had a large loving family. Evfra felt a sharp twinge within his heart upon recalling his own dear family. The resistance leader shook his head like a wet dog after a bath; he didn't need to dwell upon such thoughts!


With his sinuses shaken up, the angaran's nose was now leaking like an unruly faucet, 'Bah! Curse this weakened body!' Evfra growled as he dabbed a soft woven ivory handkerchief to his nose. Taking in a few deep congested breaths, Evfra became aware of how stifled the air was in his home. Grumbling, the angaran shuffled towards the many windows, leaving them slightly open to attract the floral fragrant warm breeze Aya was well known for. Muffled sounds of the busy market below put his nerves at ease for it was like the white noise of resistance headquarters...speaking if which...

No more that 15 minutes and 27 seconds had passed and Evfra was already feeling the itch for work. It felt odd not to have the weight of a datapad in his grasp and the angaran rubbed his bare hands together gingerly to soothe the almost phantom limb-like sensation as he descended the smooth stone stairway.

'How was headquarters handling the various missions? Had something gone wrong and they were too afraid to reach out to me? Why hasn't anyone sent me an update yet?' Evfra grimaced as the dull ache in his head seemed to flare in magnitude in response to his rushing thoughts. The leader paced about his open living room with his hands tucked behind his back while his sensitive toes felt the padded carpet then cool stone underfoot.

Should he send a message requesting an update; at least to know that everything was going smoothly at the headquarters? At the very thought, Moshae's strong voice stating his full name rang in his ear like a warning. Maybe if he snuck into the headquarters after hours when Sjefa would be gone…

An eager and loud knock came upon his wooden door. Evfra froze with one foot slightly held up in mid-step. He wasn't expecting anyone and no one ever stopped by unannounced; no one would have the gall to do so, except Jaal. However Jaal and the Pathfinder's crew weren't due to Aya any time soon. Last update had them hunting through the Havarl underbrush fighting Roekaar snipers, laser shooting Remnant Observers, and stumbling upon hungry Challyrion dens. Actually that sounded more like the rest and relaxation Evfra needed.

The knock came again, somehow even louder and more urgent than before. With an irritated huff, Evfra slipped back on his white gloves and stomped towards the front door, prepping himself to look as menacing as possible. Stars have mercy if it was a door to door salesman.

Peeking through the peephole, Evfra felt his entire puffed up body deflate at the sight that met his surprised gaze. The slim petite straight-legged human known to all as Pathfinder Sara Ryder, was perched upon his front door steps! She wore her usual white trousers paired with the blue and white jacket. Her neck was adorned with the human version of a rofjinn, though it was nowhere near as finely made as an angaran's. She had also begun to wear black gloves that seemed to appease the angaran populace.

Evfra watched as she shifted her weight onto the opposite foot before tucking a few unruly strands of 'hair' behind her ear. A gesture he was now more aware of as their vid communications became more periodic. In fact the resistance leader found himself studying her posture, facial expression, and the tone of voice that came out of that unabashed mouth. It was all for informative alliance relations, Evfra reasoned.

As if sensing the angaran's presence, Sara remarked loudly, "General de Tershaav, I know you are in there so just open the door...or I'll find my own way in!"

The thought of Ryder trying to break in caused Evfra to groan. What would the neighbors say as they watched that now famed human Pathfinder jigging the lock of the Resistance Leader's front door? Besides, from what Evfra had gathered from Jaal's visor vids, Ryder was not one for finesse, but instead a whirlwind of mayhem and destruction. She would probably smash through the front door with what Jaal termed a 'Biotic Charge'. Evfra mulled this imminent threat over, for he was rather fond of his pristine front door.

"I can see that your second story window is slightly ajar!" Ryder's voice danced with a playful sing song quality Evfra now associated with her trying to tempt fate or poke a rise from him during a few of their heated debates. Besides, the ludicrous vision of the young woman getting stuck halfway through the window with her round human behind shimmying in the breeze made Evfra snort with a little bit of amusement. He almost wanted her to try and break in...almost.

The large wooden door creaked open to reveal a brightly smiling human with a bulky backpack weighing her down. No wonder Ryder had been shifting her weight about.

"Pathfinder," Evfra greeted gruffly in his deep aussie accented voice.

"General," Sara quipped back in her usual greeting, though she paused as her large bright eyes studied the angaran before her. Evfra suddenly felt acutely self conscious of his runny glistening nose, the handkerchief, and lounge wear. This was definitely an undignified sight, but before Evfra could inwardly curse his slip up the young woman remarked merrily. "And here I thought I was going to get a chance to climb up your house." She grinned up at him as she wiggled those fuzzy little fur strips above her eyes.

'Eyebrows,' Evfra recalled before a snort escaped him at the thought of her even being able to get her two feet off the ground with the weight of whatever was threatening to spill from her overly stuffed bag. He moved to take the bag from her undoubtedly uncomfortably weighted shoulders. Evfra may be a grouchy angaran, but he was an impeccable host. Though less than a handful of angarans had the pleasure of knowing this.

"No no no," Sara playfully remarked as she shooed his gloved hands away causing the brow ridges of Evfra's face to shoot up his scarred forehead.

"Oh, I've never been inside an Angaran's home before," Sara stated as she peered about the open living and then down the long hallway that ended with the stairs. The view from the windows captured her lingering gaze. "It's lovely General," the young woman murmured gently and Evfra felt his chest puff with pride. Of course he was pleased to hear such words as this was her first angaran abode experience.

Quickly Evfra surreptitiously dabbed at his wet nose before the young woman spun around, tittering slightly as she did so. Really she should stop being so stubborn and let him take the heavy backpack. But Sara knowingly danced out of his reached with another grin before she merrily asked, "Where is your kitchen?"

"Straight through the living room, along the back wall," Evfra automatically responded, before giving his head a little shake. What was she up to this time?! Before he could follow to keep an eye on her, Evfra's communicator vibrated with an incoming call as Jaal's name flashed brightly within the luminescent orb.

"Jaal," Evfra remarked gruffly in his usual greeting.

"Ah, dear friend, we have heard that you are plagued with this season's virus." Jaal's strong and warm voice reverberated off the stone walls.

The sudden sound of crashing pots and pans caused Evfra's eyes to narrow at the glowing orb communicator as his stuffy nostrils flared. "And I am now plagued with something else," he stated in his low gravelly voice.

Jaal's only reply was a boisterous laugh for the cheerful angaran could exactly imagine the leader's stoic look of unamusement.

Evfra hesitantly peered into his kitchen from behind the wall to watch as Ryder pushed back the sleeves of her jacket with her now gloveless hands. The resistance leader felt some apprehension as the young woman brandished a large knife, before chopping up various colorful roots and vegetables with the concentration of one diffusing a bomb.

"Was this your idea?" Evfra hissed quietly once he backed away into the hallway.

"Not at all dear friend," Jaal replied, his voice laced with an unmistakable grin. "Sara heard that you had fallen ill with the highly contagious angaran sickness and that you were forced to be quarantined. Then after Dr. T'Perro discovered that Milky Way races are immune and non-carriers of the virus, Sara made it her mission to ensure that you recovered as quickly as possible."

Jaal recalled how Sara had taken the news aboard the Tempest. "Evfra is sick?" the young woman repeated Moshae's words as she stared back at where the wise angaran's holographic face had just been moments ago. Jaal was surprised that Sjefa had called the Tempest to inform the Pathfinder of the resistance leader's plight.

Jaal could still clearly recall Sara's face for it appeared as if she was trying to derive a highly complex calculus equation all in her head.

"He's going to drive himself insane and just get worse," the young woman sighed as she crossed her arms in thought.

"And how do you know that?" Jaal asked, truly curious as to how this human could know Evfra so well after such a short amount of time and a few heated exchanges. Granted they had become a little more amicable now until they stoked up another fiery debate over who knows what.

"Because I would do the same, if I hadn't had you guys around," Sara added softly before turning to gaze up at the angaran. "And Evfra, he doesn't have family to take care of him…" Sara drifted off either lost in thought or in an internal discussion with SAM. Jaal was still trying to tease out the finer details behind human facial cues. He truly wished that they would just be more open and free with their emotions, especially since they lacked bioelectric fields; it would just make them easier to understand. Then again, Jaal could say the same thing about Evfra...

But as Jaal studied the young woman's soft contemplative face, Sara clapped of her hands loudly making the angaran jump like a startled cat. "So, that's it then," Sara exclaimed with her hands pressed together and a knowing gleam in her bright eyes. "Operation healing grouchy face is a go!"

"Operation healing grouchy face?" Jaal parroted in surprise.

"Yep, I'm going to make sure Evfra gets better and I'm going to turn that frown upside down."

Jaal stared blankly at the Pathfinder, so Sara demonstrated by pulling the corners of her frowning lips up into a…

"...ah a smile!" Jaal chuckled warmly. Humans, such delightful behavioral oddities. "Sara, you are ever caring and passionate. But, I think this is on par with what you call, a miracle."

"I don't know Jaal, I feel like many of our tasks were up there with miracles," the young woman wagged a knowing finger up at the angaran.

"True indeed," Jaal chuckled affectionately in his deep rumbling voice. "If this is your mission, please allow me to be of assistance."

"Yes," Sara enthusiastically fist pumped the air. "I knew I could count on you."

Jaal grinned widely at her remark. It warmed his heart to know that she relied on him. Now to follow through with a taste of his own humor, "Well, someone has to ensure you don't end up sending Evfra to an early grave."

"Ouch Jaal," Sara gasped as she feigned a wounded heart with her hand pressed against the left side of her chest. "And just as we were having a good moment here."

Jaal's laugh rumbled deeply within his large frame. "Only ensuring that you will be able to perform your miracle."

The angaran couldn't agree more with Sara; knowing how stubborn and work driven the Pathfinder was, she understood better than anyone with what the resistance leader was going through, plus she wasn't frightened of him in the slightest. And so Jaal detailed instructions for a traditional angaran soup, as well as a popular spiced tea Evfra was quite partial to. He also advised the young woman on which ingredients and medicines to buy from the market, and jotted down helpful suggestions sick angarans should abide by. Knowing Evfra, his friend probably didn't take any medicine, would subsist on nutrient paste alone, and would attempt to work, rather than truly rest. Indeed Sara had her work cut out for her.

"So, we are docked on Aya for shore leave while the ship gets some fine tuning, though I will be staying aboard just in case," Jaal informed his keen listener.

"She is spending her entire shore leave to take care of me?" Evfra asked incredulously as his brow ridges raised.

"That's Sara for you," Jaal remarked fondly with a warm smile. Evfra instantaneously picked up on how his friend's voice had softened in respect to the young woman, and that he called the Pathfinder by her first name.

Evfra gently dabbed at his runny nose as he fell into deep thought. The leader had never let anyone take care of him before. Then again, no one had threatened to break into his house to do so...

~ Thank you for reading! Likes, Follows, and Reviews are very much appreciated! ~

I've tried to learn more about the Angaran's stance on talking about illness as it sounded like sickness isn't something openly discussed in their society. However, I thought that stance revolves around chronic illness and disabilities rather than something like the common cold or flu. But if you know more about this please let me know as I am curious!

Also, I'm leaving Ryder's appearance vague so that those who want to picture their own customized Ryder have an easier time :)

Oh, and while Evfra wasn't formally trained under Moshae like Jaal and Akksul, I wanted him to have a bond with her that was motherly and that he looked up to her as a mentor. We'll see how it goes.