Title: Scratching An Itch
Author: Lakeia
Rating: R
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns ALL characters
Summary: After spending the summer in the States, Hermonie comes back to Hogwarts with a new appearance and attitude to boot.
Chapter One: This is Me (Kool Chick)
Hermonie stared at her reflection in the full- length mirror of her bedroom. Turning her figure at a certain angle, she examined the changes she had undergone over the summer.
Her hair was now short, cut in a bob to structure her face and fiery red, thanks to L'Oreal Feria. Her skin was no longer pale, but had a golden tone resembling caramel. Her breast were supple with ample cleavage. She ran a hand over her smooth middle, feeling her abs at her fingertips. Her hips had the curve of a Coke - Cola bottle, while her legs were now shapely and long.
During mid - summer Hermonie had gone to California to visit a distant cousin, so distant that she didn't even know she existed. Her mother felt that it would be good for her to get out and experience normal teen life instead of staying at home, studying for her 6th year at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Witchery. Little did she know, Amanda did not live the life of a normal teenager.
When Hermonie arrived at her Uncle Wesley's Malibu mansion she was greeted by his lovely wife. Magerate, and their beautiful daughter Amanda, who even though held the smile of an Angel, was nothing of the sort.
Amanda was a wild girl who knew how to manipulate and control others in order to get what she wanted. She opened Hermonie's eyes to the way things could be. How she could be brainy and innocent young lady but also free- spirited and sassy. As she got more and more into her world she realized that she didn't want to go back to being that bookworm with the bushy hair. She had finally found herself and she liked.
"Hermonie dear?" Mrs. Granger yelled from downstairs.
"Yeah Mum?" Hermonie asked turning her attention away from the mirror.
"We're leaving in a couple of minutes sweetie so make sure you have everything you need packed away in your truck so daddy can put it in the car." Mrs. Granger answered.
" Okay." Hermonie yelled. "I'll be down in a minute." She answered.
Hermonie took one last look in the mirror, admiring her appearance. Things had indeed changed. She wore a red sleeveless tube top just above her navel and a pair of navy blue hip huggers. This allowed her new tattoo of a scorpion to show at the small of her back.
She smiled in admiration, her pale pink lips glistening in the light before going to the foot of her bed to retrieve her trunk. She sighed before picking it up and going downstairs.
"Good morning sweet pea." Mr. Granger smiled kissing his daughter on the forehead before taking the trunk out of her hand.
"Hey Dad." Hermonie smiled, following him outside to the car. There, Mrs. Granger was already waiting in the front of the car. Hermonie climbed in the back seat.
"So." Mrs. Granger started, turning in her seat to look at her daughter. "Are you excited to go back?" She asked curiously.
Hermonie sighed tiredly. "Oh, mum. It's Hogwarts." She said. " I go there every year and there's always some adventure, but other than that same old same old." She answered bluntly.
"But aren't you excited about seeing your friends?" She questioned.
Hermonie shrugged. "Well yeah." She answered shortly. Truth was Harry and Ron had been on her mind for a while now. She had not spoken with either of them all summer and often wondered what they would think of the new her.
*Would they act weird around me? * She wondered. * Would they accept the new me? * She asked herself.
Hermonie pushed all her thoughts to the back of her head. What choose did they have? This was who she was. Nothing's changed. She's still the same Hermonie they know and love. She just has new confidence and independence that know one could take away from her.
She was pulled out of her thoughts as Mr. Granger shout the door to the car.
"All set then." He announced, fastening his seat beat. " Okay now we're off."
Hermonie settled back into her seat, anxiously awaiting her destination. There was going to be something different about this year she could feel it. Little did she know how true that was going to be. This year was going to change everything.
To Be Continued...
A/N: I know it's short but this is a two parter. I'll be posting this chapter and chapter two together but I wanted to get you a feel of it. Please tell me what you think after reading the first chapter good start, a little boring, what? I know nothing really happens in this chapter but it's a start it sets up chapter two so read on. Plus suggestions are welcomed.