Krownest, House Wren Stronghold, Ursa Wren's Family rooms

Sabine had been shocked when her mother had asked to see her after their latest battle. True enough it was not uncommon for her mother to speak to her, commonly taking the time out to discuss their strategy and plans for liberating Mandalore. But that was not why she had been summoned today, rather it seems her mother has affairs if a more personal nature on her mind and Sabine can't help but think that her mother had finally lost it. That is the only way she could possibly be hearing what she is.

In an effort to prove that she wasn't actually the one going insane Sabine asks her mother "what?!" With as much shock and confusion as she can muster

Ursa Wren however smiles first at her husband where he stands beside her and then at her daughter as she says "I said, your father and I believe the Bridger boy would make you a fine Riddur"

Sabine continues to stare blankly at her mother causing Ursa to continue in a semi exasperated tone "I mean really Sabine, the boy's clearly in love with you and you haven't shot him yet which is more than I can say for any of your previous suitors. Hell, that's nearly enough of an endorsement in and of itself"

Still stuck in a metal loop caused by the thought of her mother not just trying to marry her off again, but to marry her to Ezra Sabine misses the chuckle her father releases as she says on autopilot "But he's a Jedi"

Ursa rolls her eyes "indeed, and that might have been a problem had he not shown the heart of a true Mandalorian." Then gesturing towards her Aldrich she says "hells he nearly saved your father singlehandedly. Truthfully he reminds me of your great-aunt Satine's Husband Obi-Wan, he was a Jedi as well."

This seems to jolt Sabine out of her mental loop as she asks "Duchess Satine was married to a Jedi!?" Shocked.

"Indeed," Ursa confirms before continuing "at first it caused quite the stir as I am sure you can imagine. Then he managed to single-handedly stop an invasion and prove himself by killing..." Ursa trails off as Aldrich lays his hand on hers realising that she is getting distracted, instead she continues "the point I am trying to make is that it is clear that this boy loves you, and that whether or not you admit to it yet you feel the same." Then intertwining her fingers with Aldrich's she concludes "It doesn't matter that he's a Jedi, he has proved himself beyond a doubt these last few months fighting alongside us to free Mandalore. If you wished to marry the boy then I... we would support that, if not I understand that a Clan Kryze and Clan Onyo have both expressed interest in having him join their clans..."

This final statement seems to grab Sabine's attention and ire as she says "they'll steal my Ezra over my rotting corpse" before turning away from her parents and storming from the room.

As the door slams behind her Ursa looks to her husband and says "well that went about as well as it could have"

Aldrich chuckles as he says "indeed, although I'm not sure I would want to be in Bridger's boots when she finds him. Did you really need to mention that part about clans Onyo and Kryze?"

This time it is Ursa's turn to chuckle as she says "Aldrich, my love, our daughter may have gotten her artistry from you, but she definitely got my stubbornness. No this little push was necessary, otherwise she would continue to ignore her feelings, perhaps now she'll actually do something about them"