Chapter 8

AN: Sorry about the delay, I've been distracted by watching TV shows. Hence, why I have decided to update earlier in the day than usual.

Star City

A few days have passed since Lyla gave birth to twins, and ever since everyone who knows the truth about the universe have been doing everything they can to make sure no one, especially not Thawne, realises the truth.

It is early morning and Oliver, Laurel, Rip, Quentin, John, Sara, Ray and Nate have all made their way to the Bunker. While the bunker still isn't set up, it is starting to look more like how it did in the other universe, though it does have crates of equipment from Cisco, Lena and even Kate and Luke, scatted around.

"So, exactly how are you lot going to get this place fit to work out of?" Quentin asks curious, as he looks around as he feels like it will take a while.

"Time," Oliver answers. "Once we've stopped Malcolm we should be able to get this place ready," Oliver explains.

"And how are you going to explain it to the members of your team who don't know the truth?" Nate asks curious, as he is pretty sure that that might be a difficult thing to explain.

"Haven't figured that out," Oliver admits, though he does have a couple of ideas.

"You know, Rip, Nate and I don't really have busy lives in this universe at the moment, how about we work on getting this place set up," Sara suggests, as it is a little painful to see the bunker like this.

"You sure?" Laurel asks, looking between the three people mentioned.

"Of course," Rip confirms, as Nate nods.

"Speaking of Merlyn, when is he going to make his move?" Quentin asks, as he looks between his daughters, feeling worried for both of them.

"When we got here there were eight days before Malcolm was going to make his move, we're down to three at the most," Oliver reveals, knowing that there is the possibility that Malcom will act sooner.

"Which means Sara should stay here, or in the Waverider, until Mr Merlyn has been captured," Rip suggests, wanting to protect Sara.

"I'm not hiding, Rip. You know me better than that," Sara comments, looking at her friend.

"I don't know, it sounds like a pretty good idea," Quentin comments.

"Daddy," Sara says, with a sigh.

"We need a plan," Oliver says, cutting over the conversation as he knows it is going to go nowhere. "Thea has taken Lena's blocker, and will let us know when she and Merlyn are on their way back to Star City," Oliver explains.

"I do not know Thea that well, but I do know Merlyn, do you think she is going to be able to convince him that she has been drugged?" Ray asks curious.

"Thea believes she can, and I believe in my sister," Oliver explains, not a single doubt in his voice.

"I spoke to Nyssa, she is with Talia and working on convincing her to come here," Laurel explains.

"Do you think it's a good idea to have Merlyn and Al Ghul's in the same place?" Diggle asks concerned, worrying about what will happen to the city.

"What's wrong with that?" Nate asks curious.

"They have a blood feud, in every universe," Sara explains. "Nyssa may hate Merlyn, but with her memories she hates her father too, and from what she told me Talia hates him too," Sara reveals.

"She does," Oliver confirms, knowing that. "Look, I am not denying that this plan is complicated, and may not succeeded, but considering the only plan we know for sure will succeed is allowing things to occur exactly how they did last time, and I am not prepared to do that," Oliver says, looking around.

"Me either," Laurel says.

"None of us are," Diggle says, knowing that. "We agreed to a plan, let's see it through," Diggle says, and everyone else around the room nods.

"John, you know we appreciate you being here, but you have newborn twins at home, are you sure that you want to be apart of this right now?" Laurel asks.

"Yeah, I have to be," John says, glancing over to Sara.

"Good," Oliver says, and everyone starts to discuss how they are going to handle things once Thea and Merlyn arrive in Star City.

Central City

As they cannot be open, and honest In Star Labs, Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, Wally and Caitlin are in the living room of the West House with the cold gun sitting on the coffee table as they sit around it.

"So, you made it again," Joe comments as he walks in from the kitchen with coffee for everyone.

"Yep, just like we agreed," Cisco confirms.

"And now what are we going to do with it?" Wally ask curious.

"We put it in place for Snart to steal," Barry says, knowing that.

"Bar, are you sure? You know this gun can hurt you," Joe comments.

"I also know that stealing this gun puts Snart on a different path, a better one," Barry explains. "After he takes this gun he does things differently, he becomes a legend, a hero. Snart always had that potential inside of him, he just needed a push, this gun is his push," Barry explains.

"He deserves a chance," Iris says, agreeing with her husband.

"Everyone should have one," Caitlin says, and the others nods.

"Let's head to Star Labs," Cisco says, as that is where they are going to place the gun, in the same place Snart stole it from last time.

National City

For days Kara has been planning how she is going to get a chance to talk to her Aunt, and finally the opportunity to talk to her alone has presented itself.

"Hey Little One," Astra greats as she meets up with her niece, in the air above the desert DEO facility.

"Aunt Astra," Kara greats, feeling glad to see her as she can't help but remember what happened to her in the previous version of reality, which fills her with sadness.

"When I found out you were reaching out I was surprised," Astra comments, wondering what her niece is up to. "I thought that the next time I would see you would be in the field of battle," Astra responds.

"I don't want to fight you, you're my family," Kara informs her aunt. "Aunt Astra come into the light. I know you want to help this world, make sure that what happened on Krypton doesn't happen here, but this isn't the way, Non's plan isn't the way," Kara explains. "People can be better, they can do the right thing, but not if you don't give them a choice," Kara tells her aunt.

"You're naive," Astra tells her niece.

"No, I know truths that you don't, and I know you should give this world a chance," Kara explains. "Astra, have hope, please," Kara says, and because she knows her aunt Kara knows that she needs time to comprehend what she has said and so she files away, giving Astra a lot to think about.

For most of the last few days Kara and Lena have been together, and because of that Lena knows all about Kara's plan, regarding her aunt. Because of that fact Lena is at the DEO with Alex and J'onn all three of them feeling tense, and worried for Kara. Due to the fact that Lena had been working with the DEO, since before Lex was arrested, no one questions her presence.

"Maybe we shouldn't have let her go," Lena comments, as she once more checks her watch to tell how long Kara has been gone for.

"We don't let Kara do anything, she makes her own choices," Alex reminds Lena.

"Kara will be okay," J'onn informs Lena, being able to tell what she is worried about, and only saying Kara's name as there is no one close enough to hear.

"Didn't Astra try to kill Kara, in both this reality and the other?" Lena asks.

"Yes. But Astra also saved her. Kara always believed that if given the chance she would be able to bring her aunt into the light, I'm worried about her too, but we have to trust Kara, trust that she is right," Alex explains, as she puts an arm on Lena's shoulder.

"I do trust her, but I'm also worried," Lena admits, and because Alex knows how big of a deal that is, she smiles.

"I know," Alex confirms and as she does Kara flies into the DEO.

"Are you okay?" Lena and Alex both ask as soon as they see Kara.

"Yeah," Kara says, before hugging both Alex and Lena.

"How did it go?" J'onn asks curious.

"We talked, I think it was a good first step," Kara admits.

"Do you still think you can get through to her?" Alex asks curious, as she notices Lena and Kara standing rather close to each other.

"Definitely," Kara confirms. "In the other universe Astra was coming into the light, she just needed time, this time I'm giving her time," Kara explains, and as she does Lena checks her phone and realises something.

"I'm sorry, I've got to go. L-Corp business," Lena explains, looking at Kara.

"Of course. We're still on for lunch, right?" Kara asks sounding like she would very much like to go to Lunch.

"Definitely," Lena confirms, and both of them go to lean forward to kiss, then realises where they are and so they stop themselves. "Um, right, I will see you at lunch," Lena responds, then quickly leaves.

"What was that?" Alex asks amused as she walks towards her sister, while J'onn leaves, not wanting to be a part of the conversation between the two sisters.

"What, what was what?" Kara asks, doing an incredibly bad job at lying.

"That, with you and Lena," Alex says. "I thought you said that after dinner the other night things were good between you two," Alex comments, as that's what it seemed like from how well they got along.

"They are! They're really good," Kara answers and as she does she fails to keep the smile of her face.

"Finally!" Alex exclaims as she realises what is going on.

"Finally?" Kara asks surprised.

"I have been waiting for years, literal years, for you and Lena to finally realise what the rest of us have known," Alex explains. "How'd you finally realise?"

"I think it was a combination of this universe, and dinner the other night. We talked after you left, and kissed, it was pretty amazing," Kara says, with a grin, looking like the happiest person in the world.

"I'm so happy for you," Alex says, smiling at her sister.

"How are you doing? You had a partner in the other Universe," Kara points out.

"Yeah," Alex says, looking down at the ground.

"Alex?" Kara asks concerned.

"I looked up Kelly," Alex reveals, her voice quiet. "She's still in the army, and from what I can tell she is okay, she is happy," Alex explains, feeling glad that at least Kelly is doing okay, or seems to be.

"And you're not sure if you want to change that," Kara realises.

"I love her, so much, but I don't know how I become apart of her live in this universe," Alex admits, pain in her voice.

Not sure what to say, or if there is anything she can say, Kara just hugs her sister,

"You'll figure it out," Kara says, that being the only thing she can think to say, and before Alex can respond Kara's phone rings. "It's Ms. Grant," Kara reveals.

"Then you better go," Alex tells her sister.

"Are you sure, are you okay?" Kara asks worried.

"I will be fine, go to work, go lunch with Lena, we'll talk later," Alex assures her sister.

"Okay," Kara says, before flying out of the DEO.

A couple of hours later Kara is walking into Lena's penthouse which she has been given full access too.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," Kara says, feeling horrible. "Ms Grant was…. Well Ms Grant," Kara explains.

"It's okay," Lena assures Kara. "The food is still warm, so everything is okay,".

"Good? We're not going out?" Kara asks, as she walk's towards Lena.

"I thought we could have some time just the two of us," Lena explains. "If that is okay with you,"

"Of course," Kara says, smiling at her. "Lena, I know we're still getting back on track, and this, us being more is new, but I want you to know that I am all in," Kara says.

"Quoting Gilmore girls are you?" Lena asks with a smile.

"It seemed like a good time," Kara admits.

"it's always a good time," Lena responds, walking closer to Kara. "And I want that too," Lena admits.

"Good," Kara says, and once she does the two of them kiss, and just like their words the kiss display all the emotion that Kara and Lena feel, how much they want to give their butting relationship a real shot.