Adam sat at his desk staring as Rojas and Jay messed around in the kitchen, he was trying to resist the urge to run outside and wait by his car for Kim to arrive. He was attempting to respect her boundaries, but it was hard, he really just wanted to package her in bubble wrap and place her safely on the couch for the next four weeks but she was having none of that and she had told him just as much the week before when he gently suggested maybe she should go on maternity leave early, that was a mistake he will not be making again.

He saw Jay reach for a mug and start to pour a cup of coffee, "Jay, NO!" he yelled from his desk as he stood and ran, grabbing the mug and pouring the little bit of coffee in it down the sink.

"What the hell?" Jay bit at him, obviously annoyed by the intrusion.

Adam flipped the mug around and pointed to the "Best Mom Cop" logo on the front and smiled, "did you really want to deal with this?" he asked as he started to wash the mug out.

Jay chuckled, "Thanks, man that would have been twice in one week, I think she would have murdered me."

"Why is she so moody? I swear she hasn't smiled in weeks." Rojas asked flatly clearly in need of coffee to get going after their long night, the team had been working overtime on a case that kept them in the field until almost three the night before.

"You'd be grumpy too if you had a not so mini Adam residing inside you. What is she now 60-70 weeks along? I swear that kid is going to be 20 pounds." Jay joked but the look Vanessa's face when he smiled at her stopped him cold. He slowly turned to face Adam knowing full well that he may get sucker punched and yup he knew he deserved it, "Dude, it was just a joke, a poorly executed one, yes, but a joke all the same and I'm sorry." He held both hands in front of him in surrender hoping Adam would see the humor.

"I am not in the mood to break up a fight between you two idiots this morning, it's too early for this much male testosterone" Rojas rolled her eyes and left out the door leaving the two men staring each other down.

"Relax asshole, I'm not going to hit you, actually that was kind of funny but I'll deny if you ever repeat that." Adam laughed, "And don't touch the mug again, she will definitely dismember you and hide the pieces and then I'll have to help and it will become a big thing and honestly I'm too tired to deal with it."

"Aye Aye Captain" Jay mockingly saluted Adam as he left kitchen in search of Hailey.

Adam stared at the mug in his hand and chuckled, he poured Kim a cup of coffee knowing she would need it and went in search of her.