The next day, Leia dressed quickly and headed down to breakfast. She greeted her parents quietly and sat down at her place, still trying to work her courage up.

Bail and Breha smiled at her when she entered the room, then went back to their hushed conversation. Leia was too tired and stressed to even care.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, Bail and Breha finished their conversation and turned to her. "You've been awfully quiet this morning," her father remarked, quirking an eyebrow at her.

"Well, you seemed busy," Leia offered halfheartedly. Breha frowned at her.

"Everything okay?"

Leia sighed, momentarily burying her face in her hands, steeling herself. She sighed before finally looking up at them. "Actually, it's not...Mother, Father...I have a few questions. And I'd really like you to answer them honestly."

Her parents exchanged a worried glance with one another before beckoning toward her. "Of course, Leia. You know you can ask us anything," Bail responded, looking at her with kind eyes that made Leia's stomach clench uncomfortably.

She sighed, looking down at her hands in her lap before looking back at them again. "It's about my birth parents."

She waited for them to process this, watching as their gazes briefly filled with shock, then confusion, then fear. Breha reached out and squeezed her husband's hand. "Of course. Ask away, dear."

She closed her eyes, bracing herself, then opened them and stared intently at her parents. "Is Darth Vader my father?"

The room was dead quiet. The shock on Bail and Breha's faces was palpable, their jaws slack momentarily. Bail's jaw clenched and he closed his eyes briefly. "How...How did you find this out?"

"Does it really matter?" Leia asked miserably. "Not from you."

She looked at her parents in pain, desperation flooding her. "Why didn't you just tell me?" She practically begged them, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

"We wanted to protect you," Bail protested weakly, rubbing his eyes, but Breha shook her head.

"We promised to be honest with her, dear...We didn't...really want to acknowledge it ourselves...your father was a good friend of...well, your father's...and a part of us still can't believe what he became. It's horrible to think about." Tears were gathering in Breha's eyes too as she stared at her husband, and she squeezed his hand again in another effort to comfort him before sighing and staring at her daughter. "You have every right to be angry with us for keeping this from you. We're sorry."

Leia heaved a breath, averting her eyes from them. She was angry. Unspeakably so. But they were still her parents, and she loved them. She looked back up at them. Her father wouldn't meet her eyes, staring down in shame at the table, so she shifted her gaze to her mother, who was staring at her with a mixture of sadness and guilt in her eyes. "Is there anything else I should know?" She questioned them softly.

Breha glanced at her husband, then nodded. "Yes...Before Darth Vader was Darth Vader, he was a Jedi named Anakin Skywalker." Leia gaped. "Yes, that Anakin Skywalker...he and your mother had an affair...and as you know, she died giving birth to you...and your twin brother."

Leia moaned, burying her head in her hands. "No, no, no..." She steadied herself, forcing herself to breathe evenly, blinking back horrified tears. "Why didn't you take him in with me? Why isn't he here?"

"The Jedi thought that it would be best for you two to remain separated—in case one of you were kidnapped..." Bail groaned guiltily here, and Breha squeezed his hand again.

"Oh no," Leia moaned. "Then it's true...he really is my brother."

"What?" Bail asked sharply, speaking for practically the first time since this conversation had started.

"Lu—Darth Sohn," Leia cut herself off. "He's my brother."

Bail gaped. "How did you figure that out?"

"I remember you and that man talking, years ago...I just assumed..." Leia didn't quite trust them with the whole truth yet. At any rate, she didn't quite want them to know she'd been plotting with a Sith Lord...

Bail sighed. "I'd hoped...Well. Yes, that's what I surmised as well...He's certainly the spitting image of his father...I saw the HoloNet footage."

"You should've taken him in," Leia said angrily, standing and slamming her hands on the table. "Look at him now! He's my brother, and he's being used as a weapon! Look at the scars on his face! Can you even imagine how much he's been tortured?"

Bail and Breha winced as Leia groaned and began pacing. An uncomfortable silence filled the room once more. Leia sighed, clenching her fists. Maybe she was being too harsh...but.

"I do have something to ask of you," she said softly, prompting her parents to look up at her.

She hesitated, then looked her father straight in the eyes. "I need to train. I need to be a Jedi."

Bail looked at Breha, and she nodded. "I assume you want to go to train with Masters Obi-Wan and Yoda?"

"Yes," Leia said. "Every moment Palpatine remains in charge, is a moment more lives are being lost. I'm going to find a way to get rid of him...and liberate the galaxy."

Her parents stared at her for a moment in disbelief, then exchanged a glance and nodded. "You need to be trained. That much is certain. Especially considering the recent rise of Darth Sohn..."

"You mean my brother," Leia practically snarled, feeling defensive, and Bail flinched. A prickle of guilt swirled in her stomach, but she pushed it aside. "Sorry, but...Don't call him that. At least take responsibility for your actions," she looked away from them for a moment, then looked back.

"I'd like to leave as soon as possible."

"Of course. We'll have you on a ship to Dagobah soon."

"Thank you," Leia murmured. "I'll get packed." She left with an uncomfortable feeling in her gut. Uncomfortable, but necessary. This confrontation needed to be added. She could make up with her parents when she returned. Right now, there were bigger worries. She needed to focus on her training.

And maybe, just maybe...the Jedi could tell her more about her birth parents…

So Leia hurried to pack and by the end of the day, she was ready to head to Dagobah to meet the Jedi. She hugged her parents awkwardly but tightly before she left, knowing how much she'd miss them while she was gone.

That night, before she climbed into bed, she hesitated on whether or not she should tell Luke what she'd figured out, or wait for him to tell her. She wasn't entirely certain if she could trust him yet…this could be a test of that. She just hoped he passed…

Luke sat, waiting. It had been hours since anyone had come to his room, and given him time to think. He'd come to the conclusion that Leia had to be his twin sister. There was no other explanation for it.

He contemplated telling her. On the one hand, it could increase her loyalty towards him. On the other, the information could come in handy later…and there was the chance she could spread it around, and more people could know about it, ruining his plan.

And who was to say how well she would take it? He hadn't even told her who his father was.

He leaned back, closing his eyes, supposing he might as well sleep. He was still in slight pain from all of the Force lightning strikes…And he would probably be in here for a while. He just hoped it wouldn't be too long. He'd never realized how much he hated being alone.