
" I can't say I'm one to tiptoe around a subject so I will just jump in the deep end. My first statement will confuse you at first then I'm sure all of you will come to the conclusion I'm yanking your chain. Let me finish my sentence then feel free to ask anything to help confirm my story, after that we can move on, fair enough?" The tension in the room was almost physically painful. Hermione couldn't get through this fast enough. There was no way to be sure they would take the news well or even welcome her interference in their lives, even if they did turn out quite miserable in her opinion. Glancing around she caught a slight nod from all the Marauder's and counted to three in her head to build up the last bit of nerve she needed.

"My name is Hermione Granger, I am from 20 years in the future and my best friend's name is Harry James Potter." It took all of her resolve not to laugh once her sentence registered with the room's occupants. Laughing now would only make them think it was a prank and she couldn't waste the time that would take. She had to get this over with before she lost her bravado and ran from the room. Seeing Remus and Sirius so young and happy, untouched by the war was painful. This was how they were meant to be, surrounded by those who not only understood but accepted them. These are the people who should have grown Harry's confidence and taught him all the things he shouldn't be doing but could get away with non the less.

"Come off it Kitten. There's no way to follow through on something like this. A joke has to be believable for it to work."

She should have known Sirius would be the first to find his voice. James was mostly an unknown factor but if she had to guess Remus would be the next with something to say. Most likely to try and reason with the situation, make it more logical for himself. He wasn't too unlike her in that regard. Remus always operated best when he could put a rhyme to the reason.

"What questions could we possibly ask you to confirm any of that. We wouldn't know anything about your future. It's a quite clever ruse if you think about it Padfoot." Right on time. Hermione had to admit it was slightly disappointing. The Marauder's would have more impact if one didn't know them quite so well before getting the experience of their youth.

"Would you two shut it. Listen to what she said Moony, her best friend's name was Potter. That must mean she knows us." Well that was a surprise as least. She has heard many things about Prongs in her own time but never that he was quite so logical. Maybe handling the boys wouldn't be as easy as she had hoped.

Offering a beaming smile for James, she tried to show her encouragement. "Too true Prongs. So ask away boys. Any of those dirty little secrets you Marauder's promised not to tell a soul are fair game. I have insider information after all." She couldn't hold back another cheeky wink at Remus. Being able to outsmart and surprise him was an all new feeling for Hermione. In the future he had far more experience than her. He also had too many years of solitude spent observing others to pull one over on him.

"No one knows all of the Marauder's secrets love. Anyone who knows us is aware of our names for each other. You will be caught in this lie before we even get to a second question." No one should look as good rolling their eyes as that infuriating man. Hermione would get under Sirius' skin if it was the last thing she did here in 1976. His superiority was rage inducing.

Getting her temper under control Hermione tried to portray a careless tone as she met his eyes. " Although I solemnly swear that I am up to no good, I assure you, I am not lying to any of you Sirius Orion Black."

The flustered look on his face was rather flattering for her ego. Being coy wasn't really something she was known for. If Hermione knew one thing about the Marauder's however it was that her normally abrasive and admittedly swottish attitude wouldn't be received well. This is the best she could come up with in all her months of planning. She simply had to rely on their insatiable curiosity in their youth. If she could make herself a mystery while conveying as much information as was needed they would be tempted to keep her around. Everyone loved a mystery to solve and the mystery of someone's secrets were always the most satisfying.

She should have known Remus would be the one to come to his defense. Always the protector that one. "Alright, I'll bite love. What exactly do you mean by that?"

Hermione heard herself giggle before she really made the choice to. "Of course you'll bite Remus," another chuckle and wink were sent his way to keep him from taking it as a negative, " I'm obviously not meant to be here. I should be in 1997. I would say that isn't so good, not to mention I chose to be here. More than chose really I made it happen. I would also think it rather obvious I was referring to your handy map. They are Marauder's words anyway."