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Beta(s) :
Ansel was a warm but normally dimly lit settlement, with the mountains ringing it blocking out so much of the sky. Between the mines, farms and forest work, the people were a hardy, embittered sort. And that was even before one looked to the Atlesian soldiers coming and going as transports did their runs and ships patrolled, or the Hunters on expedition or escort duty for caravans coming and going, by air or land. Typically, those caravans carried needed goods and families from Ansel itself, sent to get whatever people found a need escorts were, of course, expensive. And his family often footed, or manned, them personally for it.
Without those expensive escorts, though, one had to rely on the military to just be around, or accept how likely it was you wouldn't see your friends or Lien ever again.
Atlas was similarly hard, but in a more disciplined, class oriented sort of sense. The higher society people knew their role and stayed in their lane, as did the lower classes. Soldiers wore their uniforms almost always and kept their decorum, rules for which Jaune was no exception. The Kingdom-City's layout was even more rigid than Ansel, with systematic grid like patterns throughout the floating city's expanse. Rigid, cold, disciplined and safe both on its own floating surface and, by its effect, below, in Mantle. Atlas' stability served as a shield and sword for the lower city, after all.
That was how it had all been designed.
Vale was… Closer to Ansel than Atlas, for probably obvious reasons, but wildly different from both. From above the streets were more chaotic and unplanned in most sections and segments, leading it to look and feel more like a naturally grown forest made of buildings than a designed city. The buildings were random heights, random designs, and seemed to compete for space like leaves would for sunlight. Beneath them, roads wheedled their way like animal paths. Curved, loose, and fitting in wherever they could make presence for themselves. It was...
"Kind of pretty." He murmured, standing aboard the ship and tossing back a handful of stomach easing pills as their transport descended.
"You think so?"
"Yeah." He answered, swallowing the bitter tasting things and turning to the small girl beside him. Pulling his helmet back on and shrugging his rifle into a more comfortable place on his shoulder, he smiled, "What do you think, Penny? Kind of looks like a metal forest, doesn't it?"
"I think it does indeed!" She nodded, smiling brightly and leaning against the glass to get a better view. After a moment she hummed and, almost under what he could hear, murmured, "I would describe it as a field of flowers, though..."
"It's a city, not a forest or a field." Ciel, on her other side, chided the both of them. Sighing, she checked her wristwatch and scowled, "We should be twenty feet lower to land on time… We're going to be late."
"By approximately three minutes and forty two seconds, yes." Penny nodded, not bothered in the slightest by the woman's chiding rebuke. How she'd gotten such a precise number so breezily as as much of a mystery as how she put up with the other small woman's sharp attitude. Regardless, the little Huntress hopeful went on, reassuring their third, "We will still arrive to meet our fourth member within what would be considered by most to be 'on time'."
"You're on time or you aren't." Ciel argued quietly, "The margin around it is just an error margin."
"Well I say that we're still on time if we're a minute behind schedule." Jaune interrupted before Penny could respond and, judging from the last six hours of their flight, Ciel could argue. "Either way," he went on as the ship shuddered tellingly around them, "we're landing, so let's just meet up with the Specialist and get our next sext of orders. Alright?"
"Our first set, you mean. Aside from deployment, we've got no orders." Ciel corrected, sighing and shrugging when he did. "Fine. Let's collect our things and meet him, then. Before we end up even later."
From above, the airport building was just a big rectangle with numerous thin spines spaced out around large landing zones. Doors and bays facilitated the craft coming and going, and open-air escalators with heavy bulwarks that could be used to seal them. Presumably in case airborne Grimm attacked, since aircraft would just bomb the building into rubble around the armored sections. Inside, the order descended into chaos, as lines of disembarking passengers wound around each other and the amenities and services needed to run an airport.
Waiting at one of the numerous exits they met their fourth member, a Faunus man with his own more specialised, probably Huntsman grade, rifle hanging comfortably across his back and long Specialist coat swaying with the gentle wag of his tail. "Specialists Arc, Polendina and Soleil?"
"Indeed." Ciel answered as she stepped in front of them, hands clasped behind her back and head bowing in a polite greeting. His eyes flicked to theirs - well, to Jaune's visor - but when he and Penny only shrugged the man turned back to her. Smiling in satisfaction, she asked, "Are you Specialist Amin, then? We were told that you would be our superior for the duration of our stay, Sir."
"Yeah, you are. And you kids can rely on me from now on." He nodded, seemingly pleased with himself for the rank judging from the wide smile and thumbs up. A recent promotion, it seemed, then. Not that Jaune was in any position to judge that sort of thing. "If you'll come with me, I'll explain the operation and your roles in it, Specialists."
"Yes, Sir." He and Ciel snapped out, Penny only bouncing on her heels and nodding.
"Good." He nodded, eyes flicking between each of theirs before he turned and led them away. As they passed through Vale's vibrant, chaotic footpaths and streets, Specialist Amin spoke, knowing that in the crowd no one would be able to hear what they were talking about. "Okay so first thing's first, don't expect things here to be like in Atlas. Faunus walk most streets if it matters-"
"Doesn't to me." Jaune shrugged, "As long as they aren't part of-"
"Oh, I just love Faunus!" Penny interrupted, ignorant of the dozens of eyes that swerved to her for a heartbeat. Smiling, she began to rattle at the Specialist, "They are just so interesting, diverse, unique and-and interesting! Spider Faunus can shoot webbing, did you know that?"
"Yeah, I-"
"Oh, and the rare aquatic Faunus can sometimes breathe underwater!" She went on before the man cold answer, the amused and confused Faunus just giving her a look and shaking his head. Uninterrupted, she added, "Some can even fly or produce natural toxins, injected by claws, tails and even sometimes teeth!"
"Wait, seriously? Poison fangs? Faunus have poison fangs?" Penny and Specialist Amin both nodded and he smiled behind his helmet and laughed, "That's awesome! I didn't know that! What else can they-"
"We're wasting time here, Sir." Ciel cut in sharply, speaking about wasted time the same way that other people would speak about the Grimm. Or eating broccoli. "As it is we are five minutes late for when the itinerary said our briefing should have begun. Any further delays will be a cascade of failure and ruin any chances of punctuality for the rest of the day."
"R-Right, yeah. Well, good thing we're here, then!" He nodded as they reached a tall, concrete white building sandwiched between two more colorful brickwork buildings. The roof of their destination was a few floors taller than those to either side and reinforced on top, a huge flagpole with the flag of Atlas set into its center and billowing proudly in the air. "This," Specialist Amin explained, "is one of Atlas' strategic hardpoint garrisons. Kinda unique to Vale, so you might not know 'em."
"The hardpoint garrison system is a system devised specifically for the support of Vale." Ciel, of course, began to explain with a smile that screamed self-satisfaction. "Housing, armories, equipment maintenance bays, communications equipment, and rations are stored in spread out, reinforced buildings. This allows rapid response as needed to threats in the city, while compartmentalizing supplies to prevent theft or crippling insurgent strikes."
"It also raises morale in the city, seeing Atlas' banner flying and knowing that help is always at hand." Penny added brightly, turning to wave at a kid passing them by on the road, the child looking at the soldiers and Hunters in a familiar kind of awe. "Half our defence against the Grimm is just keeping people feeling safe, so they don't draw attention."
"Well… Yeah, that's, uh, right. Good job, Soleil." Somewhat put out by not getting to do the explaining and sound smart, the Faunus frowned and set his hands on his hips. Then he shrugged and waved for them to follow him, "C'mon, then. I'll show you where you can stow your gear and then we'll get into the briefing on each of your assignments while you're here."
"Tell me about it later." Jaune whispered as they stepped towards the door, the young ginger smiling widely and nodding excitedly at the prospect.
Two guards were posted outside of the door, which itself was set up on a sort of porch ringed by concrete barriers to provide sight over the road. One of the guards checked each of their IDs but otherwise they were admitted into the typical sterile lobby without any fuss or concern. Inside, soldiers paid them little mind as they passed, walking through blank halls marked out by alpha-numerical designators at each corner. Their purpose was to guide anyone that knew the simple code wherever they went. Letters designated the floors, and numbers the halls from the left side of the building around and to the right.
They didn't need to worry about it, though, since they had Specialist Amin to follow.
"Okay, kiddos, I read your dossiers but I want real introductions." Specialist Amin ordered brightly after they'd dropped off their equipment and he'd changed out of his armor and into his Specialist uniform. As they settled into their seats around in what looked to be a copy and paste of the briefing room he'd met Penny and Ciel in, he smiled and waved a hand at himself. "I'll start. I'm Specialist Marrow Amin, born and raised on Mantle. I went to Atlas Academy and graduated a year ago."
"That is why you were chosen to form our team, isn't it?" Penny asked, smiling as she always was. "Because you look so young, so you can stand in as a student fairly well whenever you are needed to."
"Exactly right." The man nodded, smiling at how easily she connected the dots. "Specialist Soleil and Specialist Arc are both also actually students, as well. So your team is formed up of almost completely real records. Three actual students and one pretend one. It's easier to hide the fact with only one fake in the group, but adds a bit more skilled firepower to the mix."
"For our mission." Jaune nodded, cocking his head and raising an eyebrow. "Which is… What, exactly? Besides coming to Beacon and attending group events as part of Penny's team, I mean."
"To protect her whenever you aren't on secondary assignments." Marrow answered simply, folding his arms across his chest at the displeased face Jaune made. Knowing what he'd ask next, Amin cut it off before it could go anywhere, "The reasons behind it all aren't for you to know. The operation's parameters are classified, and you know what you need to. Just follow your orders, newbie."
"Yes, Sir." It chafed to be told off, but such was all just a part of the job.
"And since you started talking anyway," he smiled, no doubt aiming to ease the tension for said telling off, "why don't you introduce yourself first, Arc?"
"Alright, then…" He took a breath and crossed his arms, getting comfortable for the brief moment before he began to talk. He sucked at this sort of stuff, after all, but if he was ordered to… "Well, I'm from Ansel, which is a bit north and east of here. My name is Jaune Arc, as you, uh, probably know. My family history is kinda famous from back in the Great War and the Faunus War."
"Technically, it's the 'Rights Revolution'." Marrow corrected thinly, "But go on."
"R-Right." Not in the TC it wasn't, and he almost said as much. But he thought better of it and finished more meekly, "Well, I'm MI trained, transferred into the Specialists on a recommendation. And now I'm, uh, you know… Here."
"Right." Their new leader turned to Ciel, smiling, "Your turn."
"Soleil, Ciel, of Atlas, Sir. Academy and city both." She answered shortly, back straight and chin raised ever so slightly in the picture of military discipline. And a thin little smile that told him she wanted to be seen doing it, and praised. "I haven't actually graduated, but I am honored that General Ironwood and Specialist Schnee saw fit to make use of me regardless, Sir."
"I'm sure you're worth being picked." Marrow nodded, turning to Penny and frowning ever so slightly. Quietly, like he was anxious over something, he prompted, "Your turn, as best you can, Polendina."
"I am Penny Polendina, new friends." She said excitedly, like she hadn't already said precisely the same a dozen times. Beaming a wide, innocent smile, she went on quietly, "I was made in Atlas, and consider the city my home. I am also attending Atlas Academy, thanks to General Ironwood's kindness, and I look forward to it. I hope to make many new friends!"
"I'm sure you will, kiddo." Marrow nodded, smiling and giving them each a once-over. Satisfied, he nodded again and turned to leave, hands clasped comfortably behind his head, "Rest of the day is yours, kids. Get settled in and get rested up, but don't leave the building. Orders will come for each of you tomorrow."
"Yes, Sir." The two soldiers clipped, Penny instead offering a cheery little, "Alright!"
Being confined to base kind of sucked, but the day was waning anyway and he could do with some sleep. Especially if he had an assignment tomorrow. So he stood, nodded to the girls and said a simple, "G'night, ladies. Sleep tight and see you tomorrow."
As always, this and other similar unscheduled stories don't have a word minimum. If they're short, apologies. Normally, this would be part of the rest of a chapter, filling the next day. But I do this in my spare time, so…
Small chapters, sometimes. *shrugs*
Chendong :
Some people enjoy more original stories, some people enjoy those that adhere to canon. I try to mix both in various stories.
Merendinomiliano :
Indeed! Or at least one of them has.
Reader (Guest) :
A good idea. Wish I'd had it before now. If you have a name for a foursome with Marrow involved, I'd gladly take it.
Frosty Chops :
Yeah, I know a lot of people - myself included - enjoy Jaune more with his classic blade and kite aesthetic even if it is hard to design it in.
Josh Spicer :
Beacon is incredibly important, narratively. I will, however, be finding ways to not retread the same ground. Hard to get the Jaunedice arc in with Jaune being a soldier, yeah? His being on Penny's team is a cover, not an actual thing. Beacon will be viewed from a different angle.
Thomas Knightshade :
I mean… If the pairings work themselves out, I'll include them.