A cloaked figure stands in front of a burning campfire, tossing marshmallows into it.

"Island" he says, tossing a marshmallow, he does so after everything he says. "Action...World Tour...Revenge of the Island...All-Stars...Pahkitew Island" He then out a picture of Don from the Ridonculous Race. The figure groaned. "Ridonculous Race" He said, with an annoyance to his tone. He then tossed the picture into the fire. "Seven seasons, four generations, 87 contestants..." The figure then grabbed the top of his cloak and threw it off, revealing to be…

Chris McLean!

"...And we're here for one more. I am going to have twenty-two contestants across four generations, competing for not one, not two, not three, but five million dollars! We will be in a plane, on the camp, around the world and so much more. These guys and gals will be in the ride of their lives. This is going to be the greatest, most craziest, out of control, free for all extravaganza you will ever see in your life. Get ready because this is Total...Drama…Legends.

Chris walked onto a runway, next to him was a very large plane. It was a gray plane with four engines on each side of the wing. It had windows on its side and a picture of Chris giving a thumbs up, and winking.

"Now, most of you probably remember the Jumbo Jet was destroyed back in World Tour. But this is the new and improved, just out of the shop, state of the art, Chris McLean jumbo jet. Otherwise known as the Chris McPlane!" As soon as Chris finished a piece of metal from the wing fell onto the ground with a loud KLANG!

Chris walked into the plane and into a room. The room was gorgeous. It was laced with red carpeting, there were several yellow couches, bar stools and recliner chairs. There was a also a bar, a pool table, two TVs on the wall, a hot tub and fold out beds.

"This is where the winning team of every challenge will hang out, relax and chill." Chris laid down in the bed and sighed "Comfy"

Chris then appeared in a dimly lit bleak area, with no chairs, just a low wooden board on both sides.

"And this is where the losers will spend their time. In the loser class. And every episode, well in almost every episode, the losing team will vote out one competitor from their team."

A stream of static shot across the screen. Chris suddenly appeared in a kinda crappy potty area, with a sink, a toilet and a single window.

"And this is the confessional, where the contestants will air their grievances, share gossip or just do their business. Same old Total Drama feel. But, you might be thinking, what makes this season different than the rest?" Static.

Chris then appeared in the elimination ceremony room, that had a small bleacher area, a flower curtain, two tiki statues and a straw roof. "Well you see" Chris started "Not all episodes will happen on the plane. Some episodes will be around the world, others will be on the island, on the hollywood set and who knows where?"

Chris then appeared in front of curtain "But what's a show without its contestants...and here they are."

Chris opened the curtain, which revealed a darkly lit room. In the seats, were black bags with something stuffed in each of them. Some of the bags started moving. There was a foot sticking out one of the bags, and one of the bags wasn't even able to completely cover at least one of the really tall things inside it. The competitors were under the bags.

"First, our best original competitors" Chris started, pulling off the black bags over the competitor's heads as he spoke. "Duncan, Leshawna, Owen, Gwen, Courtney and Heather."

"Great" groaned Heather "Just when we thought you weren't demented enough, you kidnap all of us and tie us on this flying death trap."

"Hey" pointed Chris "You all signed contracts"

"Yeah" Leshawna spoke up "But I don't remember agreeing to anything like this."

"Yeah Chris" said Duncan "Even for you this is pretty messed up."

"Easy Duncan." grinned Chris "How's jail treated ya?"

"Great. Apparently it's pretty easy to get your sentence shortened, if the person who arrested you has also been in the slammer."

Chris' face went from smiling to annoyance. He walked away as Duncan laughed. But as Duncan turned, he stopped his gaze and his laugh. He stared for a few more seconds. "Hey...Gwen" He said, awkwardly.

Gwen gave an uncomfortable smile "Hello...Duncan." She turned away. Duncan continued to stare, trying to find the words to speak. Suddenly Courtney leaned forward, angrily glaring at the juvenile. Duncan quickly turned away.

"Awww, you guys are cute when you hate each other."

Both Courtney and Duncan broke their concentration and confusingly stared at Owen. Owen looked back at them.

"Oh, did I say something stupid?"

"Anyways" continued Chris "We have even more competitors. Like those that made a name for themselves in the third season of Total Drama." Again he removed the hoods as he listed the names of the next competitors. "Tyler, Noah, Alejandro and Cody."

"Ohh yeah. Let's do this. To the Extreme!" Shouted Tyler.

"I thought I smelled an eel." Noah said, looking at Alejandro.

"Be careful, my well dressed friend or you might-"

"Save it. Do anything to me, and my lawyer girlfriend will sue your a-"

"Wait a minute" interrupted Leshawna "String Bean got a girlfriend?"

"Oh yeah" Smiled Owen "They are like the cutest couple right now. Hehehe. Noah met her during the Ridonculous Race-"

Suddenly Chris appeared, pointing a finger directly in Owen's face "Don't mention that name ever...again!"


"Thank you" continued Chris "Now-"

"Wait!" Cody interrupted "If that's everyone from World Tour, then does that mean-" He started to break into a smile "does that mean that-"

"...And also Sierra" Chris quickly pulled off the hooded contestant next to Cody, to reveal the crazed fan

"Hi Cody…" she smiled, giggling. Cody just looked mortified. "Noooooo…"

Confessional (Cody): I thought Sierra would get over me after All-Stars. But no, it got worse. I've already gone through three different cell phone numbers and twelve email addresses. She just doesn't stop.

Sierra tried nuzzling her head against Cody, who looked on in horror. Chris cleared his throat, all eyes were on him. "The competitors don't just stop there. We also have on contestants from our fourth season, Revenge of the Island..."

Duncan rolled his eyes "Oh those losers...who'd you bring? That gamer kid?"

Chris pulled off the first hood "…Zoey"

Zoey looked around a little nervously, but her pace stopped on the juvenile. She smiled.

"Oh, hey Duncan."

Duncan found himself surprised, and blushing a little. "Umm...hey." Zoey just smiled, while Duncan gaped.

"Easy Duncan" Chris butted in "She's got a boyfriend. Mike" Chris pulled off another hood. "We've also got Jo. Lightning. Scott and D-" As soon as Chris pulled of the last hood, the entire robe fell. As if there was nothing underneath it. Chris just stared with hood still in hand. Everyone else looked on, wide eyed.

"Ummm- where's Dawn?" asked Chris.

"Here I am" came a voice from behind Chris.

Chris cried out in fright. There he saw the pale, blonde, green sweater wearing contestant standing behind him. He froze there a few moments, with Dawn just staring back at him. The two just stared at each other, not saying anything. Finally Chris came to his senses and tossed the hood back onto Dawn.

"Moving on…we also have contestants from our last season, Total Drama Pahkitew Island. Including the twins that hate each other, Amy and Samey."

"Ugh, put the mask back on Spare-Amy, she'd look better with it."

Samey just sighed sadly.

Confessional (Samey): When they asked me back for another season, they would only take me back if Amy would also be on the show. Now she's just going to ruin everything like last time.

Confessional (Amy): Ugh, I can't believe they wanted Lamey back for a season. Whatever, if it means I get to humiliate her on national TV again that's fine with me.

"We've also got the Aussie native, Jasmine." Chris pulled the hood off the tall competitor. The hood that was supposed to be covering her body was barely working, as half of her legs were sticking out. She nervously smiled. "Oh great, first being trapped in a tight bag giving the feeling of being trapped in a dark, cramped space, to being in a dimly lit tight space that's setting off my claustrophobia, fantastic." She started laughing nervously.

"Jasmine…?" Came a voice to her side

Jasmine's focus broke and she turned to see her friend from last season: Samey. She smiled at the tall Australian. Jasmine's fear of tight spaces was immediately put aside. "Oh, hey Samey…" she smiled. "How's it going?"

Samey grinned back at her, ecstatic that one of her friends recognized her. "Oh, it's going good except for…" At that moment, Amy let out a loud groan.

"Could someone put me in a seat that isn't next to a cyclops and an ogre?" she shouted. Samey sighed, while Jasmine glared.

"...That." finished Samey. Jasmine frowned, feeling upset for her friend.

"Alright, now that all the campers are done with, it's now time to-" Chris started

"Uh, hold on there Mathlete" quipped Noah "There's supposed to be twenty-two of us and I only count twenty."

Chris rolled right in front of Noah, putting his index finger up to the brainiac's lips. "I was getting to that." Chris stood up and sighed, "As some of you know, well to be honest I don't care how many of you know, Total Drama hosted a spinoff series called the Ridonculous Race…"

Owen spoke up "Wait I thought he said not to…"

"I didn't get to host it" Chris said, raising his voice, "But the producers wanted two brand new competitors for this season. The winners of the Ridonculous Race." He grabbed the hoods of two competitors in front of him. "The Cadets. Macarthur and Sanders."

"Alright, you dirtbags" said the more burly one "Get ready to enter a world of pain. As soon as I get my hands on ya, you will recognize what the true meaning of fear is, when you see me running behind you, breathing down your neck. Anyone that gets in my way will be crushed between my guns of steel and you will be sent home crying in agony and they will realize just how much you will regret ever meeting me. I will be your worst nightmare!"

Everyone just stared at Macarthur, all wide eyed and gobsmacked. Her partner, Sanders, confusingly stared at her.

"Did you really have to do that?" she said

"Just psyching 'em up, partner. These guys have seen worse."

Confessional (Cody): I think I'll take my chances with Sierra if it means not being near that Cadet.

Confessional (Lightning): Sometimes Lightning likes a little crazy. Keeps him on his toes. Not this crazy. Lightning no likey.

Confessional (Zoey): Wow that girl is...wow...she certainly is...what's the word...spunky?

Confessional (Duncan): Of course, Chris brought cops onto the show. He still hates me after I blew up his "Cottage." Plus, they're crazy. Well, one of them is. I'm not sure what the other's deal is.


All the competitors are now standing in the first class room, mingling with each other. Sierra running around looking for any sign of Cody, Duncan with his arms crossed, not talking to anyone, Scott and Courtney awkwardly staring at each other, Tyler and Lightning flexing, Jasmine talking to Samey and Zoey and Gwen hugging. Noah and Owen were standing by themselves. Macarthur and Sanders walked up to them.

"Oh hey" started Macarthur "You're the guys from the Race. You did pretty good."

Noah laughed sarcastically "Yeah well we didn't win." He gestured with his hands in a jazzy motion. Owen laughed.

"Oh, Noah. It doesn't matter if we win, it matters that we do our best."

"Says the guy who won a million dollars."

Owen scratched the back of his head. "Actually it was a hundred thousand…that I traded for a chance at the million...that I didn't win." He chuckled to himself, while the three raised eyebrows at each other.

Meanwhile, Duncan was looking around his fellow competitors, not looking too happy. Suddenly he felt a hand slap on his shoulders. He jolted in surprise. "Ah, welcome back my friend." Duncan groaned, he knew that voice.

"Alejandro." He said with fake enthusiasm.

The spanish hunk placed his arm around the former inmate's shoulder.

Alejandro chuckled with his devilish charm "Ah, what is wrong, Duncan? Did you miss me at all? I certainly missed our little chats we had during season 3."

"Well I didn't" Duncan pushed Alejandro's arm off of himself "Besides don't you have someone better to annoy? Like your girlfriend, the literal female equivalent of yourself?"

Alejandro looked away from Duncan before scratching the back of his head. Duncan noticed this.

"What? Did you two- did you two break up?"

Alejandro's mouth opened to answer, but nothing came out.

Duncan grinned at this "Oh my god, you totally did. Where is Little Ms. Sunshine?" He turned to walk away, but Alejandro grabbed his shoulders and stopped him.

"Please don't. It's not that we've broken up. It's that...we've…"

"It's complicated?"

Alejandro sighed "Yes that...thank you, mi amigo."

"Yeah I get that. Same thing happened with me and-" Duncan suddenly realized what he was saying and stopped, keeping his mouth shut. This time, it was Alejandro's turn to notice this. He stared for a moment, then smiled.

"You were talking about you and Gwen, weren't you? When you were a couple?"

Duncan kept his mouth shut, darting his eyes away from Alejandro's gaze. Alejandro didn't need him to say anything.

"Ah, I see. Why don't we go find your former amor and-"

This time Duncan grabbed Alejandro by the collar, aggressively. "Do that and you're dead, you son of a-" He stopped himself though. He sighed and released his grip. "Look, I don't think Gwen wants to see me right now. Keep it to yourself, and I'll keep your business with Heather a secret, capeesh?"

Alejandro made a lock and key motion over his mouth.

Confessional (Alejandro): Oh course, Duncan misses Gwen. I can always recognize the face of a lost lover...Not that I've ever felt the same way, of course.

He chuckled nervously.


Now all the competitors were standing in the loser class section of the plane. Chris stood in front of them.

"Now that you've all gotten to know each other. Time to move onto the fun part."

"And by fun." added Jo "You really mean…?"

"Fun to watch for me, not as fun to be a part of for you." Chris finished

All the competitors rolled their eyes.

"Now" continued Chris. He pulled out a remote and pushed a button. A TV came out from the roof. "Since the theme will be changing every couple of episodes, we will start with the World Tour section." He pushed a button to reveal the place they would be landing. "Our first destination will be in...Italy." The contestants gasped in amazement. Mike put his arm around Zoey's shoulder. "The city of love" he said. Zoey cringed a little. "You mean France?" Mike suddenly realized what he said and hunched over sadly. Zoey planted a kiss on his cheek, immediately breaking the sadness as he smiled, as did Zoey.

"This challenge will consist of three parts. The first part will determine the teams for this season."

"Let me guess, are we going to jump out of the plane?" Noah rolled his eyes

"No…" Chris finished "You're going to jump out of a plane, into a funnel." Chris pressed another button on the remote "Once you reach the funnel, you will enter it. At the bottom of the funnel, there will be a divided scale that will shift after each player lands on one side. First eleven players on one side will determine their teams, the remaining members will go onto the other team." Chris walked over to the parachutes. "Now I have parachutes for all of you." Immediately every competitor raised their hands. "And yes I put in your contracts that every parachute functions properly." All the competitors sighed in relief. "Some of them may have a bit of a delay, but I can guarantee they will all work." Chris laughed, while all the competitors looked at each other nervously. "Alright see you guys at the bottom." Chris opened the airplane door, sending gusts of air out of the plane. All the competitors held onto something. Courtney tightly gripped Gwen, while Owen caught Noah in a bear hug. Chris laughed again and pushed the button again, closing the door. "Kidding" he said "Everyone grab a 'chute." Everyone glared at Chris, except Noah, who was losing air from Owen's tight grip.

Everyone was soon putting their parachutes on. Tyler, Lightning, Noah, Courtney, Jasmine, Amy and Samey all had their chutes already on. Leshawna was about to snap her's in place, when Alejandro grabbed her hands. "Allow me" He said slyly. Leshawna was not swayed though. "I don't think so, hun." She grabbed the latino's wrists and gripped tightly. Alejandro winced in pain. "Point taken, point taken" he screamed, through the pain. Leshawna released her grip and smiled smugly

Confessional (Leshawna): I'm not ashamed to admit that season 3 wasn't my best outing. I was played like a flute and I ain't about to let it happen again. Nobody messes with Leshawna


Mike helped Zoey put on her parachute. She turned and smiled at her boyfriend. Then her gaze fell on someone else. She tapped Duncan on the shoulder. He turned.

"What do you want?" He said, dully.

Zoey shoved a parachute in his face. He confusingly stared at it.

"I found an extra" Zoey responded, in her usual bubbly tone. Mike raised an eyebrow at this.

Duncan took the chute. "Look I know last season you thought I was a softie, but that's not going to be the case this season. So-"

He tossed the chute behind him, not bothering to see where it landed. He heard a thud, followed by an "ow." Duncan's eyes widened. He quickly turned to see Gwen rubbing the back of her head and the parachute he just tossed lying behind her. She turned angrily. She saw Duncan looking at her and glared at him. Duncan cringed and tried to look away, as Gwen annoyingly turned around.

"Ummm." came Zoey's voice from behind him. Duncan turned around again. She was holding another chute. "You sure you don't want it?" She awkwardly said. Duncan sighed and quickly took the parachute.

Soon every competitor had a parachute on. "Alright everyone" Chris said with the remote in hand. "Get ready." Every competitor prepared to run through the door. "In 3...2...1. Go!" As soon as Chris finished, the door opened releasing the air from inside the plane, the competitors ran to the door.

"Oh yeah. EXTREME!" Tyler ran as fast as he could.

"Oh wait." The door suddenly closed again. Every competitor was able to stop in time, except Tyler. He planted face first into the metal doorway, groaning as he slid across the door. Everyone turned to Chris.

"I almost forgot" he said, pointing to the ceiling. A familiar ding-ding sound rang. Almost every competitor groaned, except for Courtney, the Revenge cast and the Pahkitew Island cast, who look confusingly at everyone.

"Why is everyone groaning?" asked Jasmine.

"We have to sing." moaned Heather.

"Yes" shouted Amy "I'm a way better singer than Lamey" Samey just rolled her eyes.

"Lucky for you, I got good news." said Chris "Firstly, this will only happen during the World Tour challenges." Everyone sighed in relief after this. "Second, since there's twenty two of you Only a few of you are going to sing-"

"Oh, oh, oh, pick me. Pick me." Courtney raised her hand in air.

"Easy, Courtney. I only want two people to sing for this one." Chris pointed "For this song, I want Duncan…" The former juvy boy grumbled at this "and...Scott." The country boy in the white tank top looked confused.

"Wait why me?" he asked

"You haven't said much since you got here...so...get to it." The door opened again. "And if you don't sing, you're instantly eliminated."

Tyler ran to the outside again.

"Oh yeah, EXTRE-" Suddenly he was shoved to the side by Lightning.

"I don't think so. Lightning's winning this. SHA-BAM" He ran and jumped out of the plane. Everyone else soon followed. The music started playing.

(To the tune of "Get Thru This" by Art of Dying")


I've been through a lot, yeah.

4 seasons of pain


Not really sure what to say

But at least there's no rain


I'm gonna make it through this...

And I'm never coming back


My Papi always told me...

That really I don't know Jack

Duncan & Scott

I'm never doing this.

Not ever again.

If you ever see me here

I'll wish that I was dead.


I know it sounds harsh but It's just true…


And If I don't make it through...


I'm never comin' back

not ever again.

And if it ever happens then

I'll wish that I was dead


It's not that easy…


I really missed Gwen...

The music suddenly cut as everyone stared at Duncan. Duncan's face glew red as his eyes darted around to see the slew of competitors staring at him, awkwardly. Thankfully for him, Gwen was above him and didn't hear what he had said.

The Competitors were descending at an ever increasing rate. "There's the funnel" shouted Mike.

The funnel was indeed where Mike said it was. The competitors started picking up speed. Scott was grinning to himself. "I can't believe I got to sing." he smiled "I didn't sound half bad either." In reality, Scott sounded as good as his normal speaking voice. Which, to put it lightly, didn't translate well with his singing voice.

"Oh your aura was lovely." came a voice

Scott screamed in surprise and turned to see Dawn, right next to him. Scott rolled his eyes.

"Oh, it's you…" he said, annoyed.

Much to Scott's confusion, Dawn was in a lotus position despite descending at an incredibly fast pace. "How are you-" He decided against it and remained silent.

All the competitors were getting closer and closer to the funnel. Samey, Jo, Alejandro and a few other decided to pull their cords right then and there. Lightning didn't though. He reached the side of the funnel, slid down straight to the bottom, landing on the red side of the scale.

"Awww yeah. Lightning is first. Not like it's anything new. Hahaha. SHA-Woah."

As soon as Lightning took a step forward, the scale tilted and Lightning fell forward off the scale, landing in the red circle. Lightning groaned, but still let out a muffled "Sha-bam."

More and more competitors were reaching the funnel. Some were still in the air. Noah pulled the cord to his chute, but nothing happened. "Ok, Chris, just let me fall, the contract said that the chutes would work." He noticed how much closer he was getting to the ground. "If they don't, then I can take you to court." He sounded very calm "I got a girlfriend who's a lawyer." Still calm "I can sue you for like a million dollars. I know how much you like your money, Chris." Then Noah realized just how close he was to the funnel. This time he started to panic "But that won't matter if I'm ALREADY DEAD!" At that moment, Noah's chute released and his descent slowed way down. Noah still looked terrified though. "You're a mad man, Mclean."

Duncan had reached the funnel. But he held onto the top of it. He looked around. "Where is she, where is she, where is she?"he whispered to himself.

Confessional (Duncan): Yeah, I kinda regret what happened in All-Stars. Gwen and I broke up cause I was kind of a jerk. More so than usual. But I want to fix that now and it starts with the two of us being on the same team.

Duncan was still looking for Gwen, while Jasmine had just landed. She made it safely and started sliding down. Samey was right behind her. "Samey" Jasmine called "Let's be on the same team." Samey smiled and was about to respond to that, when Amy landed on her shoulders.

"What the? Get away from me." Amy screamed. She still had the chute on and the tarp fell onto both sisters. The two squirmed, leading to Samey losing her balance and rolling down the funnel. Jasmine didn't hear this in time and, as soon as she turned, she was knocked forward, straight into the blue side of the scale. Amy and Samey had stopped themselves at the edge. The scale tiled over revealing the red side. The two unknowingly fell into that side.

Noah had finally reached the bottom and was about to pick his side.

Confessional (Noah): I don't care who's on my team as long as it's not with any eels, ex-cons or Leshawna.


Noah was about to jump in, when he heard a rumble. He looked to his sides before turning around. He gasped in horror.

"Noaaaaaaaaaah." screamed a helpless Owen, who was rolling down the funnel like a boulder, straight towards his little buddy. Noah tried to move, but he was too late. Owen slammed into Noah, with a loud crash, followed by an even louder SLAM at the bottom. Jo, who was nearby, noticed this and cringed at this. She jumped onto the newly available red side.

Once she landed onto the bottom, Amy and Samey were just getting themselves unstuck. Samey got up first, with her hair messed up. She looked around. "Where's Jasmine?" she asked.

"Who?" Lightning asked, while stretching. But he stopped, when he noticed his new teammate. He groaned. "Really? You got here?" Jo walked up to him, pissed. "Well you better get on my back because Lightning is gonna carry this team to victory." Jo immediately nailed him with a punch to the gut.

"Sha-ut up" she shouted.

"That line was lame." came a voice.

Jo turned and threw her arms down in disgust. "Oh come on, you?"

Heather walked off the scale and towards her new teammates. "Don't be upset, I'm the only hope our team has right now." She flounced straight up to Jo and pointed a finger in her face. "So you better start listening to me, got it?"

Jo was about to protest, but the not so bright jock butted in. "Nu-uh. Didn't you hear? Lightning is gonna carry his team to victory. So it's you who should be listening to me? SHA-BAM!"

The three started arguing loudly, leaving Samey to watch them in despair, realizing what her team was looking like.

Duncan was still looking for Gwen. His gaze stopped though. "There she is." Gwen and Courtney were now heading to the funnel. Duncan started moving down.

Cody was about to enter the scale, when he looked up. He also noticed Gwen. He decided to wait for her to get closer, until…


The scream made Cody shiver as he slowly turned around. He saw a frantic and very quickly moving Sierra, running towards him. She was panting heavily, but not deterred in the slightest. Cody screamed and jumped right into the open scale, which had the blue side. He landed with a thud and looked up and sighed in relief as he saw the scale close.

"Whew. Glad I don't have to deal with-"

He heard a loud groan and felt the scale moving up. He looked up in terror as Sierra was pushing open the scale. She jumped in excitedly.

"Aw, crap" said Cody, dully. Before being tackled by the screaming fan. Tyler violently fell next to them, screaming as he came down.

More and more competitors made their way to each side, with Macarthur and Sanders making it onto the blue side, while Alejandro, Scott and Leshawna made it onto the red side.

Duncan scaled down the funnel, trying not to fall too far forward. Gwen was also getting closer. She hadn't seen the delinquent. Duncan wanted to keep it that way. Courtney was also close by with Gwen. The two went to the bottom and jumped in on the blue side. Duncan picked up the pace. He stopped at the bottom. He tried pushing the scale, but it didn't budge. He sighed, he would have to wait for the next person to enter.

Meanwhile, Mike and Zoey were the last to enter. They made their way into the funnel fairly close to each other. Zoey released her chute and grabbed the edge of the funnel. She looked at the bottom of the funnel. Mike was about to release his backpack when…

"Is that Duncan?" asked Zoey.

"What?" said Mike, who hadn't quite reached the funnel. He didn't push the button to release him from the chute in time, at that moment a big gust of wind showed up, pushing Mike away from Zoey and the funnel.

"Mike!" called out the Indie girl. Just then, another gust of wind blew Mike in the other direction. He ended up crashing into Zoey, sending her falling down the funnel. At that moment, Mike released his backpack, also falling down after Zoey.

Duncan heard various thumps coming from behind him. He turned, but before he could see what it was, Zoey crashed into him, sending both her and Duncan onto the red side. The scale turned just in time for Mike to fall through on the blue side.

Duncan was able to regain his composure. He grabbed his head in pain. Then he looked at his team. He saw Alejandro, he saw Heather, he saw Jo...but he didn't see Gwen. He got up and looked behind him. He was on the red side. He let out a groan.

"Really? I'm not even on Gwen's side. The whole reason I came here was to-"

Just then, Chris appeared in a helicopter with a megaphone.

"And with that the teams are set! Everyone make your way to the shuttles. They will take you to the next section of the challenge. Mclain out."

Duncan sighed angrily. He felt a hand touch his shoulder. He looked to see Zoey sympathetically looking at him.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to…" Duncan didn't let her finish. He pulled his shoulder away and walked past her

"Yeah, well...it doesn't matter now, does it?" he said, annoyed.

Zoey sighed sadly, even more so because she wasn't on the same team as Mike.

The competitors walked towards the shuttles that were located at the front of the giant scale.

Chris was there, standing in front of the helicopter, a massive pile of balls and two catapults.

"Welcome to the next part of the challenge. Firstly let's see our teams. On the blue side we got, Noah, Owen, Sanders, Macarthur, stalker Sierra, Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Tyler, Jasmine and Mike."

Mike looked over to his girlfriend, neither looked happy to be on separate teams.

"Tough" said Chris, jokingly. "And on the red side we have Amy, Samey, Duncan, Jo, Heather, Dawn (have no idea when you came down), Alejandro, Scott, Lightning, Zoey and Leshawna."

"That's the teams and they are final." Duncan glanced at Gwen on the other side. She noticed him and quickly turned away.

Jasmine also nervously looked at her friend, Samey.

"Great names for the teams, Chris." quipped Noah "Red team and Blue team, way to be creative."

Chris held his annoyance back as best he could. "Actually Noah, that's the next part of the challenge. As you can see we have all these spheres here and these two catapults. Waaay over there." he pointed past the mess that lay before him "Will be a target with a hole in the center. The goal of this challenge is to land two balls through the bullseye. Each sphere contains a different word. The first ball you land will be the first word of your name and the next ball will be your second name. And you won't know what's written inside the balls. The team that has a better name will get an advantage in the last part of the challenge."

"There's still another part of the challenge?" cried Gwen

"Yes...now...make like the Italians and...arrivare ad essa"

All the competitors looked at each other confused. Chris sighed, annoyed.

"It means "get to it"...Chef?"

Chef suddenly appeared next to Chris with a horn, he blew into it, making a deep loud booming sound. The competitors were off, grabbing the spheres.

The members from the yet to be named teams took their spheres and placed them into the catapult. Chris watched on, as he looked to the camera.

"What new and ridiculous names will these competitors be stuck with? And who will be the first to say ciao at a chance of 5 Million Dollars. Find out next time on Total...Drama...LEGENDS."