Day 1
"Do you see now? I've found you." Master whispered into Doctor's ear. "I told you, resisting was useless."
Yes, I wasn't very careful, she thought. And now, I am in cuffs in some barely light office (of course, underground) and sitting on very uncomfortable bench. Additionally, Master chose to position himself just next to me. Rather too close.
"I feel like thousand elephants are dancing in my head." she complained.
"You must forgive my loyal subjects, they can be ruff sometimes." He said while looking at Doctor's shirt. It seemed that some buttons were missing and the material came loose. "I think that I underestimated you."
"That's new. You can admit that I'm brilliant, amazing, clever, wise..."
"No, that's me."
"Excuse me?"
"Then let me clarify, I realised that only after meeting you in person, I've noticed your other values."
"So what now? Still planning to kill me? Hey, eyes on my face!"
"Loud as usual." Master covered his ear. "Actually, my dear Doctor, what I will do next, it depends only from you."
A sudden scream, probably from one of neighbouring rooms, stopped her reply.
"I don't like your new company." time lady pointed with her eyes at the open door with Nazi soldiers passing by.
"Don't you?" he stood up. "I personally think that their uniforms are quite cool. Maybe would you like to try it? For example a hat?"
"Take it off me!"
"It's funny, Doctor. You'd prefer torture than a simple painless 'cap'." he closed the door and returned next to the time lady again. "But "But jokes aside, they just do whatever they're told and don't ask questions. Perfect army for me."
"With cold dungeon-ly chamber, no payment for heating?" a small cloud of her breath flew away, almost joining with the one from her antagonist.
"What do you think?" The glint came from nowhere, Doctor had to look down to check what was happening and her decision came too slowly for her liking.
"Take your hand from my knee." time lady said as serious as she could manage in current circumstances.
"All right, then what about Ada and Noor?"
"They were accompanying me!"
"A girl from XIX century and the other - with brave mission. First one is vital to my plans, I will put her back, where she belongs. The second - I freed her 10 minutes ago. Come here." Only because of the satisfactory answer, Doctor didn't resits when master surrounded her with his arms. "Fruitless, I must say, they'll catch her in what... few weeks."
A horrified scream was heard again, making Doctor involuntary flinch.
"How have you managed to fool soldiers?"
Master told her about psychic perception filter, murder of C, trap car, Kasaavin and spy plan. Meanwhile, forcing time lady to get closer and leaving a kiss on her temple.
"Barton and those creatures do the dirty work.. stop struggling!"
"You wish!"
"Yes, I wish." Doctor felt teeth near her throat. "And once they're done, I get rid of them," Fingers in her hair. "having destroyed your precious human race in the process." Alien breath next to her mouth. "Win-win-win." Three new kisses.
"Stop, right now!"
"What? My plan? Or this?" A hand under her shirt. "Seriously, how else would I get your attention?"
Great, she thought. Now, I'm literally sitting in his lap with my back to person, who wants to eat me.
"When did you last go home?"
"Bad joke, Master."
"It was destroyed." It made her still. "Completely."
"It isn't true."
"Would you fancy a trip?"
"If it is another joke, then as bad as first one." she was loosing patience.
"Sorry, I should rather say: you would make my day, if you could accompany me to visit the ruins of Gallifrey." He grabbed her neck. "But please DO behave."
"All right. No running. No speaking back. Just nice and polite different me."
"Good girl."
To Doctor's disgust, there wasn't much to stop Master from stealing a real kiss.
Day 2
Gallifrey really burned. Doctor didn't remembered much of that day, except of fire and her oldest friends' arms keeping her close to his chest, while she wept. She wanted him to never let her go.
Day 3
She was furious, when Master told her how he destroyed their homeplanet and the secret of timeless child.
"And why would I tell you?" he sneered.
She took first better thing, which came to her hand and threw it at the murderer. Then next one, next one and so on.
Master had never been more pleased.
Day 4
When she woke up, Doctor didn't feel any better. She vaguely remembered being hit, then instead of Master leaving her to rot on dying Gallifrey, she was placed on something soft and warm. Bed?
"You are awake, good."
"Ugh, where am I?"
"On my Tardis, I hope that you like the room. Better than a cold cell, red wallpapers and nice furniture can make a difference, but trust me - it's still difficult to get out."
"Where are my clothes?!" she shouted, suddenly aware that the only thing protecting her from the view, was a simple blanket.
"Put away. But don't be worried, I prepared a much elaborate dress for you, than those awful rags. Plus, it will match the ribbon on your head."
"Huh? Wait a minute. Yes, a ribbon and ... a bow?"
"My latest invention with behaviour safeguard, restricting independence of a person wearing it, but more stylish than a cruel collar."
"What?! If you think that I will...?!"
"Don't rise your voice, Doctor."
"No way...Ouch!"
"Yes, I also included a punishment program (and few other functions, but I'll explain later). I believe that you can presume what will happen if you won't do as I say." he took several steps, coming nearer her, but still towering above. "As you already know, human race is almost extinct and both Barton and Kasaavin will require my services. It means that I won't be leaving the boring Earth for a longer time. You would be a quite nice distraction, Doctor."
"Why would I agree for this?"
"I have your magic trio. Don't look surprised, I just teleported them back on safer ground. You see, their well being depends only on you. As well as your Tardis."
"Why do I feel that we had a similar conversation before? Is it a deja vu? I thought that was a myth."
"Yes! It is Valiant again, but even if situations look identical, I'm assure you that they aren't the same."
She glanced at the red dress, which Master brought for her, the time lady was sure that she saw it before. Then Doctor touched the bow (it didn't want to unfasten), inspected her hair and looked at her body under the cover.
"Am I going to be Lucy?"
"My former wife? Please don't insult me." He sat on the bed, Doctor moved away as much as possible in response. "You were my pet on Valiant. Presently, you are just promoted to role of a doll. Congratulation! I trust that you can imagine what it involves. Fortunately, for me. Rather bad for you."
"No." she was terrified now.
"I planned to kill you and I will, if you displease me. Don't make me change my mind."
"It can't be happening. It is literally not possible that the whole humanity change in to data servers. There have to be some exceptions, an error in programming... I was doing Tardis checked up a few days ago, I probably hit my head or zipped myself into sleep. I don't remember if I repaired the waterfall."
"You have no choice, Doctor." he said it so gently that she would almost call it as 'kindness', but one touch of his hand quickly reminded her that there was always a darked agenda.
"I agree to your terms, Master."
Day 5
To Master's relief, Doctor was quiet for most of the time (she even looked lovely in the new purple costume and matching shoes.), just sitting near the window in their apartment, in Barton's headquarters.
"We had this conversation before." The time lady suddenly stood up.
"On Valiant, when we thought to be last of our kind." Doctor explained. "We had a few decent conversations, two enemies almost sitting peacefully, you said that the price was too high."
"I remember it differently."
"Well, skip the part, when you were mentioning 'rulling the world' and actually, it was the only good thing during the whole year. I didn't admit it then, but you were right. We should have never experienced seeing our home burn for such cost, but our small talks... I enjoyed them." She looked straight at him. "If we have to pay again, I promise you that it won't be in vain."
"I've never thought that you could be so stupid. It isn't the same! It won't ever be! If there were a time for you to know the truth, you would realize how delusional you were!"
"So tell me! What is the timeless child?"
"You won't provoke me!"
"Then against everything, if it would be the last thing, which I have to do, I will solve it...!" she stopped astonished, looking at her hands, which instinctually joined with Master's.
"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, Doctor." he stated coldly, freeing himself from her grasp. "Stay here and behave, I have the Earth to run."