A week had passed since the two Stark kids had gotten themselves suspended from Midtown and they were quite happy. Most of the time they had been with their father in the lab while the rest of their free time seemed to be spent down in the R&D labs of the tower.

Ben, much like his father loved to be working on anything he could while May, on the other hand, took after Michelle. She spent most of her time working on different ideas and concepts for new technology.

However, on the other hand, one Dash Thompson had been spending his time dealing with his father and everything his father had given him. Dash had copious amounts of schoolwork and small things for his father to do.

He was regretting getting suspended more and more by the day. However, lucky for him the school field trip was today, or well, it was a Friday.

Flash dropped his son off at the usual early time and wished him well before heading back towards his company. Dash had begged for his father to come on the trip, but he always muttered something about never being let in Stark towers again. Dash never understood why.

The trip across town was rather fast and Dash's friends spent most of the time harassing some Asian kid named Ed. The kid was close friends with May and Ben so he deserved whatever the group did to him.

The bus arrived a while later, the whole way there Dash had berated Ed and talked about how May and Ben's internship was nothing but a lie.

The group stepped off their bus and headed towards the door. An older gentleman stood at the lobby, his voice was rather pessimistic, and he seemed to have the attitude of 'I'm only here because my boss told me to be.'

The group stepped into the middle of the waiting room and stood quietly until their teacher had gotten the tour guide. A younger man came out of an elevator that was off to the side. He gave a small wave to the desk and took a box from the receptionist.

"Hello everyone!" He greeted, the man stood at about 6,4, had dark brown hair and a beautiful pair of blue eyes. He had on a pair of jeans and a dress shirt. He also adorned a black Stark Industries hat.

"Welcome to S.I. I'm one of your tour guides for the day. My co-host, I guess if you could call her that, will be here shortly." The group nodded and the man just seemed to tap his foot rather slowly while everyone looked around and took in the view of the main area.

White couches and chairs lined the waiting room. Plants were placed in between ever sectional and the front desks were made of what everyone could guess was marble and glass. People came in and out every few minutes and the entrance area seemed to go off with information every time someone came through.

"Sorry, I'm late, I had something to do in product development." Curtis rolled his eyes at the woman and she returned the gesture.

"You ever going to show up on time?" He asked with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. She shook her head and they both let out a small laugh.

"Okay, anyway. Welcome to S.I. I'm Curtis and this is Anna. We're both Interns here at S.I. and I do believe we can get this started." Anna nodded and the group followed behind the two.

After a few steps, the group had come to the entrance of the rest of S.I. It was a secretly point more or less and the group seemed to look at it hesitatingly. "Okay everyone, we'll be giving you your bags now, please raise your hand when I call."

Dash was the first one called, followed by Ed, and then the rest. The group had all received their badges and everyone looked at them with shock and aww.

"These are a one time use so please do not try to re-enter the building after the tour. Karen really doesn't appreciate it." The group nodded but one person raised their hand.

"Umm, who's Karen and what is the system they use for identification." One girl, Taylor if Curtis had read her badge correctly, had asked.

"Karen's the A.I. for the building and she has other functions Mr. Stark uses. And our identification hasn't changed much in twenty years. There are 10 levels. White being level One, that's what you guys have, Level two to five are for interns. Me and Anna are both level Five alphas. Six to seven are full-time employees and 8-10 are either friends, Avengers, or family. There's also alpha, beta, and omega statics but I won't be going into that." The group nodded and Anna walked through first.

"Anna Colman, Level 5, Alpha level intern, no suspicious items, threat level 57%" Karen's voice announced. The group all jolted, and the two interns let go a laugh. "Okay, that just Karen everyone. Don't worry and please follow me."

Dash was the first one through, he looked so smug to have his name called out. Ed walked through and Karen announced a little bit more than usual. "Ed Leeds, Level 7 Alpha, no suspicious items, Threat level 83%, Welcome back Ed, Mr. Stark and Mr. Leeds have been notified of your arrival." Ed smiled and walked through.

Dash was burning bright red and he almost looks like a candle. However, he was stopped when Curtis sent him the same death glare he was giving off. The man must have had a zero-tolerance policy.

Everyone else stepped through and Curtis made sure no one else was left. Then he walked through. "Curtis Howard, Level 5 Alpha level intern, no suspicious items, Threat level 54%" Curtis then walked to the front and stood next to Anna.

"Okay everyone, let's get this tour started." The group followed behind as everyone began the long but really short journey to the museum… then to R&D and then to a meet and greet… However, they might not make it that far.

Authors Notes…

Okay, I'm back with another chapter after like a week of nothing for this. Hope you all enjoy, and sorry for the lack of updates to this… been working on another passion project.

Feel free to Follow Favorite and Comment.

jaredjwalker1994 - Thanks!

Guest - The aunts and uncles will come soon enough

Whitelion69 - Of course!

Belbelanne - Flash? NO, never...

Elizabeth357 - Aww thanks.