AN: Yeah, I know I should have probably finished one of my other stories before starting this one, but I couldn't help myself. Besides, the route I'm going with LincolnJuice (closest story to being's going to be a while. Anyway, since The Lass Called Leni got the most love out of all the ideas I posted on the last chapter of Lynn Loud and the (not so) Reluctant Werewolf, gonna post this one first. Here's hoping you like it. With that out of the way...roll the theme song!

Who do you call?

When your clothes don't match at all?

When your fashion is failing

and leaving you wailing! Boo Hoo!

The Lass Called Leni! That's whoooooooo...

Who's always there?

Even if she doesn't lnow where?

One who's always so charming

It's almost alarming, too true.

The Lass Called Leni! That's whooooooo...

She thrives on seeing you smile!

And all the while, she's out there to prove,

that her head's not full of aiiiiiiiir!

Who is that lass?

The Lass Called Leni!

Heh. Sorry. Couldn't resist on that either.

Different, yet Similar

The mountains. Secluded, often times incredibly difficult terrain to traverse. This often makes them ideal locations for those who enjoy the challenge of conquering their heights, or just those who like a little peace and quiet. However, this late evening, peace and quiet were the last things that could be found in the mountains of Michigan. Roaring along the winding roads that twisted and circled Mt Huron were two vehicles. In the front was a shiny midnight blue motorcycle, being ridden by a woman with long golden hair, a kind looking face currently set in an expression of absolute concentration, and wearing a dark trench coat, wide brimmed hat and heels. Behind her was a jet black convertible, driven by a child sized woman with lemon lime hair done up in a bun in a magenta business suit. Beside her was a hulking brute of a man with short red hair, a five o clock shadow, and a barely visible scar on his chin. He was wearing dark gray button up shirt with a black vest over it and black dress pants. In his hand, he held a large magnum revolver, taking aim at the woman ahead of them on the motorcycle. The golden haired woman glanced back for a moment, her expression hardening. Just as the goon opened fire, she swerved to the side, narrowly avoiding getting shot. From her coat pocket, she drew a 9mm pistol and, during a straight away, turned back to fire a few shots back at her pursuers. The driver gasped and ducked her head under the dash, but the gunman just smirked as he kept on firing his weapon. Bullets hit the hood of the car, shattered the windshield, and two hit the man in the chest. However, he didn't even react. His partner looked up at him in concern, but he simply patted his chest, then opened his shirt a little to reveal a bulletproof vest underneath.

The woman on the motorcycle swore under her breath, turning back around to navigate an especially dangerous hairpin turn. It was going to take some doing to get these two off her back and she knew it. After another magnum round knocked the hat right off her head, the driver joined in with a machine pistol of her own. The target of their violent tendencies leaned close to her bike, flipping a switch in front of her. A billowing white smoke screen shot from her tail pipe and right into the faces of her ill wishers. They didn't cease their trigger happy behavior, but as they couldn't see their target, they couldn't hit her. The woman in the dark trenchcoat smirked a bit before returning her attention to the road. Up ahead was a tunnel. Perfect. Just before they could reach the tunnel, she turned sharply off the road and over the side. Turning her bike to the side, she started to skid down the slanted face of the mountain, praying her cycle would hold up from this. Meanwhile, the convertible went right into the tunnel and out the other side in a matter of seconds. The driver quickly realized they had lost their prey and slammed on the brakes. "What the!?"

"Where'd she go, Allie?" The larger man asked in a thick, gravelly voice, looking around in confusion.

"I don't know, Bruno…" She answered in a russian like accent, getting out of the car and walking up to the edge of the road. "...but there is no way Agent Silk could have gone far…" Her larger companion walked over beside her, the two of them surveying the area below them.

"Look!" Bruno shouted, pointing at where Agent Silk had just landed; a dirt road far below them. She looked back up at them and grinned, giving them a slight farewell salute before she turned her bike back the opposite direction. "There she is!"

"Oh no! She's going to get away!" Allie cried as the bike sped off.

"No she won't." The brutish man said with a calm smile as he ran back to the car, drawing a rocket launcher from the trunk. He hurried back to the edge and aimed the weapon at the mountain, ahead of where the blonde cyclist was headed. With a pull of the trigger, a rocket flew from the barrel and soared through the sky. It struck the rocky wall overlooking the road in a fiery explosion, causing an avalanche of rocks and boulders to start tumbling toward the street and Agent Silk. She looked up just as the rocket burst, her eyes widening in terror as the storm of stone headed right for her. She gripped the throttle hard to try and get past the avalanche, but to no avail. She and her bike quickly disappeared under the falling rocks and dust. Allie and Bruno smiled as they watched and waited, making sure she wasn't going to suddenly reappear like a bad rash.

"Nicely done, comrade."

"Thank you, Allie. Heh. There's something about crushing your foes under large, heavy things...that just makes the job more fun, am I right?" Bruno commented, shouldering the used launcher like it were a hunting rifle.

"Indeed, Bruno, but let us not bask in our victory too much longer. The Gilded Swan will want to know of Agent Silk's demise." Allie said, turning back to the car, followed closely by her brawny friend. Back down at the pile of rubble, on the side they couldn't see, the blonde haired agent was mostly buried under rock and gravel. Only about half her torso, one arm and her head were visible. She was in bad shape, but she was still alive, made evident by her weak groaning.

" where credit is due…" She moaned to herself in a soft, alluring voice as her eyes opened slightly. "...they're getting better...but they still don't know to finish the job." She painfully turned her head to her free arm, which had a watch on the wrist which, thankfully, hadn't been damaged. She moved it closer to her face and pushed a button on it with her nose. "Agent Silk, to Chief Ester. Come in Polly Ester."

"This is Chief Ester. Do you have a status report, Silk?" An authoritative woman's voice responded from the watch communicator.

"Mission successful, Chief, but not without cost." She responded, wincing in pain. "The Swan's goons, Allie and Bruno, caught up with me at Mt Huron and attempted to rock me to sleep..permanently."

"Are you alright, Silk?"

"Oh, I'm just dandy. About two thirds of my bones feel like they're broken, but otherwise, things are just peachy." She answered snarkily, getting a sigh from the chief on the other end.

"I will send a rescue and extraction squad immediately. Turn on your tracking beacon in your communicator and they'll be there in a matter of seconds. I will arrange for you to be taken to the nearest CIA backed hospital in the area. I will meet you there."

"Roger that, Chief. See you then. Over and out." Agent Silk said before turning off her wrist radio, looking out at the landscape the mountain oversaw. "Well, as long as I'm waiting here...row row row your boat, gently down the stream…~"

Many miles away…

"...Merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream.~" Leni sang as she put the finishing touches on her latest article of clothing: a lovely wide brimmed sun hat, colored sky blue with a white band. Simple, functional, and quite pretty. She flipped the chapeau onto her head before looking at the full length mirror she and Lori shared. "What do you think, Lori? Be brutal."

"Heh. I think it looks fine, Leni." Lori responded, looking up from her college courses catalog to look at her sister in her new hat. The fashionista smiled to her sister as she spun a little before the mirror, then her smile faded. She valued her older sister's opinion, of course, but what she really needed was a second opinion; a guy's opinion. In other words, her brother Lincoln. She strolled right out of the door she shared with Lori and traipsed down the hall with nary a care in the world. She was a few steps away from the converted linen closet that was her little brother's room when…

"Duck and cover!" Shouted the lipsy voice of Lisa from within her room/lab.

"Duck? Where!?" Leni asked excitedly, looking around for a moment before Lisa's door was blasted off its hinges, sending it flying into Leni and sandwiching her between itself and the door to Lana and Lola's room. The sudden slam alerted the twins, who ran over to see what happened. When the opened the door, they saw a somewhat flattened Leni standing there, but only for a moment before she fell backwards into their room.

"Leni!? Are you alright?" Lana asked in concern.

"Ducktales….woo ooo…" She groaned, still seeing birdies.

"She's fine." Lola commented with a shrug. Just then, Lisa's door was pushed away to make way for Lincoln, Lisa and Lori, who made a beeline for the ditzy teen on the floor. The eldest sister and one son helped her sit up, while the little genius looked her over.

"Leni, are you experiencing exceptional disorientation?" She asked her as she looked into her eyes. "What is your name? What is the hue of my upper apparel? How many digits do you see?" She continued, holding up two fingers.

"Uh...what were the questions?" Leni inquired, a little lost at the rapid fire questions. Lisa sighed and slowly repeated the questions. "Oh. Uh...Leni. I don't know about your hue, but your shirt is green." She answered, then looked at the toddler's fingers for a moment before responding with a smile "Two."

"Well, her mental capacities seem normal...for Leni." The four year old intellectual stated. "However, it couldn't hurt to take her to a licensed health practitioner."

"I'm alright, Lisa. Really." Leni said, though she still rubbed her head.

"I'm sure you are, Leni, but let's just make absolutely sure.." Lori told her, taking her hand and walking her toward the door. 'Besides, I've always said you should have your head examined' She thought to herself.

Within a matter of minutes, Lori and Leni were both at Royal Woods General Hospital, the two sisters in an examination room waiting for the nurse. Leni certainly looked fine as she looked around the room with a smile, kicking her legs a bit as she sat on the paper lined table as she hummed. "Think you'll be alright for a bit, Leni?" The oldest of the sisters inquired, leaning against the doctor's desk as she looked to the ditzy teen.

"Sure, Lori. The nurse should be back soon. I can wait." The fashionista responded.

"Alright. I'm going to head back to the waiting room. If you need something, send me a text." Lori told her as she walked out of the office, leaving the simple minded teen to her thoughts. Within a couple seconds of Lori leaving, the nurse stepped back into the room. A fairly young man with short black hair, large glasses, and a small, slightly rounded nose.

"Good day, Miss Loud." He greeted her with a smile. "What appears to be the problem?"

"I kinda got crushed between two doors, and my family wanted to make sure everything was alright." Leni explained, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

"Crushed between two doors? How did that happen?" He asked, looking very perplexed.

"Well, something in Lisa's room exploded-"

"Ah. Say no more." He interrupted, holding up a hand. Most of the staff at the hospital was very familiar with Lisa's work, and knew it could lead to painful accidents. "Very well then. Let's have a look see."

While the nurse was giving Leni a check up, a few doors down, Agent Silk was laying down on a hospital bed, both legs and one arm in casts, bandages around her head and around her chest. A large, slightly overweight doctor with short white hair and a long bushy beard was standing beside her, writing something down on her chart. "Hmmmm. You got mighty lucky, young lady." He told her. "Surviving an avalanche like that with only a couple broken bones, a few cracked ribs, and a could have been a lot worse."

"Trust me, doc; it felt like it was a lot worse." She replied with a soft, throaty chuckle. "But I'm built tougher than I look."

"I can imagine, in your line of work." The doctor said in a low voice. Just then, a tall, trim woman in a light gray business suit strolled right into the room, a serious expression on her face. She had wavy red hair, black horn rim glasses, earrings with tiny ruby orbs on them, and bright pink faux fingernails. The doctor was about to ask her what she was doing there, but she hastily flashed an ID in his face. He blinked in surprise, but nodded to her before he departed the room.

"Nice of you to visit, Chief." The blonde haired agent said with a bit of a smile.

"How are you holding up, Agent Silk?" Chief Ester asked as she moved beside her bed.

"Better than I was earlier." Agent Silk admitted with a chuckle. "Doctor says I'll be out of commission for several weeks, worst case." The chief sighed, shaking her head. "But on the plus side, I did get this." She reached her good hand down her hospital gown, pulling up a silver pendent. She pressed a finger into the back of it and a secret compartment opened, revealing a mini sd card. Chief Ester took the card and placed it into her phone to examine the pictures within.

"Excellent work as always." She complimented, swiping through the images, her frown growing with each swipe. "...this is worse than initial intel indicated." Each picture showed images of a wall sized computer screen, with a string of programming gobbledygook in green text scattered across a black screen. To most, it would look like nonsense. To the Chief, it clearly meant something much worse. "Do you know what this means, Agent Silk?"

"Not a clue, Chief. Me and computers get along like fire and dynamite."

"This, Silk, is the foundation for a computer virus." Polly explained, her fingers tapping against her thumb as she spoke. "And giving the Gilded Swan's prior threats toward the world economy, I think I can safely guess what it'll be used for…"

"Has the Swan made any demands?"

"Not presently. Just issued the threat." Chief Ester told her, pulling up the video on her phone. There was someone mostly obscured by shadows, with the only light coming from a glowing golden mask with a swan like beak. A few golden curls and a strong, yet feminine chin was all that could be seen from the glow.

"Countries of the world, heed this message." A synthesized voice said, a pair of cold eyes staring out of the mask eye holes. "For years, it has been a tense game of cat and mouse between us. And each time, this little mouse has evaded the cat. But as much fun as the game has been, it is time to shake up the rules a little. Now you will all be the little mice and I, the Gilded Swan, will be the big, bad cat. And I have my eyes on your stockpiles of cheese. Not to eat myself, of course, but to ruin, so I can watch you all starve; slowly and painfully."

"Lovely person…" Silk commented sarcastically.

"...I am a reasonable cat, though. I may give you a chance to save yourselves from a slow depends on my mood. We shall keep in touch."

"So by cheese, they mean money." The infirmed secret agent reasoned.

"Indeed. And ruin means just what it says: to destroy the economies of the countries of the world, making their currencies all but useless, effectively starving them."

"What about cyber currency?"

"A mystery company is collecting far more than humanly possible. The Swan I'd bet."

"Fiendish ingenious." Agent Silk said with a frown. "With the lion's share of cyber currency and each country's physical currency being worth less than the paper it's printed on, they could dominate the world economically."

"Precisely why they needs to be stopped."

"Do we have any leads on them?"

"Only one. A gentleman believed to be in the Swan's inner circle." Chief Ester pulled up a picture on her phone: that of a handsome man with slick brown hair, a pencil thin mustache, and a 'come hither' smile.

"Hmmm. The Swan has good taste in henchfolk." Silk commented with a bit of a grin.

"I'm glad you think so, Agent Silk, because he wishes to cooperate with the CIA. However, he will only speak to YOU specifically. It seems the last time you two met, he found you very charming."

"I have that effect on men, Chief." The bed ridden spy said, somewhat proudly.

"You certainly do. However, he wishes to meet with you soon. As in, the next week or two soon. If you can't make it to meet him, we may miss our only chance to bag The Swan before she puts her plan into action…"

"Unfortunately, I can't promise I'll be well that quickly…" Silk said, her face falling. "Sorry…"

"'s not your fault, Silk…" Polly said, rubbing her temple a bit as she stepped out of the room.

"Well, I don't see any signs of lasting damage." The male nurse said as Leni's check up had finished. "No indications of a concussion, no disorientation, normal reflexes, vitals are fine. You got very lucky, Miss Loud."

"Thanks, nurse." The kindly blonde said with a big smile, pleased to hear she was alright. "My family will be totes thrilled."

"I'm sure they will. Have a good day, Miss Loud, and be sure to pop right back in if something doesn't seem right." The nurse told her before handing her a grape lollipop.

"Ok." She said cheerfully, unwrapping the candy and putting it in her mouth before stepping out of the examination room. She pulled out her phone and texted to Lori that she was on her way down, before going in the opposite direction of the stairs. As she was looking through her social media, she walked past the pensive Polly. "Hello." She said cheerfully in passing.

"Good day…" Chief Ester replied in an off handed manner, glancing up at the young lady. The moment she saw her, her jaw dropped. She looked between Leni, then to Agent Silk, then back to Leni. 'Impossible.' She thought. 'I...can't believe my eyes. She...she's like Agent Silk's twin. Could it be…?' She just stared as Leni continued on her way down the hall. "...Miss."

"Hmmm?" The kindly fashionista turned her head to see who had spoke.

"Miss, could I have a word with you? I may have an important job for you."

"Oh. Sure." Leni responded, turning back around to rejoin the mystery (to her) woman. Chief Ester beckoned her to enter the nearby room, to which the second oldest of the Loud sisters obliged. When she stepped inside, she froze in place, her eyes locked on the bed ridden secret agent before her. Silk slowly looked up from her own phone and was equally shocked at what she saw. Leni slowly moved in closer, looking Agent Silk over with a critical eye, while she was being similarly judged by the injured woman. "...I'm in worse shape than the nurse said…" she comment sadly. "And he said I was fine."

"'re not looking into a mirror, kid." The blonde haired woman informed her, looking somewhat worried about her.

"This, miss, is Agent Silk of the CIA, our top operative. Agent Silk…" Chief Ester gestured to the sixteen year old beside her.

"Leni Loud."

"A pleasure, Miss Loud. I'd offer a hand to shake, but my mobility is kinda limited." The secret agent said, indicating her casts.

"As you can see, Miss Loud, Agent Silk is in no condition to do anything presently." The chief explained, stepping in front of Leni. "And unfortunately, we need her for a very important job."

"Oh no...I'm sorry to hear that...I wish there was some way I could help."

"Actually, Miss, there is something you can do." Polly said with a soft smile. "As you confirmed when you came in, you share a remarkable resemblance to Agent Silk."

"Oooh. Yeah, we do look kinda alike."

"Indeed. And right now, that resemblance is all we needed. You see, we needed Agent Silk to meet a contact who possesses vital information regarding The Gilded Swan."

"Oooo! That sounds like a really pretty bird!" Leni said in a voice of wonder. Chief Ester and Agent Silk slowly looked to one another, but the chief decided it may be better not to correct her.

"Indeed. A very pretty bird, which our government wants to put in a special cage." She continued. "Anyway, we only need you to meet with this contact, find out what he knows, and leave."

"Like, that sounds easy enough." The second oldest of the sisters said with a smile. "Where am I going to meet this contact?"

" actually part of the rub." The chief admitted, her smile fading. "The contact is located in Paris, and does not wish to travel. Too risky. So we'll need you to go to Paris to meet with him."

"Paris!?" The fashion centered Loud suddenly fell into a dream like state. "The beauty...the romance...the fashion!" She started to say, her eyes wide and sparkly and her hands on her cheeks.

"Focus, Miss Loud!" The stern woman snapped, bringing Leni back down to reality. "Anyway, we will provide you with a method of getting to France, and will pay you quite handsomely for your assistance. That said, we also won't force you to do this. I can't guarantee that there won't be any element of danger in this, after all. However, this is a matter of great importance." The second oldest sister looked up at the ceiling for a moment, thinking it over.

'Hmmmm. Possible danger...going to Paris.' She pondered. 'Meet someone for a job...Paris. Possi-Paris!' She mentally decided.

"I'll do it!" She said excitedly. "I can't wait to tell my family about this!"

"Whoa, wait!" Polly suddenly exclaimed in a bit of a panic, before returning to a lower voice. "You cannot reveal the nature of this mission to anyone."

"Huh?" Leni asked, looking a little confused.

"This has to be kept secret. If the wrong person hears what you're doing, you or the contact will be put in danger." She said, as if she were explaining some very obvious to someone.

"Oh...I'm not very good at keeping secrets. Like, the absolute worst...but I'll keep this one. Promise." Leni told them with a cheery smile. The chief and the infirmed agent were clearly starting to wonder if they had made a big mistake, but at this point, they were stuck. They didn't really have any other options.

"Thank you, Miss Loud…" She said in a tone of resignation as she pulled out her phone. She messed around on it for a while before two plane tickets sprouted from a concealed printer. "Here are your plane tickets. Keep them someplace safe."

"Okie doke." Leni responded, putting them into her purse. "Oh...what will I tell my family if I can't tell them the truth?"

"I'm sure you'll think of something." Polly said. "Just don't tell them about your mission. Oh, and before you go, we'll need you to speak with our Lead Researcher in the area, L. She'll provide you with a few things that will help keep you safe, and make the mission a little easier." She elaborated, handing her a paper with instructions. "After you've found and met with her, destroy those instructions. We'll give you more details on your mission when you arrive in France."

"Got it."

"Farewell, Miss Loud...and good luck." The chief said before shaking her hand and sending her on her way.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, chief?" The blonde haired agent inquired pessimistically.

"I'm starting to have my doubts…" She admitted, shaking her head. "She does seem quite...dim. However, all she needs to do is meet with the gentleman and convince him she's you, gaining us information on the Gilded Swan. That shouldn't require much out of her."

"Just to be safe, I'm going to call a few of my trusted contacts." Silk said, getting out her own phone. "Just to let them know not to worry if I seem off. Just got out of the hospital."

"A good idea. Rest well, agent." Chief Ester said with a small salute before she departed herself.

Down in the waiting room, Lori was starting to get impatient waiting for her sister to return. 'She said she was on her way down...she probably got lost." She thought, though in this instance, she couldn't really blame Leni. After all, it was a pretty big facility, and since it looked mostly the same, it wasn't hard to get lost in the halls. She was about to consider going to look for her ditzy sister when she saw her emerge from the elevator.

"Oh! Here it is." She declared, supporting the phone loving sister's theory as she stepped into the waiting room.

"Hey Leni. What's the verdict?"

"Uh...I don't know. Was I supposed to go to court?"

"...I mean what did the nurse say?"

"Oh! He said I was ok, but to come back if anything doesn't seem right." The fashionista explained.

"Well, that's a relief." The authoritative blonde said, smiling lightly as she escorted her sister out of the building and into Vanzilla.

"Oh, by the way, you will NOT believe what happened while I was in there." Leni suddenly blurted out when they got into the van.

"You got the number of one of the cute teen volunteers?" Her older sister guessed with a chuckle.

"That would be nice, but even better!" She said. This got Lori's attention, though she had to keep her eyes on the road.

"You got me curious. What is it?" The oldest sister inquired. Leni was about to say what it was, but she remembered she needed to keep her mission a secret. She paused a moment to think about what to say. A move that didn't really surprise Lori.

"Oh yeah! I was selected to have some of the outfits I made, that I displayed on my social media, showed off in a fashion show…"

"Really? That's great Leni-" Lori started to say.

" Paris!" She continued as if her sister hadn't spoken.

"Whoa! Really? That's literally the fashion big time." The oldest sister said excitedly. "Way to go, Leni."

"It gets better!" Leni squealed happily. "It means I get to go to Paris too!" She added, pulling the tickets from her purse. "I already have the tickets!" Vanzilla suddenly pulled over and screeched to a stop. Lori forced it into park before slowly looking at Leni.

"Are you serious…?" She asked, thinking if this is one of Luan's pranks, heads will roll. She looked down at the plane passes in her sister's hand, her face getting just like Leni's earlier. "Leni, this is amazing! A trip to Paris, one of the most beautiful places on the Earth!"

"I know, right!? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Leni screamed along with her sister.

" have TWO tickets." Lori pointed out, to which the dimmer blonde looked down at them.

"Oh yeah. I do." She said before looking up at Lori. "Do you want to-?"

"YES!" Lori screamed before Leni could finish her question, pulling her into a big bear hug. "This is so incredible! Paris! If only my Boo Boo Bear could go with me...But this is still really incredible!" The oldest sister was as giddy as a school girl as she put the van back into gear and started back toward home. "'s like a dream come true…"

"Oh, Lori. There's someplace I gotta go before I go home." She said, pulling the instructions from her purse. "Can you drop me off someplace first?"

"Sure, Leni...whatever you say." Lori said, not really paying her any attention.