Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its character; that right belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. nor do I own Overlord or its characters; that right belongs to Kugane Mayurama.
Ainz watched as Crush Lulu and Kagome laughed and talked good-naturedly. They had discovered two days ago that Kagome was able to teach the Lizard Druidess her healing arts, though it was a bit different. And then took it that extra step and taught Crush Lulu how to invert the Holy energy into Unholy energy to heal those under him. It was astounding, and when asked how she knew to do that, Kagome had gone still and unresponsive. He figured it had to do with her second encounter with the Dark Miko Tsubaki inside her head.
Then there were her interactions with each of his Guardians. He was not too surprised that Demiurge and her clashed. Just putting them in the same room caused tension and sparks to fly. The fact that they were in the same area triggered this effect. At times he did find it amusing, while at others, it annoyed him. Ainz was well aware of how loyal Demiurge was to him, how Demiurge put his loyalty before everything else.
"Seriously! I am so happy for you, Lulu!"
The happy and shock squeal from Kagome had Ainz shifting and reangling the spell to zoom in. The sight of Kagome's hands resting on the Lizard woman's belly (or where he figured it was) told him exactly why Kagome was happy. Crush Lulu's pregnancy could be used to his advantage as well as work against him. He'd have to plan and tread carefully, being fully aware of Kagome's personality was.
Deciding he had seen and heard enough, he waved his and to cancel the spell. It was time to do the paperwork before him. Grabbing the stack and shuffling it, giving it a small tap to make it all neat, Ainz went very still. Every sense he had now on high alert at the wash of magic that he felt. It had him thinking back to the battle for Carne Village a few months ago. Placing the papers on the desk, Ainz stood up and teleported to the entrance of Nazarick, looking in the direction that the magic had come from.
It wasn't long before the Guardians still in the tomb as well as Kagome. He only spared her a glance before focusing on the east again. It had to be the Slane Theocracy and was the only area he had not yet had a chance to find a hold to spy.
"It was a powerful summons."
Turning his gaze back to Kagome, Ainz saw the pale silver nimbus around her body and wisely took a few steps away from her.
"Summons, Miss Kagome?" Aura asked.
"Yes, Aura. A summons. What I cannot tell you," Kagome replied.
"Nor did they hold back on the amount of Holy magic used to summon," Ainz stated. "Let us return to our task. I will contact Narberal to gather information."
In seconds those gathered dispersed back to their duties in Nazarick. He would be talking with Kagome later.
He sat on the end of the bed staring at his guest. She had been rather quiet, almost melancholy since the burst of magic earlier in the day. Ainz didn't want to push her since she was on edge already, but he needed answers.
"It was similar to what I felt when I went to Mount Hakurei. Yet this had intent, not quite dark behind it. Whatever was summoned was very powerful and would take a greater power to control," Kagome finally said, her words soft and deliberately spoken.
Ainz didn't like her answer. It didn't bode well, and he had a good idea after pondering all day as to why the Theocracy would summon something. That reason was sitting curled up at the other end of the bed, looking glassy-eyed and dejected.
"I believe, Kagome, there is a possibility that whatever was summoned was because of your rather spectacular arrival two weeks ago," He said.
Ainz stayed silent as he watched her slowly blink her eyes and look at him when she rolled her eyes and shrugged. It was the cheeky smile that said with no words Its-to-be-expected-I'm-a-trouble-magnet — giving a shake of his head as he let a chuckle escaped.
"Well, all we can do is wait. I will excuse myself so you can rest," Ainz said. "I can tell this has put you on edge, and you are not your normal self."
The small, grateful smile she gave him was answer enough. Standing up, Ainz gave a slight tilt of his head and started to walk out of the room.
"Ainz, thank you."
Once more, he was glad that he was unable to blush, as Ainz sought out some patience and waved a hand as he stepped out and closed the door behind him.
Cold, calculating eyes glanced at the thirteen people gathered around him. It was clear to those people he was unamused at what they did — summoning him from his home, away from his people and duties. And more so because he knew a contract bound him. Slowly he shifted his body to look at each of them before stopping at the aging man in the back with the grand robes and hat, curling his lip in disgust at the reek of Holy power all around him.
He would wait until the one standing outside the circle of twelve spoke. It was self-evident that the human male was their leader — the one who had had this atrocity perform to summon his person from his home.
"You are not what I had expected," the human male said. "Though I do not doubt you will serve your purpose perfectly."
Saying nothing, he inclined his head and looked down his nose at the man. Refusing to show this pathetic human respect, he was demanding by choice of his wording.
"You will answer when his holiness speaks!"
Shifting his gaze from this groups leader to the one who spoke, he caused the man to lock up and could smell the fear that rolled off him. It was sad that these humans reacted like this without him even flexing his aura or Youki.
"Dominic, watch your tongue. Showing disrespect will do us no good," the old man stated. "I am no fool. You are a higher-level demon, one of the Lord class if I am not mistaken. And nor am I ignorant that you are angry by being bound to a contract you didn't agree to. But there is a good reason we summoned you if you are interested in finding out..."
He knew the words were chosen carefully, in hopes to bait him to reveal his name. And he was mildly pleased that this human had enough knowledge to understand that he was not some weak small fry.
"What is it you require of my person?"
"Ah, a few weeks ago, a powerful Holy Power was felt from the West," The man spoke. "And it landed in the general vicinity of a place that is unexplored and crawling with less than savory... people if you will. The power was felt across the land from the reports I have gathered from my brethren in the other Kingdoms. And, I do not want whatever this Holy power is to be corrupted or misused. If you retrieve it and bring it back, I will release you and send you back to your home."
Not fooled, he gave a small nod of his head to show he understood what was being asked of him. The fact that they'd summoned one as powerful as himself to retrieve an object of Holy origins told him that there would be opposition. Possibly strong opposition. Meaning he could work out his anger on those that stood in his way of completing this task.
"How will I know this Holy power?"
"Ah, it is extremely pure and gentle. And it will be like nothing you have ever felt before. My only concern is that this power, even though it is Holy, will make you want to covet it," the man spoke.
Feeling insulted, he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, no longer restraining his aura. Enjoying the whimpers and cries of pain and shock from the twelve around him.
"This one does not crave power from an outside source. Let alone of a Holy orientation," he said, letting his disdain drip from each word.
"We shall see," The man said as he raised his hand. "Now, we need to show you a map, and then you can get to the task."
Arching an eyebrow was all the answer he would give this insipid human as the barrier was dropped, and a hole opened in the wall of men and women — high priest and Mikos. None of them were worth his notice or respect. There had only been one Miko that was worth his time, and she had vanished over two hundred years ago having returned to her time through a well.