It was a typical day on the Warner Brothers movie and tv studio lot.
Ralph the security guard was keeping watch on who was entering and exiting the lot, while eating a donut as a mid morning snack, stars and filming crew walking back and forth sound stages, and in the office of Dr. Otto Scratchansniff, who was the psychologist to the celeberities, he was having a meeting with three notorious clients that were known for running amoke around the lot.
They were the Warner siblings, better known as Yakko, Wakko and their sister Dot.
On this day, the three were called to see the therapist, who was also the unofficial guardian of the trio, after they did what studio president Thadeus Plotz called despicable.
Correction, beyond despicable.
"Vell now what have ve learned today?" the doctor asked the Warners.
"Never dump a truck load of tapioca pudding in Mr. Plotz's office," Yakko, Wakko and Dot replied at the same time.
"But he said it was his favorite," Dot pointed out.
"And he was very upset when the cafetria ran out of it," added Wakko.
"So we thought we surprise him with a truck load," Yakko concluded.
"Mr. Plotz likes to eat tapioca pudding not swim it! said Dr. Scratchansniff with a sigh, Looks like ve're going to loss another cleaning lady when she sees the mess in Plotz's office.

Just then, the four of them heard a sound.
It was that of a woman, covered in tapioca pudding screaming.
"I quit Mr. Plotz!
You don't pay me enough to clean up that big of mess!" the cleaning woman snapped as she marched to the elevator.
"Here ve go again.
Look see if you kidez can behave yourselves vhile I'm away for the next veek," Dr. Scratchansniff told the Warners.
But the trio got distracted about the going away part.
Yakko and Dot grabbed each of the doctor's arms, while Wakko took hold of his legs
"Going away?
We are we going Paris? asked Dot.
"Wisconsin?" asked Wakko.
"Or maybe to Rio?
Helllloooo Island nurse!" added Yakko.
Dr. Scratchansniff managed to pry the Warners off of his limbs and explained to them what he meant.
"Listen kidez, vhen I mentioned about going away I meant I was going away only me.
I'm leaving for a conference in New York for a veek and I vant you three to behave vhen I'm not here," he said.
"By why can't we go with you?" Dot asked.
"Because this trip is for conference trip for p-sychitrist grown-ups only and you three are just kidez.
So you will have to stay here.
I'm make sure to have the nurse and Ralph look in on you while I'm gone."

A short time later, after their meeting with Dr. Scratchansniff, the Warners were back at their home, which was the studio water tower.
"Who does Dr. Scratchansniff think he is to call us kids?" Dot asked her brothers.
"Yeah, he can't treat us like kids," Wakko added.
"Maybe because we really are kids," Yakko pointed out.
And not only were the trio really kids, but they were acting like kids, despite have what was considered an adult conversation.
Dot had on dress up clothes, while having a tea party with her stuffed animals, Wakko played with his toy cars and trucks, and Yakko was having a make-believe battle with his army men figures.
"It's just not fair that we have to stay home, while Dr Scratchansniff gets to go on a trip," Dot pouted.
"I wish we can go with Scratchy to New York," Wakko added.
Just then, a thought came to Yakko.
"Maybe there is a way we can go on Scratchy's trip and without him knowing," he said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

A week later, Dr. Scratchansniff took his trip to New York, for the conference.
It was during his flight and arrival that for the first times in ages, he felt calm and relax.
Although he was quite confuse to why his suitcase was heavy.
"Why does this thing veigh like a ton of bricks?
I didn't think I packed this much," said Dr. Scratchansniff, as he nearly dragged the luggage into his room.
He lugged the suitcase onto a dresser and undid the hooks.
As the case opened, three figures popped out.
It was Yakko, Wakko and Dot.
"Hello Scratchy!" the Warners spoke at once.
Dr. Scratchansniff screamed.
"AHHH!" he went.
"Did you miss us?" asked Dot, before she and her brothers planted three kisses on the doctor's face.
After spitting a bit from the kisses, Dr. Sratchansniff looked to the trio and said, "Vhat are you doing here?
How did you get here?
And how did you get in my suitcase?"
"Which order did you want those questions answered?" asked Yakko.
Meanwhile, Wakko crossed his legs and said, "Can it wait a bit?
I have to use the potty."
He then ran into the bathroom.
"Good thing you opened your case in time," said Dot.
"Or you would've been very sorry," Yakko added.
Just then, the three heard the noise of a toilet flushing and Wakko emerged from the bathroom.
"Ahhh, I feel much better," he said.
"Now then, can you kidez please tell me how you stowed away in my suitcase?" asked Dr. Scracthansniff.
"We hitched a ride on the back of your cab, and while you weren't looking when you paid the driver, we snuck into the case," Dot explained.
"So, looks like we're going to be spending the entire week in New York City with you Scratchy," said Yakko.
"Oh no no no no no!" spoke the doctor.
"Oh yes yes yes yes yes!"
"No, I'm calling a cab right now to take us back to the airport and sending you back home."
As Dr. Scratchansniff was about to pick up the phone in the room, Yakko, Wakko and Dot took notice of the large screen TV in the room.
"Hey let's watch some cartoons," spoke Dot.
"No, there's a Don Knotts marathon," Wakko debated.
"No about the "adult" channel?
Hello, nurse!" Yakko suggested.
However, when the trio turned on the TV, what appeared on the screen was the news.
"And in the latest breaking news story, all New York City airports have been shut down, due to a strike brought on by all it's employees," said the news anchor woman.
"And judging by the looks of it, the strike will most likely last about a week," the news anchor man added.
Dr. Scratchansniff was not at all happy by this outcome.
"Well, looks like you kidez are stuck here with me for the week," he sighed.
"Hooray!" Yakko Wakko and Dot shouted at once.
"I call dibs on the bed!" proclaimed Dot.
"Us to!" Yakko and Wakko added.
The three Warners then got on the lone bed and began to jump up and down on the mattress.
"Boingy! Boingy! Boingy! Boingy!" the trio sang out at the same time.
Dr. Scratchansniff simply sighed and said, "This is going to be a long veek."