My replacement to 'For the Last Time, he's not Interested' only this story is set in the Fairy Tail universe.
here Peter's part of fairy Tail for a little over two years and one of the more powerful members of the group. Now he's not up to the same level as someone like Natsu, Gray or even Erza and Laxus, but he can hold his own in a fight. He relies more on his intellect to win fights than outright raw power. His magic is largely based around a pair of gauntlets he wears that are based off the Stingers from his Fear Itself suit which gives him the abilities similar to a spider.
And the harem of this story, that's right it's a harem story, and the women in said harem will be;
Mirajane, Lucy, Cana, Erza, Irene, Brandish, Dimaria, Minerva, Kagura, Hisui E. Fiore, Riana, Ultear, Sorano, Morgan Le Fay (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Jean Grey, Ororo, Silver Sable, Felicia Hardy, Shriek, and Umar.
Lot of attractive women... lot of powerful women... and morally warped and questionable women too... poor, (un)lucky, bastard.
Disclaimer: I don't own any Marvel or Fairy Tail characters seen, mentioned or used.
Lucy Heartfilia was pretty sure she'd died and gone to heaven at some point in the past day.
Before the blonde bombshell stood the Guild Hall of Fairy Tail, the number one Wizarding Guild in all of Fiore. Ever since she was a little girl she's always dreamed of joining it's ranks and to go down in history as one of the most powerful and famous members it and Fiore has ever seen.
'And now I'm about to get that chance' Lucy thought with excitement as she followed Natsu Dragneel, a powerful Fire Mage she met in the port city of Hargeon just a few days ago, and his flying blue talking cat, Happy 'Oh I can't wait to meet the other members of the Guild. I bet their really nice and super strong too!'
"Hey, we're back!" Natsu shouted as he kicked the door in, almost sending it off it's hinges.
Lucy couldn't help but smile nervously as she followed Natsu and Happy into the Guild Hall as the various members turned their attention towards the pink haired Dragon Slayer and her. She really hoped her white sleeveless top that seemed very strained over her generous bust, a short blue skirt and knee high heeled boots weren't what was drawing so many stairs to her, it was the most modest outfit she had with her at the moment.
'Oh god, what if they kick me out because I'm to erotic looking?!' Lucy thought with worry.
One of the Guild members turned to greet Natsu before he suddenly received a kick to the face that sent him flying into a table.
"Whoa, what the hell?!" Lucy gaped at the sight, her fear of being too scantily clad forgotten.
Faster than Lucy thought possible for such a large group, the entire Guild Hall broke out into a free for all brawl. Chair went flying, tables crushed and magic being tossed back and forth like it was a ball. Lucy yelped in surprise as she ducked under a person sent flying towards her and out the door with half their body covered in ice. What was once a peaceful looking hall now looked like it was the epicenter of a literal war zone.
"Why the hell is this happening?!" Lucy said with a pale face as she slowly looked back up and watched the carnage unfold before her.
"Don't let it fool ya, this is actually pretty tame compared to some of the brawls that've broken out here before"
Lucy blinked at the sound of a male's voice behind her and quickly turned around to see a boy around her age, maybe a little older, dressed in a white sleeveless hoodie with a large black hexagonal shaped spider on the front. His arms were covered in some sort of white armored bracers with small intricate webbing patterns on them up to his elbows while the rest of his arm was bare up to the shoulders. His left shoulder sported a white Fairy Tal symbol while his face was covered by a equally white helmet with two black tear dropped shaped lenses that gave off an ominous look that sent a shiver up Lucy's spine. His legs were covered in a equally white colored pants with a single black stripe running down the side of each leg while his shins had what looked like pale colored metal plates that seemed to connect to a pair of white boots.
"Um, hello?" Lucy gave the pale dressed man a nervous grin before he suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her down with himself as several people went flying over them with yells of pain and surprise and crashed into another table, sending drinks and food everywhere.
"Hello" the person said in a amused tone while Lucy was shaking at being nearly hit by people flying through the air "I take it your new here?"
"Y-yeah" Lucy stammered out.
"I figured" the man said with a nod as they slowly stood up and he gestured Lucy to follow him towards the bar "Come on, the fighting wont get too close to the bar"
"Neutral ground where people can drink in semi peace?" Lucy asked as she followed after the man.
"Nah, you break it, you buy it" the man said with a chuckle "Trust me, there's some expensive drinks back there that no one wants to replace with their own money. Plus no one wants to piss off Cana or may the bartender sad"
"I'll keep that in mind..." Lucy trailed off as she realized she didn't get his name "I'm sorry, but uh, what's your name?"
"Peter" the boy replied as they somehow managed to walk their way through the massive brawl without a scratch on themselves.
"Peter?" Lucy said with surprise before it clicked and her eyes sparkled "As in the Peter Parker, the White Spider of Fairy Tail?!"
Peter stopped and turned back towards Lucy and she swore she could see a raised brow through his black lenses "Huh?"
Before Lucy could say anything else, she saw Peter suddenly tense and again duck as Elfman went flying past him and slam into a wall before letting out a shout about how 'unmanly' that hit was. Peter gave Elfman a br3ig glance to see if he was fine before looking to see who tossed the man towards him. Unsurprisingly, it was Natsu who was now in the middle of a pitched battle against Gray... again.
'Where's Erza when you need her?' Peter thought with a sigh before he quietly made his way to the bar with Lucy sticking close to him.
"Well hello Peter, how's your day been?"
Lucy blinked at the owner of the voice before her eyes widened to the point it felt like her eyes were gonna slip out of their sockets. Before her and Peter was one of if not the most beautiful woman she's ever seen. She was a little shorter than the average person, but her long slightly curled white hair with a small upward pony tail over her forehead, large blue eyes and mouth watering curvy body and large breasts made her seem like a goddess given physical form. Just standing next to her made Lucy feel like some muddied doll pulled out of a trash can.
"Your M-Mirajane Strauss!" Lucy exclaimed in shock and awe "I've seen you on the cover for Sorcerer Magazine!"
Mirajane giggled at this "Oh my, another fan I take it?"
"Can you blame her? You like pretty mixed with hot mixed with beautiful and than given a physical form" Peter said with a hidden grin as he took a seat at the bar "I'll take a glass of water please"
"Per usual, you cute little sweet talker" Mirajane said with a teasing grin as she looked towards Lucy "And you? Do you want anything to drink?"
Lucy blinked owlishly at Mirajane's stare before she nodded with a faint blush on her face "Y-Yeah!"
"Coming right up" the white haired vision said before leaving to retrieve two glasses.
"Man, I never knew there were so many famous people at this place" Lucy exclaimed as she shook in her seat "This is so exciting!"
"Eh, more infamous than famous, but yeah" Peter said with a nod as he turned to watch the latest brawl play out "I'm guessing your looking to join us?"
"You bet I am!" Lucy said with a grin "It's been my life long dream!"
Peter hummed at this as Mirjane finally returned with their glasses, handing Lucy's her's but withheld Peter's as she gave him an amused look.
"What?" Peter said, quirking his head slightly in confusion.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Mirajane asked with a grin.
Lucy watched as Peter tapped his chin in thought before he suddenly snapped his fingers "Oh yeah, I am forgetting something..."
His hands slowly rose up to remove his helmet, something that Lucy watched with rapt attention. There hasn't been a picture of what the Wizard looked like under that helm of his, having never been seen in public without it. Safe to say, there was a wide range of theories of why that was; from being horrifically scarred to being so handsome that to prevent himself from being mobbed by legions of women, and some men, he chose to hide his face from the world. Just as Peter gripped the underside of his helmet and began to push it up, exposing the bottom of his chin, Happy suddenly slammed into Lucy' knocking her off her chair and to the ground.
"GAH! What the hell you stupid cat!" Lucy screamed at Happy who looked a but dazed from his impact.
"A-Aye!" he muttered weakly before passing out.
Lucy huffed at the blue flying cat before she turned back just in time to see Peter's helmet slip back on with a empty glass before him.
"Man, that hit the spot!" Peter exclaimed with a hoppy nod.
"Huh?" Lucy said with surprise before she looked towards Mirajane to see her blushing scarlet red and fanning herself.
"My, my, my, so naughty Peter" she giggled coyly while licking her lips, causing Lucy's jaw to extend towards the floor.
'Wait, what the hell just happened?'
Just how good looking was Peter under that helmet of his to leave someone like Mirajane, whose continued presence continued to make Lucy feel more and more inadequate, blushing like a school girl?
"Lucy here is looking to join the Guild" Peter's voice interrupted Lucy's thoughts and dragged her back to the real world.
Mira blinked at this and turned towards Lucy "Oh, is that right?"
"Uh, yeah" Lucy said with a nervous grin "If there's an opening of course, hehehe"
"There's always an opening" Mirajane said as she looked down at the shelves behind the counter with a thoughtful look on her face "Lets see where did I put that stamp...?"
"So how did you and Natsu meet?" Peter asked as he pointed towards the punk haired Fire Mage.
"It's a long story" Lucy said with a chuckle as the memory of her and Natsu's first meeting came to mind.
"Saved you from a canbilistic Cult?" Peter asked.
Lucy blinked at this "Uh, no?"
"Save you from being forced to marry a Demon Lord from Sin?" Mirajane said as she pulled out the Guild Stamp "Or Demon Lady, let's be fair here"
Lucy sweat dropped at this "No to both of those too"
"Talked you down from extracting your vengeance on some crazed sociopath that was bent on world domination with some ultra rare Lost Magic?" Peter guessed.
"No..." Lucy said with a sigh "Is that a common theme around here?"
"Not really" Peter said with a shrug as he watched Lucy extend a hand out for Mirajane to place the stamp on "But it's better than saying you just bumped into him and decided to join the Guild because of that"
Lucy scoffed at this "That's..."
She paused as she considered how she did meet Natsu. Granted there was a few extra things to the story but the basis of it was that she bumped into him at Hargeon and upon finding out he was part of Fairy tail, asked to join. She gave Peter and Mirajane a sheepish expression before she grabbed her glass and chugged the rest of her water down. Peter and Mirajane both snickered at this, or Peter did, Mirajane just gave Lucy a amused look as she pulled a rag out of nowhere and began to clean the infamous 'Dirty Glass' that's haunted the Guild Hall for years.
'This thing's gonna be clean if it's the last thing I do!' Mirajane thought with a determined but cute expression on her face as she scrubbed at the stains on the glass.
'Fighting a losing battle sweetheart' Peter thought with a shake of his head as he watched Mirajane try to clean the glass before turning to Lucy "So, welcome to Fairy Tail. Big family that likes to fight, destroy, fight some more, destroy some more and may or may not be one bad decision away from being carted off to some mental institute"
"Oh come on, it can't be that bad-" Lucy began before a tremor shook the floor and she and Peter turned to see that in the middle of the massive hall was now standing a towering dark shadowed figure.
Lucy paled at the sight of the giant as he spoke in a loud, deep, monstrous tone that shook her to the core.
"Huh, looks like the master is awake" Peter said as he blinked at the towering figure of Makarov Dreyar, the current Guild master for Fairy Tail.
"He over slept" Mirajane giggled before she frowned as the glass she was cleaning still seemed as dirty as ever if not worse 'How in the hell?'
"Wait, he's the Guild master?!" Lucy said as her head snapped towards Peter and Mirajane with shock.
"Of course" Mirajane said with a smile "You didn't think we'd just let some giant scary looking person come in here now, did you?"
If it helps, I thought the same when I first got here" Peter snickered as he saw his glass of water was refilled "Ooh, more water"
Lucy watched as Peter made to lift his helmet off, and Mirajane was now in front of Peter with a wide sultry grin on her face as she waited for the helm to be removed. The blonde Celestial Mage watched Peter closely as he began to lift his helmet off and just got a view of his bottom lip when the area around her darkened and she gulped as she felt a weighted gaze on her. She slowly turned to see the dark shadowed giant looking down at her with narrowed eyes.
"SEEMS WE HAVE A NEW RECRUIT..." he muttered.
"Y-Yes" Lucy said with sweat pouring down her face as she struggled to not hyperventilate before the massive being.
"Natsu brought her" Peter said in a strained voice as his helmet was slipped back on while Mirajane was sitting on the barstool next to him, his arm held firmly, almost painfully, between her breasts.
Lucy watched as the giant being began to shrink down in front of her until she was met with a short old man dressed in a odd orange colored outfit that reminded her of some kind of court jester. The blonde blinked at the man as he gave her a smile before he made a leap up to the balcony of the second floor, hitting his head on the railing along the way, before turning to look down at the rest of the guild with a stack of papers in his hand.
"Cue complaints from the Magical Council followed by how we shouldn't let them bother us and keep doing what we're doing" Peter whispered with a chuckle into Mirajane's hair.
"Wait, huh?" Lucy said while Mirajane simply pointed towards the Guild Master.
"Just watch" she said with a smile as she scooted even closer to Peter if that was possible.
Lucy blinked before she turned her attention back to Fairy Tail's Guild Master who quickly began to do exactly what Peter and Mirajane said he would. He talked about the complaints from the Magic Council before he gave them his own two cents of what said Council could do and gave a pretty heart warming speech about how the members of Fairy Tail should keep doing what their doing because they are and always will be the Number One guild in Fiore.
"He does realize that at this rate, the Council will have enough reason to disband the Guild with the claim that we're too dangerous to safely operate within a populated city and the amount of Jewels we burn through and cause in property damage, right?" Peter said as he glanced at Mirajane who simply grinned before planting a small kiss on the part of the helm that was over his lips.
"Oh don't worry about that sweetie" she said with a giggle "We'll be fine"
"Kind of hard not to worry considering I don't fancy trying to find a new Guild to join" Peter said with a sigh.
"Well it's a good thing I have enough money saved up for you, me and Elfman to live comfortably for a few months" Mirajane said with a grin before it grew more coy "Though, we could always make our own guild. Just you and me. It'll be so much more... enjoyable"
"But what about Elfman?" Peter said with confusion "Wont he be part of it too?"
"Mmm... nope!" Mirajane giggled again.
"Cold Mira, very cold" Peter said in a deadpanned voice before he turned towards Lucy "Don't let this woman's looks fool ya, she can be ruthless when she wants to be"
Lucy chuckled nervously at this while Miragane giggled and planted another kiss on Peter's armored cheek.
"Trust me, you haven't seen me ruthless" she said with a wink before she stood up and quickly made her way back behind the bar, leaving Peter and Lucy alone for the time being.
"So are you and Mirajane a couple?" Lucy said.
"Depends on your definition of a couple" Peter said with a shrug as he held another glass of water in his hands, causing Lucy to wonder when it was filled and how.
"Like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Lucy said with confusion "I mean, how many other definitions are there?"
"You'd be surprised with this place" Peter snorted as he made to take his helmet off to get another drink before he seemed to think otherwise and simply left it on.
"Why do you keep putting your helmet back on?" Lucy asked with a frown "Isn't it a hassle to keep putting it back on after every drink?"
"Yes, but I'd rather it be that than end up with head trauma because someone hit me in the head" Peter said.
It was hard to find fault in that logic.
"I guess..." Lucy said as she saw Natsu approaching them, a few bruises decorating his face.
"Hey Lou, how's it feel to be part of Fairy Tail now?" the pinkette asked with a wide toothy grin as Happy flew over and landed beside Peter with a fish in his mouth.
"It's... a lot to take in" Lucy said with a nervous laugh.
"I know, isn't it great?" Natsu asked with a laugh before he turned towards Peter "Oi, when you'd get back Peter?!"
"Just after you and Lucy here walked in" Peter answered as he was busy scratching Happy's ear, causing the blue magical cat to purr.
"How was the request?" Happy asked as he batted at Peter's finger, like a cat.
"Easy" Peter replied with a shrug, causing Natsu to scoff.
"Well yeah, you only ever seem to take the easiest ones on the board" the Dragon Slayer said "I hardly ever see you take a Request that has a reward of more than a hundred thousand Jewels. And the ones you do go on you usually have like three other people go with ya!"
"Really?" Peter said with obvious surprise in his voice "Huh, never noticed really. I just go up, look for a mission that looks good and go on it. Really don't pay attention to the payment"
"You don't bother to check to see how much money you get from a job, you just pick one and go with it?" Lucy said with some disbelief.
"I don't really care about the money, I just like helping people" Peter replied with a shrug "If I get paid a lot, than I get paid a lot. If not, than no biggie, there's plenty of missions on the Request Board to keep me busy"
"And that Peter, is why your know as the 'Poor Fairy of Fairy Tail" a voice spoke up from behind Peter, causing him to look over his shoulder while Lucy and Natsu leaned a little out to see a tall slim scantily clad woman with tanned skin and a ample sized chest barely covered by a small blue bikini top brown colored capri pants, blue heeled sandals and a pair of metal bracelets on her biceps.
Her name was Cana Alberona, one of Fairy Tail's most attractive and sought after bachelorettes and resident drunkard.
"Cana, lovely as always" Peter said in a dry tone as he, and a gob smacked Lucy watch the brunette grab a barrel of some sort of liquor and began to down it like it was a shot glass of water and not a alcoholic drink that could put a seasoned sailor on his ass.
"Holy shit!" Lucy said with a shocked expression while Happy giggled.
"That's Cana for ya!" the blue talking cat said with a jump "Always drinking breweries into the ground"
"Oi Cana, how many barrels is that today? Four, five?" Peter asked while trying to hold back a gag, he could smell the alcohol from where he was at.
Cana held up a hand up to show 'Five' as she continued to chug the barrel without a care in the world. Peter rolled his eyes, even if no one could see it and returned his attention to Lucy, Natsu and Happy. It seemed when he was looking at Cana, the three had made their way over to the Request Board where Natsu seemed to be looking at the various job requests while Lucy stared at her Fairy Tail symbol in awe.
"Hey Mirajane?" Peter said as he turned towards the white haired beauty.
"Yes?" she responded as she was busy filling a few drinks to take to a few of the members.
"What kind of magic does that Lucy girl use?" Peter asked as he nodded towards the blonde beauty.
"I noticed a few Celestial Keys on her belt, so I'm guessing she's a Celestial Mage" Mirajane said as she loaded up a tray to carry the drinks on before she gave Peter a coy look "Unlike you, I wasn't distracted by her... assets"
"Assets?" Peter said with audible confusion as he looked back at the blonde "What assets?"
"Or your so cute when you act all clueless" Mirajane giggled as she patted Peter on the head as she passed him by "Stay there until I get back. I want to hear all about your most recent job"
"Kay!" Peter said with a nod as he turned around in his seat and rested his elbows on the counter as he stared down at his drink.
"God she's got you wrapped around her finger" Cana said from her seat as she placed her half empty barrel on the ground.
Peter scowled at the scantily clad woman "I'm not wrapped around her finger. She just wants to know how my job went is all. Hey, here's an idea, maybe you can ask to from time to time instead of seeing his wasted you can get"
"I could... I could..." Cana said as she tapped her chin in thought before she grinned "Or I can just enjoy a nice glass of wine instead"
"Or a barrel of mead" Peter muttered as he stared at Cana's beverage as she raised her legs and rested them on top of it.
Cana noticed the direction of Peter's gaze and rolled her eyes as she drew her tarot cards and began to shuffle them "Careful Peter, you keep staring at my legs and I might get the wrong idea. What ever would Mirajane think?"
"That I could do better if I'm gonna be unfaithful to her" Peter replied dryly before he ducked under a glass thrown at him by the annoyed brunette.
"At least I can hold my drinks!"
"At least I can walk without stumbling!"
"You wish you could plow a girl hard enough for her to walk around stumbling!"
"Oh yeah? Well... MEH!"
"MEH yourself you little twerp!"
"I'm not little I'm average in height!"
"That's the only thing average about you, everything else is below average!" Cana sneered.
Peter gasped at this before he pointed a finger towards Cana "Y-Yeah, well at least I don't dress like a stripper!"
"Oh, and how would you know what a stripper dresses like?" Cana said with a smirk before she turned towards where Mirajane was "Oh Mira, Peter's got some splaining to do!"
Safe to say, Peter did not enjoy said conversation with a confused and bothered Mirajane.
And Cana wasn't amused when she later found her favorite drinks had been spoiled by webbing mixed into them.
And done.
Next chapter, Peter goes on a mission and goes on a date with Mirajane... that's really about it.