AN: So I know I should be working on The Lazarus Hero but this idea wouldn't leave my head so I had to write it down. It may not lead to anything more than this little one-shot but it may help me when I get writers block. Who knows?
Either way enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Assassin's Creed nor anything done by Ubisoft.
"Desmond are you in place?" Desmond Miles glared at the empty space over his shoulder.
"Almost." He grunted.
"Well, maybe instead of taking your bloody time to do a simple task you should start moving. We're behind enough as it is." A male voice came over the communication device in his ear. Desmond rolled his eyes and kept shuffling across the ledge.
'What're you mad at me for?' He thought, 'It's not like you're the one climbing a fuck ton o' feet off the ground.' Desmond immediately felt guilty about his thoughts, he knew Shaun and Rebecca were just as stressed as he was, and they had worked so hard to plan out how this mission would go. And a wrench had been thrown into those plans so quickly too.
See, Desmond Miles, former Subject 16 and current Assassin on the run, was currently climbing up a very, very tall Abstergo building to find out what they were up to. The Templars had been strategically attacking Assassin operatives and guilds ever since the end of the world fiasco and the Council was starting to worry. Not about their hunted members, no, that was normal what wasn't was the fact that the Templars strategy was starting to look like a distraction. Instead of killing any trace of Assassin's swiftly and violently once they had a whiff of mention of the Brotherhood's iconic hoods, they seemed to be biding their time and that was never a good thing. To find out just what the corporate nightmare was planning, the Council, mostly Bill, had sent out Desmond and the others to infiltrate their headquarters in the US- because of how close they were to the building. So Desmond was given a quick rundown of the building's blueprints and security, some warnings, and a pat on the back to get him moving.
Everything had been going smoothly until one of the Abstergo employees got a little too handsy and Desmond was forced to leave in order to avoid any attention brought on by the young worker who kept touching his lower back and shouting compliments at him. That was something he hadn't dealt with in a while, or ever. Most people had more tact when it came to their reputation in a business setting. That certain wrench made it impossible for Desmond to go through with the original plan, but Assassins were always able to think on their feet. This certain trait brought him to where he was now, scaling a skyscraper without any protection whatsoever. Assassins also were able to completely ignore physics and the general fear that comes with dangling off the edge of a building, opening the window into the highest located office.
With a small noise, Desmond forced the window opened and slipped inside before nudging the window shut again. He activated his Eagle Vision and began to look for a hint of gold in the grey area around him, and when he found a trail leading outside the office, he started to follow it. Without making a sound, Desmond left the office and started down the hallway, expecting to have to walk quite a way, but instead the rail led into a wall. At least to those without his Sight. What he saw was a rectangle on the wall that emanated such a bright gold that he had to squint his eyes.
'I guess this is it." He thought, reaching towards the rectangle and pushing against it. Nothing. With a grunt he tried harder and hear something. Taking that noise as a sign of his success he continued with his efforts and felt the wall give a little before moving quickly out of the way. Desmond fell flat on his face, not expecting such quick movement out of the wall segment, with his eyes closed he began to push off against the ground with the intent to get up when he heard it. The sound from before. What once was undistinguishable became known. The noise was a squeal of a child, the odd thing was he couldn't tell if it was a squeal of fear or of happiness. Before he had the chance to stand up and investigate, an unknown weight pressed down on his back while a hand began to press down his head.
"Who are you?" A young teenager's voice demanded; it was the one who held down his head. They were a girl and she was quite pale and lanky, but Desmond couldn't make out much else from his place on the ground.
"Evie," Another teenager's voice but this time it was that of a boy, "I don't think he's one of the bad guys. What should we do?" The boy had to be the one sitting on his back. Before he could think about where this ended up on his list of 'Crazy shit that has happened that I don't want to ever talk about' the girl, Evie, let go of his head and began to walk away- giving him the chance to take note of the secret room.
The room was no bigger than the cells seen in local police stations and was just as welcoming, the walls were made of a very thick glass (if he looked past the glass he could the beginnings of a hallway) and the floor was made of concrete. Evie had stopped walking and stood in front of a group of small boys with the oldest being twelve or eleven and the youngest being no older than 2. Evie herself looked as though she had just reached the age of sixteen. Their age wasn't the only thing that bugged Desmond about the situation, he knew some of the children. Heck, he had been some of those kids.
"Ezio?" He whispered the name of the ancestor he had spent such a long time as and could fell the beginnings of a hallucination about to take form.
"Si?" One of the children, a small boy with long, tangled brown hair peeked out from the legs of Evie, he looked as though he belonged in a care center while his parents went to work. Desmond didn't answer the child. He stared at the others and wondered,
'Why are my ancestors alive and kids?' as well as 'Who the fuck are the others?' And 'What the fuck is Abstergo doing to them?'
AN: This is a 'what if modern day assassins got stuck watching de-aged versions of their ancestors' fic. Right now the only ancestors I plan to de-age are Evie and Jacon Frye, Ezio, Altair, Connor, Bayek, and Edward. Mabye Shay or some others as well, but I am going to avoid any characters from Odyssey (as that is one of the two games that I can't seem to get into and actually play for more than 20 minutes). If you have any characters you want to see as children review and we'll see what happens!