"Rayshift preparations complete! Destination set to Tokyo, Japan. 2014."

"Unsummon Program, start. Commence Spiritron conversion."

"Fujimaru Ritsuka , Mordred Pendragon. Cleared all stages for Rayshift. Ready to go!"

Da Vinci peered towards the screens, making sure that everything was indeed ready to go. She closed her eyes and took a deep sigh in preparation for this unusual event.

"Alright, commence operation and send them out!"

And with her exclamation, humanity's final master and the knight of rebellion were sent to their destination. Da Vinci sighed once more and took a seat.

"I surely hope they'll be fine..." Da Vinci shook her head and a young girl steps forward to her held her fists up to her chest level.

"Senpai's always made it through! I'm sure they can handle this one!" It was Mash Kyrielight. The servant Shielder and Kohai of Ritsuka Fujimaru.

With her gentle smile and faith on Ritsuka's part, Da Vinci couldn't help but smile. After all, her little Ritsuka already had her fair share of trials and tribulations. The seven singularities and Goetia, she should be fine.

"If you say so."

Meanwhile, the master and servant have finally arrived on their destination. The two opened their eyes and they were greeted with a rather peaceful-looking Tokyo. The streets were filled with people going about their day, kids playing, and the usual routine for everyday life. It was almost extraordinary for the two, considering the locations they were sent to.

"It's so peaceful... It's almost as if..." Ritsuka, adorning her regular Chaldea uniform, turned her head around to view her surroundings in awe. Mordred, who arrived in her casual attire, immediately wrapped her arm around Ritsuka's shoulder and pulled her close to her causing Ritsuka to let out a noise of shock.

"Let's go, master! We shouldn't waste time ogling the ordinary sights! We should find the source of the problem, take it out, and go home." Mordred exclaimed, showing obvious signs of impatience.

Ritsuka nodded and held a bracelet up. Da Vinci's voice was heard on the bracelet.

"Alright, Fujimaru-kun. We're here to find a man named Takumi Katsuragi. He should be the cause of the anomalies in this timeline." Ritsuka nodded in confirmation and turned towards her servant. "Let's go, Mordred! Although, where should we start?"

"Well, why don't you just ask around?" Mordred placed her hands towards her back.

"I'm sure with your looks master, we'll-


The two's conversation with each other were interrupted by a shout nearby. They turned towards the sound and saw a young man with a brunette hair, a blue jersey tied around their waist, and hastily walking around the area, obviously looking for someone by the context of their exclamation.

"Sento...! Where'd you go?" The man stops and placed his hand around his waist in frustration.

"Maybe we should help him out? And maybe, he'll help us too?" Ritsuka turned to Mordred. The rebel knight sighed. "You're always like that, master. Do as you please-"

"Hold it right there!" Da Vinci chimed in from the communications device on her wrist. Ritsuka jumped a bit before holding her wrist up to shoulder level.

Ritsuka raised a brow. "Why not?"

"We're picking up massive energy signatures radiating inside him. He doesn't seem to be hostile but I'd highly suggest you be wary of his actions."

Ritsuka nodded but despite her warnings, signalled Mordred to come with her to approach the man.

"Sento! Sentoo! Sen-"

"Um, excuse me?"

The young man turned towards them. "What is it?" He asked politely but still showing a hint of frustration.

"Um, I see you are looking for someone. Maybe we can help each other out! We're looking for a guy named Takumi Katsuragi." Ritsuka placed her arms behind her and swayed her hips to the side.

"Katsuragi...? Y-you mean Sento?! Wait, how do you know him?" The young man's eyes widened hearing his comrade's name uttered by a young girl.

"Ah- well, that's because- I..."

"Ain't it obvious, master?" Mordred chimed. Ritsuka turned towards her servant who's clenching their fists. "What do you mean it's obvious?" Ritsuka immediately noticed the rebel knight's left hand crackling with red electricity. The young man noticed it to briefly before...

"Mo-san, what are you-"

"He's a lackey!"

Mordred's Clarent appeared from a flash of light in her hand and swung upward. Luckily, the young man managed to react in time and dodged the blow by dropping to the floor and crawling a few meters back. The people around them halted their routine, stopped and stared at the commotion before them. Some were in awe and took out their phones and took photos, thinking this was an act.

"Woah! What are you doing?!"

"Mo-san, stop this! He's not-"

"Of course he is!" Mordred exclaimed. "He's full of energy and he knows the one we're looking for! The one who's distorting this timeline! If we get him, we get Katsuragi." Mordred was engulfed in a red flash before reappearing in her standard knight armour. Helmet and all. The surrounding people continued to watch.

Ritsuka held her right hand up and clasped it with the other. A posture mostly known in Chaldea as someone who is about to use a command spell. "Mordred Pendragon, I order you to-!"

"Don't try to stop me! I'll end this quick!" Mordred crouched, preparing a stance.

"A smash...?! How?"

The young man stood up pulled out a strange device from behind him seemingly out of nowhere and slapped it on his waist. The device let out a belt strap from its sides and made a short ring in response. He then pulled out a smaller device that seemed to be in the shape of a dragon and a small cylindrical object. He inserted the cylinder onto the device and placed it on the belt.


Ritsuka's eyes widened when the device made a sound and a dragon symbol made of light appeared in front of the device. "Wait, is he a heroic spirit?"

The man reached for a crank on the 'belt' and turned it. The belt started to produce a short music in response.

"I won't let you!" Mordred proceeded to charge towards the young man in an attempt to halt the man's act. However, a platform and multiple tubes materialized from the belt which caused her to step back.



The man slapped his fist with his other hand and assumed a boxer pose before straightening out his posture as two pieces of armour materialized from the tubes and slammed into him.


A third smaller piece of armour that was also in the shape of an armour wrapped around his head, shoulders and chest before flames jetted out on where they slammed into. The armour's eyes flashed blue as to signal the completion of the transformation.

"What in the world?!" Ritsuka took a few steps back after witnessing the sudden transformation of the man. "Fujimaru-kun, be careful! He's temperature levels have risen which is heating him up!" Da vinci spoke through the bracelet.

"That won't matter to me!" Mordred continued her assault and swung her Clarent towards the transformed man. The man, however, caught the greatsword by the blade and retaliated with a punch. As the punch connected to Mordred, a flame burst from the impact and sent her back a few slight meters back.

"What the hell?! How did he-" Mordred was taken aback by his counterattack. She proceeded to grip her Clarent with both of her hands and charged once more.

"You like swords, huh?" The man claimed. "How about this?!" In response, a sword materialized from the belt and into his hand.


He charged at Mordred as well and swung. The two swords connected and let out a few sparks as each blade grazed one another. Mordred growled.

"What are you?!"

"Kamen Rider! Kamen Rider Cross-Z! And you're in my way!" The armoured man, named Cross-Z, lowered one of his hands to the hilt of the sword and pulled on it.


Suddenly, an energy blast materializing in the form of a musical beat appeared in front of Cross-Z's sword and grazed into Mordred's clarent as well. Cross-Z pulled the sword downward, letting go of the connection between the two swords allowing the energy beat to push Mordred back in another set of meters back.

The crowd realized this probably wasn't a stage show and an actual fight and started running and panicking.

"Damn you..!"

"I'm not done yet!" Cross-Z pulled on the crank on his belt once more and crouched. An ethereal dragon appeared beside him and his right leg started to engulf in flames.

"Heat readings are through the roof! It must be his noble phantasm!" Da vinci exclaimed. Ritsuka thought this was the case as well. "Mordred!"

Mordred jumped after hearing her master call out her name. She turned her head towards her. "What?!"


"Get out of there-"

Cross-Z jumped and was sent flying towards Mordred by the fire breath of the ethereal dragon and swung his leg sideways. The kick connected to Mordred and Cross-Z landed behind her. Mordred crackled in blue electricity before being engulfed in a green explosion!

"With one attack...? MORDRED!" Ritsuka's eyes widened. In shock at the thought of one of her strongest servant's defeat.

"No, look! Fujimaru-kun!" Da Vinci exclaimed.

Cross-Z turned to the area of the explosion. As the smoke cleared, Mordred was seen still standing. Her armour having clear signs of burn marks. The helmet cracked and broke, revealing her face.

"Thank god, she's fine." Ritsuka let out a sigh of relief.

Cross-Z was taken aback. "No way! This usually works!"

Mordred growled. "Fine! My turn."

The rebel knight raised her sword up in the sky. The sword shimmered a bright red energy.

"Behold! The wicked blade that killed my father, Arthur Pendragon!"

Ritsuka realized what she was about to do. Her noble phantasm. Both her and Da Vinci exclaimed. "Wait, you're using it here and now?!"

"I won't let you destroy the city!" Cross-Z took out a gold-colored bottle from a rack on his hip and inserted it onto a slot on the sword.


"And..!" Cross-Z exclaimed. On his other hand, he cranked the belt once more. "READY GO! DRAGONIC FINISH!" The ethereal dragon materialized again, this time circling the sword. The sword also materialized an energy blade in the shape of a key.


"I get the feeling I can't lose!"

The two unleashed their attacks. A giant red blast was launched from Mordred's Clarent while Cross-Z unleashed a blue fire blast that was being circled by the ethereal dragon. The two blasts connected and both beams struggled for a bit before an explosion; Ritsuka attempted to cover herself with her arms but was blown several meters back by the explosion.

A large smoke covered the area for a while before spreading out and disappearing slowly. Ritsuka coughed a few times and waved off the smoke.

"Is it... over?"

The dust cleared and revealed Mordred with some of her armour broken and torn revealing some of her skin and inner outfit. She was huffing in exhaustion as the blast took a lot of her energy. Fortunately, she could still move. Ritsuka turned to Cross-Z's side and the smoke hadn't cleared much yet. However...


A blue light emerged from the smoke and cleared it away. Cross-Z was now adorning another suit. This time it was primarily silver as opposed to the dark blue previously. His belt had changed too. A black belt was replaced with a really bright blue belt that stick out like a sore thumb.

"Tch! You've got guts to survive my noble phantasm! How insulting! Now, I'm definitely gonna finish this!" Mordred crouched and pointed her sword toward her back and started channelling energy into it once again. "Clarent...!"

"You're using it again?! Mordred, stop!" Ritsuka proceeded to run towards in between Cross-Z and Mordred in response.

"Don't mess with me! I'm ending this right now!" Cross-Z crouched and pushed a crank on his belt.



Mordred's attack was interrupted as a large sword had been sent flying towards the direction of her sword. The sword connected with hers and her lost composure got her to let go of the sword. Sending it a few meters back.

"Who dares?!"

Mordred turned to the attention of the second attacker. Cross-Z turned too which cancelled his finisher. Ritsuka stopped and turned to the direction they were looking as well.

From a distance, a man wearing loose clothes walks towards their direction. Once he came to view, Cross-Z recognized the man.


"T-That's him! That's Katsuragi!" Da Vinci exclaimed from the bracelet. Ritsuka turned to it for a bit before returning her eyes back to the man who was called Sento and Katsuragi at the same time.

"Always such a muscle brain you are, Banjou." Sento pulled out the same belt that Cross-Z, or Banjou, had pulled out in the beginning of the fight.

"I'll take care of this."

Sento pulled out a long cylindrical object and folded it into two. In response, Mordred took a stance once more.


Author's note: Ignore the dates in the start of the story. Also, if there's a discrepancy between the personalities of the characters in this story vs. the actual material, please note I'm not as well-versed in FGO than I am more so in Fate/Stay Night so there may be difference. But I did watch Fate/Apocrypha and am watching FGO Babylonia.

One more thing, please don't get pissed over the power differences between the characters here. Mordred is nerfed and Cross-Z was slightly buffed just to get some fun in the story. This is all just for fun and to see if my writing skills are any good. It wouldn't be fun if, say, Mordred was fast af and beat Banjou within seconds. Then there wouldn't be any story. Keyword is: JUST FOR FUN. Also, don't expect me to continue this. I just wrote this for boredom.