Written for HMS Harmony Discord Two-Hundred Word Drabble Tuesday 14/02/20 - Theme: Valentine's Day
Era: Post Hogwarts
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: None
Words: 123
Harry opened the small envelope and smiled at the picture on the front.
The giant red heart with a section of colours like a small pie graph showing the gifter's heart. With small parts showing Bacon, tacos, and chocolate, but most being bright red and stating: You.
Flipping it open, he found the very familiar neat writing of his best friend.
Dear Harry,
I don't think you're ugly either
Happy Valentine's Day
Love Hermione
Harry's smile at the words could have powered London, and he glanced up at his wife across the breakfast table. Her own expression of delight was a balm to his heart.
"I definitely think I can up that to 'I think you're utterly beautiful' now, Hermione. I love you."