A normal 17-year old walked out of his institute. He had a messy dark green hair, and was wearing a school uniform. He waved at some of his friends who were leaving.

This is our protagonist, Yanagi Asuki. "Another day, another grade!" He looked at the biology test he had taken. An 95! Not too bad.. He figured he could do better, but decided not to fret about it.

Suddenly, Yanagi fell face-first to the curb. Having been far too engrossed in the grade, he had been given on his test had forgotten to look at where he was going. Yanagi stood up, as he felt his nose swelling. "Ow! Aw man.. And the day had been going so well, too!"

Yanagi walked to the apartment in which he's lived with his foster mother (Sakura). He felt Sakura was rather supportive, and she'd be pretty happy about his grade.

Yanagi arrived at the building, as he entered his apartment, greeting Sakura. "Kon'nichiwa, Okasan."

Sakura smiled warmly as she said, "Kon'nichiwa, Yanagi. How was school?"

Yanagi shrugged, with a rather bland expression his face, as he put down his backpack. "It was okay."

Sakura smiled. She gestured at the paper he was holding. "I assume you have something to show me?"

Yanagi nodded, as he took a seat on the couch, sitting next to her. "I got a 97 on a test we recently took."

Sakura gave him a pat on the back as she smiled. "Great work, Yanagi!"

Yanagi gave a smile. Sakura seemed to remember something as she lit up, taking a letter off the table. "Oh, this letter came in the mail for you. I think it's for the internship you applied for?"

Yanagi raised an eyebrow as he took the letter, opening it. He read it silently, as Sakura promptly asked, "What does it say?"

A grin slowly unfolded upon Yanagi's face, as he handed it to Sakura. Sakura read it before sharing a grin with Yanagi as well. "Congratulations, Yanagi!"

Yanagi nodded his head before looking at the location on the letter. The location wasn't too far away; it about less than a mile away from their house. Yanagi decided it'd be worth a shot to see what this place was about.

Sakura seemingly lit up, remembering something else. She informed Yanagi, "That reminds me, I have to go to the homeless shelter. Do you need a ride to your internship?"

Yanagi shook his head, saying to Sakura, "No. It's not too far away from here, around less than a mile give or take. I can walk."

Sakura nodded, before pointing towards the dinner table. "Well, how about we eat dinner and head out?"

Yanagi nodded his head, as both he and Sakura went to the dinner table, and proceeded to eat dinner.

. . .

After dinner, Yanagi had changed into a long-sleeved white shirt which he rolled the sleeves up, black pants, and knee high-boots that were covered up halfway by his pants. Both Yanagi and Sakura went to their own places, Yanagi walking to his internship and Sakura going to the homeless shelter.

Meanwhile, at the location the internship was being held, a small laboratory with boxes, plans, and other things, a rather old man by the name of Okamoto was scrambling about in the laboratory preparing for Yanagi. He was brewing tea while also making sure his technological machines were off.

Not too far away, Yanagi was running to the lab. He didn't want to be late on his first day to this place, after all. Being late was a bad reflection of oneself in addition to a bad first impression.

That was until Yanagi was stopped short by a road block. A group of officers were standing in front blocking the way. Yanagi frowned. He knew this would cause him to be late, and he didn't like it

Yanagi walked up to the officers. Yanagi looked to one of their names. Commander Eitokata Masahiro. Yanagi would then say, "Excuse me, Masahiro-sama."

Commander Eitokata Masahiro turned around and looked at Yanagi. He had a serious look on his face, one that intimidated Yanagi. "What is it?"

Yanagi said, rather sheepishly as he was obviously intimidated by Masahiro, "Could you, um, let me by? I'm in a bit of a rush as I got this serious internship.."

Commander Eitokata Masahiro shook his head, rather adamantly, saying, "No can do. There's been a bank robbery up above and citizens have been advised to leave the area."

Yanagi frowned. A bank robbery? That wasn't something that usually happened within Nagasaki, but he decided to overlook it. Yanagi nodded as he began to take an alternative route.

Pulling out his phone, Yanagi checked what time it was. Oh no! There was only 10 minutes left before he was meant to be there. With the current route he was taking, he'd get there in 15 minutes, but he happened to know that this route can feed into the main road. Yanagi decided to follow this route.

Yanagi was caught off guard by the fact that the intersection was also cut off. Suddenly, Yanagi got an idea. Granted, said idea was probably going to end up getting him arrested, but it was worth a shot. Yanagi vaulted over the blockage, and began booking it to the laboratory.

Behind him, two officers were on his tail. Yanagi winced, knowing that he was going to regret this. Yanagi took a left, before jumping into an alleyway, as the officers ran past him. Yanagi ran back into the main road, and began dashing to the laboratory.

Yanagi managed to get to the lab without any further "problems".

. . .

Yanagi took a minute to catch his breath and let the adrenaline wear off for a second before he opened the door of the laboratory entering. Okamoto quickly ran out and greeted Yanagi, saying, "Hello! Hello!"

Yanagi greeted him, surprised by his jovial tone. Yanagi noted that there was no one else there, so asked, "Hello.. um, am I the only person?"

Okamoto nodded, his tone not changing, remaining jovial. "Yes. Unfortunately, not many young adults such as yourself are interested in biomechanics and biology."

Yanagi nodded, before pausing. He looked around at the equipment, before asking Okamoto, "Um.. if you don't mind me asking, what exactly will I be doing here?"

Okamoto said, putting his hand out for a handshake, "Well, before we do all that, how about some introduction?"

Yanagi nodded, as he shook Okamoto's hand, noting his firm grip. "Well, I'm Yanagi Asuki. I'm a student at the Nagasaki institute.

Okamoto nodded, as he said, "Well, I'm Okamoto Asoto. I used to be the co-founder of Fujisoto Corportation."

Yanagi frowned as he said, "Used to? You don't work there anymore?"

Okamoto gave a serious expression, one that showed partial anger. "I had wanted us to focus on biomechanics, making our inventions focus around helping others. However, Fujikawa became obsessed with genetics and we spilt. He promised me money in exchange for my help in the project, and that's where we are at now."

Yanagi nodded his head in sympathy. "Wow.. I'm sorry that ha—"

The television within the laboratory showed a news reporter coming from the park. Behind them, a large bug-like creature rampaged in the park with other bug-like creatures.

Yanagi pointed to the television. As he pointed, his finger shook a little. "Um.. Is that supposed to be happening?"

Okamoto turned around to see the news feed. He showed a look of surprise, as he audibly gasped. The creature was actively in the park killing people, and he went to turn around to face Yanagi, only to see that he had ran out.

. . .

Yanagi ran down the streets, his direction towards the park. Yanagi wasn't just going to sit around while a creature went on a rampage around the city. He was surprised to see that the police officers were in the park as well, but it made sense.

The bug-like creature and the others were in the act of killing people. Yanagi ran into the park, tackling one of the creatures, which, in turn did essentially nothing other than causing him to fall to the ground. Yanagi stood back up, as he attempted to jump kick one of them, only for him to be grabbed in the leg and thrown into a bench.

The bug-like creatures began to taunt Yanagi as the more unique, larger one, the bug-like creature by the name of Derasin spoke up. "Such a pitiful attempt at trying to protect others."

Yanagi staggered to his feet, yelling at them. "Shut up! What would a bug freak like you know about protecting people?!"

Yanagi began his attempt at fighting the creatures, as he struck one of them with the piece of wood. It was futile as he was tossed against a light pole like a rag doll, before being punched in the stomach repeatedly by them. Yanagi coughed out blood, as he staggered to the ground.

Derasin hovered over Yanagi as he crossed his arms. "Your attempts at trying to stop us aren't working."

Yanagi felt his vision start fading. These guys had just waltzed in and killed so many people.. The officers, innocent people.. he couldn't do anything about it.

Suddenly, a car drove by and Okamoto jumped out of it, as he pulled out a gun and began shooting energy projectiles at the bug-like creatures.

Okamoto ran towards Yanagi, as he tried to help him up. "Are you alright?!"

Yanagi, having been punched multiple times was having trouble seeing straight, so all he could muster was a, "Huh?"

Okamoto reached into his lab coat and took out a strange device, the B.U.G Exo-Circuit and a metallic card, the B.I.D Worker Card. He handed it to Yanagi. "Put this on your forearm."

Yanagi took the device and put it on his forearm. It glowed as it would loudly declare,


Yanagi raised an eyebrow in confusion, turning to Okamoto asking, "What do I do now?"

Okamoto said,"Swipe the card across!"

The bug-like creatures caught wind of what this was and began to run towards Yanagi. Yanagi wondered what he meant by 'swipe it across', but then remembered that he was given that card. He looked around on the device, and seeing a place to swipe the card, he took the B.I.D Worker Card, swiping it across the system.


Yanagi heard music as he looked around. The standby theme played, as the B.U.G Exo-Circuit emitted an orange light, as the Worker armor materialized in the orange projection. As multiple bug-like creatures ran towards him, it would kick each one of them away. A small robotic bug materialized from the orange projection flying around him. "Whoa.. What should I do now?"

Okamoto would tell him, "Swipe across again!"

Yanagi grinned as he suddenly knew what he would need to do. Yanagi swiped it across again as the Worker armor would break apart into multiple separate pieces before latching onto Yanagi. The small robotic bug would leap onto Yanagi, breaking apart to form the antennae, the chest armor, and parts of the leg. A gas was emitted from the suit, as the cracks in the suit tightened together.


Okamoto grinned. "This is Kamen Rider.. Mite-E."

The bug-like creatures looked at him, unconvinced. Derasin got in front of them as he stood, ready to fight Yanagi.

Yanagi nodded as he ran towards the larger bug-like creature, Derasin, punching him in the chest, knocking him back significantly.

Derasin looked rather confused by the force as he staggered back. He took a slash at Yanagi, to which Yanagi promptly avoided it. Yanagi curled his fist back, punching Derasin across the face.

Derasin grunted, as once more he tried to attack Yanagi. Multiple blade projections appeared, as he sent them towards Yanagi.

Yanagi ran backwards, avoiding them, as he used a nearby bench to jump into the air and hit Derasin in the head.

As Derasin staggered backwards, Yanagi noticed that bug-like creatures were attacking the other people in the park. Yanagi grunted as he ran the people's aid, punching away multiple bug-like creatures.

Okamoto shouted towards Yanagi,
"Summon your weapon by placing the card inside the phone!"

Yanagi raised an eyebrow underneath his helmet. He patted himself around, before locating the phone. Yanagi placed the card inside of the B.U.G Caller. He heard the phone declare,


A weapon materialized in front of Yanagi, as he grabbed it. He ran towards one of the bug-like creatures, stabbing it through the chest, before spinning around and slashing another one across the chest. He side kicked a bug-like creature that was approaching.

Derasin took this chance to get a surprise attack on Yanagi. Yanagi grunted, as once more, he punched Derasin across the face. Derasin charged up more of the blades, sending over one hundred at Yanagi.

Yanagi jumped on a nearby car, using it as momentum to spin into the air, dodging the blades, jumping onto a light pole, dodging more of the blades, and jumping towards Derasin.

Derasin barely dodged, as he threw a truck at Yanagi. Yanagi jumped over it, as he kicked Derasin in the chest.

Yanagi shouted, "It won't stop here! I'll charge straight through to the solution!"

Okamoto shouted at Yanagi, "Swipe for a finisher!"

Yanagi turned around as he nodded. He took the card and swiped it across once the driver.


Yanagi ran towards Derasin. Derasin tried to slash him, but he dropped to the ground performing an axe kick to the sky. Yanagi jumped towards the light pole, as he jumped into the air after him, using it to power his jump. He kicked him again, as he was in the air, before rushing at him downwards with a Rider Kick, his foot radiated in green energy. Yanagi landed on the ground, as Derasin promptly dropped to the ground, exploding.

Yanagi wiped his hands together as he undid the transformation. He staggered to the ground, as he maintained his balance by placing his hand on the ground.

He took a deep breath. "Whew.. That settles.. That.."

Okamoto grinned as he walked towards Yanagi and patted him on the back. "I think you'll make a nice addition to my research team. But for today, I think you should go home. You earned it."

Yanagi nodded, thanking Okamoto before making his way home. All of this would be a lot to tell his foster mom, but eh, maybe she'd be willing to hear.