The day began as any other would on Lothal, Hera and Chopper were fixing the Ghost, Zeb and Ezra were in the commons room, and Sabine was in her room painting her latest work of art, when suddenly, they heard Kanan's voice, in a cheerful tone he shouted. "Everyone, get in the commons room, there's something you all might want to hear!"

Quickly, the rag tag crew filled the seats in the room, waiting for Kanan.

"I wonder what has Kanan this excited?" Hera said,

Zeb just gave a chuckle and added. "As long as there are plenty of buckets for me to smash into each other."

Ezra was silent, but he could feel Kanan's emotions though the force, it was something of joy, relief, and eagerness. Very soon, the Jedi Knight entered the room, with his Holocron in his hand, all eyes we're on the glowing cube as the blue light pulsed. "Everyone, you're wondering what our next op is, this is no ordinary operation."

He placed the Holocron on the table and continued; "I know we've had a major victory recently over Mustafar, but we are still unprepared for what the Empire may throw at us, we'll need all the help we can get, which is why this discovery will help turn the tide of this rebellion."

He used the force to open the Holocron, when it opened a hologram of a man appeared, he was not Obi-Wan Kenobi as Ezra saw last time, he was much younger, clean shaven, and distressed. The figure then spoke "This is Jedi Master Jon Khan, I've survived the battle of Cato Niemoidia, but my ship is severely damage, on a planet that is not on any current star map, my R5 unit was able to map our coordinates, I'm sending them to you, find me, and may the force be with us."

The message ended with the coordinates taking his place. Kanan turned to Chopper and without hesitation said. "Record those coordinates."

Chopper quickly scanned the numbers and stated his reply, it was not the most positive or reassuring of beeps he's given. Hera looked at Chopper concerned, then to Kanan stating her opinion. "That planet is still not on any star map, we'll be flying in the dark, without any stops or any idea what's out there."

Kanan put his hand on her shoulder and smiled. "It's a risk we're going to have to take. We'll have to be ready to depart; we leave today."

Sabine replied almost immediately in confusion. "Today, what's the rush?"

Kanan replied, but the smile that was on his face disappeared, he had a hard time trying to find the right words to say; "The message had to be sent through the Holocron, which means it had to be sent through the Jedi Temple before it could be sent to any Holocron, which means…"

Ezra finished his sentence with the same concern Kanan had. "The Empire knows his location too."

Kanan began to walk back to his quarters, before he left, he tried to muster the next orders. "We need to reach him before the Empire does. Head into town, get all the supplies we'll need; food, medical, weapons, explosives…"

"And paint." Sabine quickly added trying to get Kanan back in a good mood.

Kanan turned his head and smiled at Sabine "Yeah, get that too."

The rest of the crew got out of their seats and looked at Kanan, he looked to them and finished the briefing. "We'll meet back at the Ghost in one hour."

He left the room and the others soon went to their rooms to see what they would need.

Smoke filled the skies as any other day in Capital City of Lothal, the Imperial Headquarters always stood menacingly over the lower structures and the people it asserted dominance over.

Agent Kallus and Minister Maketh Tua were waiting outside the office of Governor Pryce, they looked at each other nervously, as if they both knew what could happen to them.

Eventually the doors of the office opened, and they entered,

"Come, have a seat." The Governors voice sounded reassuring rather than furious.

The memory of the battle was still fresh in their minds, and the rebels they failed to catch we're responsible, and it had resulted the loss of Grand Moff Tarkin's Star Destroyer, the life of the Grand Inquisitor, and the people of Lothal starting too question if the Empire was truly powerful and it claimed to be.

Kallus began to check behind him, fearing they would meet the same fate as Commander Aresko and Taskmaster Grint at the hands of Lord Vader, who arrived on Lothal a few days earlier to meet with Tarkin and Governor Pryce.

The Governor stood up from her seat and looked down at the two groveling officials, she tried her best to smile at them.

"Despite the disaster faced over Mustafar, a new window for redemption has come to our fortune. There exist Jedi, who escaped the Jedi Purge, and many of them have evaded the Empire for far too long. But the ISB has send me a communication sent from the furthest reaches of the galaxy, directly to the Imperial Palace."

She began to play the message though the hologram projector on her desk, it was the same message the rebels have received, as the holocron's message revealed the stranded Jedi's location, Minister Tua looked up in surprise:

"The fool dug his own grave!" She exclaimed.

Pryce looked at her and added; "And you'll make sure he puts good use to it. The Emperor is sending another garrison of Storm Troopers here to pursue the Jedi, Minister Tua, I trust you to command them and lead this expedition."

Minister Tua froze and gazed as into deep space. Governor Pryce then glanced her eyes towards Kallus.

"Agent Kallus, I trust you to be her Second in Command."

Kallus looked confused as he tried to find the correct reply.

"Governor Pryce, If I may be bold to ask, why are you giving us such privileges?"

Governor Pryce's eyes drilled into Kallus as she answered; "The planet these quadrantes lead to is too far out to be reached by any chart or map, there is no other charted planets or stations on the way there, some even question if this planet is even in the galaxy. If you can even land safely on this new world, it will be for the glory of the Emperor and that could redeem you from your misadventures with six lone rebels."

Before another word could be said Kallus' commlink began to beep. He stood up and pressed the button; "This is Agent Kallus, what is it?"

A Storm Trooper replied; "We've spotted the Rebel Lasat in the market, here in the lower city."

Agent Kallus put on his helmet and rushed for the door.

"I'm on my way, do not engage till I arrive!"

The two women left the room and watched the ISB Agent bolt down the hallway.

Governor Pryce looked at Tua and commented. "Tell me, is he often so, flamboyant on these rebel reports?"

Tua smiled and answered; "Only when the Lasat is there."

A group of Tie Fighters flew over the market, as they usually do, vendors we're selling fruits, ration bars, water, and other items of interest. Ezra was with Sabine in an alley.

Ezra released a great groan and turned towards Sabine, "How much longer do we have to wait for your dealer!"

Sabine looked down on him and rolled her eyes, "He's always provided for me since we came to Lothal, since It may be a while if we can come back to Lothal, I had to buy in bulk."

Then a shadowy figure came down the alley, pushing a large create, Sabine came right up to him, her tone of voice changed from a scolding tone to a more polite tone.

"Mr. Alitar, thank you for everything you've done for me so far."

He shook his head and replied, "No Sabine, thank you for all you're doing for us. And I've been able to put in some extra cans of orange paint."

Sabine gave him a big hug, and passed him a small sack full of credits, she then took the create and she and Ezra walked out of the alley and into the open market.

Ezra kept looking back at Mr. Alitar as he blended in with the crowd and turned back to Sabine. "So, he's the guy giving you your paint supply?"

Sabine replied. "He's one of the first people I've helped on Lothal, once he heard of my artistic talent, he thought this is how he can repay me for saving his life."

The two continued down the market path, until they saw Storm Troopers checking Identifications. They turned to conceal their faces. As they walked past the stormtroopers. Once Ezra saw they we're out of earshot and sight of the Storm Troopers.

"Well, that was easier than I though." He said.

Suddenly, a small explosion and continuous blaster fire rang out from the other side of the market.

"I spoke too soon. They must have caught Kanan and Zeb!"

Sabine grabbed Ezra's bags and additional supplies and looked him straight in the eyes.

"I'll head back to the Ghost, keep your eyes on the sky for us!"

Sabine ran towards the city entrance while Ezra dashed towards the sounds of the firefight.

Kanan and Zeb vaulted behind cover, civilians ran for any direction's blaster bolts we're not going, as stormtroopers began to fire upon the two rebels.

Zeb snarled; "So much for getting extra Jogan Fruit for the road!"

Zeb pointed his Bo-rifle out of cover and hit one of the advancing Storm Troopers.

Kanan tried to fire at the Storm Troopers, but incoming blaster fire caused him to duck back behind cover,

"I'm Pinned" he yelled out loud.

Before a Storm trooper could overrun him, a cluster of stun shots hit the Storm trooper, knocking him out.

Kanan turned and saw Ezra jump from the roof and ignited his lightsaber, landing in front of them and began to deflect incoming blaster fire.

"Nice of you to join the party, Ezra." Kanan then ignited his lightsaber and joined Ezra at his side.

The Stormtroopers continued to fire despite their overwhelming abilities of the two Jedi. Then Kallus turned the corner with additional Storm troopers, he pointed and yelled; "Take those rebels out!"

Zeb saw Kallus take out his Bo-rifle and pointed it towards him. Zeb snarled and charged out of cover, "He's Mine!" Setting his rife into the staff position as well.

Kanan grabbed Zeb before he could run right past him. "Zeb, we don't have time for this party!"

Ezra forced pushed Kallus and several of the Storm troopers into a market stall. Kanan suddenly heard the Ghost fly overhead, "Alright kids, it's time for a road trip."

The three rebels ran towards the roof, they saw the Ghost circled around, and heard a squad of Tie Fighters in the distance, the ramp of the Ghost opened, and Hera spoke over the commlinks.

"Alright love, we got to make this quick, it's going to be a scoop."

Kanan and the others braced to jump, when the Ghost got close, they jumped and manage to roll into the cargo bay, two Stormtroopers crest over the roof and we're hit by the Ghost's ramp.

Before the rebels could catch their breath, Hera came over the comms "We got incoming, on those guns now!"

Sabine was already in the nose gun picking off some of the Ties, Kanan ran for the top turret, and Zeb ran for the phantom's guns, Ezra was looking around for something to do to help, when Hera shouted, "Ezra, secure our supplies!"

Ezra rushed around the cargo bay, tying the creates down too the floor as Hera twisted and turned in orbit, causing the creates to roll around. Ezra was slide swiped by boxes and ran against the wall, when it moved he stood up, trying to ignore the pain of the heavy box that just pinned him caused, he stood still and watched the chaos, he whispered to himself "I need to focus."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he began to use the force, putting all his focus on getting the crates to hold still, the boxes slowly floated in the air and fell into place, once they we're set, Ezra ran as quickly as he could to tie them down.

The Ghost soon reached orbit and flew into space, the number of Star Destroyers increased over Lothal since the events of Mustafar, and they we're all converging on the Ghost.

Kanan stared as the Star Destroyers converged on them and questioned; "Hera, which way we supposed to go?"

he got the reply he wished he didn't hear. "Right between those two Star Destroyers."

Sabine looked straight ahead at the two Destroyers, the thin gap between them, and the number of Tie Fighters in the way. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Hera hit the throttle, the Ghost flew though the swarms of Tie Fighters, the crew picked them off as they passed by or tried to come in from different angles. A Tie got behind the Ghost and began to strafe it. Sparks few around the cockpit and started a small fire, Chopper panicked and put it out with his fire extinguisher.

Hera looked to Chopper "Put in those coordinates now!"

Chopper put his adapter into the Ghost's Navi-computer, moments later he gave some happy electric beeps, Hera smiled, she pulled the lever as the hyperdrive began to rev up.

The Star Destroyer captain saw the warning of the Ghost path towards hyperspace, his mouth opened wider than a Sarlaac Pit. "E... Evasive action! Now!"

The Star Destroyers turned as quickly as they can, but to no avail, The Ghost flew right past them and into hyperspace, the electrical shock turned off all the Star Destroyer's electricity.

The captain turned to a bridge hand "Once the power is restored, alert Agent Kallus, the rebels have escaped."

The Ghost flew though hyperspace, the crew gathered in the commons room to celebrate their escape and dealing another blow to the Empire.

Kanan passed Hera and Zeb glasses of spiced drink, and Sabine and Ezra some juice boxes.

Sabine looked at her drink protested "Hey, I think I'm old enough!"

Hera looked at her and smiled. "Not by my standards, Sabine."

Sabine gave Hera a sarcastic look and took a sip of her juice box, accepting the defeat for now.

Kanan smiled and raised his glass. "We got a long road ahead of us. Its going to be a few weeks of travel, don't try to stare out the windows for too long, they say that's how you get Hyper-Rapture. Try to keep yourself busy and entertained, the Ghost will be more of a home then ever."

He put his hand on Hera's shoulder, and the two tapped their glasses together, Ezra stood up and raised his juice box; "To Master Khan, wherever he will be, but we will bring him home."

The whole group put their glasses and juice boxes together and toasted to their journey, as the Ghost transported them towards uncharted space.