It was the third day in, and very quickly Neuro was beginning to see that Lloyd hadn't been lying about Master Wu's booby traps.

He had been sleeping peacefully, when a trap door in the wall mechanically slid away long enough to send a screaming griffin sailing through the hole.

The result was far from pretty, as the Master of Speed sailed through the air. Lloyd had just gotten up, and was right in the way. Griffin smacked into his chest, sending the Master of Speed and Energy flying onto the Master of Mind.

Lloyd wheezed from where he was sandwiched between Neuro and Griffin.

"Told ya..."

Neuro, trapped on the bottom could only groan while Griffin fought to get off the top of the dog pile.

"Griff... your knee's... in my solar... plexus." Lloyd gasped.

"Sorry." The master of speed collapses in a heap on the floor, and Lloyd follows.

As soon as Neuro could manage, he shot a steely look at Griffin. "What happened?"

"I was just heading to the kitchen for some grub, and the floor sprang up! You guys got a problem." He told Lloyd.

"Oh believe me, I know." Lloyd replied dryly. "We ticked off Master Wu a while back, and now we're paying for it."

"Your Master didn't come off as the vengeful type."

"Well he's your master now too, but that's beside the point. After we dealt with the Oni six months ago...ish... We got kinda lazy when we took some down time. The booby traps are to keep it from happening again."

"Then I suppose we have you to blame for the electric chicken." A voice scowled as Shade popped his head in Lloyd's door.

"What electric chicken?"

"That clashes with the wall!"

"But I like it!"

"So? Who even listens to them?"

"Uh, I do!"

"Agh! No. N-O... That ugly excuse for a boyband poster is not touching my wall!"

"Hey, half this room is mine, ya wet noodle!"

"Oh ho! We're going there are we? Well I'll burn it!"

"No! No! Give it back, Nya!"

"Not a chance, Tox! Agh, get off of me!"

"Then give me back my poster! Nooooooooooo!"

Tox wailed as Nya tossed the boyband poster in the fire with a satisfied smirk. Dusting her hands off, she crossed her arms.

"You're the devil." The master of poison groaned.

"Well at least my room is color coordinated. IfIf you could find a gray or blue color, we'd be having a different conversation."

As Nya walked away, a malicious smirk appeared on Tox's face.

"Karlof... let's just calm down..." Kai said, waving his hands in an attempt to appease the livid master of metal.

"No! Thumbs too big to work remote! I want to watch program!" The remote went flying as Karlof lost his grip. It flew into a wall , shattering on impact.

"Uh hehe... oops."

Kai face palmed, before turbing back to the door. "Hey, Jay!"

"Let's see... this goes here and-"

"Wait a sec, that wire's wrong." Jay said, pointing to the remote. Neuro frowned and switched the wires per Jay's request.

"Alright; let's see if this works. Karlof sure did a number on it." Neuro frowned. The remote fix was temporary until the nect one arrived in the mail, but he figured that it would do.

"I didn't take you for a techie person like moter mouth over here." Kai apoke up from where he was drinking a blocky Cola on the couch.

"Hey!" Jay yelped.

"I read a lot." Nuero replied flatly. "Here we go."

He pressed power, and the TV popped to life.

"Nice!" Cheered Jay before turning to Karlof's channel. The master of metal was thrilled by this, until Wu appeared from behind, clearing his throat.

"Ninja." He said. Kai and Jay responded, but Wu shook his head. "I said Ninja..."

Neuro and Karlof quickly realized that they were being called to attention as well. Nuero muted the TV and the two fell into line with the others.

"Why are you not training?" Wu asked.

"Well... uh..."

"Outside. One hundred pushups then run to the base of the mountain and back."

"It's raining!" Jay protested.

"Watch your step then." Came the retort, no sympathy in Wu's voice.

Everyone was outside in the pouring rain, looking miserable as they did what was asked.

At least Wu hadn't asked them to run the course today, though Nuero suspected that by the end, they'd wish he had.

One hundred pushups later, and Nuero flopped down, knocking Shade down as he rolled into him.

"Hey!" Shade growled, then just lay there gasping. "I was so close, old man."

"And age..." Nuero breathed heavily. "I still... beat you."

"You guys are tired?" Lloyd asked. He had finished a while ago. "Guess you have your work cut out for you."

"Can it Greenie." Shade huffed as he finished his pushups.

"Or what?" Lloyd asked, a glimmer of his childhood coming forward.

"Or I'll... I'll-"

"Hit a minor?" There was definetly a sparkled of mischievious intent, almost hidden by the downpour of the rain.

"Oof, he went there." Cole grunted as Shade narrowed his eyes.

"That sounds like something a twelve year old would say!"

"Thirteen actually." Lloyd smirked.

"I call Boloney!" Tox cried from where she was just finishing her 118th pushup.

"Sorry, I'm with Tox on this." Griff added.

"Eurtsti." Zane's robotic tone cut through the rain. Everyone else was yelling, but Zane somehow didn't need to.

"What's that?" Lloyd asked, confusion on his face.


"We can't understand you!" Jay said. "Speak English!"

Zane made an audible growl in the back of his throat. "Mai!"

"Uh, robo dude... you're uh coming out Jarbled."

Zane paused at that, then decided to run an internal scan.

As soon as everyone was finished, they began the treacherous jog down the mountain.

On the way back up, Shade was clearly at his wits end.

"Your master is sadistic!"

Lloyd, barely having broken a sweat, shrugged his shoulders. "How do youyou think we stay in shape?"

"This... is aweful!" Tox cried, a rock gliding out from under foot and sending her face first to the steps. She just lay there, exhausted.

"Come on Tox... you can do it!"

"No I can't! Just leave me!" She dramatically rolled to her back and put a hand over her forehead. 'I'm dying! It's all over! It's-" Tox looked around to find herself alone in the sprinkling rain.

No one had stuck around for theatrics.

Okay, so a big shoutout to the awesome person who pointed out that I was spelling Nuero's name wrong! I've worked to ammend this error in the current chapter.Also, stay tuned for the prank war arc that's coming soon. Until then- Evelyn out.