Ben 10: Alternate Force

By The Strangest Things

Chapter One: Normal No More

Hi. My name is Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, to quite a few I'm known as Ben 10, but you can just call me Ben. With my shaggy brown hair, piercing green eyes, slim but toned physique, fair complexion, and an average height of about 5'10, you'd think I was just an ordinary run of the mill teen and for about the past four years I have been. But normal and me just don't seem to mix for too long. Now I need to ask you a question. Are you interested in hearing an epic tale filled with danger, heroics, and unconventional love? Then settle in because you're in for one hell of a ride, but before we get to my current situation we need to go back five years ago to when an alien device did what it did.

"I can't believe I have to spend the whole summer with that freakazoid. This whole vacation's been ruined." A young brown-haired green-eyed boy in a black striped white shirt, matching shoes, and green cargo pants complained.

That devilishly cute kid is me. I had just gotten through bickering with my cousin and decided to go take a walk in the woods when something out of this world happened and I mean that literally. What I thought was a shooting star came soaring through the sky when suddenly.

"Oh, cool." I said as the shooting star came into my view. "Maybe I should make a wish...and I know exactly what to wish dork of a cousin to go away so I can have a fun vacation."

It's a little bit funny now, but that was my wish because now it's the exact opposite but I'm getting ahead of myself.

"Like that would really work." I sighed. "But if she thinks she's going to spoil this entire summer with her dweebishness she's got another thing...coming."

My young eyes widened as I focused again on the shooting star. It appeared to have gotten closer and within a few moments even closer and then I realized it was going to land nearby. I thought about chasing it to see where it landed, but I didn't have to because all of a sudden, it's course changed and made a B line right towards me and before my immature brain could even process how to react it landed not even twelve feet ahead of me creating a small trench roughly three or so feet deep in the process.

"No way." I said as I walked towards the trench not even taking the slightest bit of precaution in my approach. I peered into the crater saw what landed. It was a small spherical object.

"It looks like a satellite or something." I said to myself when suddenly the ground beneath me gave way and I found myself in the trench on my rear end. As I was about to find out, it wasn't a satellite. I stood up and found myself directly in front of the foreign object and before I could even formulate my next thought it opened up. Inside was…

"A watch?"

But it wasn't any ordinary watch. It couldn't even tell time. Come to think of it couldn't it have killed Azmuth to put some sort of actual time-telling function on this thing. Not that it would probably help me be on time for things anyway. Punctuality has never really been my strong suit. Oh sorry getting off-topic. Like I was saying it wasn't an ordinary watch. It was a lot larger than your average watch. I'd say about half the size of my forearm at the time. It was black with four grey tubes coming out of the faceplate itself having black and grey and on its display with a green hourglass shape in the center.

"What's a watch doing in outer space?" I wondered as I reached my hand towards the strange device in an attempt to pick it up but to my absolute surprise, the thing seemed to have a mind of its own as it flew up and latched itself to my wrist.

"What the…" I said in a panic as I tried to remove the device. "It won't come off...Grandpa!"

Alright, that should be a good enough description of what happened. I'd rather not go into detail about how I nearly burned an entire forest on accident. Not one of my prouder moments. Maybe someday I'll go into more detail of my younger exploits but not today. So, long story short. I discovered the device allowed me to turn into one of ten different aliens. The first of which was a guy I called Heatblast and well given the name I think you can put two and two together about what caused the forest fire...As time passed I found out more and more information about the device. As well as my own Grandpa. The device was called the Omnitrix. It was created by a guy named Azmuth, a member of the Galvin race. A Tiny (And by tiny I mean smaller than a soda can) alien race with large heads known for their intelligence. It was actually one of the ten aliens I could originally turn into. I called him Grey Matter. Gwen came up with that one. I just thought it was because his skin color was grey. I say originally because overtime I discovered I could turn into much more than ten aliens. I also discovered my Grandpa Max knew a hell of a lot more than what he tried to let on about it. You see my Grandpa was a member of an intergalactic organization known as the Plumbers. A quick description of them would be intergalactic peacekeepers and my Grandpa was one of the best. It was actually why the Omnitrix attached itself to me. It was seeking out my Grandpa but because I happened to be closer it locked into my DNA signature instead. At first, I had a blast being able to save people and feel like a hero, but I very quickly learned that old adage, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' The Omnitrix made me a target for people seeking its power including Vilgax. My Grandpa's and perhaps even my greatest enemy. With the help of my Grandpa and my cousin Gwen, I defeated him and every challenge that we came up against. Eventually, after over a year of fighting the good fight, I made a major decision. All the major threats were gone and having to balance school life along with having to keep my heroics secret from my parents, god knows how they'd react if they found out about my double life and all my near brushes with death. It had all become a bit overwhelming. And so, after some deliberation, and a talk with Grandpa Max and Gwen, I decided to give up the Omnitrix and live a normal life. And so that brings us to this moment. The last day of my normal life. It's my high school soccer team against our rivals. We're up two to one. The black-haired skinny guy with the football-shaped head, Cash, a former middle school bully of mine kicked the ball to the stockier brunette, JT, his longtime cohort. With no one close enough to stop him JT had a clear shot at the goal and time was running out. In a last-ditch effort to tie things up, he took his shot. It wasn't too bad a shot I must say. The ball went up and to the right heading straight for the corner of the night it almost seemed as if the shot was going to make it but right on cue yours truly caught the ball as the clock ran out and the buzzer sounded. The crowd erupted in cheers, my team rushed to pick me up and carried me around the field in victory, and I walked away with a snazzy VIP medal. Things were good. I was content or at least I thought I was. To be honest, something was missing. I was like a puzzle with one or two missing pieces or fries without chili and cheese. I think I was in denial about that but the coming events would soon make me realize what I was missing.

"I can't wait to show this to Grandpa Max." I said to myself as I took the chain of my bike. He loved to display my trophies in the Rust Bucket. As I finished putting the chain in my backpack I heard a soft feminine voice coming from behind me.

"Great game today."

I turned around to see a girl in a pink hoodie and white mini skirt. She had short jet black hair and brown eyes that accentuated her Asian features quite nicely. All in all, I'd say she was pretty attractive but not really my type. My type is...Well, we'll get to that later. I think she moved to Bellwood sometime last year. I'd seen her around before never caught her name.

"Thanks." I politely replied.

"I'm Julie. Julie Yamamoto."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ben."

"I know. We have chemistry together. Listen, I missed school the other day and I was wondering if I could copy your notes before class on Monday."

"Sure thing. I'll give you a call later." I replied as a put on my helmet, undid the kickstand and began to cycle.

"Um okay but…" I heard her reply. I didn't quite catch the rest as I was too far away.

"Aw man, Probably should have gotten her number...Oh well, I'll just have to catch up with her before class starts."

I headed straight for my Grandpa Max's home an RV lovingly named the Rust Bucket. Technically it's the Rust Bucket II. What happened to the original Rust Bucket is still a bit of a sore subject for Grandpa Max. On the outside it may look like your average run of the mill beige-colored RV but hidden in this puppy are all sorts of tech that would blow your mind some of and not just metaphorically in a few cases. I approached the Rust Bucket, currently parked in a relatively isolated part of an RV park. I gently knocked on the door and waited for about a minute but there was no answer. "Grandpa?" I shouted as I knocked one more time. "That's weird he's usually here at this time of the day." Luckily I knew where he kept his spare key. I bent down to pick up the fairly convincing fake rock the key was under but as I did I got a strange feeling like I was being watched. I turned around but couldn't see anyone around. "Don't be so paranoid doofus." I told myself, doing my best impression of my cousin circa five years ago. I entered the RV and noticed the place was messier than usual. I mean my grandpa was never one to preach about tidiness but he usually kept the place in better condition than this. At first, I assumed he'd just left to get some groceries. There was a market nearby within walking distance, but that theory was about to be quickly thrown out the window. "Oh boy, I gotta take a leak." One of the benefits of the new rust bucket was a toilet that functions all the time. I slid open the door to the bathroom when the feeling of being watched came back. Of course, this time the feeling as a strange-looking creature emerged from the shadows. Without warning, it tried to attack me with these freaky tentacle things it shot of its equally freaky face. Fortunately, my reflexes were quick enough to allow me to roll out of the way. Without missing a beat, I took my right hand and slammed it down on the…"Oh right...Normal life. Shit." It was then that I finally got a good look at this thing. It was ugly. and trust me I've seen enough ugly in my time to judge a pageant on it and this was a top contender for the grand prize. Its body would be easiest to describe. It was humanoid, pretty top-heavy with thinner legs that curved outward. Its skin was a golden brown color. The hands and feet, however, were black as coal. It's head though...The strangest part began its head. The sides of it were purple. That's easy enough...but they extended down past its torso and into its abdomen. It gave the appearance as if its guts were exposed...Then there was the rest of its head. A large singular green teardrop-shaped eye protruded from the front. It had a small red pupil with a deep black circle around it and last but certainly not least, there was the top of its exposed brain or at least that's what it looked like. Before I could think of a clever quip the thing attacked again. This time it's entire chest spit apart and even more, tentacles were launched towards me. I kicked myself off the floor and away from the thing I decided to call a Brainguts, not the most clever name I know, but cut me some like the situation was pretty hectic. It quickly reformed and lunged forward at me attacking with a wild haymaker I blocked it with my left forearm while grabbing a nearby metal tray that I used to bash it upside the head with. Unfortunately, I couldn't go for a double whammy as the folded like tinfoil. It did, however, stun it long enough for me to look around for something else to use. I quickly scanned the room and noticed a fire extinguisher on the floor nearby but before I could go for it the Brainguts regained its senses and went on the attack swinging wildly. Thinking as fast my brain would let me. I stomped my foot bringing my steel-lined soccer cleat down its foot then I quickly leaped for the best cover I could. The nearby dining table. The cover of darkness allowed me a brief moment to think as the thing searched for me. 'Come on Benjamin, think. Gwen would use her head in this situation. You can do it too...I got it!' I took off one of my cleats and through it behind the nearby couch. Hearing the noise it went to investigate giving me enough time to grab the fire extinguisher. Realizing it had been tricked it threw my cleat in anger. "Hey watch it those were expensive." I said half-jokingly, but seriously those things cost a hundred and fifty bucks. Before the Brainguts could attack I sprayed it in the face with the fire extinguisher. It stumbled backward as I sprayed it, again and again, leading it to the front of the Rust Bucket until finally I dropped the extinguisher and hit it with a straight kick sending it through the front windshield. I ran outside to try and confront it but it was already gone. "Damn it. What was that thing? And what was it looking for?" I went back inside the rust bucket to search for clues. I walked to the front of the Rust Bucket and flicked a few switches in a specific order. Grandpa told me if something ever happened to him he'd leave a message where only I could find it. After I flipped the last switch a canister popped out of the wall a few feet away. In the canister was a small metal disk. As I held the disk in my hand a hologram of Grandpa Max appeared. "Ben, I know you'll be the one to find this. Listen, there's no need to panic. Lately, it seems there's been renewed alien activity on Earth but it's nothing this old-timer can't handle. The message cut out for a brief moment before coming back on. "Oh and don't worry about the Omnitrix. I have it and it's completely safe. They'll never get their hands on it and say hello to your cousin Gwen for me."

"He has the Omnitrix? That can't be right..." I bolted out of the Rust Bucket, hopped on my bike, and peddled as fast as I could to my house. That was a little killer on my left foot as I sort of forgot to put my shoe back on. A firm but polite. "Ben, don't run in the house." from my mom greeted me. I barely had time to mutter a "Sorry, mom." as I ran up the stairs to my room. I opened my closet tore threw a pile of clothes to reveal a shoebox. "It's gotta still be in here." I opened the box and along with my rare Sumo Slammer cards, a baseball. and some other nick nacks surely enough was the Omnitrix. "I knew it...but why did Grandpa say he had it…What's going on Grandpa?" then the previous part of his message before the Omnitrix part dawned on me. "Gwen!" If there was anyone who could help me figure this out it was her. After changing into my current usual attire. A black t-shirt, blue jeans, and black and white Omverse sneakers, and my favorite jacket. It was a jacket. Green like my eyes with a vertical white stripe and the number 10 in white font on a black circle on the left side and two horizontal white stripes on the upper right sleeve. Sorry, it feels like I'm going into way too much detail on the jacket but it really is my favorite. After giving a quick hug to my mom I headed over to where Gwen should be at this time of day, her Karate practice. After making a quick pit stop at Mr. Smoothie, I entered the gym her karate club practiced in and took a spot near the bleachers as Gwen was getting ready to spar. She made quick work of her opponent as he gave up his guard allowing her to grab him by the arm and flip him over. She made it look so effortless but then again you don't get to become the top black belt your karate club by being a slouch. I watched Gwen towel herself off and remove her hair tie as I sipped my Double Delicious Dragon her vibrant red hair cascaded down past her shoulders the sweat causing it to shine so bright it would give the sun envy. It was the perfect companion to her stunning green eyes. When I said my eyes were piercing I meant it but in comparison to hers they might as well have been two dull Christmas tree lights and with her slender but slightly curvy figure she was still as beautiful as I remembered. Now I know what your thinking. That's an odd way to describe your cousin right? Remember what I said at the beginning about unconventional love. Well, this is it. I'm in love with my cousin. I'm sorry if you're weirded out by that. Hell, I probably weirded myself out when I first realized it. But when a good portion of your youth revolves around the weird and bizarre. You're bound to pick up some peculiar interests. Truth is I haven't been around my cousin a lot lately. I've been intentionally putting distance between us in a vain attempt to repress those feelings because I'm afraid of how she'd react if she ever found out. Gwen's always been a more rational person than I am. But the moment I saw her face all the feelings came rushing back. As others began to clear out I gave a good congratulatory slow clap to get her attention. I watched her eyes light up as she finally noticed me and a perfect smile form on her face.

"Ben!" She exclaimed before slowly walked over to me. There was a slight sway in her walk that made my heart flutter.

"How's my favorite cousin doing?" I asked. Doing my best to play it as cool as possible.

Her smile slowly turned to one with a slightly bitter edge it to it.

"How come you stopped coming around." She said as she poked my chest right on the number 10. "It feels like forever since I've seen you. Anytime I tried to visit your house Uncle Carl and Aunt Sandra said you were either out of the house or not feeling well."

It had been about six months since we last properly talked. It was at my Uncle Frank's birthday party and we had only really talked for maybe five minutes at most.

"Sorry, Gwen." I sincerely apologized. "I've just been busy with school and stuff." I lied. "I'm sure you have been too."

"Yeah, but I'd still try to make time for us to hang out. You're my favorite cousin too you know."


"You don't need to keep apologizing." She said with a sigh. "It's alright, really. Still wearing that jacket I got you, huh?"

She had gotten it for me two years ago as on our birthday. I say our birthday because funnily enough we were born on the same day. So spare an hour or so we've known each other our whole lives. Oh, and if you're wondering what I got her that year it was a homemade book cover. It wasn't the most impressive looking. I'm no artist. Hell, I'm sure she probably got rid of it afterward and didn't tell me to spare my feelings.

"Yep. I wouldn't trade it even for a first edition Sumo Slammer deluxe card." I replied.

"God, you're still a doofus." She teased with a faint giggle in her voice.

"If I'm still a doofus then you're still a dweeb." I retorted.

"I guess I can't deny that."

"Listen, we need to talk." I said blankly.

"Alright, let me get changed and I'll be right out."

Before she walked away though I noticed the training mats were still out and that gave me an idea.

"Say how about a quick sparring session?"

"Are you sure? You see the black belt right? It's not just for show."

"I think I can handle my own." I said confidently.

"If you say so." She chuckled.

We took our positions and our stances.

"You've got good form." Gwen remarked a slight hint of surprise in her voice.

"I watch a lot of martial arts films." I replied.

We both nodded to signify the beginning of the fight. Gwen started with a few light punches that I easily defended I responded with a few of my own. We kept going like that until I extended my arm just a little too far. Gwen, of course, seized the opportunity and flipped my over she then sat on top of me, pulling her arm back as if she were going for the finishing blow.

"Okay okay. I give up you win."

"Who's the master?"


"Who's the master?"

"You are."

"Damn right."

We both shared a good laugh and as the laughter subsided our eyes locked.

"I've missed you, Ben."

"I missed you, too."

If she only knew how much. I tried my best to hide the sudden panic set in as a certain part of my body began to react to her sitting on top of me. Thankfully for me and Lil' Ben, at that point, she sat stood up and offered a hand to help me up which I gladly accepted. She then looked at me squinting her eyes and tilting her head. Before taking her hand and measuring her hairline to mine. "You've gotten taller than me."

"Yeah say I've got you beat by solid two inches."

"I always thought I'd be the taller one." she pouted.

"I think it's that big brain of yours weighing you down." I teased.

"Haha. Very funny." She replied with rolling her eyes but failing to hide her smile. Alright, I'm going to hit the shower. I'll be out in about fifteen minutes." After a little over half an hour passed and the sun along with my consciousness had set Gwen had come out to talk

"Now that's attractive." I heard her say sarcastically as she snapped me out of my snoring slumber. Well, I've been told I snore anyway.

"You know I'm adorable." I retorted as I hopped to my feet.

I felt my heart flutter yet again as I saw her current wardrobe. She was wearing a white shirt under a dark blue sweater with black stockings under a black mini skirt that clung to her hips just right along with black high heels. It suited her well.

"Oh I bet you're a total lady killer." she replied as she teasingly rolled her eyes.

"I...Shut up!" I replied pretending to feel stung causing her to let out a small giggle in response.

"So what did you want to talk about?" she asked.

As much as I wanted to keep trading playful banter it was time to put on my serious face.

"I need your help." I said sternly as I showed her the Omnitrix.

She put on her serious face as well, and we took a seat on the bleachers as I showed her the Grandpa Max's and told her about the alien that attacked me.

"I'm glad you're alright. Do you really think Grandpa Max is okay?"

"I don't know...He said he had it handled but then why would he mention the Omnitrix unless…"

"You think he wants you to put it on."


"If that thing was as tough as you said it was then maybe Grandpa Max really has gotten into something big but…Ben, it took forever to get the Omnitrix off you the last time and you decided to live a normal life. Are you sure you want to go back to that?"

Before I could even contemplate that question and give her a straight answer a figure burst the doors. "The Omnitrix doesn't belong to you!" The figure shouted in a deep booming voice. It was another alien. Completely different from the Brainguts I saw earlier. He wore a white suit of armor white on top black on the bottom with a large red circle in the chest piece as well as the belt buckle. The suit covered most of his body except for his head which was covered by what I can only describe as a large cylindrical fishbowl filled with what appeared to be water. Which was pretty fitting given his physical appearance. He was fish-like humanoid with mauve-colored skin and yellow eyes with black, slit-like pupils. His neck was covered with long gills on both sides.

"Says who!?" I replied.

"Doesn't matter. Just hand it over and no one gets hurt." he replied sternly as he brandished a piece of alien tech that resembled a large pistol.

Gwen and I exchanged a look and a nod with no need for communication as she formed an energy shield with her magic. Sometime after I found the Omnitrix, Gwen discovered magic and found she was very good at it. Time was when she'd need talismans and incantations but over time she was able to refine it to what it is now. At least that's what we both thought at the time. I'll be sure to get to the truth of that later. We began to make our move towards the alien as he fired bullets of energy at us. Gwen's shield held up well enough but enough shots could eventually cause it to shatter so we had to work fast. Getting within close enough range after he fired another shot I moved out from behind the shield and swept out his legs from underneath him allowing Gwen to bind him with her energy,

"Alright, talk." I said as Gwen lifted him in the air,

"Let me go." He simply replied.

"Not until we get some answers."

"I am a duly deputized agent of the Plumbers. An intergalactic force dedicated to keeping the peace. You'll never get me to talk."

"I know what the Plumbers are." I replied. "My Grandpa Max used to be one."

"You're his grandson? I thought you just some punk who stole the Omnitrix...Wait, that would make you THE legendary Ben 10."

"I guess so." I replied, trying my best not to let the pride in my voice show. I can't say I've ever been called legendary before. I would be lying if I said it didn't make me feel a little good.

Gwen and I looked at each other and shared another nod before Gwen let him down.

"Thank you. I am Magister Labrid. Your Grandfather Max and I were investigating a sudden surge in alien activity on your planet when he suddenly went missing."

"So you have no idea where he is either then." I replied. The disappointment in my voice was impossible to hide.

"I am afraid not. Although, I may have recently found a lead on the current activity and it could potentially lead to more information on Max's whereabouts. The meetings taking place within the next hour. I could use your help."

I looked at the Omnitrix and then Gwen.

"It's up to you. Whatever choice you make I'll support it and I'll be right beside you all the way."

That's all I needed to hear as I slapped the Omnitrix on my wrist before the three of us made our way out.

Little did I know what awaited me when I got there...A familiar face from my past I never thought I'd see again.


Quick little note; if you happen to be a reader of my previous fanfic The Mushroom. I decided to remove it keep in line with the site's guidelines. Sorry for the inconvenience. Anyway, I hope you liked the first chapter of my new story. For the most part, I intend to keep it in line with how the first season of Alien force plays out minus the Ben/Gwen stuff of course. I'll throw in my own little twist and turns along the way though. Not sure how if I'm going past the first season with this but we'll see how it goes. Please make sure to leave a review and give it a follow if you like what you've read so far. Cya.