Chapter 1: Origin of the flames

It all started when a baby is born in China was born with the very first quirk that caused him to emanate light from his body. What soon followed was an epidemic of people around the world being born with strange and sometimes powerful abilities that sometimes even defined the natural laws set by men such as gravity, physics, thermodynamics, and countless others.

Many scientists and top officials were not sure what had caused such a phenomenon to occur, with theories ranging from a virus that had spread throughout the world creating a new evolution in humans, some form of radiation that was perhaps cosmic, to the ever-popular topic that it was aliens experimenting with the genetic code of humans. Regardless of the emergence of abilities that were soon labeled by the public as "quirks" spread throughout the world, and what was once considered, the paranormal became the new normal.

However, many individuals soon began to use their quirks for their purposes to benefit themselves even at the cost of other people's lives. These individuals were soon labeled as villains who became such a problem for governments that they began deploying people to combat these villains as well as to assist and protect people from other forms of natural disasters. These individuals were labeled as heroes who gave rise to the profession of Pro Heroes who were paid by the government based on their notoriety, and their performance as pro heroes, as well as any other forms of compensation ranging from commercial products to advertisement.

When the total amount of human beings possessing quirks exponentially increasing year after year new laws and an explosive increase of crime rates all around the world, were soon implemented to regulate the crimes and the quirks such as mandatory quirk registration, no public quirk usage except for self-defense and even quirk counseling to assist children in controlling their quirks.

Today eighty percent of the human population possesses some type of quirk while the other twenty percent who do not possess a quirk is given the label quirkless.

My name is Izuku Midorya, and when I was 4. I Learned that all men are not created equal at birth. That is the harsh truth I learned in this world.

My best friend, Katsuki Bakugo, had the perfect combination of quirks. His mother could secrete Glycerin at will, while his father could sweat acidic sweat from his hand with combustive properties but not at will. The combination of the quirks arose in Kacchan. He could excrete sweat similar to nitroglycerin from his palms and ignite it at will to create various explosions. He called his quirk explosion. The quirk was strong and flashy perfect for being a hero. While Others started unlocking their quirks in school. I was left the only kid who's quirk emerged, so my Mom took me a quirk doctor who is the grandfather of one of my classmates.

"Your son has a dormant quirk," the doctor said to Inko Midoriya.

"A dormant quirk, what do you mean, doctor?" Inko Midoriya asked with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Well, a dormant quirk is a quirk that can-."

"I Know what a dormant quirk my missing nephew Tenko has a dormant Quirk," Inko exclaimed.

The doctor had a brief look of panic that returned to emotionless expression.

" Ooh, so you are related to the Shimura Family, the attack happened two months ago. Such a tragedy, the only remains of bodies that were not found were your nephew while the blood of the others and what was left of their bodies recovered from the villain attack." the doctor told her." "It seems that dormant quirks run in this family." He said with great interest.

Izuku remembering Tenko introducing him to an All Might and talking about what quirks he wanted to have. While Inko was talking to her brother about heroes and their mother.

Flashback-*1 year ago*

"Auntie, Auntie, can I use the computer to show Izuku about Pro Heroes," asks a 6-year-old Tenko Shimura.

Unlike her older brother Kotaro Shimura. Inko Midorya never blamed her mother for their giving them to foster care after father her death to protect them from the "the bad people" she wrote them in a letter that she was protecting them from bad people who desired to stop her Mother. She was a pro hero with a responsibility not only to her family but to the public. She knew that Nana Shimura hated giving up her and Korta to foster care. Just like she would hate being giving Izuku to foster care.

However, her mother gave her a spare Hero cloak and her gloves in a box in with their childhood album with pictures of her parents and her mother's last words to her brother "that she loves them." After having Izuku, she understood her mother's burden. Unlike her brother Kotaro, she viewed heroes as people who protect everything they care about and society. But her stubborn brother viewed heroes as people who hurt their own family to help strangers.

"Sure you can, Tenko. I am going to get snacks and drinks for you and Izuku," smiled Inko.

"Izuku came and see this." said an excited Tenko.

"See what Tenko?" a 3-year-old Izuku wondering.

Tenko hit the play button. An old video played showing smoke rising and buildings destroyed from a long time ago, but more importantly, it was All Might's Debut.

"Ha ha ha!" All Might's uproarious laugh echoed from the speakers as Izuku stared at the screen, entranced as All Might Reassured everyone by saying he has arrived.

"Who is that man carrying people Tenko?" an entranced looking Izuku asking Tenko.

"That's All Might the greatest Hero of all time and the symbol of peace and justice." He Answered

"He is so cool. I want to be just like him when I Grow Up and unlock my quirk." Izuku jumping around

"Me too, I want to be a Hero Just like him," Tenko shouted.

"em-Tenko, I never asked this what is your quirk?" Izuku asked Curiously

A dark look passed over Tenko face, then he looked meekly.

"I don't know my quirk. It never appeared the doctor said it's dormant," Tenko said sadly.

"whats does dormant mean" called Izuku

"Izuku it means deeply asleep, and the doctor says it might never wake up" Tenko replied

"I want to be a Hero, but dad hated heroes never told me why," Tenko said

"Uncle Korta hates Heroes?" exclaimed Izuku

"He hits me sometimes if I do anything that involves heroes, but most of the time, he makes me wait outside," Tenko mumbled with a look of hatred on his face.

Unknown to them, Inko Midorya was listening to them talking through the door. When Tenko mentioned, he is punished for his dreams. She feels Shame and the boiling Fury at her brother Korta for taking out his frustrations on Tenko.

*2 hours later*

The doorbell rang

Inko answering the door. Revealing Korta with a smile on his face in front of the door. She exists and closing the door behind.

"Hey, Sis how is Izuku and Te-"


The slap rang out the corridor and faded.

A shocked Kotaro Clutched his cheek where a hand mark was appearing

" You take your hatred ch of Heroes and bitterness of mother at Tenko?" Breathed vehemently Inko

Kotaro paled. The last thing he wanted was to make his sister mad.

Kotaro's voice laced with regret, " I See Tenko told you."

"No, he told Izuku WHILE TALKING ABOUT HEROES and overheard them," Inko yelled.

"talking Heroes with Izuku that it, he going to affect Izuku too and end up like Mum," grimaced Kotaro.

"Don't you dare disrespect mum's sacrifice!" She threatened


"MOTHER NEVER HAD A GRAVE… the body was never found, and the people who did it were never caught" Inko cried wiping tears from her eyes

"This is the reason I don't want them to become heroes, they will die forgotten by this cruel world, I can't let them end up like Mum just for the sake of a dream that will kill them," said Kotaro with a broken voice.

A silence filled the corridor that seems to last for an eternity.

"I am going to let this slide for tenko, he won't be punished this time and I will try my best to change" mumbled Kotaro

"I hope you change for the better for this family, brother" replied Inko sadly


"How can you tell his quirk is a dormant one, doctor?" questioned Inko Midoriya

"You see, when superpowers first began appearing, there were many research studies conducted, and doctors discovered a link between the bones in a person's foot and their likelihood of developing a quirk. People with powers have only one joint in their pinkie toes. Their bodies have evolved. You can see here Izuku has only one joint in his pinkie, like roughly 80 percent of the population these days, but hasn't manifested a quirk yet. In essence, we can conclude that Izuku has a dormant quirk. In extremely rare cases, the dormant quirk awakens later in childhood or the beginning of their teenage years, but there is a bigger chance the quirk will never activate, and Izuku will remain quirkless all his life. If the quirk awakens, it will most likely be a quirk formed through mutation of genetics and quirks. The quirk that may awaken could be very rare and unique. The quirk will be one of a kind. The doctor explained emotionlessly.

*The Midoriya's Apartment*

It was raining heavily. Inside a room with the computer but this time the lights were turned off. The video was playing again. Inko turned around to look at her son.

"See that, mom? There's always a smile on his face, no matter how bad things get. Even when things seem impossible, he never gives up."

The boy turned his chair around to face his mom, who was starting to tear up. He was trying his hardest to keep a smile on his face, but it was obviously forced. His voice was heartbroken and strained.

"Do you think…I can be a hero to find Tenko?" Izuku said with a trembling voice.

Inko in despair runs to him, and hugs him. "I'm sorry Izuku, I'm so sorry. I wish things were different."

Izuku tears start to run down his face

Izuku thought, "Mom, that's not what I needed you to say. Couldn't you see it? My world was shattering before my eyes. There was only one thing I wanted to hear. I made a decision that day. No matter what anyone else thinks, I have to believe in myself. And I'll keep smiling just like him. To find and save the one who was my biggest inspiration to be a hero, Tenko."

-Nine years later -

*Aldera middle school*

In a classroom with students chatting and joking around.

The homeroom teacher stood up starting a speech for careers

With this being your last middle school year. I'm supposed to pass out these high school applications, but I don't see a reason to bother" the teacher threw the forms in the air "because it's clear you're all applying to hero courses-"

A boy with spikey Ash Blonde hair cut him off "DON'T MIX ME UP WITH THESE EXTRAS. I Katsuki Bakugo will be Going to U.A., Me, and Deku already aced the mock exams. I'm gonna be the best with De-

A classmate interrupted him with a snort"You are going to bring the dead weight over there with you? Impossible dream with big egos Bakugo and loser." he said.

Izuku went pale, knowing what happens when Katsuki flipped out. "Kat-chan don't-

"DIE BASTARD !" Bakugo screams at him. His hand ignites an explosion.


*Ten minutes later in the principal's office*

An irritated principal was staring at three students. "Explain to me why is there a new window at a wall of your classroom."

"Bakugo blew up the classroom sir" Eichi Sato

"CUZ U PISSED ME OFF" Bakugo yelled

"I tried to stop them, sir," said Izuku meekly

"Detention Bakugo, Bakugo, you are a brilliant student with a bright future ahead of you. So I am not going to place this in your record, but I'm calling your mother." sighed the principal

Bakugou, the detentions start tomorrow and Stay behind for a private word. The rest of you are dismissed. Now get out of my office.

Izuku and Eichi went to the classroom.

Once they entered the empty classroom as the rest have left for home.

Izuku brought out a notebook #13, updating it with Mt. lady Debut he saw from his phone.

Eichi, with a sinister smile, walked up to Izuku. "Hero analysis for the future, Midoriya grow up to reality. Your dreams are hopeless. Your quirk has never manifested yet, and it will never manifest cuz you are a quirkless loser that U. A won't ever accept.

Expecting a reaction Eichi found Izuku mumbling about Mt. Lady weight and height.

Grabbing the notebook out of Izuku hands, destroying it with his water quirk, and throwing it on the floor.



Izuku punched Eichi in the face as hard as he could.

"Don't you dare insult my mother, you Piss Bastard," growled Izuku.

Eichi was on the floor, reeling from the punch. "Meh node. Yeh brake meh Fucking node," he whimpered.

"As I care about your nose, I am leaving," Izuku said coldly.

Picking up his notebook and stuffing it his backpack and started walking home.

"Stupid... Stupid... STUPID BASTARD!" Izuku thought.

"Those notes techniques were taught to me by Auntie Nao," Izuku remembered sadly.

-Nine and a half years ago-

*Roadway in the Shimura's Car*

"It's Izuku birthday Tenko isn't. How old did he turn today?" asked an 8-year-old girl with dark, medium-length hair that she wore up in pigtails on the sides of her head.

"He is four years old today Hana," Tenko Said, scratching his eyes where wrinkles were starting to form since last week.

"oh so he is 3-years younger than tenko," thought Hana

"We are visiting their apartment to celebrate Izuku's birthday, it small but luxurious Hana. So mind your manners about comparing their apartment with our home." Warned a woman with short light brown hair that grew around her shoulders.

"Ok, mum," Hana said obediently.

-15 minutes later-

The doorbell rang

"Mum, They are here. They are here." an excited Izuku jumping around.

"Where is my favorite nephew" a voice happily floating around the apartment.

"I'm your only nephew, so of course I am your favorite, Auntie Nao" Izuku giggled

"Hey Izuku happy birthday." cheered Hana

"We brought you presents," Tenno said, smiling.

"Where is your mother," said Nao Shimura

"I think she is cooking katsudon and baking an All Might cake in the kitchen."

"I'm here with lunch, everyone, but where is Kotaro," said Inko entering looking surprised.

"He left the country for a business trip last month and hasn't returned yet," Nao replied nervously.

"It seems we both have missing husbands at business trips."Inko chuckled.


A flustered looking Tenko grinned sheepishly, "excuse me," he said.

"Let's eat" Izuku yelled

—Half an hour later—

Time to open presents Inko called from the living.

Izuku has got the following.

Izuku had gotten a special pen for writing from Hana.

"I heard from Tenko, you know how to write well for your age."

Tenko has gotten him a Limited Edition figure of All Might in his Bronze Age costume from 20 years ago.

"I saved three months of pocket money for this Izuku. Look after it well. It's one of the rarest All might merchandise there ever is," Tenko whispered to Izuku.

And from his mother, he got the all might PJ

But what he found most intriguing was Auntie Nao's lesson of note-taking skills of ranking and statistics in a notebook she written for him.

"Izuku, I know you and Tenko want to be Hereos, but that road will be hard and long. Write the people you meet and their Quirks and rate it as the video game stats in the retro game of Pokémon's. In the long run, it will help you fight strategic battles while being a pro. The instructions of writing notes are inside."

"Gee, thanks, Auntie Nao. This is the best," he said while hugging her.

"The first entry will be Tenko, and once your quirk awakens, I will write it down.

"Come on, guys, it picture time called Inko,

"say, "I'm here," Inko said as she activated the camera timer

"I'M HERE," Everyone shouted.

Unknown to the family , this will be the last photo we took together.

Kacchan will get grounded by his mother, and training will be independent depending on how long his mom grounds Izuku thought as he walked under the bridge.

"No matter what others thought of my dormant quirk, Auntie Nao and my cousins believed in me even if at the time of the lack of knowledge on my quirk. Mother hopes my quirk awakens soon and not to mention Kacchan will kill me if I don't enter U.A. My family believed in me, and that's enough for me. To keep my chin up and keep moving forward!" Izuku thought. Izuku was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he had failed to notice the voice whispering in his ear.

"A medium-sized body… To hide in…" a voice warbled

By the time Izuku noticed, he had just enough time to turn his head before something cool and wet enveloped him. "A villain?!" Izuku's nose and mouth were quickly covered by a slime-like substance.

"Don't worry. I'm just hijacking your body. Calm down. It'll only hurt for about 45 seconds… Then it'll be all over. I'm saved. You're a real hero. I never thought he'd show up in this town."

Izuku continued to struggle in vain, his chest convulsed by a lack of oxygen. He knew there was no point in trying to scrape his way out, but his oxygen-deprived state did not allow him to think clearly.

The Villain took note of Izuku's struggle and chose to remind him anyway. "There's no point in trying that, I'm fluid, you see!"

Izuku's mind went into a helpless panic as he felt his body get heavier with each passing second. 'I can't breathe! My body… Getting weak… I'm dying! I'm gonna die?! Someone help me! I'm dying! No…' Tears began to escape the corners of Izuku eyes. Just as Izuku was about to give up, Izuku heard another voice, this one he only heard in Tv and the internet.

"Fear not, kid! I am here!" Izuku eyes had drifted shut, but Izuku's brain was still functioning, and he could still hear. The voice was so familiar that IZuku hoped it was him… Izuku's theory was determined as true when Izuku heard his moniker move. "Texas… SMASH!" The last thing Izuku remembered was the face of his idol, and a strong gust of wind propelling him backward. Then darkness.

Izuku awoke to tiny slaps upon my cheek. "Hey… Uh. Thank goodness… You're okay! Excellent!" By that point, Izuku's senses were back to normal, and Izuku scurried away as fast as he could. Izuku couldn't believe it! "All Might! In the flesh! Right here in front of me… And he had saved me too! "Izuku thought

Apologies… For getting you caught up in my villain hunt. Mistakes like that aren't my style, but… This is a strange land for me. And besides, I'm off camera! But my success here is all thanks to you! I've contained the villain!"

"All Might! He's here… He's really here! Up close, I can really see it! And he looks better than on TV" IZuku quickly scrambled around looking for his now dry notebook, desperate to get an autograph from All might. Izuku found the notebook on the ground then frantically flipped through it, looking for a blank page before seeing All MIght Signature scrawled out with thick black ink.

"Wowww! Thank you so much! What a treasure! It'll be my family heirloom!" Izuku couldn't help but bow his thanks to him.

"Now, I must bring this fellow to the authorities! You can catch me again on TV!" All might laughed as he held the bottles of the sludge villain.

"Um! Wait… Is that it…? I…" Izuku questioned.

"A pro battles not only enemies but also time." All Might said hurriedly

'Hold on! I still… I need to ask you…' Izuku started.

"Until next time… Thanks for your support!" Before Izuku could think, he had reacted purely out of instinct. his arms had latched onto All Might's leg, and they went soaring fast through the skies. "Hey, now! Release me! I love my fans, but such enthusiasm is a bit much!"

"If I… Let go now… I'll… I'll die!" Izuku could hardly believe his own foolishness, but that question meant a lot to me. "I… Need to as you… So many things… Gah! You…"

"Okay, okay. Just do me a favor and close your eyes and mouth." He didn't really have a choice, but I couldn't believe that a pro had complied with a nobody like me.

Finally, we touched down on the rooftop of an abandoned building, Izuku had never been happier to have crashed into a solid surface. "Scary…" he thought.

"Of all the…!" Izuku was brought out of his post-traumatic state by All Might, grumbling to himself. "Hopefully, the people downstairs will help you get down. I've no time, though! Truly!" Izuku saw him prepare to jump again and made a split-second decision.

"Wait! Um…" Izuku cried

"No! I will not wait." All might prepare to jump

"Shit." All Might cursed after coughing blood.

Izuku knew he was rude, but he just had to know! Izuku clenched his eyes shut and inhaled sharply. It was now or never.

"Even without a quirk… Can I still be a hero?!" Izuku yelled.

All Might stopped. "without a quirk?" he questioned.

"All Might had to know… He was the number one hero, after all! He was the epitome of heroism… the very best!" Izuku thought.

"Can someone with a dormant quirk… Become a hero like you?"Izuku continued.