Beta'd by kylekatarn77 and Poliamida

53. Snakes in the Grass

Those who tread among serpents, and along a tortuous path, must use the cunning of the serpent.

-Thomas Becket

"Morning, Tenya," Izuku said, yawning as he sat down at the breakfast table. "Um, sorry, I mean afternoon I guess." It was just a little after noon, but Izuku's schedule was so mixed up he had a hard time keeping things straight most of the time.

"Either way," Iida chuckled. "Ready for our patrol today?"

"Yeah, I was surprised when Ochako asked me to switch with her. Is everything you know, OK?" Izuku asked, feeling a bit intrusive as he asked. Still, he felt he was close enough now with Iida that he wouldn't take offense. Really, aside from Mei, everyone in Class 1A felt more like a sibling or cousin than a simple schoolmate or college at work. It was odd, considering in his previous classes Izuku had been a pariah.

"Yes, I think she's simply worried about Bakugo. She said they both had the day off and she wanted to get to spend a little time with him," Iida explained.

Izuku nodded in understanding. "They've gotten really close, haven't they?"

"Yes," Iida agreed, going slightly flush as he played his bowl natto.

"Something wrong?" Izuku asked. "Things OK between the two of you?"

"Yes, it's just, well, I seem to have missed an opportunity. A lack of initiative on my part. Ah well. It's likely for the best, anyway," Iida explained, and went back to eating as he read the morning paper. A real newspaper, as it happened; Iida seemed to prefer the feel of real paper in his hands instead of a phone like Izuku used. The headline was about another person losing their quirk after an overdose on the new drugs on the street. Izuku grimaced. For all their touting of "Meta Abilities" the MLA had managed to cause a lot of harm to people with their supposed quirk-enhancing drugs.

Sensing that further prying was unwelcome, Izuku changed the topic. "You think the arrest will go well today?"

"It should, though like you I would prefer to be along for it, instead of going out on another patrol. Our route won't even take us close to the justice department. I wanted to see those bastards pay," Iida complained.

"We should be done right as they make the arrest actually. Maybe we could join Mei and some of the others in the control room to watch it go down," Izuku suggested. "That should be interesting at least."

"I suppose. I would have liked to deal with this Hanabata myself." Iida's normally friendly face twisted into a snarl of rage. "Jail is too good for him. I hope he resists arrest so that Endeavor can do the same thing to him that Ochako did to Chikazuka."

Izuku's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, but then he slowly nodded. Iida hadn't spoken of what he'd seen, but Hagakure had been with him, and Izuku had found her crying with Hari a few times. He grimaced and nodded.

"I don't think it's our job to be the judge, jury, or executioner, but I understand," Izuku said quietly, putting his metal hand over Iida's fleshy one. "Just be careful. Don't let them turn you into what they are."

"Yes. You're right of course, I just…" Rage slowly leaked from Iidas eyes, and he looked down, trembling slightly. "What those people, no, those monsters did in that tower...nothing could ever make it right."

"More evil won't cause good. As hard as it is...we really do have to be the pillars of peace," Izuku said, looking down at his own hands. "There's a price to pay for that, I know."

"I suppose you do," Iida agreed. He sighed and forced a smile. "Well, let's get out there today and show everyone just what a real pair of heroes look like."

An hour later, Izuku stepped out onto the street with Iida. "What's going on right now, Mei?"

"Nothing much, no calls or requests for help by the police in your area," Mei responded. "Looks like a normal, peaceful day."

"Well, I suppose that should be a nice change of pace," Iida said. "Shall we?"

For the first hour of their patrol, Iida and Izuku didn't handle anything more pressing than resolving a minor traffic dispute and of course chatting and helping passers by with minor requests. However, there were far fewer people who approached Izuku and Iida than normal, and Izuku couldn't help but feel that the specter of Feel Good Inc was hanging over their heads. Instead of bright young heroes, now Izuku and Iida were two heroes who had taken part in a botched disaster that had left nearly 200 dead.

"It's hard to have them look at me differently," Izuku said quietly to himself.

"Like what?" Mei asked, sounding bored.

"Oh, nothing, just...well, people aren't smiling as much when they see me, you know," Izuku explained. He had his visor raised so people could see his face, something Mr. Aizawa had stressed was important for building rapport with the public. Iida was carrying his helmet under his arm, and was smiling and waving to a child, who eagerly waved back. His mother though, frowned slightly, looking a bit upset. She didn't seem angry, but instead of heroes, Izuku knew she just saw two young people in over their heads. The problem was, he did feel in over his head.

"Really? But you are doing so good at looking at people and smiling! Mr. Onizuku taught me that makes people want to smile at you. Why, I don't know. I don't think smiles are a disease vector."

That made Izuku chuckle and smile warmly. "Maybe they are the disease. But a good one."

"I guess. When I need to smile, I think about our babies! What do you think about?"

"You, mostly," Izuku admitted.

"Thinking about you makes me smile too. Hari, if you need to throw up please do it in the trash can and not at the computer! Well if you don't need to throw up why are you making that face?"

"Tell your sister I love her too," Izuku chuckled. "Though not quite like I do you."

"That is good, it would be very weird if you did and I do not think I would like it very much," Mei said. "Though I guess I love Hari too, but definitely not like I do you. I do not want Hari to get to second base with me. We should try that sometime! Baseball is very confusing, but I have a diagram I found on the internet that is very enlightening. I do not understand what a lot of it means, but it would be fun to try!"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Hari's voice said on the line suddenly. "Izuku, I'm watching the two of you! I let something slip once, but that's not going to happen again!"

"But we didn't do anything!" Izuku protested, waving to a young girl and her father. The girl was staring at him with wide eyes, waving timidly. She looked familiar but-

"Tenya!" Izuku gasped. "On your 8!"

Iida spun as Izuku moved to block the path of Kai Chisaki, his expression grim.

"Power Suit!" Eri squeaked, suddenly letting go of the yakuza boss's hand to run up to Izuku. The horn on her forehead was larger than it had been before, and Izuku could see the padding under her coat that indicated the bandages had spread. "You fought the bad people! I heard you smashed them! I hope that you can keep doing that! We're doing the same thing!"

Izuku took Eri, moving her to his side and raising his right hand towards Chisaki. He didn't activate his laser; there was no need to frighten Eri, and Overhaul hadn't done anything hostile yet.

"Mei, we've found Kai Chisaki and Eri," Izuku said steadily. "Send for back up."

"Well, this isn't exactly how I was planning on meeting you again, Power Suit. Or do you prefer Midoriya?" Chisaki said, absently adjusting his gloves. "And Ingenium. I must extend my congratulations to the both of you. Your work against those degenerates in the Meta Liberation Army has been truly phenomenal."

"Don't make any sudden moves," Iida ordered, his tone grim. "You might have gotten away last time, but not this time, yakuza!"

"Mr. Midoriya? Daddy? What's going on!" Eri said, sounding panicked.

Chisaki made as if to move forward, and Izuku's laser popped out of his palm as he shuffled back, keeping hold of Eri. "Don't make another move!"

Eri began to cry, and Chisaki raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "There seems to be some sort of mistake here. I am not your enemy, Izuku Midoriya. But, I will say this: It is unwise to upset my daughter. Her quirk is very unstable."

"She is not your daughter!" Izuku snapped. "What are you doing to-"

He let out a gasp, as suddenly, his suit shattered. For some reason, Eri's horn was now glowing as she wailed in panic. Izuku fell to the ground, Iida letting out a cry of alarm.

"Damnation!" Chisaki growled, taking off his gloves. Iida shouted and moved forward to grab him, but with a swipe Chisaki dissolved Iida into mist. He reformed a second later, stunned, and crashed to the ground groaning.

Chisaki grabbed Eri, turning her to mist as well. She immediately reformed, but her horn had stopped glowing. Chisaki picked her up, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, heroes. I suppose we have done something wrong now, but I couldn't just let Eri kill you, Midoriya. You're both far too valuable."

Izuku trembled, looking down at the ground around him. The base material that his suit was made of lay scattered about him in coils of wire, metal pieces, and other simple elements. What?

Iida groaned and sat up. "What...what happened?"

"Eri's quirk," Chisaki explained, patting the girls back as he grimaced behind his medical mask. "It's rewind. It takes things or people back to a state they were in previously. Her control over it is limited; so far, I'm the only one who can help her control it. She's getting better, but, well, you upset her and she lost control. You're lucky you still exist."

"I…" Izuku blinked. "Um, Iida, stand down. And tell Mei I'm alright. And...and tell Hari to bring the truck." He glanced around, seeing several frightened civilians, some of which had idiotically got out their phones and started recording instead of running when they thought a fight was brewing. "It's alright, everyone! Just a child's quirk misfiring. It's under control now!" He stood on shaky legs, frowning at Chisaki.

"I'm sorry," Izuku said quietly. "It seems we misunderstood the situation. We're both...on edge, after the events of the past few days."

"That's quite alright," Chisaki said, setting Eri back down now that she was calmed. She looked down at the ground, her lip trembling. "I was just taking my daughter out for a walk. She was excited to bump into you. Eri, it's OK. You know what kind of man daddy used to be, right?"

Eri nodded, her lip trembling. "But you're not a bad guy anymore! You want to save the world!"

"I do," Chisaki said, nodding. He pointed to Izuku. "And that's the sort of hero we need. You understand?"

"Yes," Eri said quietly, looking up nervously at Izuku. "But...but my daddy isn't a bad person anymore! He wants to help me, he does! He's helped a lot of people already!"

"Maybe...maybe we should talk," Iida said, shaking his head.

Together, they stepped into the mouth of a nearby alley, Izuku quickly picking up the remains of his suit and stacking them against the wall.

"So, you claim not to be yakuza any longer?" Iida demanded, folding his arms over his chest.

"Well, no," Chisaki admitted. "Just that you perhaps do not understand what a yakuza is."

"I know plenty. You're low level criminal scum, left over from another era," Iida stated. "My brother took down plenty of hoodlums just like you."

"That's not true!" Eri protested. "Daddy and his friends want to help people!"

"Shhh. Don't say anything else, Eri. I don't want you to get upset again," Chisaki said, his tone soft.

Eri nodded, burying her head against Chisaki's leg. The man sighed. "The yakuza have always been about honor. About tradition. About protecting the people. Yes, some of us, even my own organization, turned to crime in the past. But I have other ambitions now. I wish to change Shie Hasaikai, and through it, to change the world. Eri is a part of that."

"Change the world how?" Izuku demanded.

"You saw Eri's quirk. It's dangerous. Unstable. Quirks are increasingly out of control," Chisaki explained. "And what organization, more than any other, promotes reckless use of quirks? The Meta Liberation Army. I, and the Shie Hasaikai, stand against the Meta Liberation Army. True, we're not heroes, we can't do so in the light. But we move in the shadows."

"Like Batman!" Eri blurted. "You know him, right Mr. Midoriya?" From her jacket, Eri produced, of all things, a Batman action figure. It was old and battered, but she held it up like a kind of talisman.

Izuku's gut wrenched, and he looked up at Chisaki, startled. "How did you know?"

"I have my sources," Chisaki said quietly. "But what you need to know is this: We are trying to stop the Meta Liberation Army from pushing it's filthy drugs in our territory. You were the one who rescued Kurono, weren't you? He was trying to keep the MLA from pedding their filth in our area. He was captured, and some of my men were killed. You saved him, and for that, you have my thanks."

Izuku started. "The drugs! The ones that amplify quirks at first, but can damage or destroy them with repeated use! You're trying to keep the MLA from distributing them?"

"Precisely," Chisaki agreed. "I'm actually working on developing a quirk inhibitor myself."

"A quirk inhibitor? Are you mad? That could be a dangerous weapon!" Iida protested.

Chisaki raised his hands placatingly. "Not a weapon. A drug. One that could be given to children, or those with unstable quirks, or even just unseemly ones. It could prevent them from harming themselves, or others, like Eri. You know that I am not her father, yes?"

Eri began to cry. "Don't say it daddy, don't say it!"

"Shhh. They need to know. They're heroes. They won't hurt you. I'll keep you safe, just like I promised," Chisaki whispered, caressing Eri's horn. He looked up. "Her mother abandoned Eri after she caused her father to vanish."

"My God," Izuku whispered, feeling horrified.

"I wish I was like you," Eri cried, looking away. "I wish I were quirkless! I wish everyone were quirkless! We-"

"That's enough, Eri," Chisaki said sternly. He bent down and picked her up. "I'm sorry. She's very upset. We were out for a walk to get her a treat. She's worked very hard lately, and deserves one. Besides, my doctors say she needs more fresh air. We have to keep her at home, you understand."

"I...yes. I'm sorry we caused such a bother," Izuku said. He glanced down at his destroyed suit. "And...and for thinking so poorly of you. I suppose you are trying to change."

"Yes. We will talk more." Chisaki handed Izuku a business card. "That number will reach me, or one of my close associates at any time. If you really wish to reform society, call me sometime. I think with your help, and that of the amazing young woman Mei Hatsume, we could return society to where it should be."

With that, Chisaki and Eri departed. The young girl waved timidly at Izuku and Iida, before they walked off down the street.

"He's lying," Iida said, his tone grim. "He cares nothing for that girl. Stay away from him, Izuku. He's dangerous. We have to figure out what he's up to, and put an end to it."

"Iida! He's taken in that poor girl when her own family abandoned her!" Izuku protested. "She loves him!"

"Perhaps, but even villains can have loved ones. I wouldn't be surprised if his conflict with the MLA is simply because he wishes to produce drugs of his own. His tale of making a quirk inhibitor just to help a little girl was either an outright lie, or a deception of some kind," Iida stated.

"I think you're just seeing the worst in people, Iida. He seems like he really wants what's best for Eri. Have some faith! If even a leader of a band of yakuza can reform, there is hope for society yet," Izuku said fervently. He desperately wanted, no, needed, to believe that there was that sort of good in the world. That there was good inside of everyone.

Further arguments were forestalled when a truck screeched to a halt by the curb, and Mei exploded out onto Izuku, her flamethrower clutched in her hands.

"Izuku!" she wept. "What happened to you? Are you ok? Where are the bad guys! And our baby! It's broken!"

"I'm fine, Mei," Izuku whispered, giving Mei a tight hug. "I'm sorry, the Power Suit was totally, well, um, disassembled."

"Where's Chisaki?" Mei growled, pulling away from Izuku, and pointing her flamethrower around. "I'll fry him!"

"I don't actually think he's a bad person, Mei. He didn't do this. It was Eri, her quirk was out of control. Chisaki actually might have saved my life," Izuku explained. He briefly overviewed their confrontation while they helped Hari, Sero, and Tokoyami load the remains of the Power Suit into the truck. Apparently Hari hand simply grabbed whoever was close at hand, and they had been it. Sero laughed good naturedly about the whole incident, but Tokoyami sided with Iida.

"I do not trust the words of a known criminal. He is certain to be trying some sort of deception. Those who must hide their deeds in darkness are never reliable," Tokoyami pronounced.

"But Fumikage, you're always hiding in darkness," Mei said, clearly confused. "Does that mean you are not reliable?"

"The darkness is my home, but I am not of it," Tokoyami said, making a fist.

"Wait, yes we are," Dark Shadow protested. "Let's get out of the sunlight! It's too bright out here!"

"Truely, my life is a dichotomy," Tokoyami sighed. "I am cursed to be a child of light, doomed to forever live in shadow."

"I think you just like talking weird," Mei said with a shrug.

"Whatever, let's just hurry back so bird-brain can go back to brooding. I want to be there when Endeavor and Togata nab Hanabata!" Sero said eagerly.

"Shhh, not so loud," Iida hissed. "But yes, let us return. I too wish to see justice served at least once this day."

The control room was crowded when they got back. Mei had been initially reluctant to attend, wanting to immediately set to work restoring the Power Suit, as it would have to be entirely rebuilt. But when Izuku pointed out nearly all their friends would be there, she had acquiesced. Izuku and Mei took up spots near the back, and Hari threw the feed from the camera she had given Togata to wear up on the screen.

"Let me do the talking," Endeavor's gruff voice said from Togata's side. "Hopefully this goes smoothly. I can't imagine he's subverted many officials at the Ministry, but you never know."

"You got it," Togata agreed, sounding like his usual chipper self. He dropped his voice to a whisper. "Hey guys! Hey Hari! Can you all hear me?"

"Loud and clear," Hari said into her mic. "You just focus on your mission, tough guy. You and hot stuff there could be walking into a trap. We're prepped and ready to provide back up if you need it."

"Don't sweat it! Endeavor's the Number 1! With him and me, how can we fail?" Togata chuckled.

"Quiet. Don't give away that this is a sting," Endeavor snarled.

"Yes sir!" Togata agreed, and started whistling.

Shoto let out a snort. "Oh, dad is just going to love working with him."

"Yeah, Togata's a neat kid!" Burnin agreed. Then she eyed Shoto. "What, you think the boss won't like him cause he's all bright and peppy and stuff? The boss likes me plenty, and I got loads of pep!"

"It's the whistling," Shoto said with a shrug.

Burnin frowned. "Oh. Yeah, boss hates that kinda stuff. Hari! Tell the kid to knock it off!"

"I'm supposed to be maintaining radio silence except in emergencies," Hari said with a shrug. "Endeavor's a big boy. He can tell Togata to stop if it really bothers him."

As it happened, a single annoyed look from Endeavor was enough to quell the whistling, and the two proceeded into the Ministry of Justice without incident.

"Endeavor and Lemillion to see Minister Hanabata. We have an appointment," Endeavor told a receptionist.

"Ah, yes, you're both expected. He's waiting for you in Conference Room E5."

"Conference Room? Is that normal?" Hari asked over the line.

"Um, is that where we are supposed to meet him?" Togata repeated nervously once they were out of earshot of the receptionist.

"Yes, it's normal enough. He likely expected I would bring along a few of my interns to help them get some experience and wanted a larger meeting space. He informed me we would be meeting in the conference room," Endendeavor stated. "But be on alert. Anything could happen."

They made their way through the building, Class 1A holding their collective breath as they watched. At last, Endeavor and Togata arrived, stepping into the conference room where a smiling Hanabata awaited them at a large conference table.

"Endeavor! Lemilliion! It's an honor to see you! Where are those charming young heroes from UA? I expected them to be here with you."

"They're still recovering. I have them on light duty for the moment," Endeavor replied, coming to a stop at the conference table but not seating himself. Togata took up a position on the other side of the table, and Izuku could feel his tension from how the camera was moving.

"Well, that's fine. Please, have a seat. What can I help you with today?" Hanabata said, sitting and pulling out a pen.

"You can explain this," Endeavor growled, taking out Chikazoku's laptop and setting it on the table. He spun it about, and Izuku knew it showed the page on the MLA registry that identified Hanabata as Trumpet.

"Ah." Hanabata frowned, setting down his pen and setting his hands on the table before him, folding his fingers together. "I see you've found out my little secret. Well. What of it?"

"So you admit to being a member of the MLA?" Togata demanded, slowly moving around the table. The air about him suddenly seemed to distort and crackle. Izuku wondered if he was activating his quirk, but instead of falling into the ground his motions somehow became smoother, more fluid and powerful.

"I am affiliated with that organization, yes," Hanabata agreed. "I am a member of the Free Quirk Party, and our brother organization."

"You're one of their leaders. You're behind the drugs on our streets, and the disaster at Feel Good Inc!" Endeavor roared, his flames flaring and burning a dark red.

"I resent those accusations! What happened at Feel Good can be laid firmly at your feet, Endeavor, not at mine." Hanabata stated calmly. "The Free Quirk Party and the Meta Liberation Army were victims in that incident! Have you come to martyr me, as that murderous child did to poor Skeptic?"

"OH SCREW YOU!" Bakugo roared, loud pops sounding as explosions leapt from his fingers.

"It's alright, Katsuki," Uraraka said gently. "He's going down, just like his friend. At least this time we'll have someone alive."

"Koku Hanabata, I'm placing you under arrest," Endeavor growled.

"On what charge? I have done nothing wrong," Hanabata said as Togata took up a position just behind him.

"Treason, drug trafficking, and a dozen other things," Endeavor stated, pointing a finger wreathed in flame at Hanabata. "Come quietly, or I will use force!"

"Very well, I shall not resist, only state that this is a gross miscarrage of justice," Hanabata said, raising his hands above his head.

Togata grabbed them roughly. "This is better than you deserve, scum! You've caused the deaths of hundreds of innocents!"

"That claim can be laid at your doorstep, you supposed hero. For someone who is supposed to be All Might's heir, you're certainly not living up to it, One For All."

Togata froze, the handcuffs dangling from his fingers inches from Hanabata's wrists.

The other man smiled. "I'd say more, but it seems I'm not the only one recording this little charade. It's a shame Gran Torino died to save you, you're hardly worth it. Well? Are you going to arrest me, or-"

"Shut up!" Togata snarled, springing into sudden motion. He slammed Hanabata's head into the table, hard enough that the man spat out blood and two teeth.

"Togata!" Endeavor shouted. "There is no call for that!"

"Don't you dare say his name like that," Togata rasped, his voice raw with emotion. Water splashed onto the camera, and Izuku realized the older boy was weeping. "Gran Torino was a great hero! I'll live up his legacy, and that of One For All!"

Hanabata didn't speak, only weezing a hoarse laugh. Endeavor and Togata hauled him to his feet, heading for the exit.

"There's holding cells here, but I don't think we can keep him in them," Endeavor said as he reached for the door. "I know a few good police chiefs I trust, we can-"

He opened the door, and lights flashed.

"Freeze! Let the hostage go!"

Togata moved instantly, before the voice even stopped speaking. He dashed forward at inhuman speeds, the image going to a blur. When it stabilized a moment later, it was looking down at a terrified police officer.

"Endeavor, I can't believe this." Togata turned to see a hero in a purple suit with green gloves and cape, along with a black face mask.

"Slindin' Go?" Izuku said, confused. "What's he doing there?"

"Crude force I expect from you, but to lead such a promising young hero down that path? It's shameful," Slindin' Go said, shaking his head.

"Togata, stop! It's a trap!" Endeavor ordered.

Slowly, Togata let the police officer go, gently standing him back up. He looked around, surrounded by armed police, ministry of justice officials, and a handful of heroes. "What's going on? That man, Hanabata, is Trumpet! He's a member of the Meta Liberation Army!"

"That's not a crime," Hanabata wheezed. "The courts ruled against you just this morning. I knew you would come for me. Your reign of terror is at an end, Endeavor."

"What?" Endeavor said, looking baffled and enraged as his flames roared. "No! I'm the Number 1 Hero! I work to maintain the peace! It's criminals like you who-"

"The only criminals here are you and the boy, Endeavor!" Slindin' Go barked. "You obtained an illegal warrant to search Feel Good Inc! You caused mass destruction to justify your raid, then blamed it on innocents!"

"Lies! The Meta Liberation army was responsible! We were there to search for illegal drugs and apprehend their leaders!"

"No drugs were ever found," one of the police said, his tone weary more than anything else. "There's little evidence now that the Meta Liberation army ever made any."

"What? We seized literal tons of drugs from them! Those drugs are dangerous! They overload quirks, even damage or destroy them!" Endeavor snarled as officers moved in to arrest him. Togeta was already being cuffed with special gauntlets, though Izuku had a feeling he could either break them or slip out of them if he so desired.

"The Meta Liberation Army was working under my orders to remove those drugs from the street," Hanabata wheezed, a bloody grin on his face. "Turn that boy's camera off! We'll get the rest of them later. They're probably watching now."

"No," Izuku whispered as the feed cut.

"Togata!" Hari screamed, standing. She whirled, her eyes wide. "We have to help them! The MLA has infiltrated the Ministry of Justice! We have to go rescue Togata and Endeavor!"

"Damn right!" Bakugo growled. "We'll go and-"

"You'll do no such thing!" Aizawa thundered from the door, and everyone turned to look at him.

"I don't know just what's happened yet," Aizawa said grimly. "But we are going back to UA. Right now. Hari, get whoever is back on patrol to return to the school immediately. Something has gone very, very wrong."

"Mr. Aizawa?" Mei asked, sounding panicked. "Those were police! And heroes! They can't be the bad guys, can they?"

A pained look came over Aizawa. "I don't know, Mei. I just don't know. I think Hanabata just played us. I pray he's only got a few cronies at the Ministry. Damnation. This seriously complicates things. Hopefully this all gets straightened out, and soon. But we're going back to the school."

Dread settled on Izuku, and he clung to Mei as they all hurried for the bus to take them back to UA. For the first time, he realized deep in his bones that heroes, even the Number 1, didn't win all the time.