Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School or any of the characters. Danny Phantom is the sole property of Butch Hartman, Nickelodeon and Viacom International and Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School belong to Hanna-Barbera.

A Phantom's Ghoul School Sweetheart

Chapter 31: What a Haunting Heart Wants Part 2

At Fenton Works

While Phanty had been dealing with her own thing, Team Phantom had managed to return back to Fenton Works without much difficulty.

Now, they were all now in Danny's room.

Danny's parents asked where they had been and Danny said that they were watching monster movies.

It might as well been the truth, since he pretty much experienced one today.

Anyway, they were in his room now and Danny was explaining things to them.

"Her dad?..."Tucker asked in a surprised tone when he asked who was the one attacking him.

"Uh-huh...He calls himself THE PHANTOM and seems to think I copied his name...he is also SUPER overprotective about Phantasma and no matter how I tried to explain that I wasn't interest in his daughter, he just chose to blast first and ask questions never..."Danny groaned.

"Ouch..."Tucker said, feeling sympathy for him.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg...'Danny muttered as he began to explain more about his encounter with The Phantom and the kind of power he seems to posses.

"Wow... that's messed up." Tucker said, now worried.

"Her dad sounds like a total nightmare. Coming from someone who likes darkness, that's saying something..." Sam said.

"So you have another enemy..."Jazz said, also worried.

"That's putting it lightly...now, because Phantasma likes me, her father wants to waste me and this guy has a temper that makes Pariah Dark look as scary as Grandpa Fenton napping on the couch..." Danny said, hating this.

He hated to admit it but Phanty's dad is very powerful and intimidating and this is coming from a guy who fights ghosts everyday!

"You still haven't told us how Phantasma managed to kidnap you?..."Sam said, wanting to get to the point.

"She didn't...technically speaking, it was her friends..."Danny sighed.

"Her friends?..."Tucker asked.

Danny explained more and once he was done.

"A VAMPIRE, MUMMY, WEREWOLF AND FRANKENSTEIN GIRL?!..."They all shouted in union, very shocked.

"You're kidding, right?...'Sam asked in disbelief.

"I wish that I wasn't but it's true...the vampire is named Sibella, the mummy is Tannis, the werewolf calls herself Winnie and the Frankenstein girl is called Elsa...they all are pretty much teenage girl versions of classic movie monsters and they are just as warped as Phantasma..."Danny grumbled.

"If it wasn't for the circumstances, I would have found this totally cool..."Sam muttered under her breath, before asking Danny to continue.

"Apparently they used some sort of spell to get me..."He grumbled.

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore..."Danny said.

"Come on little brother, relax...you're home now...You're safe..."Jazz said in a reassuring way.

"Safe?..." Danny said, at first with a low tone.

"Safe!?..."He repeated before his eyes narrowed.

"SAFE!?..."Danny screamed the last word loud enough to startle his friends. Jazz jumped back a bit at her brother's out burst.

"Didn't you guys pay attention to anything I just said?! I just got captured by a group of boy-crazy monster girls who can't tell the difference between a date and abduction! I will never be safe! They can summon me back with a spell or send Phantasma to me whenever they feel like it!..."Danny yelled at them, shocking them.

"Danny, calm down!..."Tucker said.

"I can't! You have no idea what I was put through today!..."Danny shouted.

"We would if you just tell us, come on Danny...we can't help you unless we know all the details...'Jazz reasoned.

Danny groaned as he just flopped on his chair, covering his face with his hands.

"Looks, like it's time for Dr. Jazz..."She said as she sat next to him, but not before grabbing her clipboard.

"OK, little brother I want you to tell me about your last encounter with Phantasma..." Jazz said clicking her pen Danny sighed this was not the first time that Jazz had decided to 'counsel' him and his friends

Sam went through this with being possessed by Undergrowth . Tucker went through this when he had Dulamon's staff and became a power crazy pharaoh

Danny's been through this a couple times already.

The ghost boy sighed as he knew that he couldn't get out of this. Maybe talking about it would help.

"It was like a nightmare! I ended up being restrained in a chair from the Spanish inquisition..."Danny started.

"Phantasma did what?!..."Sam said, looking furious now.

"I am officially no longer feeling sorry for this girl..."Sam said.

"She didn't...technically...I ended up there by accident...sort of...anyway, while I was restrained, Phantasma assaulted me with kisses after kisses. And guess what? Not only does she like me, but her vampire friend does as well!..."Danny said in exasperation.

"Two monster girls have a thing for him?..."Tucker thought.

He didn't know where to pity Danny or feel jealous again.

"Grimwood is crazy! The entire house is something from horror movies! The students are even crazier. They even have a pet dragon, a moat with a two headed shark in it and a floating hand butler that has an attitude..."Danny continued to describe his experience.

If anyone else ever heard this, they would have thought that he was insane and ship him off to an asylum, but his friends and sister knew that they is no such things as TOO insane, given the kind of life that they live.

"I heard that boarding school kids can be pretty out there, especially if the opposite gender ain't around, but Grimwood sounds like a whole new level..."Tucker commented.

"You can say that again..."Danny muttered

He then explained how Phantasma kept making out with him, kissing him and calling him a bunch of goofy pet names.

"She...she didn't do more than just kissing, did she?..."Jazz asked worried.

Sam and Tucker heard this and looked surprised. Then worried.

Danny shook his head.

"No, she said she wanted to wait for marriage for that..."Danny said and the others were relieved.

"All she did to me when I was restrained was kiss me, call me a bunch of weird per names and-

Danny blushed when he recalled another thing that Phanty did to him, but his friends and sisters look curious.

"And what?..."Sam asked, looking jealous.

"Footsies..."Danny blushed as he looked away, as the memory came back.


"Pucker up, cutie..."Phanty said before she started kissing him like a mad woman.

After fifteen minutes of lip-on-lip action, she cupped his face and started peppering it with her kisses.

"I got to get out of here!..."He thought in desperation as he tried struggling again before Phanty started lip locking again.

Danny was rocking back and forth with the chair. He barely had any luck getting it to move. Eventually, he managed to rock the chair back to far and found himself on his back. The chair slapped upside the head for this.

"Ow...."Danny hissed in pain,

He thought his luck couldn't get any worse, till he here a cackling laugh.

"Having fun?..." Phanty asked as she floated a little to see him face to face.

"A barrel..." Danny deadpanned.

Phanty didn't register his sarcasm.

"You know what would be more fun?..." Phanty asked in a mischievous tone.

Danny didn't like the way she said that...

"What are you thinking?..."Danny asked, nervous now.

"You'll see, sweetie..just sit back and relax..."Phanty giggled.

"Like I have a choice..."Danny thought sarcastically.

Danny felt his shoes and socks being removed.

"Hey! What are you doing?..."Danny said as he tried to look, but he found out what she had in mind, when he saw that she was beginning to take her white boots off.

"Footsies? Really?..."Danny said incredulously.

Phanty just cackled even louder and blushing, and Danny flushed deeply when he felt a ghostly pair of feet pressed against his, with Phanty's toes wiggling and slipping between his.

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHA! H-HEY! THAT TICKLES!..."Danny laughed as the ghostly girl continued with this act.

"HAHAHAHA!..."He kept laughing. He can't control it.

His feet were particularly ticklish, which gave Phanty a different idea.

" I'm glad you're enjoying it...I thought this would be something we should do as a couple..."Phanty said as she continued with her actions.

This lasted for a full ten minutes before Phanty decided to do the next step, as she floated to be literally on top of him, her toes still wiggling in his, making him laugh even more, before he was silence with more of her kisses.

End of Flashback

Danny was blushing red as he shook the memory away.

"Footsies?..."Tucker said.

"A-Anyway, after about an hour, I managed to get away by telling them that I had to go to the bathroom..."Danny said, omitting the bit about having to ASK the chair to let him go, since even he still couldn't believe it.

"I tried to find the exit but got so hungry that I nearly passed out...and when I thought I found the kitchen..." Danny stopped there. He remembered the potion and what it did to him, but he said too much and piqued his friend's and sister's curiosity.

" And when you thought you found the kitchen, what?..." Sam asked suspiciously.

Danny blushed a deep red. He did not want to talk about it, but it may have been pointless to hide it. Less ammunition for Phanty to use later.

"It..turned out to be a lab..." Danny mumbled the last part, but everyone heard him.

"Danny, what did you do...?" Jazz held onto her brother in concern.

"I...I took a drink of something there. It turned out to be monster punch, but it made me loopy. And I may have...made out with Phantasma...and given her a hickey..." Danny sheepishly said, he did not grin.

Sam was too angry to think, while Tucker stood there in shock. Jazz had no idea what to say.

"YOU DID WHAT?!..." Sam screamed.

"S-Sam..."Danny stuttered but Sam kept yelling at him.

"She kidnapped you and you gave her a HICKEY!?..."The goth girl screamed.

Sam's freaked everyone and Danny took cover behind Jazz.

"Uh..Sam..." Jazz deadpanned. "Danny said he drank some kind of potion..."She pointed out.

Sam and Jazz stared at one another in stubbornness. Sam did want to admit how her feelings for Danny were affecting her mood right now. And Jazz was protecting her little brother.

There was suddenly a knock on the door.

"Kids, what's going on in there? I heard yelling..."Maddie said on the other side.

"Uh...nothing more...we're just...debating over the movie we saw.."Jazz said, using the lie used earlier.

"Alright, but use your in door voices..."Maddie said, before she walked away.

Once she was gone, Jazz turned to a still embarrassed Danny.

"Now, what about the whole thing with you acting like you like her back?..." Jazz asked.

Danny sighed as he decided to get it over with.

"As I said, It all happened after that weird drink called Monster Punch..." Danny said. "I'm positive it had to be some kind of love potion..."He said.

"Go on..."Jazz said.

"We...kissed...a lot..I said a lot of sappy stuff to her and ended up leaving that hickey on her neck and I basically acted like some lovesick fool for almost half an hour before it wore off, but the damage is done..."Danny groaned.

"What else happened?..."Jazz inquired.

"Phantasma said that she loves me..."Danny said.

"Wait, what?.." Sam said with wide eyes.

"I am not kidding, she said "I love you"...when I tried to let her down ,telling her that I didn't feel the same way, she just thinks that I was being shy about my feelings! I tried to explain to her that it was the potion but she says that it's not a love potion, it's just a party drink but I know that it had to have been what made me act like that, it just has to ..."Danny said as he didn't dare tell them about the french kissing.

He wants to retain some dignity here.

"Are you sure?" Tucker asked.

"What are you implying?..."Danny asked while Sam glared at the tech geek.

"You did make out with her..."Tucker said with a smirk.

"Because of the monster punch..."Danny said.

"But you just said that Phantasma told you that it doesn't affect people like that and even so...I gotta ask…did you liked it?..."Tucker asked with a sly look.

Danny sat up straight. He was going to berate his friend for suggesting that he enjoyed kissing a ghost with a snow white hair that a beautiful blue streak and—

"Wait, What am I thinking?..." Danny thought to himself.


"You are mine, forevermore..."She said as she kissed him on the lips, three times.

Once done, she looked into his blue eyes once more.

"And I am yours...For eternity..."Phanty declared, before smooching him again.

As Phanty continued her onslaught of affection, Danny had a blush growing on his face when he felt her tongue trying to gain access again.

"This is a nightmare!..."He thought as he tried to keep his mouth firmly shut, while his "girlfriend" kept smooching him.

However, Phantasma was relentless and got more aggressive with her kissing until she squeezed him hard enough with her hugging, which made him gasp a bit and gave her the chance to french him again.

He had been in shock the last time and had pretty much been catatonic during and after the kiss, but now he was fully aware as the ghoul continued to claim his mouth again.

Though, the moment she did, he paused...and not due to shock as he began to register this as he is no longer in shock.

"This... doesn't feel so bad, for some reason... He admitted.

True, Danny didn't have that much experience kissing girls besides Valerie and the time he did a 'Fake out make out' with Sam but this wasn't so bad as he previously thought. He just wished that she could ease up a bit and actually bother to ask for his consent.

"It's weird but her lips are cool, like an autumn breeze and her kisses taste like licorice..."He thought in a strange way as he briefly stopped resisting.

When she had pulled away to allow him to breath, Danny ended up looking at her, he noticed that the moon had just come out and it is full...and the light is reflecting over the translucent ghoul...making her hair practically sparkly in this light.

He just stared into her eyes.

Her odd, scary... pretty eyes.

"Huh?..."He thought

"Phantasma?..." He asked calmly.

"Yes, my spectral sweetheart...?"Phanty asked with a giggle.

Danny however shook his head, snapping out of...whatever the heck he has just been in.

"Never mind..."He said.

"What was that?" Danny thought. "A trick of the light?"

Danny didn't want to admit it, but for that one moment, Phantasma looked beautiful in the moonlight. The ghost boy would never admit this out loud, but he now didn't seem to mind being kissed by Phanty.

Phanty just cackled loudly again.

"AHAHAHAHA! Well, if you got nothing to say, I know what else we can use your mouth for!..."She said coyly and she puckered up.

The moment passed

Danny panicked again when he saw that glint in her eyes and her puckered lips.

"Uh... uh oh..."Danny panicked again.

"Uh...on second thought-..."He was silenced when she forcefully held onto his face, giggling the entire time.

"Pucker up, lover boy..Ready... set..."She went before making her move.

"Not again..."Danny thought as the the ghoul engaged in another assault of kisses.

End Of Flashback

Danny shook his head away at the memory. He blamed that brief moment as residual effect from that monster punch that had obviously affected him that way.

"This is nuts! She kidnapped me and assaulted me with kisses...that taste like licorice..."He thought before becoming frustrated and groaning.

Danny shook his head, trying to shake away the strange thoughts.

"Danny?..."Tucker questioned, before Danny shot up and started speaking again.

"There is no way I have any interest in her!..."Danny said insistingly.

"I mean, she seems nice, like, enough to consider as a friend. But she's way too clingy and I'm totally sick of that laugh... Plus, we literally come from two different worlds..."Danny said.

"I'm just saying, what if the potion isn't why-"

He's smacked in the head by Sam.

"Just let Danny finish..."She said.

They expected him to but Danny yawned as he was both physically, mentally and emotionally spent right now.

"I'm just exhausted guys...I just wanna go to sleep now and put this whole day behind me..."Danny admitted.

"Alright...well, talk more tomorrow...hopefully we'll figure out more about what to do with Phantasma..."Jazz said.

Danny yawned as he watched his friends and sister leave, before he found himself falling asleep, still worried about the implications of today.

'The monster punch had to have made me act that way...right?..."He thought to himself, in worry.

Those were his last thoughts before his exhaustion made him sleep.

-To be continued-

Next time on A Phantom's Ghoul School Sweetheart

What a Haunting Heart Wants Part 3

A/N(1): Special thanks to BeConFuzzeld Writer, NeoMark and 61394 and for helping me out here. You guys rule :)

A/N(2): Special mention to Jebest4781 for writing 25 reviews in a row!

REPLIES to my loyal and totally awesome reviewers:

Wiseguy2415:I see...

Danifan3000: So it seems...

Phantom Fan 21: We shall see what the future has in store for these two...

BeConFuzzled Writer: How's this? Also, thanks again for your help :)

Invader Johnny: Uh-huh...

Dreams Come True 996: Thank you :)

As for Sam, I think that the gothic part of her would be fangirling since she has made it clear that she loves spooky stuff like that, but as for food and the girl's habits, she would probably have her hands full dealing with that.

:) I hope you enjoyed this! Remember to read and review :)