Hey Guys! I apologize again for the long wait, mainly due to the fact that my family has been my main priority as of now which because of it, I've been SUPER BUSY. Not to mention that collage has been relentless with me dealing with homework, projects, events, you name it.

So...yeah...haven't had much time to get back to doing my story which once again has been left away for a while now...again.

Which actually leads to my next announcement as I've decided to re do The King's Reign of Destruction from scratch because...I absolutely hated my old work and I know I could just re edit the previous chapters, but with how collage and my family have been...that's not going to be happening. That was led me to coming to this decision and one thing to note is...I'm not alone this time around!

One of the friends I made while at UNLV turned out to also be doing stories here on FF as well! In case you guys don't know, you'll probably know him as Multi-Anime-Lover who actually has one of my favorite stories as of now which is A Saiyan's Journey!

Except I haven't favorite or followed his story so don't tell him that I-


Multi-Anime-Lover: I know now!

What!? Where did you come from!?

Multi-Anime-Lover: What else do you think? I came because I wanted to join in on this re do of your story!

Well I...I know that but...I didn't expect you to come so early.

Multi-Anime-Lover: I like coming early, so now you know!

Good to know...anyway, with all that said, my buddy here is going to be helping out with writing the newer version of The King's Reign of Destruction!

Multi-Anime-Lover: That's right folks! We present to you the prologue of the revamped version of The King's Reign of Destruction!

...you just repeated what I said and...did you really have to say "That's right folks"?

Multi-Anime-Lover: What? I like Looney Tunes so the moment I heard Porky Pig say-

I know what he says which I'm sure everyone knows that saying, but that's just so...

Multi-Anime-Lover: Cliche?

I was gonna say boring, but I guess that's more nicer.

Multi-Anime-Lover: Well, it ain't my fault that I-

Can we just move on now and give the people the story!?

Multi-Anime-Lover: Alright, alright...go right ahead.

*sigh* With that pointless rambling over, here's the prologue of The King's Reign of Destruction from me and my bud, Multi-Anime-Lover!

The King's Reign of Destruction (Re-Done)


The Awakening of a King!

We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita: Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Oppenheimer, August 6th, 1945

For many years...people have said that the Grand Line was a sea of pure terror and destruction whether it be the monstrous Sea Kings or the rapid change of the weather in mere seconds. Only the bravest of people dared to sail in such a sea and even if they could endure the condition's the Grand Line had...the New World was an entirely new story.

However...there was one man that had been able to do the impossible that none had been able to do...conquered both the Grand Line and the New World all together and he had achieved it all.

Wealth...Fame...Power...this were the things that everyone knew he had gained. The man had been known to the world as Gold Roger or more specifically Gol D. Roger who a select few knew about.

Unbeknownst to everyone however, even the infamous Whitebeard was that the King of Pirates had encountered something during the time he had been alive...a creature of insurmountable power that had been asleep for many decades...a creature...of Power.

Thus we will be talking about the day that Gol D. Roger would set a change of events after his encounter with the creature that gained the title...of The King of Monsters.

-The Grand Line...

It was a stormy day, the most dangerous that had ever been seen before on the Grand Line and in the middle of this chaotic weather was Gol D. Roger who sailed through it alongside his crew with some trouble, but with ease at the same time.

Roger stood on the Main Deck of his ship, smiling his big grin as he watched his crew working about keeping everything in control, waves slamming into the ship that drenched the crew in it.

A crew member yelled in distress over the harsh weather, "Captain! Couldn't we have gone around this storm!?"

Roger looked over and simply laughed, "Why? Going through such a storm makes things more energetic! I can't ignore an opportunity for excitement!"

The crew member looked in disbelief before immediately getting back to work, drenched once again by the sea.

As Roger saw him get back to work, the King turned his attention to his Right Hand Man who was steering their ship through the storm, "What about you Rayleigh? Do you feel the same way?"

His Right Hand Man, Rayleigh chuckled at the question, "Of course, ever since we first formed our crew, excitement seems to always come to us!"

Roger laughed in delight, patting him on the back, "I knew I made the right decision of making you my Right Hand man!"

Rayleigh simply smiled, he couldn't deny that joining Roger on this crazy, exciting adventure definitely gave him the rush of adventure. That was one of the many decisions he never regretted in his entire life of being apart of the Roger Pirates.

His thoughts however were interrupted as the voice of Shanks up above the Crow's Nest yelled of incoming danger, "Captain! Marine Ships up the starboard bow!"

Roger raised an eyebrow before pulling out his telescope and looked out, seeing the trouble Shanks saw. A total of five Marine Ships were seen sailing towards his ship, grin growing even more at the sight.

Roger laughed, "Looks like we're getting even more excitement! Men, prepare for battle, we got us Marines to deal with!"

Even in such conditions, everyone roared in acknowledgement, immediately heading to their stations to prepare for the incoming battle.

Rayleigh smirked, looking to Roger who was always delighted at the sight of Marines to fight, "Looks like the Marines even in these conditions will come after you no matter what!"

The captain looked to him with his smirk never leaving, "Indeed! And I can't wait for the action to begin!"

Showing such a feeling, Roger pulled out his sword and was already prepared for them to come. At the same time, Shanks came on down with an excited smirk showing, taking his own sword out as well.

Rayleigh noticed the smirk and chuckled, "Ready for some action also?"

Shanks looked back to him and smiled, "Of course! This gives me a chance to shine against the Marines and show them what I'm made of!"

The Right Hand man smirked, not denying that he enjoyed the high spirited attitude Shanks seemed to always have.


The ship rocked as the sounds of cannonballs was heard being fired from the Marine ships leading everyone to prepare themselves for the oncoming battle. Roger stepped forward with his sword at the ready, prepared to lead his crew into battle with Rayleigh following suite after asking a crew member to take over.

Roger pointed his sword into the air, an excited smirk seen by everyone, "Alright men! Prepare for-"

He and Rayleigh's eyes widened in shock, suddenly feeling an immense pressure coming their way from the right side thanks to their Haki and it was massive! It was impossible...this pressure far outmatched some of Roger's rivals! Even Whitebeard was no where near this size of power!

The crew happened to notice their shocked expressions, the two looking towards where they felt it coming from, "Rayleigh...can you feel that?"

Rayleigh swallowed in disbelief, "I do...I've never felt such immense power before."


Another cannonball landed near the ship and to everyone's eyes, the sea seemed to be forming the thing that the power was coming from. Soon after, a massive explosion of water followed suite, covering from their view whatever it was.

-Earlier (With the Marine Ships)

As their ships sailed closer after seeing Roger's ship upfront, every soldier on all the ships prepared for battle, running all over preparing the canons, getting their weapons and planning their attack.

While this all happened, the leader of the current attack, Vice Admiral Momonga stood at the Main Deck, his sights never leaving Roger's ship as it slowly got closer towards them.

The Marine Captain of the ship appeared before him and saluted, "Vice Admiral Momonga, what are our plans to attack?"

Momonga looked to the captain because of the question, "Inform the ships on the left and right sides to block any kind of escape, we'll trap Roger between our ships and take him out as such."

The Captain nodded, "Yes Sir!"

He ran off to the Transponder Snail to inform the ships of the plan, while Momonga looked to his men preparing the cannons, "Start firing at Roger's ship! We have to make sure he has no chance of retaliating against us!"

The men saluted before firing upon Roger with cannonballs left and right in an attempt to potentially sink his ship. It seemed that the relenting assault from their cannons was working.

As the ships continued getting closer to board Roger's, something had caught the Vice Admiral's attention as a massive explosion of water appeared some distance from Roger's ship. That was strange...their cannonballs weren't able to make such a size like that besides the Marine Hero Garp who threw cannonballs of massive proportions.

One of the soldiers who was nearby noticed it as well, "W-What is that? Was that from one of our cannons?"

The Vice Admiral was about to answer when-


A roar unlike anything that had ever been heard, it was...monstrous and it felt like...pure...rage.

While the explosion of water disappeared, the storm was able to hide most of it's appearance as the only things that was visible to Momonga and his men was the bright orange glowing eyes and completely white dorsal spines sprouting out of it's back.

Soon however, it's spines flashed for a second, before becoming a bright blue and that same glow could be seen coming from what they could see be it's mouth.

What happened next however...shook the very core of every marine who's attention was now on the creature.

A giant blue beam of pure energy went flying towards one of the ships and to the terror of Momonga and his crew-


Completely decimated it in one fell swoop, leaving only bits and pieces of burnt wood which was the only thing left.

Momonga and the others couldn't believe their eyes...never having seen such destructive power!

The Vice Admiral's entire body shook in fear, his face being drenched now with a mix of rain and sweat, W-What kind of abomination is that? How...How can something like that...exist!?


Once again they heard the mighty roar of the creature that was still somewhat hidden in the storm. Momonga knew what they had to do...their original goal was to take down Roger here and now, but with the appearance of this creature, he wasn't going to risk his men for what was now a suicide mission.


The Captain nodded immediately, "Y-Y-YES SIR!"

Running for the Transponder Snail, Momonga's ship alongside the others quickly turned around as fast as they could, attempting to escape from the beast.

Unfortunately for them, the creature was far from done...it was going to make sure that no one, especially humans would ever survive an encounter from him.

Dorsal spines flashed and glowed once more a bright blue, before unleashing the blue beam of destruction at the ships. One by one, the beam destroyed the ships, killing all the marines on their respective ships.

Momonga could only watch in horror and the last thing he saw before his ship was engulfed were the orange colored eyes which showed only rage in it's eyes.

In one swift motion, all five ships that had originally been here for Roger was completely wiped out...seemingly leaving no survivors.


-Present (Roger's Ship)

Roger and his crew could only stare in disbelief as this massive creature of unimaginable sizes decimated the fleet of Marine Ships with little to no trouble at all. Even Rayleigh looked on shocked at the sight, for the first time feeling fear creeping up his spine after the display of destructive power.

Surprisingly however, Roger was the only one who didn't feel as much fear unlike his crew, although he was sweating quite a bit that mixed with the rain pouring from above.

But there was one thing even the King of Pirates knew...there was no way they could potentially deal with such a beast. Thanks to his Haki and the fact it was only a few feet away from them, he got a good look of what this beast looked like.

It seemed to be nearly 55 meters tall which made giant's look like ants while it's skin was completely black with sharp claws at the end of it's hands. The waist of the creature was rather slim which possibly meant it was potentially fast and as he had seen before, it's back had complete white Dorsal Spines that were spiky.

But what really made Roger know that this beast was nothing ever seen before was it's eyes...all he could feel from them was an unimaginable rage never felt before in his entire life. Not to mention it's aura was even more massive than the moment he felt it coming.

A low growl was soon heard coming from it as it seemed like it was now satisfied with the outcome, the creature beginning to slowly dive into the sea. The crew besides Roger and Rayleigh looked on in relief as the creature didn't seem to-

"Why has everyone gotten queit all of-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Buggy yelled in a mix of terror, fear and shock.

The creature stopped from submerging, tilting it's head back towards Roger's ship hearing the clown's disbelief after exiting his room.

Fear immediately returned to the crew as the creature slowly approached the ship to the terror of the majority of them. Even Shanks looked on in fear, stumbling onto his ass and slowly crawled away in an attempt to get away.

To their surprise however as the creature was right beside them, it looked down at them but it's attention wasn't on the crew...but on Roger instead. The captain stared into it's orange eyes, still sensing the rage from them but now what also felt like...respect?

The creature looked down at Roger with a mild respect...while it despised the humans immensely, it couldn't deny that this human in particular had a strong aura. Needless to say, the creature never thought it possible for a human to posses, but here Roger was showing the impossible to it.

For the only time that it had done, the creature let Roger and his crew be, in a way to show it's respect for a human with such a strong aura. As it had planned to do earlier, slowly submerged down into the sea...leaving a visibly shook crew alone in the storm that seemed to have calmed down slightly with the creature gone now.

With the creature long gone, it didn't take long for almost the entire crew the brutally beatdown Buggy, nearly getting them all killed because of his stupidity. That left Roger, Rayleigh and Shanks where they were, the trio slowly regaining themselves.

Shanks was especially mortified from the experience, "J-Just...w-what the...h-h-hell was...t-that?"

Rayleigh just stared at the red head boy with disbelief showing, "I...I have no idea...what that...thing was."

The Right Hand man looked to Roger who stood there with a serious look, staring out at the sea of where the creature submerged back into it.

"What do you think that was?" Rayleigh asked him, crossing his arms.

Roger looked towards him, an unsure look shown on his face, "I'm as clueless as you are...what I do know however...is that our world...might potentially become...far worse than even the World Government could handle.

It was this moment here that Roger and his crew were the first group of people to have survived an encounter with the creature that had obtained the title of King of Monsters and Destroyer of Worlds.

-Marineford (A Few Hours Later...)

Marine Headquarters was on high alert after Sengoku had just learned some rather fearful news after losing contact with the fleet of ships that had been sent to go after Roger who had been spotted nearby earlier.

It was then an hour later after the fleet had been sent that the connection to them had been disconnected for an unknown reason thus the Fleet Admiral sent a rescue party to the last known coordinates before losing connection. When they arrived, all that had been left was burnt debris of the ships and only one marine that had somehow survived the destruction.

Two hours later, the rescue team returned and the surviving marine turned out to be Vice Admiral Momonga who was in a condition that was possibly the worst ever injuries Sengoku had seen.

The Vice Admiral's body was completely red that made it seem like he had been burned alive, not to mention that nearly his entire left side was completely gone, leaving only bare flesh which was sizzling from the after effects of surviving the blue beam.

And that was what troubled Sengoku the most...the creature...he remembered Momonga mutter monster over and over in a fearful tone...the Vice Admiral was completely broken from the outcome.

The Fleet Admiral after hearing this was in discomfort as the description of this creature was far beyond anything that had ever been recorded in history. They needed to figure out what this thing was...before it could cause any more trouble.

Sitting nearby in front of Sengoku's desk, Garp sat who as usual had a bag of rice cookies in his hand, but worry showed on his features as well, "Any idea of potentially whatever this...thing is?"

The Fleet Admiral shook his head, "No...from what I could gather...nothing of what was described by Momonga from what I could tell matches none of the Sea Kings that had been recorded."

Garp looked down to the floor, taking a bite of a ricecake, clearly distressed that there was nothing that was recorded matched what this...thing did.

The doors that led into the room opened, the two looked to see that Admiral Aokiji arrive and his face clearly showed he indeed knew what had just occurred with Momonga's fleet that went after Roger.

"I heard what had happened to Momonga and his crew...I've never heard of such a destructive creature before that could do such things," Aokiji told them.

Sengoku sighed in worry, "Indeed...I was afraid that this might happen...but I never expected that...he would show up."

Both Aokiji and Garp looked to Sengoku in confusion, "He?"

Sengoku pulled one of his drawer and grabbed what appeared to be a rather old and worn out book of some kind, "Yes...it was over ten thousand years ago that he had first arrived in our world...and this book here that was given to me by the previous Fleet Admiral will explain exactly what we're dealing with."

Eyes widened in shock as Garp and Aokiji never knew that he had heard of such a thing, but turned their attention to the book as Sengoku opened it to reveal pictures of what appeared to be a giant black skinned reptilian creature of some kind.

Needless to say...the pictures of the creature made their worries grow more, "What...is that?"

"These...are pictures of a monster that appeared as I said ten thousand years ago who had been known to leave destruction anywhere he went," Sengoku explained, "While I didn't believe it at first as I assumed this to be just a story of some kind, soon found this book to tell truth after seeing the condition of Momonga after the team rescued him."

The Fleet Admiral gripped his other hand in anger, praying that he would never come back and cause the same destruction again...but fate had planned for him to return once again.

Garp had completely forgotten about his ricecakes, putting them to the side and walked over to know exactly what he was, "Sengoku...what exactly is this...thing?"

Sengoku begrudgingly looked up to meet Garp's eyes, "This thing...is something that everyone in the Marines need to know."

Aokiji who stood beside Garp nodded, "Got it...what do you want us to tell them?"

The Fleet Admiral closed his eyes, "Tell them to be on the look out...for the creature that has returned after being gone for ten thousand years...the creature that gained the title of King Of Monster-Godzilla."

To Be Continued...

Next Time

The King's Reign of Destruction (Re-Done)

Chapter 1

Godzilla Attacks! Fate Altered!

Hope you guys enjoyed the prologue done by me-

Multi-Anime-Lover:And me mostly!

Riiight...anyway, leave a review down below of what you guys thought of it and we'll see you all in Chapter 1!

Multi-Anime-Lover: In the mean time, me and my bud got a project to do!