A/N: Sorry about TND my dear followers, but hopefully this will make up for my four month neglect.

Chapter One: Really, Kaachan

Izuku Midoriya, fourteen years old, was writing in his journal, one that is titled, in his own handwriting. He was writing down his observation from this morning, a villain attack involving the debut of a new hero, Mt. Lady. The rest of his class, 3-A of Aldera Junior High School, was quite rowdy though.

"Alright, alright! Calm down, students! I know you're all excited for the end of the year." the teacher said in an attempt to calm the energetic teens. "Graduation is just around the corner. You all need to start thinking about your future endeavors. Ah, who are we kidding, you've all got your eyes on the hero course, right!?"

He had finally gotten them to calm them down, only for all of them to activate their quirks and got rowdy. Again.

"Don't lump them with the likes of me and my Izukun!" Screamed a blonde bombshell of a firecracker. Katsuki Bakugou was a very pretty girl with short sandy blonde hair and a very soft face that went with her petite figure well.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya is wanting to go to UA as well, is that right?"

Izuku looked up from his writing, only to see a blonde missile launch towards him. He felt arms and legs wrap around him and deep crimson eyes looking into his with a lustfully proud look.

"Good job, Izukun. Now why don't we ditch these extras and I can give you a pre-graduation celebration" Katsuki then moved in for a kiss with her eyes closed...only to be met with a taste of scaley palm.

Izuku Midoriya

Quirk: Dragon Slayer; He can eat fire, and use it from his hands, feet, and lungs. To protect his limbs, he also has red scales on his hands and feet.

"Kaachan, I know you like me, and you're my very best friend, but what did I say about saying stuff like that?" Izuku spoke with exasperation.

Katsuki then pouted. "Not to in public. But it's your fault more than mine! When you got your quirk, I just couldn't help it! You were so cool with it, even if your personality didn't match. It just made you cuter. And then you got beaten with a puberty tree, not stick, and you got hot! It was kind of hard not to be that way around you."

As Katsuki continued her rant, Izuku's face turned bright red, which triggered his quirk causing his breath to light his head on fire. "REALLY, KAACHAN!?"

The bell finally rang, saving Izuku and signalling the end of class at the same time. Katsuki just walked out, glancing at him with a sultry smirk before leaving the classroom with her smartphone in her hand.

At the same time, Izuku got a message. It was from Kaachan. His blush didn't stop. In fact, it got brighter. "REALLY, KAACHAN!?"

A/N: Sorry my followers, I didn't mean to leave you guys hanging on TND and then slapping you with a MHA one on top of that. To be honest, I wasn't expecting the positive feedback on it. It is my first story after all. I was half expecting a thorough ass reaming with how bad some of you would call my story.

Now that the apologies are out of the way time for some rules regarding this particular story:

1) Izuku (I will not call him Deku. It is an insult and should not have become something positive) will not receive OFA.

2) Fem! Katsuki is OOC and very thirsty for Izuku.

3) It is a harem w/some trans girls.

4) Flames, as always, will be ignored

5) Izuku was never bullied because he was never quirkless. Because of this, his positive influence on Katsuki lowered her arrogance to believing that she is strong but there are always people stronger than her, including Izuku, who will be at Natsu's level right around the Grand Magic Games arc. But she is still just Bakubitch (I don't like the original) with a softer side, and one that the thirst is real.

6) The only Fairy Tail elements are Izuku's quirk (Fire Dragon Slayer magic), Hisashi's Hero Name (Igneel, the Dragon who taught Natsu), and Fem!Shouto's personality after the Sports Festival (basically Izuku's own Juvia[God I love her])

And now for the Harem List:



3)Shouko (Fem!Shouto)



6)Tooru (Best Girl! Also Trans Headcannon)







13)Kyouka (2nd Best Girl)

14)Whoever is highly recommended