author's note: Hey guys. This is my VERY FIRST FANFIC in my entire life. Now question; do you like Oregairu? do you like the Toaru series? do you like their two best bois? Well, I decided to write a fanfic about this because there is only ONE crossover(at least in this site) and the author picked him as the protag? Not shitting on the fanfic or anything the only complaint I have til now is why pick him and not HIM. There are so many similarities between two best bois yet how come NO ONE thought of this idea? That is why I take it upon myself and write this to satisfy my fantasies and hopefully to the readers. Please give me your opinions on the reviews and help me make this story better.
Now there are 2 things I would like to mention:
-This takes place after the athletic festival. which means it's between after season one and before season 2 of Oregairu
-certain events, character personalities, and settings are inspired by the Toaru fanfic A Certain Infinite Possibilities written by Darkbetrayer so I recommend reading that first before reading this though I will write some short summaries of the events in that story but still read it. It's really good though it's long as fuck so if you have the time and commitment do so, please.
Rated M for strong language and maybe some sexual content just in case I'm in the mood for it
A Certain Scientific Loner Chapter 1: Dreams of a Certain Loner
No, I'm not talking about ambition, goal or any shit like that. You guys already know my dream is to become a househusband who is so loyal to his partner like my husbando Speedwagon(1), give life lessons like my best bro Reigen(2), and cook so good like my babe Souma(3)...wait what? I think I'm starting to question my sexuality right now. goddamnit Totsuka-tan it's your fault you're so beautiful yet you're a guy but still want to stick my-
ooookkkaaayyy gotta stop myself there
ANYWAYSSS, where was I? oh yeah dreams. what I'm talking about is the series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. They are an enduring source of mystery for scientists and psychological doctors. Some say that it can help you in developing long-term memories, lasts between 5 to 20 minutes per dream, and around 95% of dreams are forgotten when the dreamer is awake.
Source: Google and
Yeah, that's right I searched that shit even though I don't like science that much. Interesting topic but I still prefer Japanese history any day as I am a proud Japanese patriot! After all, I like my waifu Oda Nobuna(4). That blonde hair and pretty face and those big and perfect breast and curves. I really wanna stick my-
Back to the subject at hand. Dreams are as mundane as taking a shower, eating breakfast, jogging outdoors(lol as if I would do that. I love biking). We tend to forget about dreams because there's nothing wrong with them and it's just as normal as those raijuu bastards littering around society. Why exactly do we dream, I wonder? No one really knows. Maybe because we are entering our minds and we looked into our deepest wishes and desires? Because it's access to different dimensions? Is it to see the future? To reflect one's unconscious mind? The reason is unknown and may not be discovered for a very long time. Will scientists find out before judgment day? Or are they just gonna ignore and conclude that dreams are just how they are for human minds, just like raijuu fuckers ignore loners like me and conclude that we are just creeps that don't belong to society.*sigh* why do people accept those dumbasses?
Even if I hate science and math, the one thing I like about it is that they help us in finding the most logical and/or factual answers. Sure, you would get fed up to shit on how long it would take to answer each problem and might get wrong answers because there is an error in the formula, and it's gonna take a LONG time to understand the lectures. But math and science is a process of trial and error. We do it again and again until we get the right answers. We can even relate the two subjects in real-life society and no! I'm not talking about engineering and shit like that. I'm talking about how we could use trial and error to understand the people we talk to. Their attitude, intentions, expressions, and more.
What I'm trying to say is that I try my hardest to analyze the facade of youth and look into the abyss of truth. No matter how tedious or how weary I get, I won't bother giving an inch of their ass a kiss until I know their fucking business. Unlike these raijuus that are too FUCKING LAZY TO PUT AN EFFORT IN UNDERSTANDING OTHERS! And that's coming from me of all people! Bunch of fakers
Anyways, why am I talking about dreams you ask? Well, there is this dream I had which revolves around a certain cute little kid with hazelnut short hair and is wearing nothing but a blanket covering her little body. NOW! don't get me wrong I'm not a lolicon that fantasizes creepy shit like that. I like the more older types, foreigners. hmmm maybe European? Yeah like European onee-san type with short, silvery hair with weird horn-like accessory behind her ears...
Okay, what the actual fuck was that? Horns? European? Onee-san? Since when did I have a thing for those? Shit, the Onee-san thing is definitely from that she-devil. Her with those calculating seduction and manipulation and that fucking facade of hers is messing with my head now. You gotta do something about her Yukinoshita or else I might succumb to that human succubus! And where did the horns come from? Am I having a demon fetish or something? Highly unlikely since I don't like Yukinoshita Haruno so what gives?
And that kid. I don't know her but she is cute but not as cute as my beloved imouto...I'm not a siscon either. Although even when I said that she is not the cutest, she looks very... important to me. Same with the weird description of a girl. It's like I know who I'm talking about and It's like she's my first love or something. Even though my first love is Yu- okay stop right there Hachiman don't go there just yet.
And this is where the weirdest part kicks in. This dream I felt too real. Now there are occurrences where people experience dreams that feel real but this is different. It's like a memory, a memory that I would oddly treasure...
"But there is nowhere else Misaka can go," says Misaka as Misaka doesn't give up hope.
Who is that kid? And what's with that speech pattern?
I'm gonna brush it off for a while. That dream may be important but not as important as my precious SUNDAY! YES! No school, finished my homework, no club activities, at home with my dear Komachi-chan. My only time of peace. Now time to wash up and eat breakfast. As I went to the bathroom I washed up, brushed my teeth and look at the mirror
Clean face: Check!
Clean teeth: Check!
Messy hair: Check!
Signature ahoge: Check!
RED dead-fish eyes: Check!
All good and ready to check my imouto to see if she- HOLD ON A SEC. I check the mirror again to see my face...
red eyes?! How...wha-...why.. who what where when and why?(5).
Are my eyes bleeding? Am I having sore eyes? No, my eyes don't feel itchy. and the redness is not in the eyeball but in my iris.
"Onii-chan?! What's wrong?! Is something-"
I look at my imouto who just barged in the bathroom. I guess I didn't lock the door. Well, it's not like Komachi would do anything bad and my parents are little to non-existent in this house so I sometimes didn't bother locking. Anyway, I look at her and she saw my eyes. She looked shocked and...sad?
"So you're turning back to normal..." Komachi mumbled but I heard it loud and clear.
"what do you mean 'normal'?"
"Eh? Uhhh n-no, nothing! Anyways what happened to your eyes? you look like a vampire!" She said with an unconvincing tone but decided to play along with it.
"A vampire? really?" I said deadpanned but there is a certain rage in it...strange.
"UMU! You look like a handsome vampire who preys on hot girls and makes them your slave. Kyaaahh! that must've earned me a ton of points!"
"Do NOT call me that."
"o-oh okay.." she said with a little terrified voice.
I don't know why but something about being called a vampire makes my blood boil. No... not just being called a vampire but the word itself. Why do I hate vampires? Vampires hide in the dark so that they can avoid the pain of sunlight and those shitty-ass raijuus so in a way they're like me hiding in the atmosphere to avoid the pain of any social relationships that are so fake its made in china and get far away from those raijuus. Which means I'm supposed to like them So why do I hate them so much that being called a vampire by Komachi made me angry?
"Sorry Komachi, I don't know what came over me."
"i-it's okay Onii-chan, I guess maybe I took it too far."
"pfft haha no It's not that. I'm starting to hate vampires that's it." I said while giggling a little
"Eh? Why? Vampires hide in the dark so that they can avoid the pain of sunlight and those shitty-ass raijuus so in a way they're like you." She said with a confused expression.
Ah, that's my imouto you understand me better than anyone else in the world.
"Well, I don't know. Maybe I grew tired of vampires?" I said that and Komachi is not convinced. Trust me, I really don't know what's happening to me.
"I'm gonna go to a doctor to check my eyes"
"Eh? Isn't it natural to have your eye color change?"
"It is?" I ask
"Yeah mom has red eyes so maybe you got those from her." She said while putting her finger on her chin thinking. Goddamn, you're so adorable. Again I'm not a siscon...Also, does my mom have red eyes?
"really? Huh, I guess I sorta forgot about that."
"Mou...Onii-chan if you're starting to forget our parents you might start to forget about me" She said while fake crying
"don't worry even if I forget my entire identity I would NEVER FORGET MY DEAREST IMOUTO." I said that proudly while lifting my chest. Hmph, that's what onii-chans do!
"Uwaahhh there you go again gomii-chan."
What?! What's wrong? Isn't it normal for onii-chan to declare his love for you my sweet dear Komachi?
"Well if you say that this is natural and got these from mom then I guess I don't need to go to a doctor," I said that while sitting on the couch.
"No no you need to go to a doctor Gomii-chan there must be something wrong with your head than your eyes. It's like the rotten core has reached your head and corrupting your so-called 'innocent heart' and even if you have an innocent heart it's not like you can hide your pervertedness I fear for my chastity. Seriously if a doctor says you're diagnosed with a mental disorder I might've believed that since you look like you need to wear a straight jacket to restrain your dirty movements." She covers herself with her arms while saying that.
DId that Ice Queen influenced you imouto cuz you're starting to sound like her! NOOOOO! DAMN YOU YUKINOSHITA YOU DESTROYED MY LAST BASTION OF HOPE!
"Komachi-chaaaannn you get minus points for that, y'knowwwww." my voice is getting more terrifying that she tries to get up from the couch and run but the problem is that she sat right next to me so I catch her quickly by grabbing her hand.
"But deducing points is a very mild need something more severe..." At this point people who hear me saying this might misunderstand me as a perverted creep, siscon EXTRAORDINAIRE BUT I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS MY IMOUTO NEEDS TO BE CLEANSED!
"O-oniichan that was a joke hehehehehe... you're scaring me.. AAAAAAHHHHHH" I pulled her down laying on my lap with her stomach. And now the punishment begins...
which is a good ol' fashioned slap in the ass
"OOOOOWWWW IM SORRY ONII-CHAN!" she apologized and looks like she's about to cry but THAT'S NOT ENOUGH!
"Now swear that you won't so mean to onii-chan!"
"I will! I swear to god-"
Hear that? That is the sound of an adorable child being cleansed
and the sound of a cleansing spell being cast
And so my Sunday resumed back to normal which is stay in the house, read my light novels, and play with my Vita-chan. It's afternoon time and my mind is still wandering on that dream I had while laying on the couch. It's weird beyond weird and even more weird that my eye color suddenly changed. And as if it doesn't get weirder enough, Komachi's previous reaction still confuses me...
Speaking of Komachi, she's now in her bedroom crying and whispering 'I'm sorry onii-chan' while rubbing her ass gently. Oh no, I think I traumatized her. Onii-chan is also sorry but this is necessary for your soul and the future of the Hikagaya's number one angel! I swear that I will buy you your favorite ice cream, favorite snacks, favorite EVERYTHING as long you forgive me!
As I keep on thinking about this morning my consciousness faded as I fall asleep.
"You're supposed to be a hero right?! if you can do things nobody else can do, THEN TURN SOME OF IT TO THAT KID THERE!"
what is this...
"it's crazy that a villainous bastard like me has stuck up for her all this time!"
Am I talking? Who is this guy in front of me? Black spiky hair... there's blood dripping on his face. Am I beating him up? Why?
"No matter what, I can only choose bloody methods of fixing things!"
"WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO GO THROUGH ALL THIS?! IF A HERO LIKE YOU WOULD COME DASHING TO THE RESCUE INSTEAD-" I got interrupted by this guy who then punched me in the gut and into my cheek
"Good guy? Bad guy? Quit with that bullshit! Is that the position a person has to be in to help someone? You saw someone crying, you want to help them even if she's not asking for it yet still struggling. Isn't that enough?"
"You don't need some special position or some bullshit reason!"
"If you think that the only thing you can do is bring bloodshed and you don't have the power to help others, THEN I'M GONNA DESTROY THAT FUCKED UP ILLUSION OF YOURS"
That phrase.
"When I met you, I learned how powerful you are. I didn't understand you though, but I can tell your power isn't necessarily strength"
I hear a girl's voice.
Now I'm lying on the ground. I feel cold and pain taking over my entire body. I can't move but I'm recovering though very slowly. I'm only staring at the sky filled with grey clouds along with two faces, it's that kid again and... that silver-haired girl. She is pretty. With those blue-green eyes and horn-like accessories. She has her glowing hands on my abdomen. Is she healing me?
"It's because we know what pain is, we don't want people we care about to experience it. We were hurt, but it allowed us to grow. When we fall, we get up for the sake of others. Your friend gave you a second chance. Don't waste it on regretting the past. It can't be changed. Focus your energy on a better future for everyone".
"cough cough sounds cheesy cough" I said between coughs of blood.
"thank you" I said
"Sometimes good people make bad choices" The silver-haired girl stood up. She gives me a hand and helps me get back on my feet
"It doesn't mean they are bad. It means you are human"
My eyes widened and I looked away. I feel like I'm blushing right now. Why? Just who is this girl? Why do I feel a strong bond with her?
"I want to be with you always, Misaka begs as Misaka steps forward.
this damn brat... " I want to always be with you too"
"DO YOU THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME!?" A man roared. His skin is so pale that he might be walking corpse and his eyes aren't human at all...It's a vampire.
"That's going to be the death of you, ACCELERATOR!" and then he charged at me
I wake up and suddenly sat up on the couch. I'm sweating so much right now yet the temperature is not that hot. I hear the sound of gas flicking on and looked behind me. I saw Komachi holding a spatula and a bottle of olive oil. She looked at me with a worried expression.
"Onii-chan? Are you okay?" she asked
"I-I'm" I stuttered. I don't know if I'm alright. Those weird 'dreams' are creeping me out. Accelerator? Is that nickname suppose to be mine?
Last Order and Bayloupe
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT YOU SHITTY BRAT!" I screamed. Little by little it's all coming back now.
"Eh...I- no.. why?" Komachi is wearing a shocked expression with teary eyes. Then she mumbled
"I guess this is bound to happen..."
"Komachi... GGRAGGH." Just as I tried to stand up and comfort her, My legs gave out. I can't feel my legs. I'm not losing conscious but I can't see clearly. Everything's a blur. I tried speaking but I can't form a single sentence... just muttering my voice.
"ONII-CHAN!" Komachi just stood there terrified and then she ran away from me. At least carry me you, stupid little sister. At least the damn brat is more mindful than you. I fucking understand why I'm here. Why I'm outside of Academy City. Why I'm here in this household.
I ran upstairs and went to the drawer in our parents' bedroom. Searching for that cellphone with
"Where is it?!"
COME ON! It should be here! Why does it have to be so small!
"FOUND IT!" I took out a small object. It may look like nothing special but it's a special communication device which is some Bluetooth earphones. One of the special features is that there is a holographic interface(8). I type on the hologram the number I want to contact.
"Tengokushorai Hospital How can I help you?" A woman spoke through the device
"H-hello I want to speak w-with a doctor nicknamed Heaven Canceller"
1. Speedwagon from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
2. Reigen from Mob Psycho 100
3. Souma from Food Wars
4. Oda Nobuna from Oda Nobuna No Yabou
5. reference from Spy Kids
6. reference from Batman Begins
7. reference from KonoSuba
8. I don't know what it's called but it's that cellphone that Shiraki Kuroko has.
Author's note: Let me know your thoughts on this chapter. Your reviews will be very helpful.