Addicted to Love
Rated: PG-13 for Adult themes
Disclaimer: Everything Harry Potter related belongs to JK Rowlings. Everything Addicted to Love related belongs to the maker of that great Movie. Anything added belongs to me!
A/N: Hey Guys! This is based on the movie 'Addicted to Love' starring Meg Ryan and Matthew Broderick. However, I don't quote the characters (aside from a few lines) and there are quite a few added scenarios. So if you were a die-hard fan of the movie (like, VERY obsessed) I would advise not reading this!
Thanks to my beta-reader Squeaky.
Thanks guys! ___________________________________________________________________
"I love you, Ronald Weasley."
"And I love you, my own, sweet Hermione."
Hermione gazed up into the eyes of her long time boyfriend and sighed in pure, romantic bliss. She could never ever remember feeling so strongly about one single person and she doubted she ever would again. Ron was and always would be her one true love.
It had all started at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. As joint best friends with the famous Harry Potter, Ron and Hermione had lived the lives of the basic sidekicks. They had helped Harry, won wars, fallen in love and ultimately become the envy of their generation.
Of course, things had not always been so perfect. Looking back, Hermione could now laugh at the petty fights and grievances that had so regularly occurred between Ron and her. Back then however, these battles hadn't seemed even remotely funny. Hermione remembered her complete and utter misery every time Ron so much as scowled in her direction. The slightest things had become ammunition between the two and their tiffs could last as little as a day or as long as months on end.
Sometimes they were about important matters including Harry, friendship and trials but more often they were more trivial such as when Hermione had escorted Victor to the Yule Ball or when Ron had spilt pumpkin juice on Hermione's brand new, white, jumper.
Either way, they always began with harsh words and ended with Hermione calling Ron an, "Obnoxious Prawn" and Ron replying with a classic, "know it all minx."
Although one day both parties suddenly realized that they meant something else entirely.
Sixth Year. Gryffindor Common Room
"Ron!" Hermione screeched marching across the red rug, like a vicious Amazon prepared for a bloody war.
"Yes, Hermione dear?" Ron had answered sarcastically, glaring at being disrupted during his chess game with Harry.
"Don't be smart with me, Ronald Weasley! I know that you stole my Arithmancy book and I need it for my extension class this evening."
Ron rolled his eyes and shot Harry a look that clearly read, 'mental'. Unfortunately, Hermione intercepted it and her temper rose another few degrees. If Ron didn't know better he might have assumed that she might just explode.
"GIVE ME MY BOOK! Or, or . . . well, it will be bad!"
"What are you going to do? Throw a book at my head?"
"Are you kidding? That would be horrendous book abuse!"
"What? Is it a bit sacrilegious for you?"
A book came flying towards him, forcing him to duck quickly. Straitening up, Ron gave Hermione a look of pure fury and came storming towards her.
"Look here, you prissy, little know-it-all. I did NOT steal you pathetic book. Why the hell would I want to do that? It's Arithmancy for crying out loud! I mean come on, you'd have to be mental to even look at the cover for too long."
With a strangled scream, Hermione launched herself upon Ron and knocked him to the floor. It was only after she had punched his chest a few times that she came to her senses and subsequently was very embarrassed, as she was sitting square on his waist.
Looking up shyly, Hermione tried to look into his deep blue eyes without blushing. It didn't work, however and Ron found himself mesmerized by the pink flush, creeping slowly up into Hermione's cheeks.
"Know-it-all minx," he muttered and Hermione was both delighted and terrified to discover that suddenly it wasn't an insult anymore. It was something deeper. Pondering it for a moment longer, she tried to wonder what it all could mean. And then it became simple. Ron loved her.
"Obnoxious prawn," she answered softly, watching as his face lit up.
It was as if fireworks had suddenly erupted. Everything was clear as the blinding frustration melted into pure, simple and uncomplicated love . . .
And it had been like that ever since.
Weeks after the 'book incident' as both had taken to calling it, Ron had shyly asked Hermione to accompany him to Hogsmeade. Hermione had accepted, greatly anticipating her first date with the boy she loved.
It had been fun . . . well, frustratingly fun. It was clear that neither of them knew how to handle this new relationship, with the date resulting in Hermione scabbing a lift back to Hogwarts with, of all people, Ron's archenemy Draco Malfoy. He hadn't spoken to her for weeks after that, but eventually they made up, and the make-up kiss that had followed, lead Hermione to induce several fights just to repeat that same moment.
It was the same after they had graduated. With Voldemort finally vanquished, they could devote more energy to their constant squabbling. Mostly they fought because Hermione never backed away from her most treasured Head Girl position and Ron was often criticized for the slightest imperfections in his dress, manner or speech. Hermione also found herself being fed up with the long hours that Ron worked, complaining that the businesses that he strived to fix and repair were not his own, thus he should not sacrifice himself to them.
Through all the fighting though, Hermione knew that Ron loved her and she in turn loved him. She fully expected him to propose to her sometime soon. After all, why else had he invited her to have a picnic lunch with him in the meadow in which they had shared the most intimate sort of love?
Turning her attention back to her surroundings, Hermione marvelled at the pure beauty of the moment. Here she was lying with the man she loved in a beautiful field of wildflowers, with the cornflower blue sky and the winking sun. A humongous willow tree shaded them, its fantastic roots digging deep into the cool, rich soil and twisting through the field.
Rolling over to face Ron, she marvelled at how well she knew his body. Every freckle on his face had been accounted for, every muscle on his body examined. She could describe him accurately from the bottom of his huge feet, with the slightly larger second toe, to the top of his thick, short, red hair.
"Herm." He breathed softly, leaning over to blow slightly into her ear.
Hermione laughed and kissed both his cheeks before denying the same favour to his lips.
"Kiss me," he muttered. When she coquettishly grinned and shook her head, he growled softly and snatched her up, holding her tight to his chest.
Feeling their hearts intertwine, Hermione tilted her head upwards and lightly laid a kiss on his lips. They were her favourite part of him. Soft, with one freckle on the upper lip, they were a pale pink. They were plump compared to other men she had known . . . plump and utterly kissable . . .
Pulling her closer to him, Ron captured her before she could move away and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss . . .
"Ron?" Hermione asked some time after they had finally broken apart. "What was it that you wanted to tell me?"
Ron looked uncomfortable for a moment and then hoisted himself up into a sitting position. Hermione followed and situated her self firmly in his lap; delighting in the comfort that he gave her. Around Ron, nothing was surprising. It was as normal as doing the laundry and yet she loved it.
"Hermione. . . Hermione."
Hermione loved the way he said her name, rolling it around on his tongue, forever changing where he put the emphasis.
"Yes, Ronnikins."
He grinned affectionately at her and ruffled her hair before his expression smoothed out into a more serious face.
"You're not exactly making this easy for me."
"What isn't easy?" Hermione questioned, feeling her heart beat with excitement. He was going to ask her to marry him. She just knew it.
"We're been going out for eight years now, right?"
"Well . . . you know I love you, right?"
Hermione almost started to laugh at how utterly nervous he was. Surely he didn't think she would say no? Not the man she had held such feeling's for since the very first time they had met.
"Yes, Ron," she answered, "I do know how much you love me."
"Uh . . . ok, good. Well, the thing is . . . God, this is so hard."
"Spit it out."
"This affects our relationship quite a lot, but . . ."
"Yes, Ron, I will marry you, ok? There you go, now you don't have to ask. What made you think I would say no anyways? Ron, you know how much I adore you-"
"Hermione," Ron cut in, frowning, "I was going to tell you that a massive firm has offered me a job."
"Oh," said Hermione, deeply embarrassed. She soon cheered up however and added, "Ron! That's brilliant! I'm so proud of you sweetie . . . but how does this affect us?"
Ron took a deep, deep breath.
"Hermione, the job is in America."
"Shhh!" Ron replied, looking nervously around. "Look, I'm only going to be in America a week then I'm going back to London."
"London is good! I can floo there!"
Ron took another deep breath. "That's the only thing. My boss asked that we keep all personal commitments aside for this job. It's massive, Hermione. The firm rakes in several million a year . . . extraordinary."
"Then why do they need you!" Hermione snapped, almost in tears. "It's pathetic. If they're so rich, why do they need an adviser . . . for the love of god, why!?"
"It's complicated. They're reorganizing staff and they need an adviser to decide who's staying and who is holding the company back."
"Great- my boyfriend is the new grim-reaper of the law industry."
"Look here, Hermione, " Ron cried grimly, running a shaking hand through his hair. "Why can't you just take this like an adult? I need time! This job is big, very, very big. If I screw this up then I've pretty much lost my job. Jesus, why can't you just be happy for me?"
Hermione felt the first tears stream down her face and swiped at them angrily.
"I'm trying to be grown-up," she snarled, "but I'm finding it rather difficult after my boyfriend, who in case you didn't notice, I'm so in love with I want to marry, decides to skip town and tell me I can't have contact with him for . . . for . . ."
"Four months," Ron admitted lowly, hanging his head and refusing to meet Hermione's eyes.
"Four months!" Hermione gasped, feeling her eyes fill up again. She was to distraught to care though, as she continued to gape at Ron, feeling her heart breaking apart into millions of tiny pieces. "I thought you loved me?"
"I do!" Ron cried out, wringing his hands together, "Hermione, I need you. You make me feel normal, complete. We're meant to be."
"Then don't leave me!"
"I have to go!" Ron roared before silencing himself. He then added in an a voice so quiet it was close to a whisper, "damn it, Herm, why can't you see that? I have to go!"
"Then so be it," Hermione growled, standing up and shaking the wildflowers from her hair.
They fluttered to the ground, rotating, as if they were in slow motion.
Ron watched them for a moment before catching one, a yellow daisy, then scrambling to his feet and grabbing Hermione by the wrist.
"I will come back for you!" He cried, hastily, tucking the flower behind her ear.
"Promise?" she whispered, her anger replaced by a flood of sadness so overwhelming that it threatened to overcome her.
"I solemnly swear, that once I have done no good, I will return for you, my Hermione . . . my queen of witches!"
Hermione let out an involuntary giggle and shyly started to mop up her tear- stained face.
"You're pretty when you cry," Ron said suddenly, helping her by using his soft, hand-me-down handkerchief.
"Please don't let that be an excuse to make me cry."
"I would never."
"I know . . . will you promise me again? Just do so I know you mean it? I love you Ron and I don't know if I could live without you."
Ron looked closely at her and for a single moment Hermione willed herself to believe that she could see his soul.
Then in the their field, in a blur of daisies, passion and pure love, Hermione watched as her soul mate smiled at her, before taking her by the hand and kissing her cheek.
"I promise you Hermione, I love you and I will come back for you. Always."
Next chapter---lets just say the mushiness comes to a very abrupt ending . . .
Rated: PG-13 for Adult themes
Disclaimer: Everything Harry Potter related belongs to JK Rowlings. Everything Addicted to Love related belongs to the maker of that great Movie. Anything added belongs to me!
A/N: Hey Guys! This is based on the movie 'Addicted to Love' starring Meg Ryan and Matthew Broderick. However, I don't quote the characters (aside from a few lines) and there are quite a few added scenarios. So if you were a die-hard fan of the movie (like, VERY obsessed) I would advise not reading this!
Thanks to my beta-reader Squeaky.
Thanks guys! ___________________________________________________________________
"I love you, Ronald Weasley."
"And I love you, my own, sweet Hermione."
Hermione gazed up into the eyes of her long time boyfriend and sighed in pure, romantic bliss. She could never ever remember feeling so strongly about one single person and she doubted she ever would again. Ron was and always would be her one true love.
It had all started at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. As joint best friends with the famous Harry Potter, Ron and Hermione had lived the lives of the basic sidekicks. They had helped Harry, won wars, fallen in love and ultimately become the envy of their generation.
Of course, things had not always been so perfect. Looking back, Hermione could now laugh at the petty fights and grievances that had so regularly occurred between Ron and her. Back then however, these battles hadn't seemed even remotely funny. Hermione remembered her complete and utter misery every time Ron so much as scowled in her direction. The slightest things had become ammunition between the two and their tiffs could last as little as a day or as long as months on end.
Sometimes they were about important matters including Harry, friendship and trials but more often they were more trivial such as when Hermione had escorted Victor to the Yule Ball or when Ron had spilt pumpkin juice on Hermione's brand new, white, jumper.
Either way, they always began with harsh words and ended with Hermione calling Ron an, "Obnoxious Prawn" and Ron replying with a classic, "know it all minx."
Although one day both parties suddenly realized that they meant something else entirely.
Sixth Year. Gryffindor Common Room
"Ron!" Hermione screeched marching across the red rug, like a vicious Amazon prepared for a bloody war.
"Yes, Hermione dear?" Ron had answered sarcastically, glaring at being disrupted during his chess game with Harry.
"Don't be smart with me, Ronald Weasley! I know that you stole my Arithmancy book and I need it for my extension class this evening."
Ron rolled his eyes and shot Harry a look that clearly read, 'mental'. Unfortunately, Hermione intercepted it and her temper rose another few degrees. If Ron didn't know better he might have assumed that she might just explode.
"GIVE ME MY BOOK! Or, or . . . well, it will be bad!"
"What are you going to do? Throw a book at my head?"
"Are you kidding? That would be horrendous book abuse!"
"What? Is it a bit sacrilegious for you?"
A book came flying towards him, forcing him to duck quickly. Straitening up, Ron gave Hermione a look of pure fury and came storming towards her.
"Look here, you prissy, little know-it-all. I did NOT steal you pathetic book. Why the hell would I want to do that? It's Arithmancy for crying out loud! I mean come on, you'd have to be mental to even look at the cover for too long."
With a strangled scream, Hermione launched herself upon Ron and knocked him to the floor. It was only after she had punched his chest a few times that she came to her senses and subsequently was very embarrassed, as she was sitting square on his waist.
Looking up shyly, Hermione tried to look into his deep blue eyes without blushing. It didn't work, however and Ron found himself mesmerized by the pink flush, creeping slowly up into Hermione's cheeks.
"Know-it-all minx," he muttered and Hermione was both delighted and terrified to discover that suddenly it wasn't an insult anymore. It was something deeper. Pondering it for a moment longer, she tried to wonder what it all could mean. And then it became simple. Ron loved her.
"Obnoxious prawn," she answered softly, watching as his face lit up.
It was as if fireworks had suddenly erupted. Everything was clear as the blinding frustration melted into pure, simple and uncomplicated love . . .
And it had been like that ever since.
Weeks after the 'book incident' as both had taken to calling it, Ron had shyly asked Hermione to accompany him to Hogsmeade. Hermione had accepted, greatly anticipating her first date with the boy she loved.
It had been fun . . . well, frustratingly fun. It was clear that neither of them knew how to handle this new relationship, with the date resulting in Hermione scabbing a lift back to Hogwarts with, of all people, Ron's archenemy Draco Malfoy. He hadn't spoken to her for weeks after that, but eventually they made up, and the make-up kiss that had followed, lead Hermione to induce several fights just to repeat that same moment.
It was the same after they had graduated. With Voldemort finally vanquished, they could devote more energy to their constant squabbling. Mostly they fought because Hermione never backed away from her most treasured Head Girl position and Ron was often criticized for the slightest imperfections in his dress, manner or speech. Hermione also found herself being fed up with the long hours that Ron worked, complaining that the businesses that he strived to fix and repair were not his own, thus he should not sacrifice himself to them.
Through all the fighting though, Hermione knew that Ron loved her and she in turn loved him. She fully expected him to propose to her sometime soon. After all, why else had he invited her to have a picnic lunch with him in the meadow in which they had shared the most intimate sort of love?
Turning her attention back to her surroundings, Hermione marvelled at the pure beauty of the moment. Here she was lying with the man she loved in a beautiful field of wildflowers, with the cornflower blue sky and the winking sun. A humongous willow tree shaded them, its fantastic roots digging deep into the cool, rich soil and twisting through the field.
Rolling over to face Ron, she marvelled at how well she knew his body. Every freckle on his face had been accounted for, every muscle on his body examined. She could describe him accurately from the bottom of his huge feet, with the slightly larger second toe, to the top of his thick, short, red hair.
"Herm." He breathed softly, leaning over to blow slightly into her ear.
Hermione laughed and kissed both his cheeks before denying the same favour to his lips.
"Kiss me," he muttered. When she coquettishly grinned and shook her head, he growled softly and snatched her up, holding her tight to his chest.
Feeling their hearts intertwine, Hermione tilted her head upwards and lightly laid a kiss on his lips. They were her favourite part of him. Soft, with one freckle on the upper lip, they were a pale pink. They were plump compared to other men she had known . . . plump and utterly kissable . . .
Pulling her closer to him, Ron captured her before she could move away and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss . . .
"Ron?" Hermione asked some time after they had finally broken apart. "What was it that you wanted to tell me?"
Ron looked uncomfortable for a moment and then hoisted himself up into a sitting position. Hermione followed and situated her self firmly in his lap; delighting in the comfort that he gave her. Around Ron, nothing was surprising. It was as normal as doing the laundry and yet she loved it.
"Hermione. . . Hermione."
Hermione loved the way he said her name, rolling it around on his tongue, forever changing where he put the emphasis.
"Yes, Ronnikins."
He grinned affectionately at her and ruffled her hair before his expression smoothed out into a more serious face.
"You're not exactly making this easy for me."
"What isn't easy?" Hermione questioned, feeling her heart beat with excitement. He was going to ask her to marry him. She just knew it.
"We're been going out for eight years now, right?"
"Well . . . you know I love you, right?"
Hermione almost started to laugh at how utterly nervous he was. Surely he didn't think she would say no? Not the man she had held such feeling's for since the very first time they had met.
"Yes, Ron," she answered, "I do know how much you love me."
"Uh . . . ok, good. Well, the thing is . . . God, this is so hard."
"Spit it out."
"This affects our relationship quite a lot, but . . ."
"Yes, Ron, I will marry you, ok? There you go, now you don't have to ask. What made you think I would say no anyways? Ron, you know how much I adore you-"
"Hermione," Ron cut in, frowning, "I was going to tell you that a massive firm has offered me a job."
"Oh," said Hermione, deeply embarrassed. She soon cheered up however and added, "Ron! That's brilliant! I'm so proud of you sweetie . . . but how does this affect us?"
Ron took a deep, deep breath.
"Hermione, the job is in America."
"Shhh!" Ron replied, looking nervously around. "Look, I'm only going to be in America a week then I'm going back to London."
"London is good! I can floo there!"
Ron took another deep breath. "That's the only thing. My boss asked that we keep all personal commitments aside for this job. It's massive, Hermione. The firm rakes in several million a year . . . extraordinary."
"Then why do they need you!" Hermione snapped, almost in tears. "It's pathetic. If they're so rich, why do they need an adviser . . . for the love of god, why!?"
"It's complicated. They're reorganizing staff and they need an adviser to decide who's staying and who is holding the company back."
"Great- my boyfriend is the new grim-reaper of the law industry."
"Look here, Hermione, " Ron cried grimly, running a shaking hand through his hair. "Why can't you just take this like an adult? I need time! This job is big, very, very big. If I screw this up then I've pretty much lost my job. Jesus, why can't you just be happy for me?"
Hermione felt the first tears stream down her face and swiped at them angrily.
"I'm trying to be grown-up," she snarled, "but I'm finding it rather difficult after my boyfriend, who in case you didn't notice, I'm so in love with I want to marry, decides to skip town and tell me I can't have contact with him for . . . for . . ."
"Four months," Ron admitted lowly, hanging his head and refusing to meet Hermione's eyes.
"Four months!" Hermione gasped, feeling her eyes fill up again. She was to distraught to care though, as she continued to gape at Ron, feeling her heart breaking apart into millions of tiny pieces. "I thought you loved me?"
"I do!" Ron cried out, wringing his hands together, "Hermione, I need you. You make me feel normal, complete. We're meant to be."
"Then don't leave me!"
"I have to go!" Ron roared before silencing himself. He then added in an a voice so quiet it was close to a whisper, "damn it, Herm, why can't you see that? I have to go!"
"Then so be it," Hermione growled, standing up and shaking the wildflowers from her hair.
They fluttered to the ground, rotating, as if they were in slow motion.
Ron watched them for a moment before catching one, a yellow daisy, then scrambling to his feet and grabbing Hermione by the wrist.
"I will come back for you!" He cried, hastily, tucking the flower behind her ear.
"Promise?" she whispered, her anger replaced by a flood of sadness so overwhelming that it threatened to overcome her.
"I solemnly swear, that once I have done no good, I will return for you, my Hermione . . . my queen of witches!"
Hermione let out an involuntary giggle and shyly started to mop up her tear- stained face.
"You're pretty when you cry," Ron said suddenly, helping her by using his soft, hand-me-down handkerchief.
"Please don't let that be an excuse to make me cry."
"I would never."
"I know . . . will you promise me again? Just do so I know you mean it? I love you Ron and I don't know if I could live without you."
Ron looked closely at her and for a single moment Hermione willed herself to believe that she could see his soul.
Then in the their field, in a blur of daisies, passion and pure love, Hermione watched as her soul mate smiled at her, before taking her by the hand and kissing her cheek.
"I promise you Hermione, I love you and I will come back for you. Always."
Next chapter---lets just say the mushiness comes to a very abrupt ending . . .