Author's note: I've decided to cancel the Successor of Abhorash in favor of this story because of the toxicity of the fandom then and the fact that I wasn't able to follow the whole series entirely ever since RWBY Volume 4, so yeah I might be forced to cancel 'A song of Summer and Winter Parts 1 and 2' because of the fact that I am not that ahead of the RWBY franchise as a whole so my knowledge of the lore is icky at best, another to also note is the fact that certain affairs in real life would have to come first before the one's here on the internet.
Also about the story; 'A nation is forged in war, not peace' as much as I can blame myself for always seeing a lot of carrots in my backyard and my laziness it will continue as always I will assure you all. Now this story is a crossover of Final Fantasy Tactics and World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, wherein Ramza, Alma, and their compatriots, for want of a good life decided to brave the unknown seas through the port of Warjilis before finally finding themselves on the continent of Azeroth and yes this is inspired by Peiper's pipers by organgunsarebetterthancannons seriously look it up its great.
The Exiles of Ivalice.
Ramza watched as the last of the flames died down through the torrent of rain that came after, and the people began to part as the executioners aides began to break apart Orran's body and his ashes were then gathered and put on a jar, twas the fate he chose, and the fate he sealed himself so that the truth may never be lost, Ramza thought as his shoulder was touched by Meliadoul whose eyes show concern and worry "I am fine" Ramza simply said as he looks at the now parting crowd all of their whispers were just a noise despite the rain.
"We should go now" Meliadoul said as she gestures at the now leaving crowd, with one final look at the stake with which his friend was tied and burnt Ramza could only sigh sadly before they disappear into the shadows.
"He is truly the Thunder god's son" Ramza whispered as he remembers escorting Orlandeau's body back to his fief for a proper burial as befits his station, Orran never expected his adopted father to live such a life becoming a run-away rogue knight, to one who had fought the Lucavi demons that would have destroyed their lord. Orran knew that it was Ramza who brought the old warrior's body home as he had left a note on the Thunder god's body stating how the man died peacefully as different an end as one who had fought many battles all his life and now his son follows him and Ramza could only hope that they found each other in the afterlife.
They quickly retraced their steps towards the tavern from where they came from under a name that no one would trace from someone that is the dead illegitimate son of Barbaneth Beoulve complete with Ramza growing some beard, even though Meliadoul and Alma hated it, it had helped me hide in plain sight, Ramza thought as he remembers the wanted posters spread throughout Ivalice, still using his face when he was a man of eighteen to twenty three.
Meliadoul knocks on the door "who is it?" came a familiar female voice on the door as lightning began to flash and thunder cackles. Ramza sighs as he went forward by the door to answer.
"Tis' your brother Alma we are back from the unjust execution of Orlandeu's son" he states as the door opens revealing Alma whose eyes were wet and red, she couldn't bear to watch the man dying, Ramza thought as he looks at his sister's eyes in shame and grief "I am sorry Alma, he was a brave man, he wouldn't want to risk ourselves for him"
"Did he Ramza?" Alma demanded her face scrunched up in anger at the man, "we could have rescued him when they threw Orran at the dungeon, we could have-!" Ramza embraces his sister as she cried on his arms "we could have! We could have!" she continues on as Ramza embraces her.
"He wouldn't want to cause any grief for us Alma, Valmafra herself told us that Orran made peace to his fate and also his death would ensure the safety of his son Orlandeau" Ramza tells her as he comforted her inside the confines of the tavern. A good thing the barkeeper was paid for his silence and their privacy, Alma had excused herself once more going to the room separate from both Meliadoul and him "we would have to leave by morning" Ramza said as he watched the rain dying down while from the corner of his eye the Divine Knight is taking off her cloak for her to prepare on the bed.
"That we should as much as I am comfortable with the Church knowing that we are dead, I would still prefer it if we are far away from their center of power" Meliadoul agrees she is right on all accounts the sooner they are away from Mullonde Cathedral and had rendezvous with their comrades at Warjilis, the better it for all of them after all Ramza, Alma, and Meliadoul were here to say a last farewell to a friend which they did so and now they would have to leave the kingdom and the continent forever so as to start a life anew, away from the Church and away from where they could reach the auracites that they hold for safekeeping.
"Have a fare night and dream a good dream Ramza" Meliadoul said as she lay on the bed while Ramza looks at her and then saw that she has already settled on the bed her short brown hair revealing her soft face breathing softly.
"And to you as well Meliadoul" Ramza said as he slept on the end of the bed sitting on its support and closing his eyes as well as wait for the day to come.
"Ramza, Ramza" brown eyes began to open and then meet the same colored eyes of his sister Alma, "dawn has come and we must move brother" she said as she helped him stand up. Ramza looks at the bed then saw that Meliadoul had already awoken and had left the bed.
"Meliadoul had payed the barkeeper and have prepared the chocobos for our travel to Warjilis, she had also has broken her fast before us" Alma states as she went down and Ramza began to wash his face and join his sister to break their fast.
After finishing their breakfast which consists of porridge and bacon they finally met with Meliadoul who is waiting for them, holding the reigns of their chocobos which they accepted and took their respective places. Far from the Mullonde Cathedral Ramza gave the tall and towering spires of the cathedral one last look before bidding it a contemptuous farewell and rode away, away from the hurts and memories that he had experienced.
The port city of Warjilis had broken itself away from Ivalice ten years after the War of the Lions, its declaration of independence had been a product of opportunistic merchants who saw the weakness that gripped the nation as a chance to maximize their profits by providing weapons and supplies to both sides of the civil war that fought before using those obtained profits to incite the people to revolt against the ruling lord of the city and declare themselves as an independent merchant republic. The Church of Glabados tried to retake them back for the Kingdom of Ivalice but with some hidden support from King Delita Heiral and the machinations of Ramza and his compatriots the port city of Warjilis successfully seceded from Ivalice when its newly declared merchant princes presented the corruption of the Church much to the horror of those from Mullonde Cathedral who quickly capitulated from the demands of independence by the merchant princes as long as they didn't expose the church for what it was.
They had arrived within a fortnight in Warjilis a guard had greeted them by standing at attention before letting the gates be opened once they had shown that they are but simple travelers passing through, they pass through the familiar roads of the port city before they stopped at the entrance of the tavern where their group stays. "Here" Meliadoul dismounted and then handed over the reins of her steed to a page followed by Ramza and his sister.
"Ladd open the door it is us, we have just come back from Mullonde Cathedral" Ramza called out as the door opens revealing a blonde haired twenty three year old man who was surprised when Ramza's sister Alma surprised him with a hug, which made Ramza's eyes widen in shock and surprise, despite being a great tactician he is still socially inept, Meliadoul thought as she smiled at the scene while they entered the premises of the tavern where they are greeted by the sight of their comrades, friends, and compatriots, the men and women who abandoned their bonds, lands, and families once they learned of the corruption of the Church of Glabados and the reason of such a war that tore Ivalice apart and so joined Ramza to form their company of exiles.
"Took you long enough" came the crisp voice of Beowulf as he approaches them arm in arm with his wife Reis, "I take it by the sullen mood in which you arrived Orran has died" Alma, Ramza, and Meliadoul nodded at that.
"Aye he did, but we made sure that Orran didn't die alone, we visited him on his last moments and Valmafra made sure that his children are well-cared of" Beowulf nods in agreement at that as Ramza took a cup of wine from a bar wench and raise it for all of the men inside to see "to Orran a true son of the Thunder God Cid!" he cries out as everyone stood and raised their cups as well.
"To Orran Durai!" there was applause as their captain drank to the dead man's memory, may he find peace along with his father, Meliadoul silently prayed as their company began to recount the stories concerning the dead man's father and the snippets of wisdom that Cidolfus gave to them when he was alive.
There was a knock on the tavern door as everyone stopped, Meliadoul and some of the people with her began to slightly draw their blades on their sheaths, Ramza looks at Ladd who nods drawing a dagger as he approaches the door, sliding open its looking sill he gives a sigh of mock anger "gods damn you Mustadio!" he cries out in an exasperated voice as the tension drops and everyone began to chuckle in relief as the man opens the door revealing the person on the other side, Mustadio and his wife Agrias who is now carrying their two year old child, Gerrard Bunansa who gurgled as the couple pushed in.
"What am I not welcome in this halls?" Mustadio mock demanded as he embraces Ramza, "Ramza my dear old friend and savior!" he calls out as Agrias went towards Meliadoul's direction setting down Gerrard who quickly went to her direction.
"Aunty Melly!" Gerrard cries as he quickly hugged her leg while Agrias shakes her head then looks in apologetically at Meliadoul.
"Gerrard!" it has been some time since Meliadoul last saw the little boy and now the child of Agrias and Meliadoul could walk when last time he couldn't even support his large body with his legs, "my, my you have grown!" Meliadoul said as she pick up Gerrard then looked at Agrias who shook her head.
"You have to be careful Meliadoul, the boy slept through the whole journey he might surprise you with his energy" she teasingly warned as Gerrard pouts but then smiles as he lets Meliadoul put him on the ground while they were being approached by Ramza and Mustadio.
"Ramza, husband" Agrias greets them as Mustadio put himself beside her.
In another life, in another time Agrias could have married Ramza, Meliadoul could only sigh in relief at that but then saw a teasing look from Agrias who winked at her while she returned it with a glare, besides Alma the Holy Knight also knew that Meliadoul had an affection with the Onion Knight that is Ramza and had been pressuring her to tell the man of what she feels, its hard to tell that to a man who always had more priorities than settling down, Meliadoul thought as she looks at Ramza longingly and then shakes her head, now I feel like a youth pining over some love who will never return his feelings to me, Ramza returned her stare with his own before Mustadio pulled him over and then whispered something to him.
Ramza looks at Ladd who went and kicked a piss poor drunk away from a table before setting himself up for all of the occupants of the tavern to see "now, now clam up you worthless thugs! Our captain has something to tell us!" everyone went silent at that as Ramza sighs and then took the whole attention of everyone to him.
"I understand that you lot had followed me through thick and thin ever since the outbreak of the War of the Lions, we have lost brothers, sisters, friends, and lovers and many people we hold dear" Ramza's words put silence at the whole "I will not hold anything against you should you not follow me on a new journey to a new world that Mustadio had discovered on his short ventures and study of the Zodiac stones" there were loud whispers among the ranks as once more Ladd banged his pint on the table making the lot of them silent once more, "Ardalia and Ivalice are filled with strife and bloodshed the two things we had fought with and had made sure that it will not destroy this world, we had made sure that the Church of Glabados will not bring back the Lucavi and we had done so at a cost, I no we know that we cannot stay on this lands unless anyone of you believe that they still have something that binds them here" everyone held their heads down at Ramza's words as he looks at them.
He could have been the King of Ivalice if he choose to but he is too righteous and honorable to put a crown on his head, Meliadoul thought as Ramza studies the crowd that is looking at him and so she decided to push herself at the front "my brother, Isilude died knowing the truth behind the Zodiac stones and so I joined Ramza to pursue justice for my brother, many times had I find myself being saved by the man you call leader and captain, many times he would often go against an objective just so he could assist a fallen comrade and friend at a price, in those times I had asked him why? and many times he would just say because it is the right thing to do, he didn't ask too much of us but I had made my choice then and now, I will follow Ramza Beoulve to wherever new lands that awaits us there"
"I will follow you" came the voices of Rapha and Marach who quickly pushed to the crowd to join Meliadoul one by one the members of their one hundred strong group began to move forward declaring that they will follow their leader to whatever there is beyond, Ramza looks at Mustadio who smiles at him.
"I followed you when Gaffgarion showed his true colors, why not now? Someone would be sad if I don't follow you" Ladd said smiling as he raised a pint to Ramza's direction, and everyone but the man himself notices the look he gave his captain's sister.
"Me and my family will follow you Ramza" he affirms smiling at the man, his captain and his friend. Ramza's sister Alma put a hand on his shoulder in support as they look at the gathered people in the tavern where they stay.
"Thank you all of you" Ramza said as he raised his cup and everyone cheered as he left the place, Meliadoul followed behind him as he went to the rooms that their group rented for the night. As the leader of their group opens the door he notices Meliadoul going towards him "Meliadoul-?!" before Ramza could say anything she silences him with a deep kiss.
Now's the right time as any, she thought as Ramza backs a bit shocked at what just happened "I know this is not the right time as you believe it..." she said looking at the man's eyes "but I had to make a move, you carry too much of a burden and ever since we had been on the run and all of the times we spent together stirred something that I never thought I would feel" she looks away blushing but then looks back firmly at her captain, her love.
"I don't know what to say Meliadoul" he said as she shakes her head.
"You don't have to answer now, you can tell me if you are ready, before we venture on this trip you planned I just want to let you know of what I feel" before she could part with him however, Ramza took her hand and she looks at him with surprise on her eyes.
"We can share the bed for tonight and talk about it" he said, a rare genuine smile gracing his lips, a smile so rare that Alma only chance saw it, Meliadoul thought as she nods and lets herself be pulled by the man she loves where they lay together on a bed talking of many things and reminiscing times that are of the past, Meliadoul smiled as she watches the lips of Ramza curling into a smile whenever he talked of things, all things was great for tonight on the city of Warjilis.
Mustadio and his family went back to the small house that they lived in, for now, he thought as a servant opens the door for them, Laetitia Tazri, an orphan that lost a lot from the War of the Lions now she is here serving them to the best of her abilities as a maid and nanny "good evening Lord and Lady Bunansa" she said as Gerrard jumps out of Agrias arms and then quickly tackled her.
"Laetitia!" the maid could only smile at the way the boy holds her leg, all the more difficult to part with her, Mustadio sadly sighed as he saw Agrias decided to take Gerrard from Laetitia taking him to his room so that he could talk with their maid himself.
"Laetitia" Mustadio calls her out as he sits on the sofa of their living room and the maid began to stand in front of him, "please sit" he gestures at the other sofa in front of him which she did.
"Is there a problem Lord Bunansa?" Laetitia asks as the engineer shakes his head.
"No, no Laetitia its the opposite actually" he had to break it down gently to the woman, she lost a lot in the War of the Lion, without any explanation or reason so I had to tell her of our departure, "you have been a wonderful asset for our family Laetitia, Agrias wouldn't say it herself but you had been helpful when she was having trouble with our son Gerrard" the maid smiles at that as Mustadio did so too "as much as it pains me to say but we had already written up the will and had it approved to the City Hall, better to close some lose ends" he said as Laetitia's eyes went wide confuse at the words.
"My lord?" she said as Mustadio pulls out a paper.
"As of today you Laetitia Tazri shall become the rightful owner of this property as Lord and Lady Bunansa and their son had bequeathed it to her due to their travels on unknown shores" Mustadio reads it aloud as the maid that is now the owner of their house puts both of her hands in her mouth in shock.
"My Lord I am not-"
"You have done a lot Laetitia, my wife and I had agreed that it is the reward for your service and also as relief for the sufferings you had experienced in all your life" Mustadio said smiling as the girl went into tears and approaches him with an embrace.
"Thank you my Lord!" she cries out as Mustadio comforts the woman, "I will ensure that this house will remain until you return!" she swears as she bids him farewell and Mustadio began to prepare the things of his family for the coming journey, to unknown lands and beyond.
Evening went and morning came they bid Laetitia farewell who tearfully embraced them while Gerrard cried as well and so slept on their journey to the port where a five ships were being prepared for them, all bought legally by their group's leader Ramza under an assumed name. Ramza is bidding farewell to the merchant princes that he had empowered, all of them bearing expressions that stretches from understanding to sadness as the man gave his final words for them with a final nod, Ramza then began to help with moving crates to the ship.
"This little city-state we built for ourselves wouldn't last" Ladd states as Mustadio approaches him, "Ramza created the whole city, with him leaving Warjilis would either succumb to invasion or be forced back to the fold of Ivalice and the church" the once squire of Gaffgarion the Dark Knight took a sip of rum from his flask and Mustadio could only agree with the man as he finishes helping his family to the ships and joined the man.
"I wouldn't place that much doubt on those possibilities" Beowulf said as he approaches them with his own flask of rum in hand.
"I helped the city in creating tools to help them defend themselves and Ramza basically trained the citizenry to be an active reserve" all that is left is the port city's initiative, Mustadio thought as Ladd sighs and then put his flask to his side, "anyway Ladd we had heard that you are playing a dangerous game" the young man stopped as he stared at him while Beowulf suddenly turned away his attention from his drink.
"I don't know what you mean?" Ladd insists as Mustadio then gestured at an Alma that is doting on little Gerrard.
"You and the sister of Ramza?" Beowulf barks a laugh as Ladd turns red, "I'm sure if Ramza knows about this he wouldn't be happy about that" now Ladd, a knight, a ninja, a lancer, and a master chemist turns defensive.
"Its none of your business nor Ramza's-!"
"What is none of my business my friends?" Ladd turns deathly pale as he turns around then saw Ramza, the esteemed leader of their group, looking at them with a curious eye "is there a problem?" he asks as Beowulf hides a snicker trying to contain his laughter at the expense of Ladd.
"Its-" before Ladd could say anything he was overtaken by Beowulf.
"Its nothing friend and comrade we are just teasing little Ladd" the Templar knight said as he ruffled the man's hair who grumbled while pulling away from the tall knight's grasp, "by the by why approach us Ramza is there something wrong?" he asks as their leader shook his head.
"I am just here to tell you that everything is ready for sail so I would have to take Mustadio to help with the navigation" he states as he looks at Mustadio who quickly goes to the man's side.
"Lead the way Ramza" as you always do our good friend and leader, Mustadio smiles as they went to the direction of the captain to manage their voyage, as their ships left Warjilis seagulls cawed their farewell to them as they fly on the blue sky.
Azeroth, a world that has been constantly been at war, if not from itself then to the world, Sylvanas watched as the Horde continued its forward march after a battle. The march from Ogrimmar to their shared borders with the Night Elves is tedious but not inconveniencing from the small ambushes of the Night Elves to a single set piece battle that despite the heavy casualties secured Sylvanas a decisive victory against the immortal sentinels of Teldrassil, "Warchief Sylvanas" came a call from Saurfang as he approaches her.
The High Overlord of the orcs of Ogrimmar and Durotar, Varok Saurfang has been a vocal critique of her, when she took the reins of leadership in the Horde after the disastrous battle of the Broken Shore, many had been questioning her as to why she lets him be but Sylvanas is anything but a smooth operator, if something were to happen to Varok then I would lose whatever support I had on the horde, let him prattle on, he will tire like all the others. Varok stopped near her as the two of them stared at each others eyes, Sylvanas could see that the man disapproves of her recent actions but didn't say it, in the past it would have irked her but it doesn't matter.
What does he want now? Sylvanas thought as she looks at Orc warlord "yes?" one must pretend to speak softly when dealing with Greenskins, when I shouldn't have bothered, "is there a problem good Saurfang?" the Orc shook his head and then indicated to a warband led by a tall orc.
"Gul'rosh and his wolves had been itching for a fight" Saurfang said as Gul'rosh stepped in, "he requested to raid and pillage the enemy countryside just to sate their hunger for a fight" of course, so simple minded of the orcs, death and battle had been their only direction in life but Sylvanas had long ago understood that kind of outlook.
"Of course he can, make sure to leave nothing that can grow again on their path" she said as Saurfang grunts and Gul'rosh roars in agreement.
"By your orders Warchief!" Gul'rosh shouts as he whistles and a large wolf approaches him and which he mounts "Lok'tar Ogar!" he roars as he began to head out to raid and pillage, Teldrassil will burn along with the grasses that surrounds it, Sylvanas thought as she looks at Saurfang who quickly hides a look of disapproval on his face as they continue their march to the capital of the Night Elves.
"March on for the horde!" she cries out as she wheels her undead steed back at the head of the marching column. Drummers continued beating the drums while the warriors matched its rhythm with their footsteps.
War like change is a constant in Azeroth, Sylvanas muses as she looks at the direction of Teldrassil wondering what it would look like underneath the starlit skies in flames until it is nothing more but cinders and ashes.
Author's note: Special announcement, this fic has been in the making since the last three months of 2019 so yeah and also like I said this fic is a switch from the 'Successor of Abhorash' for the reasons mentioned above, so yeah have fun, and also I have stories on Spacebattles under the name Walpole343 you can check it out there if you want although some of them are on hiatus because I am too busy again but other than that expect continuation as always so sad.
Damn college schedules and applications for graduation and clearances.
Criticisms and Praises are appreciated!
Miko 56